2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd'>
- Contacts web application
- $Id$
- File will be copied into WAR's WEB-INF directory if using container adapter
<display-name>Contacts Sample Application</display-name>
Example of an application secured using Acegi Security System for Spring.
2004-04-11 08:15:00 -04:00
- Location of the XML file that defines the root application context
- Applied by ContextLoaderListener.
<filter-name>Acegi HTTP BASIC Authorization Filter</filter-name>
2004-04-16 02:31:48 -04:00
2004-04-11 08:15:00 -04:00
2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
<filter-name>Acegi Security System for Spring Auto Integration Filter</filter-name>
2004-08-03 03:18:33 -04:00
2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
2004-04-11 08:15:00 -04:00
<filter-name>Acegi HTTP BASIC Authorization Filter</filter-name>
2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
<filter-name>Acegi Security System for Spring Auto Integration Filter</filter-name>
2004-04-11 08:15:00 -04:00
- Loads the root application context of this web app at startup,
- by default from "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml".
- Use WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext)
- to access it anywhere in the web application, outside of the framework.
2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
- Servlet that dispatches request to registered handlers (Controller implementations).
- Has its own application context, by default defined in "{servlet-name}-servlet.xml",
- i.e. "contacts-servlet.xml".
- A web app can contain any number of such servlets.
- Note that this web app does not have a shared root application context,
- therefore the DispatcherServlet contexts do not have a common parent.
2004-04-11 08:15:00 -04:00
2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
- Maps the contacts dispatcher to /*.
2004-04-11 08:15:00 -04:00
- Dispatcher servlet mapping for HTTP remoting via the Caucho protocols,
- i.e. Hessian and Burlap (see caucho-servlet.xml for the controllers).
2004-04-02 06:53:20 -05:00
<display-name>Secured Area Security Constraint</display-name>
<web-resource-name>Secured Area</web-resource-name>
<!-- Default login configuration using BASIC authentication -->
<realm-name>Spring Powered Realm</realm-name>
<!-- Default login configuration using form-based authentication -->
<realm-name>Spring Powered Realm</realm-name>
<!-- Security roles referenced by this web application -->