By default, the `CookieServerCsrfTokenRepository` writes to a cookie named `XSRF-TOKEN` and read its from a header named `X-XSRF-TOKEN` or the HTTP `_csrf` parameter.
This is necessary to let JavaScript (in this case, AngularJS) to read it.
If you do not need the ability to read the cookie with JavaScript directly, we recommend to omitting `cookieHttpOnly=false` (by using `new CookieServerCsrfTokenRepository()` instead) to improve security.
Spring Security's[`CsrfWebFilter`] exposes a[`Mono<CsrfToken>`] as a `ServerWebExchange` attribute named `` with the help of a[`ServerCsrfTokenRequestHandler`].
In 5.8, the default implementation was `ServerCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler`, which simply makes the `Mono<CsrfToken>` available as an exchange attribute.
As of 6.0, the default implementation is `XorServerCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler`, which provides protection for BREACH (see[gh-4001]).
If you wish to disable BREACH protection of the `CsrfToken` and revert to the 5.8 default, you can configure `ServerCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler` using the following Java configuration:
For the xref:features/exploits/csrf.adoc#csrf-protection-stp[synchronizer token pattern] to protect against CSRF attacks, we must include the actual CSRF token in the HTTP request.
It must be included in a part of the request (a form parameter, an HTTP header, or other option) that is not automatically included in the HTTP request by the browser.
This means that any view technology can access the `Mono<CsrfToken>` to expose the expected token as either a <<webflux-csrf-include-form-attr,form>> or a <<webflux-csrf-include-ajax-meta,meta tag>>.
If your view technology does not provide a simple way to subscribe to the `Mono<CsrfToken>`, a common pattern is to use Spring's `@ControllerAdvice` to expose the `CsrfToken` directly.
The following example places the `CsrfToken` on the default attribute name (`_csrf`) used by Spring Security's <<webflux-csrf-include-form-auto,CsrfRequestDataValueProcessor>> to automatically include the CSRF token as a hidden input:
Spring Security's CSRF support provides integration with Spring's[`RequestDataValueProcessor`] through its[`CsrfRequestDataValueProcessor`].
For `CsrfRequestDataValueProcessor` to work, the `Mono<CsrfToken>` must be subscribed to and the `CsrfToken` must be <<webflux-csrf-include-subscribe,exposed as an attribute>> that matches[`DEFAULT_CSRF_ATTR_NAME`].
Fortunately, Thymeleaf[takes care of all the boilerplate] for you by integrating with `RequestDataValueProcessor` to ensure that forms that have an unsafe HTTP method (POST) automatically include the actual CSRF token.
If the <<webflux-csrf-include,other options>> for including the actual CSRF token in the request do not work, you can take advantage of the fact that the `Mono<CsrfToken>` <<webflux-csrf-include,is exposed>> as a `ServerWebExchange` attribute named ``.
You can <<webflux-csrf-configure-custom-repository,configure>> Spring Security to store the expected CSRF token in a cookie.
By storing the expected CSRF in a cookie, JavaScript frameworks, such as$http#cross-site-request-forgery-xsrf-protection[AngularJS], automatically include the actual CSRF token in the HTTP request headers.
We have xref:features/exploits/csrf.adoc#csrf-considerations-multipart[already discussed] how protecting multipart requests (file uploads) from CSRF attacks causes a[chicken and the egg] problem.
This section discusses how to implement placing the CSRF token in the <<webflux-csrf-considerations-multipart-body,body>> and <<webflux-csrf-considerations-multipart-url,url>> within a WebFlux application.
For more information about using multipart forms with Spring, see the[Multipart Data] section of the Spring reference.
Since the `CsrfToken` is exposed as an `ServerHttpRequest` <<webflux-csrf-include,request attribute>>, we can use that to create an `action` with the CSRF token in it.
In a Spring WebFlux application, overriding the HTTP method is done by using[`HiddenHttpMethodFilter`].