Spring Security can <<parsing-asserting-party-metadata,parse asserting party metadata>> to produce an `AssertingPartyDetails` instance as well as <<publishing-relying-party-metadata,publish relying party metadata>> from a `RelyingPartyRegistration` instance.
== Parsing `<saml2:IDPSSODescriptor>` metadata
You can parse an asserting party's metadata xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistrationrepository[using `RelyingPartyRegistrations`].
When using the OpenSAML vendor support, the resulting `AssertingPartyDetails` will be of type `OpenSamlAssertingPartyDetails`.
This means you'll be able to do get the underlying OpenSAML XMLObject by doing the following:
By default, the metadata endpoint is `+/saml2/metadata+`, though it also responds to `+/saml2/metadata/{registrationId}+` and `+/saml2/service-provider-metadata/{registrationId}+`.
If you have a different strategy for identifying which `RelyingPartyRegistration` to use, you can configure your own `Saml2MetadataResponseResolver` like the one below: