This guide provides instructions on setting up the sample application, which leverages WebClient OAuth2 integration to display a list of public GitHub repositories that are accessible to the authenticated user.
This includes repositories owned by the authenticated user, repositories where the authenticated user is a collaborator, and repositories that the authenticated user has access to through an organization membership.
The following sections provide detailed steps for setting up the sample and covers the following topics:
The Authorization callback URL (redirect URI) is the path in the application that the end-user's user-agent is redirected back to after they have authenticated with GitHub and have granted access to the OAuth application on the _Authorize application_ page.
=== Configure application.yml
Now that you have a new OAuth application with GitHub, you need to configure the sample to use the OAuth application for the _authorization code grant flow_.
To do so:
. Go to `application.yml` and set the following configuration:
Log in using *'user'* (username) and *'password'* (password) or click the link to authenticate with GitHub and then you'll be redirected to GitHub for authentication.