This discussion expands on xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#servlet-architecture[Servlet Security: The Big Picture] to describe the main architectural components of Spring Security's used in Servlet authentication.
If you need concrete flows that explain how these pieces fit together, look at the xref:servlet/authentication/index.adoc#servlet-authentication-mechanisms[Authentication Mechanism] specific sections.
* <<servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder>> - The `SecurityContextHolder` is where Spring Security stores the details of who is xref:features/authentication/index.adoc#authentication[authenticated].
* <<servlet-authentication-securitycontext>> - is obtained from the `SecurityContextHolder` and contains the `Authentication` of the currently authenticated user.
* <<servlet-authentication-authentication>> - Can be the input to `AuthenticationManager` to provide the credentials a user has provided to authenticate or the current user from the `SecurityContext`.
* <<servlet-authentication-granted-authority>> - An authority that is granted to the principal on the `Authentication` (i.e. roles, scopes, etc.)
* <<servlet-authentication-authenticationmanager>> - the API that defines how Spring Security's Filters perform xref:features/authentication/index.adoc#authentication[authentication].
* <<servlet-authentication-providermanager>> - the most common implementation of `AuthenticationManager`.
* <<servlet-authentication-authenticationprovider>> - used by `ProviderManager` to perform a specific type of authentication.
* <<servlet-authentication-authenticationentrypoint>> - used for requesting credentials from a client (i.e. redirecting to a log in page, sending a `WWW-Authenticate` response, etc.)
* <<servlet-authentication-abstractprocessingfilter>> - a base `Filter` used for authentication.
This also gives a good idea of the high level flow of authentication and how pieces work together.
The `SecurityContextHolder` is where Spring Security stores the details of who is xref:features/authentication/index.adoc#authentication[authenticated].
You should create a new `SecurityContext` instance instead of using `SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication)` to avoid race conditions across multiple threads.
<2> Next, we create a new <<servlet-authentication-authentication,`Authentication`>> object.
By default, `SecurityContextHolder` uses a `ThreadLocal` to store these details, which means that the `SecurityContext` is always available to methods in the same thread, even if the `SecurityContext` is not explicitly passed around as an argument to those methods.
Using a `ThreadLocal` in this way is quite safe if you take care to clear the thread after the present principal's request is processed.
The {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/core/context/SecurityContext.html[`SecurityContext`] is obtained from the <<servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder>>.
The `SecurityContext` contains an <<servlet-authentication-authentication>> object.
The {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/core/Authentication.html[`Authentication`] interface serves two main purposes within Spring Security:
When authenticating with a username/password this is often an instance of xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/user-details.adoc#servlet-authentication-userdetails[`UserDetails`].
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/core/GrantedAuthority.html[`GrantedAuthority`] instances are high-level permissions that the user is granted.
Such authorities are usually "`roles`", such as `ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR` or `ROLE_HR_SUPERVISOR`.
These roles are later configured for web authorization, method authorization, and domain object authorization.
Other parts of Spring Security interpret these authorities and expect them to be present.
When using username/password based authentication `GrantedAuthority` instances are usually loaded by the xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/user-details-service.adoc#servlet-authentication-userdetailsservice[`UserDetailsService`].
Thus, you would not likely have a `GrantedAuthority` to represent a permission to `Employee` object number 54, because if there are thousands of such authorities you would quickly run out of memory (or, at the very least, cause the application to take a long time to authenticate a user).
Of course, Spring Security is expressly designed to handle this common requirement, but you should instead use the project's domain object security capabilities for this purpose.
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationManager.html[`AuthenticationManager`] is the API that defines how Spring Security's Filters perform xref:features/authentication/index.adoc#authentication[authentication].
The <<servlet-authentication-authentication,`Authentication`>> that is returned is then set on the <<servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder>> by the controller (that is, by <<servlet-security-filters,Spring Security's `Filters` instances>>) that invoked the `AuthenticationManager`.
If you are not integrating with Spring Security's `Filters` instances, you can set the `SecurityContextHolder` directly and are not required to use an `AuthenticationManager`.
While the implementation of `AuthenticationManager` could be anything, the most common implementation is <<servlet-authentication-providermanager,`ProviderManager`>>.
// FIXME: add configuration
== ProviderManager
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/ProviderManager.html[`ProviderManager`] is the most commonly used implementation of <<servlet-authentication-authenticationmanager,`AuthenticationManager`>>.
Each `AuthenticationProvider` has an opportunity to indicate that authentication should be successful, fail, or indicate it cannot make a decision and allow a downstream `AuthenticationProvider` to decide.
If none of the configured `AuthenticationProvider` instances can authenticate, authentication fails with a `ProviderNotFoundException`, which is a special `AuthenticationException` that indicates that the `ProviderManager` was not configured to support the type of `Authentication` that was passed into it.
This lets each `AuthenticationProvider` do a very specific type of authentication while supporting multiple types of authentication and expose only a single `AuthenticationManager` bean.
`ProviderManager` also allows configuring an optional parent `AuthenticationManager`, which is consulted in the event that no `AuthenticationProvider` can perform authentication.
This is somewhat common in scenarios where there are multiple xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#servlet-securityfilterchain[`SecurityFilterChain`] instances that have some authentication in common (the shared parent `AuthenticationManager`), but also different authentication mechanisms (the different `ProviderManager` instances).
By default, `ProviderManager` tries to clear any sensitive credentials information from the `Authentication` object that is returned by a successful authentication request.
This prevents information, such as passwords, being retained longer than necessary in the `HttpSession`.
This may cause issues when you use a cache of user objects, for example, to improve performance in a stateless application.
If the `Authentication` contains a reference to an object in the cache (such as a `UserDetails` instance) and this has its credentials removed, it is no longer possible to authenticate against the cached value.
You need to take this into account if you use a cache.
An obvious solution is to first make a copy of the object, either in the cache implementation or in the `AuthenticationProvider` that creates the returned `Authentication` object.
You can inject multiple {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationProvider.html[``AuthenticationProvider``s] instances into <<servlet-authentication-providermanager,`ProviderManager`>>.
For example, xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/dao-authentication-provider.adoc#servlet-authentication-daoauthenticationprovider[`DaoAuthenticationProvider`] supports username/password-based authentication, while `JwtAuthenticationProvider` supports authenticating a JWT token.
== Request Credentials with `AuthenticationEntryPoint`
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/AuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`AuthenticationEntryPoint`] is used to send an HTTP response that requests credentials from a client.
The `AuthenticationEntryPoint` implementation might perform a xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/form.adoc#servlet-authentication-form[redirect to a log in page], respond with an xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/basic.adoc#servlet-authentication-basic[WWW-Authenticate] header, or take other action.
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.html[`AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter`] is used as a base `Filter` for authenticating a user's credentials.
Before the credentials can be authenticated, Spring Security typically requests the credentials by using <<servlet-authentication-authenticationentrypoint,`AuthenticationEntryPoint`>>.
image:{icondir}/number_1.png[] When the user submits their credentials, the `AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter` creates an <<servlet-authentication-authentication,`Authentication`>> from the `HttpServletRequest` to be authenticated.
The type of `Authentication` created depends on the subclass of `AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter`.
For example, xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/form.adoc#servlet-authentication-usernamepasswordauthenticationfilter[`UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter`] creates a `UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken` from a __username__ and __password__ that are submitted in the `HttpServletRequest`.
image:{icondir}/number_2.png[] Next, the <<servlet-authentication-authentication,`Authentication`>> is passed into the <<servlet-authentication-authenticationmanager,`AuthenticationManager`>> to be authenticated.
* `SessionAuthenticationStrategy` is notified of a new login.
See the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/session/SessionAuthenticationStrategy.html[`SessionAuthenticationStrategy`] interface.