By default, Spring Security stores the expected CSRF token in the `HttpSession` by using `HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository`.
There can be cases where users want to configure a custom `CsrfTokenRepository`.
For example, it might be desirable to persist the `CsrfToken` in a cookie to <<servlet-csrf-include-ajax-auto,support a JavaScript-based application>>.
By default, the `CookieCsrfTokenRepository` writes to a cookie named `XSRF-TOKEN` and reads it from a header named `X-XSRF-TOKEN` or the HTTP parameter `_csrf`.
These defaults come from$http#cross-site-request-forgery-xsrf-protection[AngularJS].
This is necessary to let JavaScript (such as AngularJS) read it.
If you do not need the ability to read the cookie with JavaScript directly, we recommend omitting `cookieHttpOnly=false` (by using `new CookieCsrfTokenRepository()` instead) to improve security.
For the xref:features/exploits/csrf.adoc#csrf-protection-stp[synchronizer token pattern] to protect against CSRF attacks, we must include the actual CSRF token in the HTTP request.
This must be included in a part of the request (a form parameter, an HTTP header, or other part) that is not automatically included in the HTTP request by the browser.
Spring Security's[`CsrfFilter`] exposes a[`CsrfToken`] as an `HttpServletRequest` attribute named `_csrf`.
This means that any view technology can access the `CsrfToken` to expose the expected token as either a <<servlet-csrf-include-form-attr,form>> or <<servlet-csrf-include-ajax-meta-attr,meta tag>>.
Fortunately, there are integrations listed later in this chapter that make including the token in <<servlet-csrf-include-form,form>> and <<servlet-csrf-include-ajax,ajax>> requests even easier.
Spring Security's CSRF support provides integration with Spring's[`RequestDataValueProcessor`] through its[`CsrfRequestDataValueProcessor`].
This means that, if you use[Spring’s form tag library],[Thymeleaf], or any other view technology that integrates with `RequestDataValueProcessor`, then forms that have an unsafe HTTP method (such as post) automatically include the actual CSRF token.
If you use JSPs, you can use[Spring’s form tag library].
However, if that is not an option, you can also include the token with the xref:servlet/integrations/jsp-taglibs.adoc#taglibs-csrfinput[csrfInput] tag.
If the <<servlet-csrf-include,other options>> for including the actual CSRF token in the request do not work, you can take advantage of the fact that the `CsrfToken` <<servlet-csrf-include,is exposed>> as an `HttpServletRequest` attribute named `_csrf`.
You can <<servlet-csrf-configure-custom-repository,configure>> Spring Security to store the expected CSRF token in a cookie.
By storing the expected CSRF in a cookie, JavaScript frameworks, such as$http#cross-site-request-forgery-xsrf-protection[AngularJS], automatically include the actual CSRF token in the HTTP request headers.
If you use JSPs, one way to write the CSRF token to the `meta` tags is by using the xref:servlet/integrations/jsp-taglibs.adoc#taglibs-csrfmeta[csrfMeta] tag.
If the <<servlet-csrf-include,other options>> for including the actual CSRF token in the request do not work, you can take advantage of the fact that the `CsrfToken` <<servlet-csrf-include,is exposed>> as an `HttpServletRequest` attribute named `_csrf`.
It is important to xref:features/exploits/csrf.adoc#csrf-considerations-login[require CSRF for log in] requests to protect against forging log in attempts.
It is important to xref:features/exploits/csrf.adoc#csrf-considerations-logout[require CSRF for log out] requests to protect against forging logout attempts.
For an example of how to customize the `AccessDeniedHandler`, see the provided links for both xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/http.adoc#nsa-access-denied-handler[xml] and {gh-url}/config/src/test/java/org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/[Java configuration].
We have xref:features/exploits/csrf.adoc#csrf-considerations-multipart[already discussed] how protecting multipart requests (file uploads) from CSRF attacks causes a[chicken and the egg] problem.
This section discusses how to implement placing the CSRF token in the <<servlet-csrf-considerations-multipart-body,body>> and <<servlet-csrf-considerations-multipart-url,url>> within a servlet application.
You can find more information about using multipart forms with Spring in the[1.1.11. Multipart Resolver] section of the Spring reference and the[`MultipartFilter` javadoc].
To read the CSRF token from the body, the `MultipartFilter` is specified before the Spring Security filter.
Specifying the `MultipartFilter` before the Spring Security filter means that there is no authorization for invoking the `MultipartFilter`, which means anyone can place temporary files on your server.
However, only authorized users can submit a file that is processed by your application.
To ensure that `MultipartFilter` is specified before the Spring Security filter with XML configuration, you can ensure the `<filter-mapping>` element of the `MultipartFilter` is placed before the `springSecurityFilterChain` within the `web.xml` file:
To ensure `MultipartFilter` is specified before the Spring Security filter with XML configuration, users can ensure the <filter-mapping> element of the `MultipartFilter` is placed before the springSecurityFilterChain within the web.xml as shown below:
If letting unauthorized users upload temporary files is not acceptable, an alternative is to place the `MultipartFilter` after the Spring Security filter and include the CSRF as a query parameter in the action attribute of the form.
Since the `CsrfToken` is exposed as an `HttpServletRequest` <<servlet-csrf-include,request attribute>>, we can use that to create an `action` with the CSRF token in it.
In Spring's Servlet support, overriding the HTTP method is done by using[`HiddenHttpMethodFilter`].
You can find more information in the[HTTP Method Conversion] section of the reference documentation.