You're currently viewing the Antora playbook branch.
The playbook branch hosts the docs build that is used to build and publish the production docs site.
The Spring Security reference docs are built using[Antora].
This README covers how to build the docs in a software branch as well as how to build the production docs site locally.
== Overview
To prepare your system for building the documentation, <<prerequisites,install the prerequisites>> and then <<build-main,create your workspace and build the main branch documentation>>.
Once you've completed those steps, follow the instructions in <<build-branch,Build the 5.8.x branch documentation>> to learn how to build the documentation for a version branch you haven't previously checked out.
To build the production site documentation on your computer, follow the instructions in <<prerequisites,Prerequisites>>, <<build-main,Build the main branch documentation>>, and then <<build-production,Build the production documentation site>>.
.Branch checkout instead of worktrees
If you prefer to set up your workspace without worktrees, complete the steps in <<prerequisites,Prerequisites>> and clone the project repository onto your computer.
Then follow the instructions in each section starting from the `sdk env || sdk env install` step once you've checked out the desired branch.
== Prerequisites (everyone)
These instructions assume you already have basic tools on your system, including bash, zip, unzip, git, and curl.
In addition to these basic tools, you need[SDKMAN!] installed so that the correct JDK is set for each branch.
. Open your terminal and enter the following command:
$ curl -s "" | bash
This command downloads and installs SDKMAN!
Once installation is complete, you should see a command displayed in your terminal that will initiate SDKMAN.
. Copy the command displayed in your terminal and run it.
`$HOME` is the path unique to your computer (e.g., _home/my-jam/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh_).
$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
You'll use SDKMAN in the next sections to install and switch to the JDK required for each branch.
Now you're ready to <<build-main,create your workspace>>.
== Build the main branch documentation (writers)
Your workspace will be the folder that contains the git worktrees of the project.
. In your terminal, create a directory for the project and then change into that directory.
$ mkdir spring-security
$ cd spring-security
. Clone the project repository and create the primary worktree for the main branch.
Then change into the new _main_ folder.
$ git clone main
$ cd main
. Switch to the required JDK using SDKMAN by running the following command:
$ sdk env || sdk env install
SDKMAN will switch to the required JDK or install it if it isn't present.
. Generate the documentation with Antora using the following command:
== Trigger the documentation build workflow (docs manager)
You can either trigger the production document build using the Deploy Docs entry in the GitHub Actions web UI or using the[GitHub CLI].
=== GitHub Actions web UI
In the GitHub Actions web UI, click the Deploy Docs entry.
Click on the "Run workflow" menu.
Select the branch `docs-build` and click "Run workflow" to trigger a full build.
To trigger a partial build, specify a release line branch name in the input field labeled "Enter git refname to build".
=== GitHub CLI
Starting from within the cloned repository (ideally the playbook branch), here's how to trigger a full build of the documentation site using the `gh` command:
$ gh workflow run deploy-docs.yml --ref docs-build
Here's how to trigger a partial build of a single version (based on the release line branch name):
$ gh workflow run deploy-docs.yml --ref docs-build -f build-refname=5.7.x
Run `gh help workflow run` to show the docs for this command and other examples of how to use it.
If you're not running the `gh` command from within the cloned repository, you can specify the repository using the `--repo` CLI option (e.g., `--repo spring-projects/spring-security`).