Spring Security 4 added support for securing https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html[Spring's WebSocket support].
This is because the format is unknown, so there is https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html#websocket-intro-sub-protocol[little Spring can do to secure an unknown format].
Additionally, JSR-356 does not provide a way to intercept messages, so security would be rather invasive.
=== WebSocket Configuration
Spring Security 4.0 has introduced authorization support for WebSockets through the Spring Messaging abstraction.
To configure authorization using Java Configuration, simply extend the `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` and configure the `MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry`.
<1> Any inbound CONNECT message requires a valid CSRF token to enforce <<websocket-sameorigin,Same Origin Policy>>
<2> The SecurityContextHolder is populated with the user within the simpUser header attribute for any inbound request.
<3> Our messages require the proper authorization. Specifically, any inbound message that starts with "/user/" will require ROLE_USER. Additional details on authorization can be found in <<websocket-authorization>>
<1> Any inbound CONNECT message requires a valid CSRF token to enforce <<websocket-sameorigin,Same Origin Policy>>
<2> The SecurityContextHolder is populated with the user within the simpUser header attribute for any inbound request.
<3> Our messages require the proper authorization. Specifically, any inbound message that starts with "/user/" will require ROLE_USER. Additional details on authorization can be found in <<websocket-authorization>>
=== WebSocket Authentication
WebSockets reuse the same authentication information that is found in the HTTP request when the WebSocket connection was made.
This means that the `Principal` on the `HttpServletRequest` will be handed off to WebSockets.
If you are using Spring Security, the `Principal` on the `HttpServletRequest` is overridden automatically.
More concretely, to ensure a user has authenticated to your WebSocket application, all that is necessary is to ensure that you setup Spring Security to authenticate your HTTP based web application.
=== WebSocket Authorization
Spring Security 4.0 has introduced authorization support for WebSockets through the Spring Messaging abstraction.
To configure authorization using Java Configuration, simply extend the `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` and configure the `MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry`.
<3> Any message that has a destination starting with "/app/" will be require the user to have the role ROLE_USER
<4> Any message that starts with "/user/" or "/topic/friends/" that is of type SUBSCRIBE will require ROLE_USER
<5> Any other message of type MESSAGE or SUBSCRIBE is rejected. Due to 6 we do not need this step, but it illustrates how one can match on specific message types.
<6> Any other Message is rejected. This is a good idea to ensure that you do not miss any messages.
<1> Any message of type CONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE, or DISCONNECT will require the user to be authenticated
<2> Anyone can subscribe to /user/queue/errors
<3> Any message that has a destination starting with "/app/" will be require the user to have the role ROLE_USER
<4> Any message that starts with "/user/" or "/topic/friends/" that is of type SUBSCRIBE will require ROLE_USER
<5> Any other message of type MESSAGE or SUBSCRIBE is rejected. Due to 6 we do not need this step, but it illustrates how one can match on specific message types.
<6> Any other message with a destination is rejected. This is a good idea to ensure that you do not miss any messages.
==== WebSocket Authorization Notes
In order to properly secure your application it is important to understand Spring's WebSocket support.
===== WebSocket Authorization on Message Types
It is important to understand the distinction between SUBSCRIBE and MESSAGE types of messages and how it works within Spring.
Consider a chat application.
* The system can send notifications MESSAGE to all users through a destination of "/topic/system/notifications"
* Clients can receive notifications by SUBSCRIBE to the "/topic/system/notifications".
While we want clients to be able to SUBSCRIBE to "/topic/system/notifications", we do not want to enable them to send a MESSAGE to that destination.
If we allowed sending a MESSAGE to "/topic/system/notifications", then clients could send a message directly to that endpoint and impersonate the system.
In general, it is common for applications to deny any MESSAGE sent to a destination that starts with the https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html#websocket-stomp[broker prefix] (i.e. "/topic/" or "/queue/").
* The application sees the message, ensures that the "from" attribute is specified as the current user (we cannot trust the client).
* The application then sends the message to the recipient using `SimpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSendToUser("toUser", "/queue/messages", message)`.
* The message gets turned into the destination of "/queue/user/messages-<sessionid>"
With the application above, we want to allow our client to listen to "/user/queue" which is transformed into "/queue/user/messages-<sessionid>".
However, we do not want the client to be able to listen to "/queue/*" because that would allow the client to see messages for every user.
In general, it is common for applications to deny any SUBSCRIBE sent to a message that starts with the https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html#websocket-stomp[broker prefix] (i.e. "/topic/" or "/queue/").
Spring contains a section titled https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html#websocket-stomp-message-flow[Flow of Messages] that describes how messages flow through the system.
It is important to emphasize that the browser does not enforce the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy[Same Origin Policy] for WebSocket connections.
Fortunately, since Spring 4.1.5 Spring's WebSocket and SockJS support restricts access to the https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html#websocket-server-allowed-origins[current domain].
https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html#websocket-fallback[SockJS] provides fallback transports to support older browsers.