The `AbstractSecurityInterceptor` is able to temporarily replace the `Authentication` object in the `SecurityContext` and `SecurityContextHolder` during the secure object callback phase.
This only occurs if the original `Authentication` object was successfully processed by the `AuthenticationManager` and `AccessDecisionManager`.
By temporarily replacing the `Authentication` object during the secure object callback phase, the secured invocation can call other objects that require different authentication and authorization credentials.
It can also perform any internal security checks for specific `GrantedAuthority` objects.
Because Spring Security provides a number of helper classes that automatically configure remoting protocols based on the contents of the `SecurityContextHolder`, these run-as replacements are particularly useful when calling remote web services.
The first method returns the `Authentication` object that should replace the existing `Authentication` object for the duration of the method invocation.
If the method returns `null`, it indicates no replacement should be made.
The second method is used by the `AbstractSecurityInterceptor` as part of its startup validation of configuration attributes.
The `supports(Class)` method is called by a security interceptor implementation to ensure that the configured `RunAsManager` supports the type of secure object that the security interceptor presents.
If any such `ConfigAttribute` is found, the replacement `RunAsUserToken` contains the same principal, credentials, and granted authorities as the original `Authentication` object, along with a new `SimpleGrantedAuthority` for each `RUN_AS_` `ConfigAttribute`.
Each new `SimpleGrantedAuthority` is prefixed with `ROLE_`, followed by the `RUN_AS` `ConfigAttribute`.
For example, a `RUN_AS_SERVER` results in the replacement `RunAsUserToken` containing a `ROLE_RUN_AS_SERVER` granted authority.
To ensure malicious code does not create a `RunAsUserToken` and present it for guaranteed acceptance by the `RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider`, the hash of a key is stored in all generated tokens.
The `RunAsManagerImpl` and `RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider` is created in the bean context with the same key: