Spring Boot provides a `spring-boot-starter-security` starter that aggregates Spring Security-related dependencies.
The simplest and preferred way to use the starter is to use https://docs.spring.io/initializr/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/[Spring Initializr] by using an IDE integration in (https://joshlong.com/jl/blogPost/tech_tip_geting_started_with_spring_boot.html[Eclipse] or https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/spring-boot.html#d1489567e2[IntelliJ], https://github.com/AlexFalappa/nb-springboot/wiki/Quick-Tour[NetBeans]) or through https://start.spring.io.
If you use additional features (such as LDAP, OAuth 2, and others), you need to also include the appropriate xref:modules.adoc#modules[Project Modules and Dependencies].
When you use Spring Security without Spring Boot, the preferred way is to use Spring Security's BOM to ensure that a consistent version of Spring Security is used throughout the entire project. The following example shows how to do so:
If you use additional features (such as LDAP, OAuth 2, and others), you need to also include the appropriate xref:modules.adoc#modules[Project Modules and Dependencies].
Spring Security builds against Spring Framework {spring-core-version} but should generally work with any newer version of Spring Framework 5.x.
Many users are likely to run afoul of the fact that Spring Security's transitive dependencies resolve Spring Framework {spring-core-version}, which can cause strange classpath problems.
For additional details about how dependencies are resolved, see https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html[Maven's Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism documentation].
All GA releases (that is, versions ending in .RELEASE) are deployed to Maven Central, so you need not declare additional Maven repositories in your pom.
<!-- ... possibly other repository elements ... -->
<name>Spring Snapshot Repository</name>
If you use a milestone or release candidate version, you need to ensure that you have the Spring Milestone repository defined, as the following example shows:
<!-- ... possibly other repository elements ... -->
Spring Boot provides a `spring-boot-starter-security` starter that aggregates Spring Security related dependencies.
The simplest and preferred method to use the starter is to use https://docs.spring.io/initializr/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/[Spring Initializr] by using an IDE integration in (https://joshlong.com/jl/blogPost/tech_tip_geting_started_with_spring_boot.html[Eclipse] or https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/spring-boot.html#d1489567e2[IntelliJ], https://github.com/AlexFalappa/nb-springboot/wiki/Quick-Tour[NetBeans]) or through https://start.spring.io.
If you use additional features (such as LDAP, OAuth 2, and others), you need to also include the appropriate xref:modules.adoc#modules[Project Modules and Dependencies].
When you use Spring Security without Spring Boot, the preferred way is to use Spring Security's BOM to ensure a consistent version of Spring Security is used throughout the entire project.
If you use additional features (such as LDAP, OAuth 2, and others), you need to also include the appropriate xref:modules.adoc#modules[Project Modules and Dependencies].
Many users are likely to run afoul of the fact that Spring Security's transitive dependencies resolve Spring Framework {spring-core-version}, which can cause strange classpath problems.
All GA releases (that is, versions ending in .RELEASE) are deployed to Maven Central, so using the `mavenCentral()` repository is sufficient for GA releases. The following example shows how to do so: