Below are the highlights of the release, or you can view[the release notes] for a detailed listing of each feature and bug fix.
As we get closer to Spring Security 7, it's important to stay up to date on deprecations.
As such, this section points out deprecations in the 6.4 release.
* *Method Security* - `AuthorizationManager#check` is deprecated in favor of `AuthorizationManager#authorize`.
This is primarily to allow the return type to be an interface instead of a concrete class.
If you are invoking `AuthorizationManager#check`, please invoke `AuthorizationManager#authorize` instead.
Relatedly, `AuthorizationEventPublisher#publishEvent` that takes an `AuthorizationDecision` is deprecated in favor of a method of the same name that takes an `AuthorizationResult` interface instead.
* *Method Security* - `PrePostTemplateDefaults` is deprecated in favor of the more generic `AnnotationTemplateExpressionDefaults` as there is now meta-annotation property support for `@AuthenticationPrincipal` and `@CurrentSecurityContext` as well.
If you are constructing a `PrePostTemplateDefaults`, change this out for an `AnnotationTemplateExpressionDefaults`.
* *OAuth 2.0* - `NimbusOpaqueTokenIntrospector` has been deprecated in favor of `SpringOpaqueTokenIntrospector` in order to remove Spring Security OAuth 2.0 Resource Server's reliance on the `oidc-oauth2-sdk` package.
If you are constructing a `NimbusOpaqueTokenIntrospector`, replace it with ``SpringOpaqueTokenIntrospector``'s constructor
* *OAuth 2.0* - `DefaultAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`, `DefaultClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient`, `DefaultJwtBearerTokenResponseClient`, `DefaultPasswordTokenResponseClient`, `DefaultRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient`, and `DefaultTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient` are deprecated in favor of their `RestClient` equivalents.
Relatedly,`JwtBearerGrantRequestEntityConverter`, `OAuth2AuthorizationCodeGrantRequestEntityConverter`, `OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantRequestEntityConverter`, `OAuth2PasswordGrantRequestEntityConverter`, `OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequestEntityConverter` are deprecated in favor of providing an instance of `DefaultOAuth2TokenRequestParametersConverter` to one of the above token response clients
For example, if you have the following arrangement:
* *SAML 2.0* - Unversioned OpenSAML implementations of Spring Security SAML 2.0 Service Provider's interfaces have been deprecated in favor of versioned ones.
For example, `OpenSamlAuthenticationTokenConverter` is now replaced by `OpenSaml4AuthenticationTokenConverter` and `OpenSaml5AuthenticationTokenConverter`.
If you are constructing one of these deprecated versions, please replace it with the one that corresponds to the OpenSAML version you are using.
* *SAML 2.0* - Methods surrounding `AssertingPartyDetails` are deprecated in favor of equivalent methods that use the `AssertingPartyMetadata` interface.
* *LDAP* - Usages of `DistinguishedName` are now deprecated in order to align with Spring LDAP's deprecations
== One-Time Token Login
* Spring Security now xref:servlet/authentication/onetimetoken.adoc[supports One-Time Token Login] via the `oneTimeTokenLogin()` DSL, including xref:servlet/authentication/onetimetoken.adoc#customize-generate-consume-token[JDBC support].
== Passkeys
Spring Security now has xref:servlet/authentication/passkeys.adoc[Passkeys] support.
* All xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#meta-annotations[method security annotations] now support {spring-framework-api-url}org/springframework/core/annotation/AliasFor.html[Framework's `@AliasFor`]
* `@AuthenticationPrincipal` and `@CurrentSecurityContext` now support xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#_templating_meta_annotation_expressions[annotation templates].
This means that you can now use Spring's meta-annotation support like so:
@interface CurrentUsername {
String claim() default "sub";
// ...
public String method(@CurrentUsername("username") String username) {
* Native applications can now xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#authorize-return-object-aot[use `@AuthorizeReturnObject`]
* Native applications can now xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#pre-post-authorize-aot[reference beans in `@PreAuthorize` and `@PostAuthorize`]
* `SecurityAnnotationScanners` offers[a convenient API] for scanning for Security annotations and for adding Security's selection and templating features to custom annotations
* `RestClient` can now be xref:servlet/oauth2/index.adoc#oauth2-client-access-protected-resources[configured] with `OAuth2ClientHttpRequestInterceptor` to xref:servlet/oauth2/index.adoc#oauth2-client-accessing-protected-resources-example[make protected resources requests]
* Using EntityIDs for the `registrationId` is simplified.
A common pattern is to identify asserting parties by their `entityID`.
In previous versions, this required directly configuring `OpenSamlAuthenticationRequestResolver`.
Now, the request resolver looks by default for the `registrationId`[as a request parameter] in addition to looking for it in the path.
This allows you to use `RelyingPartyRegistrations` or `OpenSaml4/5AssertingPartyMetadataRepository` without also needing to modify the `registrationId` values or customize the request resolver.
Relatedly, you can now configure your `authenticationRequestUri` to xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc#configuring-authentication-request-uri[contain a query parameter]
* Asserting Parties can now be refreshed in the background according to the metadata's expiry.
For example, you can now use xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc#using-assertingpartymetadatarepository[`OpenSaml5AssertingPartyMetadataRepository`] to do:
public class RefreshableRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository implements IterableRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository {
private final AssertingPartyMetadataRepository assertingParties = OpenSaml5AssertingPartyMetadataRepository
This implementation also supports the validation of a metadata's signature.
* You can now sign[relying party metadata]
* `RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository` results can now be[cached].
This is helpful if you want to defer the loading of the registration values til after application startup.
* To align with the SAML 2.0 standard, the metadata endpoint now[uses the `application/samlmetadata+xml` MIME type]
== Web
* CSRF BREACH tokens are now[more consistent]
* The Remember Me cookie now is[more customizable]
Observability now supports xref:servlet/integrations/observability.adoc#observability-tracing-disable[toggling authorization, authentication, and request observations separately]
For example, to turn off filter chain observations, you can publish a `@Bean` like this one:
* The Kotlin DSL now supports[SAML 2.0] and[`GrantedAuthorityDefaults`] and[`RoleHierarchy`] ``@Bean``s
* `@PreFilter` and `@PostFilter` are[now supported] in Kotlin
* The Kotlin Reactive DSL now supports[`SecurityContextRepository`]
== Acl
* `AclAuthorizationStrategyImpl` now[supports `RoleHierarchy`]