Now that you're resource server has validated the token, it might be handy to pass it to downstream services.
This is quite simple with `{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/oauth2/server/resource/web/reactive/function/client/ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction.html[ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction]`, which you can see in the following example:
When the above `WebClient` is used to perform requests, Spring Security will look up the current `Authentication` and extract any `{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/oauth2/core/AbstractOAuth2Token.html[AbstractOAuth2Token]` credential.
Then, it will propagate that token in the `Authorization` header.
In this case, the filter will fall back and simply forward the request onto the rest of the web filter chain.
Unlike the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/oauth2/client/web/reactive/function/client/ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction.html[OAuth 2.0 Client filter function], this filter function makes no attempt to renew the token, should it be expired.
To obtain this level of support, please use the OAuth 2.0 Client filter.
=== `RestTemplate` support
There is no `RestTemplate` equivalent for `ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction` at the moment, but you can propagate the request's bearer token quite simply with your own interceptor:
val authentication: Authentication? = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication
if (authentication != null) {
execution.execute(request, body)
if (authentication!!.credentials !is AbstractOAuth2Token) {
execution.execute(request, body)
val token: AbstractOAuth2Token = authentication.credentials as AbstractOAuth2Token
execution.execute(request, body)
return rest
Unlike the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/oauth2/client/OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.html[OAuth 2.0 Authorized Client Manager], this filter interceptor makes no attempt to renew the token, should it be expired.
To obtain this level of support, please create an interceptor using the xref:servlet/oauth2/client/index.adoc#oauth2client[OAuth 2.0 Authorized Client Manager].
A bearer token may be invalid for a number of reasons. For example, the token may no longer be active.
In these circumstances, Resource Server throws an `InvalidBearerTokenException`.
Like other exceptions, this results in an OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token error response:
[source,http request]
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error_code="invalid_token", error_description="Unsupported algorithm of none", error_uri=""
Additionally, it is published as an `AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent`, which you can xref:servlet/authentication/events.adoc#servlet-events[listen for in your application] like so:
public class FailureEvents {
public void onFailure(AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent badCredentials) {
if (badCredentials.getAuthentication() instanceof BearerTokenAuthenticationToken) {
// ... handle
class FailureEvents {
fun onFailure(badCredentials: AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent) {
if (badCredentials.authentication is BearerTokenAuthenticationToken) {