<1> `@ExtendWith` instructs the spring-test module that it should create an `ApplicationContext`. For additional information, refer to the {spring-framework-reference-url}testing.html#testcontext-junit-jupiter-extension[Spring reference].
<2> `@ContextConfiguration` instructs the spring-test the configuration to use to create the `ApplicationContext`. Since no configuration is specified, the default configuration locations will be tried. This is no different than using the existing Spring Test support. For additional information, refer to the https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/4.0.x/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#testcontext-ctx-management[Spring Reference]
NOTE: Spring Security hooks into Spring Test support using the `WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener` which will ensure our tests are ran with the correct user.
It does this by populating the `SecurityContextHolder` prior to running our tests.
Of course it can be a bit tedious placing the annotation on every test method.
Instead, we can place the annotation at the class level and every test will use the specified user.
For example, the following would run every test with a user with the username "admin", the password "password", and the roles "ROLE_USER" and "ROLE_ADMIN".
If you are using JUnit 5's `@Nested` test support, you can also place the annotation on the enclosing class to apply to all nested classes.
For example, the following would run every test with a user with the username "admin", the password "password", and the roles "ROLE_USER" and "ROLE_ADMIN" for both test methods.
By default the `SecurityContext` is set during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestMethod` event.
This is the equivalent of happening before JUnit's `@Before`.
You can change this to happen during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestExecution` event which is after JUnit's `@Before` but before the test method is invoked.
Using `@WithAnonymousUser` allows running as an anonymous user.
This is especially convenient when you wish to run most of your tests with a specific user, but want to run a few tests as an anonymous user.
For example, the following will run withMockUser1 and withMockUser2 using <<test-method-withmockuser,@WithMockUser>> and anonymous as an anonymous user.
By default the `SecurityContext` is set during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestMethod` event.
This is the equivalent of happening before JUnit's `@Before`.
You can change this to happen during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestExecution` event which is after JUnit's `@Before` but before the test method is invoked.
While `@WithMockUser` is a very convenient way to get started, it may not work in all instances.
For example, it is common for applications to expect that the `Authentication` principal be of a specific type.
This is done so that the application can refer to the principal as the custom type and reduce coupling on Spring Security.
The custom principal is often times returned by a custom `UserDetailsService` that returns an object that implements both `UserDetails` and the custom type.
For situations like this, it is useful to create the test user using the custom `UserDetailsService`.
That is exactly what `@WithUserDetails` does.
Assuming we have a `UserDetailsService` exposed as a bean, the following test will be invoked with an `Authentication` of type `UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken` and a principal that is returned from the `UserDetailsService` with the username of "user".
Like `@WithMockUser` we can also place our annotation at the class level so that every test uses the same user.
However unlike `@WithMockUser`, `@WithUserDetails` requires the user to exist.
By default the `SecurityContext` is set during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestMethod` event.
This is the equivalent of happening before JUnit's `@Before`.
You can change this to happen during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestExecution` event which is after JUnit's `@Before` but before the test method is invoked.
We have seen that `@WithMockUser` is an excellent choice if we are not using a custom `Authentication` principal.
Next we discovered that `@WithUserDetails` would allow us to use a custom `UserDetailsService` to create our `Authentication` principal but required the user to exist.
We will now see an option that allows the most flexibility.
We can create our own annotation that uses the `@WithSecurityContext` to create any `SecurityContext` we want.
For example, we might create an annotation named `@WithMockCustomUser` as shown below:
You can see that `@WithMockCustomUser` is annotated with the `@WithSecurityContext` annotation.
This is what signals to Spring Security Test support that we intend to create a `SecurityContext` for the test.
The `@WithSecurityContext` annotation requires we specify a `SecurityContextFactory` that will create a new `SecurityContext` given our `@WithMockCustomUser` annotation.
You can find our `WithMockCustomUserSecurityContextFactory` implementation below:
We can now annotate a test class or a test method with our new annotation and Spring Security's `WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener` will ensure that our `SecurityContext` is populated appropriately.
When creating your own `WithSecurityContextFactory` implementations, it is nice to know that they can be annotated with standard Spring annotations.
For example, the `WithUserDetailsSecurityContextFactory` uses the `@Autowired` annotation to acquire the `UserDetailsService`:
By default the `SecurityContext` is set during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestMethod` event.
This is the equivalent of happening before JUnit's `@Before`.
You can change this to happen during the `TestExecutionListener.beforeTestExecution` event which is after JUnit's `@Before` but before the test method is invoked.
If you reuse the same user within your tests often, it is not ideal to have to repeatedly specify the attributes.
For example, if there are many tests related to an administrative user with the username "admin" and the roles `ROLE_USER` and `ROLE_ADMIN` you would have to write: