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2010-03-28 18:54:41 -04:00
apply plugin: 'maven'
// Create a source jar for uploading
task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.java
artifacts {
archives sourceJar
// Configuration for SpringSource s3 maven deployer
configurations {
dependencies {
deployerJars "org.springframework.build.aws:org.springframework.build.aws.maven:3.0.0.RELEASE"
// Remove the archive configuration from the runtime configuration, so that anything added to archives
// (such as the source jar) is no longer included in the runtime classpath
configurations.default.extendsFrom = [configurations.runtime] as Set
// Add the main jar into the default configuration
artifacts { 'default' jar }
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {graph ->
if (graph.hasTask(uploadArchives)) {
// check properties defined and fail early
uploadArchives {
// "mavenSyncRepoDir" should be set in properties
2010-08-04 17:55:17 -04:00
def releaseRepositoryUrl = "file://${project.properties.mavenSyncRepoDir}"
def milestoneRepositoryUrl = 's3://maven.springframework.org/milestone'
def snapshotRepositoryUrl = 's3://maven.springframework.org/snapshot'
repositories.mavenDeployer { deployer ->
configuration = configurations.deployerJars
if (releaseBuild) {
2010-08-04 17:55:17 -04:00
repository(url: releaseRepositoryUrl)
} else {
2012-06-29 13:59:22 -04:00
def s3credentials = [userName: project.properties.s3AccessKey, passphrase: project.properties.s3SecretAccessKey]
2010-08-04 17:55:17 -04:00
repository(url: milestoneRepositoryUrl) {
2010-08-04 17:55:17 -04:00
snapshotRepository(url: snapshotRepositoryUrl) {
install {
def customizePom(pom) {
def optionalDeps = ['ehcache', 'log4j', 'apacheds-core', 'jsp-api', 'jsr250-api', 'ldapsdk', 'aspectjrt', 'aspectjweaver']
pom.scopeMappings.addMapping(10, configurations.provided, 'provided')
pom.whenConfigured { p ->
// Remove test scope dependencies from published poms
p.dependencies = p.dependencies.findAll {it.scope != 'test'}
// Flag optional deps
p.dependencies.findAll { dep ->
optionalDeps.contains(dep.artifactId) ||
dep.groupId.startsWith('org.apache.directory') ||
}*.optional = true
// Hack for specific case of config module
if (p.artifactId == 'spring-security-config') {
p.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'spring-security-web'}.optional = true
p.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'spring-web'}.optional = true
if (p.artifactId == 'spring-security-core') {
p.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'spring-jdbc'}.optional = true
p.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'spring-tx'}.optional = true
pom.project {
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
url 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'
distribution 'repo'
dependencies {
dependency {
artifactId = groupId = 'commons-logging'
scope = 'compile'
optional = 'true'
version = '1.1.1'