Document ReactiveMethodSecurity improvements
Issue gh-9401
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,11 +10,285 @@ For this to work the return type of the method must be a `org.reactivestreams.Pu
This is necessary to integrate with Reactor's `Context`.
== EnableReactiveMethodSecurity with AuthorizationManager
In Spring Security 5.8, we can enable annotation-based security using the `@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager=true)` annotation on any `@Configuration` instance.
This improves upon `@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity` in a number of ways. `@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager=true)`:
1. Uses the simplified `AuthorizationManager` API instead of metadata sources, config attributes, decision managers, and voters.
This simplifies reuse and customization.
2. Supports reactive return types. Note that we are waiting on[additional coroutine support from the Spring Framework] before adding coroutine support.
3. Is built using native Spring AOP, removing abstractions and allowing you to use Spring AOP building blocks to customize
4. Checks for conflicting annotations to ensure an unambiguous security configuration
5. Complies with JSR-250
For earlier versions, please read about similar support with <<jc-enable-reactive-method-security, @EnableReactiveMethodSecurity>>.
For example, the following would enable Spring Security's `@PreAuthorize` annotation:
.Method Security Configuration
public class MethodSecurityConfig {
// ...
Adding an annotation to a method (on a class or interface) would then limit the access to that method accordingly.
Spring Security's native annotation support defines a set of attributes for the method.
These will be passed to the various method interceptors, like `AuthorizationManagerBeforeReactiveMethodInterceptor`, for it to make the actual decision:
.Method Security Annotation Usage
public interface BankService {
Mono<Account> readAccount(Long id);
Flux<Account> findAccounts();
Mono<Account> post(Account account, Double amount);
In this case `hasRole` refers to the method found in `SecurityExpressionRoot` that gets invoked by the SpEL evaluation engine.
`@bean` refers to a custom component you have defined, where `apply` can return `Boolean` or `Mono<Boolean>` to indicate the authorization decision.
A bean like that might look something like this:
.Method Security Reactive Boolean Expression
public Function<Account, Mono<Boolean>> func() {
return (account) -> Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(account.getId().equals(12)));
=== Customizing Authorization
Spring Security's `@PreAuthorize`, `@PostAuthorize`, `@PreFilter`, and `@PostFilter` ship with rich expression-based support.
Also, for role-based authorization, Spring Security adds a default `ROLE_` prefix, which is uses when evaluating expressions like `hasRole`.
You can configure the authorization rules to use a different prefix by exposing a `GrantedAuthorityDefaults` bean, like so:
.Custom MethodSecurityExpressionHandler
static GrantedAuthorityDefaults grantedAuthorityDefaults() {
return new GrantedAuthorityDefaults("MYPREFIX_");
We expose `GrantedAuthorityDefaults` using a `static` method to ensure that Spring publishes it before it initializes Spring Security's method security `@Configuration` classes
=== Custom Authorization Managers
Method authorization is a combination of before- and after-method authorization.
Before-method authorization is performed before the method is invoked.
If that authorization denies access, the method is not invoked, and an `AccessDeniedException` is thrown.
After-method authorization is performed after the method is invoked, but before the method returns to the caller.
If that authorization denies access, the value is not returned, and an `AccessDeniedException` is thrown
To recreate what adding `@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager=true)` does by default, you would publish the following configuration:
.Full Pre-post Method Security Configuration
class MethodSecurityConfig {
BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor aopConfig() {
return AopConfigUtils::registerAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary;
PreFilterAuthorizationReactiveMethodInterceptor preFilterInterceptor() {
return new PreFilterAuthorizationReactiveMethodInterceptor();
AuthorizationManagerBeforeReactiveMethodInterceptor preAuthorizeInterceptor() {
return AuthorizationManagerBeforeReactiveMethodInterceptor.preAuthorize();
AuthorizationManagerAfterReactiveMethodInterceptor postAuthorizeInterceptor() {
return AuthorizationManagerAfterReactiveMethodInterceptor.postAuthorize();
PostFilterAuthorizationReactiveMethodInterceptor postFilterInterceptor() {
return new PostFilterAuthorizationReactiveMethodInterceptor();
Notice that Spring Security's method security is built using Spring AOP.
So, interceptors are invoked based on the order specified.
This can be customized by calling `setOrder` on the interceptor instances like so:
.Publish Custom Advisor
Advisor postFilterAuthorizationMethodInterceptor() {
PostFilterAuthorizationMethodInterceptor interceptor = new PostFilterAuthorizationReactiveMethodInterceptor();
interceptor.setOrder(AuthorizationInterceptorOrders.POST_AUTHORIZE.getOrder() - 1);
return interceptor;
You may want to only support `@PreAuthorize` in your application, in which case you can do the following:
.Only @PreAuthorize Configuration
class MethodSecurityConfig {
BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor aopConfig() {
return AopConfigUtils::registerAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary;
Advisor preAuthorize() {
return AuthorizationManagerBeforeMethodInterceptor.preAuthorize();
Or, you may have a custom before-method `ReactiveAuthorizationManager` that you want to add to the list.
In this case, you will need to tell Spring Security both the `ReactiveAuthorizationManager` and to which methods and classes your authorization manager applies.
Thus, you can configure Spring Security to invoke your `ReactiveAuthorizationManager` in between `@PreAuthorize` and `@PostAuthorize` like so:
.Custom Before Advisor
class MethodSecurityConfig {
public Advisor customAuthorize() {
JdkRegexpMethodPointcut pattern = new JdkRegexpMethodPointcut();
ReactiveAuthorizationManager<MethodInvocation> rule = AuthorityAuthorizationManager.isAuthenticated();
AuthorizationManagerBeforeReactiveMethodInterceptor interceptor = new AuthorizationManagerBeforeReactiveMethodInterceptor(pattern, rule);
interceptor.setOrder(AuthorizationInterceptorsOrder.PRE_AUTHORIZE_ADVISOR_ORDER.getOrder() + 1);
return interceptor;
You can place your interceptor in between Spring Security method interceptors using the order constants specified in `AuthorizationInterceptorsOrder`.
The same can be done for after-method authorization.
After-method authorization is generally concerned with analysing the return value to verify access.
For example, you might have a method that confirms that the account requested actually belongs to the logged-in user like so:
.@PostAuthorize example
public interface BankService {
@PostAuthorize("returnObject.owner ==")
Mono<Account> readAccount(Long id);
You can supply your own `AuthorizationMethodInterceptor` to customize how access to the return value is evaluated.
For example, if you have your own custom annotation, you can configure it like so:
.Custom After Advisor
class MethodSecurityConfig {
public Advisor customAuthorize(ReactiveAuthorizationManager<MethodInvocationResult> rules) {
AnnotationMethodMatcher pattern = new AnnotationMethodMatcher(MySecurityAnnotation.class);
AuthorizationManagerAfterReactiveMethodInterceptor interceptor = new AuthorizationManagerAfterReactiveMethodInterceptor(pattern, rules);
interceptor.setOrder(AuthorizationInterceptorsOrder.POST_AUTHORIZE_ADVISOR_ORDER.getOrder() + 1);
return interceptor;
and it will be invoked after the `@PostAuthorize` interceptor.
== EnableReactiveMethodSecurity
Method Security also supports Kotlin coroutines, though only to a limited degree.
`@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity` also supports Kotlin coroutines, though only to a limited degree.
When intercepting coroutines, only the first interceptor participates.
If any other interceptors are present and come after Spring Security's method security interceptor, they will be skipped.
If any other interceptors are present and come after Spring Security's method security interceptor,[they will be skipped].
Reference in New Issue