Docbook faq

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Luke Taylor 2009-05-26 11:28:02 +00:00
parent 8c0643f260
commit 41899a881f
4 changed files with 463 additions and 0 deletions

View File

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<article class="faq" xml:id="spring-security-faq" xmlns=""
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<title>Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ)</title>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-other-concerns">
<para>Will Spring Security take care of all my application security
Spring Security provides you with a very flexible framework for your authentication and authorization requirements, but there are many other considerations for building a secure application that are outside its scope. Web applications are vulnerable to all kinds of attacks which you should be familiar with, preferably before you start development so you can design and code with them in mind from the beginning. Check out the <link xlink:href="">OWASP web site</link> for information on the major issues facing web application developers and the countermeasures you can use against them.</para>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-web-xml">
<para>Why not just use web.xml security?</para>
<para>Let's assume you're developing an enterprise application based on Spring. There are four security concerns you typically need to address: authentication, web request security, service layer security (i.e. your methods that implement business logic), and domain object instance security (i.e. different domain objects have different permissions). With these typical requirements in mind: <orderedlist>
<para><emphasis>Authentication</emphasis>: The servlet specification provides an approach to authentication. However, you will need to configure the container to perform authentication which typically requires editing of container-specific "realm" settings. This makes a non-portable configuration, and if you need to write an actual Java class to implement the container's authentication interface, it becomes even more non-portable. With Spring Security you achieve complete portability - right down to the WAR level. Also, Spring Security offers a choice of production-proven authentication providers and mechanisms, meaning you can switch your authentication approaches at deployment time. This is particularly valuable for software vendors writing products that need to work in an unknown target environment.</para>
<para><emphasis>Web request security:</emphasis> The servlet specification provides an approach to secure your request URIs. However, these URIs can only be expressed in the servlet specification's own limited URI path format. Spring Security provides a far more comprehensive approach. For instance, you
can use Ant paths or regular expressions, you can consider parts
of the URI other than simply the requested page (eg you can
consider HTTP GET parameters), and you can implement your own
runtime source of configuration data. This means your web
request security can be dynamically changed during the actual
execution of your webapp.</para>
<para><emphasis>Service layer and domain object security:</emphasis>
The absence of support in the servlet specification for services
layer security or domain object instance security represent
serious limitations for multi-tiered applications. Typically
developers either ignore these requirements, or implement
security logic within their MVC controller code (or even worse,
inside the views). There are serious disadvantages with this
approach: <orderedlist>
<para><emphasis>Separation of concerns:</emphasis>
Authorization is a crosscutting concern and should
be implemented as such. MVC controllers or views
implementing authorization code makes it more
difficult to test both the controller and
authorization logic, more difficult to debug, and
will often lead to code duplication.</para>
<para><emphasis>Support for rich clients and web
services:</emphasis> If an additional client type
must ultimately be supported, any authorization code
embedded within the web layer is non-reusable. It
should be considered that Spring remoting exporters
only export service layer beans (not MVC
controllers). As such authorization logic needs to
be located in the services layer to support a
multitude of client types.</para>
<para><emphasis>Layering issues:</emphasis> An MVC
controller or view is simply the incorrect
architectural layer to implement authorization
decisions concerning services layer methods or
domain object instances. Whilst the Principal may be
passed to the services layer to enable it to make
the authorization decision, doing so would introduce
an additional argument on every services layer
method. A more elegant approach is to use a
ThreadLocal to hold the Principal, although this
would likely increase development time to a point
where it would become more economical (on a
cost-benefit basis) to simply use a dedicated
security framework.</para>
<para><emphasis>Authorisation code quality:</emphasis>
It is often said of web frameworks that they "make
it easier to do the right things, and harder to do
the wrong things". Security frameworks are the same,
because they are designed in an abstract manner for
a wide range of purposes. Writing your own
authorization code from scratch does not provide the
"design check" a framework would offer, and in-house
authorization code will typically lack the
improvements that emerge from widespread deployment,
peer review and new versions. </para>
<para> For simple applications, servlet specification security may just be
enough. Although when considered within the context of web container
portability, configuration requirements, limited web request security
flexibility, and non-existent services layer and domain object instance
security, it becomes clear why developers often look to alternative
solutions. </para>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-requirements">
<para>What Java and Spring Framework versions are required?</para>
<para> Spring Security 2.0.x requires a minimum JDK version of 1.4 and is built
against Spring 2.0.x. It should also be compatible with applications using
Spring 2.5.x. </para>
<para> Spring Security 3.0 will require JDK 1.5 as a minimum and will also
require Spring 3.0. </para>
<title>Common Problems</title>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-login-loop">
<para>My application goes into an "endless loop" when I try to login, what's
going on?</para>
<para>A common user problem with infinite loop and redirecting to the login page
is caused by accidently configuring the login page as a "secured" resource.
Make sure your configuration allows anonymous access to the login page,
either by excluding it from the security filter chain or marking it as
requiring ROLE_ANONYMOUS.</para>
<para>If your AccessDecisionManager includes an AutheticatedVoter, you can use
the attribute "IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY". This is automatically
available if you are using the standard namespace configuration setup. </para>
<para> From Spring Security 2.0.1 onwards, when you are using namespace-based
configuration, a check will be made on loading the application context and a
warning message logged if your login page appears to be protected. </para>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-anon-access-denied">
<para>I get an exception with the message "Access is denied (user is
anonymous);". What's wrong?</para>
<para> This is a debug level message which occurs the first time an anonymous
user attempts to access a protected resource.
DEBUG [ExceptionTranslationFilter] - Access is denied (user is anonymous); redirecting to authentication entry point Access is denied
It is normal and shouldn't be anything to worry about. </para>
<qandaentry xml:id="auth-exception-credentials-not-found">
<para>I get an exception with the message "An Authentication object was not
found in the SecurityContext". What's wrong?</para>
<para> This is a another debug level message which occurs the first time an
anonymous user attempts to access a protected resource, but when you do not
have an AnonymousProcessingFilter in your filter chain configuration.
DEBUG [ExceptionTranslationFilter] - Authentication exception occurred; redirecting to authentication entry point An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext
It is normal and shouldn't be anything to worry about. </para>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-tomcat-https-session">
<para> I'm using Tomcat and have enabled HTTPS for my login page, switching back
to HTTP afterwards. It doesn't work - I just end up back at the login page
after authenticating. </para>
<para> This happens because Tomcat sessions created under HTTPS cannot
subsequently be used under HTTP and any session state is lost (including the
security context information). Starting in HTTP first should work. </para>
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-no-security-on-forward">
<para> I'm forwarding a request to another URL using the RequestDispatcher, but
my security constraints aren't being applied. </para>
<para> Filters are not applied by default to forwards or includes. If you really
want the security filters to be applied to forwards and/or includes, then
you have to configure these explicitly in your web.xml using the
&lt;dispatcher&gt; element, a child element of &lt;filter-mapping&gt;.
<qandaentry xml:id="faq-session-listener-missing">
<para> I'm trying to use the concurrent session-control support but it won't let
me log back in, even if I'm sure I've logged out and haven't exceeded the
allowed sessions. </para>
<para>Make sure you have added the listener to your web.xml file. It is
essential to make sure that the Spring Security session registry is notified
when a session is destroyed. Without it, the session information will not be
removed from the registry.</para>
<title>Common <quote>Howto</quote> Requests</title>
<qandaentry xml:id="extra-login-fields">
<para>I need to login in with more information than just the username. How do I
add support for extra login fields (e.g. a company name)?</para>
<para>This question comes up repeatedly in the Spring Security forum so you will
find more information there by searching the archives (or through
<para> The submitted login information is processed by an instance of
<classname>AuthenticationProcessingFilter</classname>. You will need to
customize this class to handle the extra data field(s). One option is to use
your own customized authentication token class (rather than the standard
<classname>UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken</classname>), another is
simply to concatenate the extra fields with the username (for example, using
a ":" as the separator) and pass them in the username property of
<classname>UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken</classname>. </para>
<para> You will also need to customize the actual authentication process. If you
are using a custom authentication token class, for example, you will have to
write an <classname>AuthenticationProvider</classname> to handle it (or
extend the standard <classname>DaoAuthenticationProvider</classname>). If
you have concatenated the fields, you can implement your own
<interfacename>UserDetailsService</interfacename> which splits them up
and loads the appropriate user data for authentication. </para>
<qandaentry xml:id="what-dependencies">
<para>How do I know what dependencies to add to my application to work with
Spring Security?</para>
<para> There is no definite answer here, (it will depend on what features you
are using), but a good starting point is to copy those from one of the
pre-built sample applications WEB-INF/lib directories. For a basic
application, you can start with the tutorial sample. If you want to use
LDAP, with an embedded test server, then use the LDAP sample as a starting
point. </para>
<para> If you are building your project with maven, then adding the appropriate
Spring Security modules to your pom.xml will automatically pull in the core
jars that the framework requires. Any which are marked as "optional" in the
Spring Security POM files will have to be added to your own pom.xml file if
you need them. </para>

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