SEC-356: Add cloneFromHttpSession property.

This commit is contained in:
Ben Alex 2006-11-14 00:43:00 +00:00
parent 5911234f65
commit 59bf8602d2

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@ -15,12 +15,8 @@
package org.acegisecurity.context;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
@ -31,6 +27,12 @@ import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;
* <p>Populates the {@link SecurityContextHolder} with information obtained from the <code>HttpSession</code>.</p>
@ -99,8 +101,28 @@ public class HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter implements InitializingBean, Fi
* are conscious of the session creation overhead.
private boolean forceEagerSessionCreation = false;
* Indicates whether the <code>SecurityContext</code> will be cloned from the <code>HttpSession</code>. The
* default is to simply reference (ie the default is <code>false</code>). The default may cause issues if
* concurrent threads need to have a different security identity from other threads being concurrently processed
* that share the same <code>HttpSession</code>. In most normal environments this does not represent an issue,
* as changes to the security identity in one thread is allowed to affect the security identitiy in other
* threads associated with the same <code>HttpSession</code>. For unusual cases where this is not permitted,
* change this value to <code>true</code> and ensure the {@link #context} is set to a <code>SecurityContext</code>
* that implements {@link Cloneable} and overrides the <code>clone()</code> method.
private boolean cloneFromHttpSession = false;
public HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter() throws ServletException {
public boolean isCloneFromHttpSession() {
return cloneFromHttpSession;
public void setCloneFromHttpSession(boolean cloneFromHttpSession) {
this.cloneFromHttpSession = cloneFromHttpSession;
public HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter() throws ServletException {
this.contextObject = generateNewContext();
@ -145,7 +167,21 @@ public class HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter implements InitializingBean, Fi
httpSessionExistedAtStartOfRequest = true;
Object contextFromSessionObject = httpSession.getAttribute(ACEGI_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY);
// Clone if required (see SEC-356)
if (cloneFromHttpSession) {
Assert.isInstanceOf(Cloneable.class, contextFromSessionObject, "Context must implement Clonable and provide a Object.clone() method");
try {
Method m = contextFromSessionObject.getClass().getMethod("clone", new Class[] {});
if (!m.isAccessible()) {
contextFromSessionObject = m.invoke(contextFromSessionObject, new Object[] {});
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (contextFromSessionObject != null) {
if (contextFromSessionObject instanceof SecurityContext) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {