Revisit Logout Docs

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@ -1,152 +1,408 @@
= Handling Logouts
This section covers how to customize the handling of logouts.
In an application where end users can xref:servlet/authentication/index.adoc[login], they should also be able to logout.
By default, Spring Security stands up a `/logout` endpoint, so no additional code is necessary.
The rest of this section covers a number of use cases for you to consider:
* I want to <<logout-java-configuration,understand logout's architecture>>
* I want to <<customizing-logout-uris, customize the logout or logout success URI>>
* I want to know when I need to <<permit-logout-endpoints, explicitly permit the `/logout` endpoint>>
* I want to <<clear-all-site-data, clear cookies, storage, and/or cache>> when the user logs out
* I am using OAuth 2.0 and I want to xref:servlet/oauth2/login/advanced.adoc#oauth2login-advanced-oidc-logout[coordinate logout with an Authorization Server]
* I am using SAML 2.0 and I want to xref:servlet/saml2/logout.adoc[coordinate logout with an Identity Provider]
* I am using CAS and I want to xref:servlet/authentication/cas.adoc#cas-singlelogout[coordinate logout with an Identity Provider]
== Logout Java/Kotlin Configuration
== Understanding Logout's Architecture
When using the `{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/builders/HttpSecurity.html[HttpSecurity]` bean, logout capabilities are automatically applied.
The default is that accessing the URL `/logout` logs the user out by:
When you include the `spring-boot-starter-security` dependency or use the `@EnableWebSecurity` annotation, Spring Security will add its logout support and by default respond both to `GET /logout` and `POST /logout`.
- Invalidating the HTTP Session
- Cleaning up any RememberMe authentication that was configured
- Clearing the `SecurityContextHolder`
- Clearing the `SecurityContextRepository`
- Redirecting to `/login?logout`
If you request `GET /logout`, then Spring Security displays a logout confirmation page.
Aside from providing a valuable double-checking mechanism for the user, it also provides a simple way to provide xref:servlet/exploits/csrf.adoc[the needed CSRF token] to `POST /logout`.
Similar to configuring login capabilities, however, you also have various options to further customize your logout requirements:
In your application it is not necessary to use `GET /logout` to perform a logout.
So long as xref:servlet/exploits/csrf.adoc[the needed CSRF token] is present in the request, your application can simply `POST /logout` to induce a logout.
.Logout Configuration
If you request `POST /logout`, then it will perform the following default operations using a series of {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutHandler.html[``LogoutHandler``]s:
- Invalidate the HTTP session ({security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[`SecurityContextLogoutHandler`])
- Clear the xref:servlet/authentication/session-management.adoc#use-securitycontextholderstrategy[`SecurityContextHolderStrategy`] ({security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[`SecurityContextLogoutHandler`])
- Clear the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] ({security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[`SecurityContextLogoutHandler`])
- Clean up any xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc[RememberMe authentication] (`TokenRememberMeServices` / `PersistentTokenRememberMeServices`)
- Clear out any saved xref:servlet/exploits/csrf.adoc[CSRF token] ({security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/csrf/CsrfLogoutHandler.html[`CsrfLogoutHandler`])
- xref:servlet/authentication/events.adoc[Fire] a `LogoutSuccessEvent` ({security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutSuccessEventPublishingLogoutHandler.html[`LogoutSuccessEventPublishingLogoutHandler`])
Once completed, then it will exercise its default {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutSuccessHandler.html[`LogoutSuccessHandler`] which redirects to `/login?logout`.
== Customizing Logout URIs
Since the `LogoutFilter` appears before xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[the `AuthorizationFilter`] in xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#servlet-filterchain-figure[the filter chain], it is not necessary by default to explicitly permit the `/logout` endpoint.
Thus, only <<permit-logout-endpoints,custom logout endpoints>> that you create yourself generally require a `permitAll` configuration to be reachable.
For example, if you want to simply change the URI that Spring Security is matching, you can do so in the `logout` DSL in following way:
.Custom Logout Uri
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) {
.logout(logout -> logout // <1>
.logoutUrl("/my/logout") // <2>
.logoutSuccessUrl("/my/index") // <3>
.logoutSuccessHandler(logoutSuccessHandler) // <4>
.invalidateHttpSession(true) // <5>
.addLogoutHandler(logoutHandler) // <6>
.deleteCookies(cookieNamesToClear) // <7>
.logout((logout) -> logout.logoutUrl("/my/logout/uri"))
http {
logout {
logoutUrl = "/my/logout/uri"
<logout logout-url="/my/logout/uri"/>
and no authorization changes are necessary since it simply adjusts the `LogoutFilter`.
However, if you stand up your own logout success endpoint (or in a rare case, <<creating-custom-logout-endpoint, your own logout endpoint>>), say using Spring MVC, you will need permit it in Spring Security.
This is because Spring MVC processes your request after Spring Security does.
You can do this using `authorizeHttpRequests` or `<intercept-url>` like so:
.Custom Logout Endpoint
.authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
// ...
.logout((logout) -> logout.logoutSuccessUrl("/my/success/endpoint"))
http {
authorizeHttpRequests {
authorize("/my/success/endpoint", permitAll)
logout {
logoutSuccessUrl = "/my/success/endpoint"
<filter-url pattern="/my/success/endpoint" access="permitAll"/>
<logout logout-success-url="/my/success/endpoint"/>
In this example, you tell the `LogoutFilter` to redirect to `/my/success/endpoint` when it is done.
And, you explicitly permit the `/my/success/endpoint` endpoint in xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[the `AuthorizationFilter`].
Specifying it twice can be cumbersome, though.
If you are using Java configuration, you can instead set the `permitAll` property in the logout DSL like so:
.Permitting Custom Logout Endpoints
.authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
// ...
.logout((logout) -> logout
authorizeHttpRequests {
// ...
logout {
logoutSuccessUrl = "/my/success/endpoint"
permitAll = true
which will add all logout URIs to the permit list for you.
== Adding Clean-up Actions
If you are using Java configuration, you can add clean up actions of your own by calling the `addLogoutHandler` method in the `logout` DSL, like so:
.Custom Logout Handler
CookieClearingLogoutHandler cookies = new CookieClearingLogoutHandler("our-custom-cookie");
.logout((logout) -> logout.addLogoutHandler(cookies))
http {
logout {
Because {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutHandler.html[``LogoutHandler``]s are for the purposes of cleanup, they should not throw exceptions.
Since {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutHandler.html[`LogoutHandler`] is a functional interface, you can provide a custom one as a lambda.
Some logout handler configurations are common enough that they are exposed directly in the `logout` DSL and `<logout>` element.
One example is configuring session invalidation and another is which additional cookies should be deleted.
For example, you can configure the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/CookieClearingLogoutHandler.html[`CookieClearingLogoutHandler`] as seen above.
Or you can instead set the appropriate configuration value like so:
.logout((logout) -> logout.deleteCookies("our-custom-cookie"))
http {
logout {
deleteCookies = "our-custom-cookie"
<logout delete-cookies="our-custom-cookie"/>
Specifying that the `JSESSIONID` cookie is not necessary since {security-api-url}/org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[`SecurityContextLogoutHandler`] removes it by virtue of invalidating the session.
=== Using Clear-Site-Data to Log Out the User
The `Clear-Site-Data` HTTP header is one that browsers support as an instruction to clear cookies, storage, and cache that belong to the owning website.
This is a handy and secure way to ensure that everything, including the session cookie, is cleaned up on logout.
You can add configure Spring Security to write the `Clear-Site-Data` header on logout like so:
.Using Clear-Site-Data
HeaderWriterLogoutHandler clearSiteData = new HeaderWriterLogoutHandler(new ClearSiteDataHeaderWriter());
.logout((logout) -> logout.addLogoutHandler(clearSiteData))
val clearSiteData = HeaderWriterLogoutHandler(ClearSiteDataHeaderWriter())
http {
logout {
You give the `ClearSiteDataHeaderWriter` constructor the list of things that you want to be cleared out.
The above configuration clears out all site data, but you can also configure it to remove just cookies like so:
.Using Clear-Site-Data to Clear Cookies
HeaderWriterLogoutHandler clearSiteData = new HeaderWriterLogoutHandler(new ClearSiteDataHeaderWriter(Directives.COOKIES));
.logout((logout) -> logout.addLogoutHandler(clearSiteData))
val clearSiteData = HeaderWriterLogoutHandler(ClearSiteDataHeaderWriter(Directives.COOKIES))
http {
logout {
== Customizing Logout Success
While using `logoutSuccessUrl` will suffice for most cases, you may need to do something different from redirecting to a URL once logout is complete.
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutSuccessHandler.html[`LogoutSuccessHandler`] is the Spring Security component for customizing logout success actions.
For example, instead of redirecting, you may want to only return a status code.
In this case, you can provide a success handler instance, like so:
.Using Clear-Site-Data to Clear Cookies
.logout((logout) -> logout.logoutSuccessHandler(new HttpStatusReturningLogoutSuccessHandler()))
http {
logout {
logoutSuccessHandler = HttpStatusReturningLogoutSuccessHandler()
<bean name="mySuccessHandlerBean" class=""/>
<logout success-handler-ref="mySuccessHandlerBean"/>
Since {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutSuccessHandler.html[`LogoutSuccessHandler`] is a functional interface, you can provide a custom one as a lambda.
== Creating a Custom Logout Endpoint
It is strongly recommended that you use the provided `logout` DSL to configure logout.
One reason is that its easy to forget to call the needed Spring Security components to ensure a proper and complete logout.
In fact, it is often simpler to <<add-logout-handler, register a custom `LogoutHandler`>> than create a Spring MVC endpoint for performing logout.
That said, if you find yourself in a circumstance where a custom logout endpoint is needed, like the following one:
.Custom Logout Endpoint
public String performLogout() {
// .. perform logout
return "redirect:/home";
open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
http {
logout { // <1>
logoutUrl = "/my/logout" // <2>
logoutSuccessUrl = "/my/index" // <3>
logoutSuccessHandler = customLogoutSuccessHandler // <4>
invalidateHttpSession = true // <5>
addLogoutHandler(logoutHandler) // <6>
deleteCookies(cookieNamesToClear) // <7>
// ...
fun performLogout(): String {
// .. perform logout
return "redirect:/home"
<1> Provides logout support.
<2> The URL that triggers log out to occur (the default is `/logout`).
If CSRF protection is enabled (the default), the request must also be a POST.
For more information, see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/LogoutConfigurer.html#logoutUrl-java.lang.String-[`logoutUrl(java.lang.String logoutUrl)`].
<3> The URL to which to redirect after logout has occurred.
The default is `/login?logout`.
For more information, see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/LogoutConfigurer.html#logoutSuccessUrl-java.lang.String-[`logoutSuccessUrl(java.lang.String logoutSuccessUrl)`].
<4> Let's you specify a custom `LogoutSuccessHandler`.
If this is specified, `logoutSuccessUrl()` is ignored.
For more information, see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/[`LogoutSuccessHandler`].
<5> Specify whether to invalidate the `HttpSession` at the time of logout.
This is *true* by default.
Configures the `SecurityContextLogoutHandler` under the covers.
For more information, see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/LogoutConfigurer.html#invalidateHttpSession-boolean-[`invalidateHttpSession(boolean invalidateHttpSession)`].
<6> Adds a `LogoutHandler`.
By default, `SecurityContextLogoutHandler` is added as the last `LogoutHandler`.
<7> Lets specifying the names of cookies be removed on logout success.
This is a shortcut for adding a `CookieClearingLogoutHandler` explicitly.
then you will need to have that endpoint invoke Spring Security's {security-api-url}/org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[`SecurityContextLogoutHandler`] to ensure a secure and complete logout.
Something like the following is needed at a minimum:
.Custom Logout Endpoint
Logouts can also be configured by using the XML Namespace notation.
See the documentation for the xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/http.adoc#nsa-logout[ logout element] in the Spring Security XML Namespace section for further details.
SecurityContextLogoutHandler logoutHandler = new SecurityContextLogoutHandler();
public String performLogout(Authentication authentication, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
// .. perform logout
this.logoutHandler.doLogout(request, response, authentication);
return "redirect:/home";
val logoutHandler = SecurityContextLogoutHandler()
fun performLogout(val authentication: Authentication, val request: HttpServletRequest, val response: HttpServletResponse): String {
// .. perform logout
this.logoutHandler.doLogout(request, response, authentication)
return "redirect:/home"
Generally, to customize logout functionality, you can add
For many common scenarios, these handlers are applied under the
covers when using the fluent API.
Such will clear out the {security-api-url}/org/springframework/security/core/context/SecurityContextHolderStrategy.html[`SecurityContextHolderStrategy`] and {security-api-url}/org/springframework/security/web/context/SecurityContextRepository.html[`SecurityContextRepository`] as needed.
== Logout XML Configuration
The `logout` element adds support for logging out by navigating to a particular URL.
The default logout URL is `/logout`, but you can set it to something else by setting the `logout-url` attribute.
You can find more information on other available attributes in the namespace appendix.
Also, you'll need to <<permit-logout-endpoints, explicitly permit the endpoint>>.
== LogoutHandler
Failing to call {security-api-url}/org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[`SecurityContextLogoutHandler`] means that xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-securitycontext[the `SecurityContext`] could still be available on subsequent requests, meaning that the user is not actually logged out.
Generally, `{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/LogoutHandler.html[LogoutHandler]`
implementations indicate classes that are able to participate in logout handling.
They are expected to be invoked to perform necessary clean-up.
As a result, they should
not throw exceptions.
Spring Security provides various implementations:
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/rememberme/PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices.html[PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices]
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/rememberme/TokenBasedRememberMeServices.html[TokenBasedRememberMeServices]
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/CookieClearingLogoutHandler.html[CookieClearingLogoutHandler]
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/csrf/CsrfLogoutHandler.html[CsrfLogoutHandler]
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[SecurityContextLogoutHandler]
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/HeaderWriterLogoutHandler.html[HeaderWriterLogoutHandler]
See xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc#remember-me-impls[Remember-Me Interfaces and Implementations] for details.
Instead of providing `LogoutHandler` implementations directly, the fluent API also provides shortcuts that provide the respective `LogoutHandler` implementations under the covers.
For example, `deleteCookies()` lets you specify the names of one or more cookies to be removed on logout success.
This is a shortcut compared to adding a `CookieClearingLogoutHandler`.
== LogoutSuccessHandler
The `LogoutSuccessHandler` is called after a successful logout by the `LogoutFilter`, to handle (for example)
redirection or forwarding to the appropriate destination.
Note that the interface is almost the same as the `LogoutHandler` but may raise an exception.
Spring Security provides the following implementations:
- {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler.html[SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler]
- HttpStatusReturningLogoutSuccessHandler
As mentioned earlier, you need not specify the `SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler` directly.
Instead, the fluent API provides a shortcut by setting the `logoutSuccessUrl()`.
This sets up the `SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler` under the covers.
The provided URL is redirected to after a logout has occurred.
The default is `/login?logout`.
The `HttpStatusReturningLogoutSuccessHandler` can be interesting in REST API type scenarios.
Instead of redirecting to a URL upon the successful logout, this `LogoutSuccessHandler` lets you provide a plain HTTP status code to be returned.
If not configured, a status code 200 is returned by default.
== Testing Logout
Once you have logout configured you can test it using xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/logout.adoc[Spring Security's MockMvc support].
== Further Logout-Related References
- xref:servlet/authentication/session-management.adoc#properly-clearing-authentication[Properly Clearing Authentication When Explicit Save Is Enabled]
- <<ns-logout, Logout Handling>>
- xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/logout.adoc#test-logout[Testing Logout]
- xref:servlet/integrations/servlet-api.adoc#servletapi-logout[`HttpServletRequest.logout()`]
- xref:servlet/integrations/servlet-api.adoc#servletapi-logout[HttpServletRequest.logout()]
- xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc#remember-me-impls[Remember-Me Interfaces and Implementations]
- Documentation for the xref:servlet/appendix/namespace.adoc#nsa-logout[ logout element] in the Spring Security XML Namespace section
- xref:servlet/exploits/csrf.adoc#servlet-considerations-csrf-logout[Logging Out] in section CSRF Caveats
- Section xref:servlet/authentication/cas.adoc#cas-singlelogout[Single Logout] (CAS protocol)
- Documentation for the xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/http.adoc#nsa-logout[logout element] in the Spring Security XML Namespace section

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@ -186,27 +186,7 @@ If you are not sure what `securityContextHolderStrategy` is in the above example
=== Properly Clearing an Authentication
If you are using Spring Security's xref:servlet/authentication/logout.adoc[Logout Support] then it handles a lot of stuff for you including clearing and saving the context.
But, let's say you need to manually log users out of your app. In that case, you'll need to make sure you're clearing and saving the context properly.
Now, you might already be familiar with clearing the `SecurityContextHolder` by doing `SecurityContextHolderStrategy#clearContext()`.
That's great, but if your app requires an xref:migration/servlet/session-management.adoc#_require_explicit_saving_of_securitycontextrepository[explicit save of the context], simply clearing it isn't enough.
The reason is that it doesn't remove it from the `SecurityContextRepository`, which means the `SecurityContext` could still be available for the next requests, and we definitely don't want that.
To make sure the authentication is properly cleared and saved, you can invoke {security-api-url}/org/springframework/security/web/authentication/logout/SecurityContextLogoutHandler.html[the `SecurityContextLogoutHandler`] which does that for us, like so:
SecurityContextLogoutHandler handler = new SecurityContextLogoutHandler(); <1>
handler.logout(httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse, null); <2>
<1> Create a new instance of `SecurityContextLogoutHandler`
<2> Call the `logout` method passing in the `HttpServletRequest`, `HttpServletResponse` and a `null` authentication because it is not required for this handler.
It's important to remember that clearing and saving the context is just one piece of the logout process, therefore we recommend having Spring Security take care of it.
But, let's say you need to manually log users out of your app. In that case, you'll need to make sure you're xref:servlet/authentication/logout.adoc#creating-custom-logout-endpoint[clearing and saving the context properly].
=== Configuring Persistence for Stateless Authentication