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--- a/docs/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
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* xref:prerequisites.adoc[Prerequisites]
* xref:community.adoc[Community]
* xref:whats-new.adoc[What's New]
-* xref:migration.adoc[Migrating for 6.0]
+* xref:migration/index.adoc[Migrating for 6.0]
+** xref:migration/servlet/index.adoc[Servlet Migrations]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/session-management.adoc[Session Management]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/exploits.adoc[Exploit Protection]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/config.adoc[Configuration]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/authentication.adoc[Authentication]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/authorization.adoc[Authorization]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/oauth2.adoc[OAuth]
+*** xref:migration/servlet/saml2.adoc[SAML]
+** xref:migration/reactive.adoc[Reactive Migrations]
* xref:getting-spring-security.adoc[Getting Spring Security]
* xref:features/index.adoc[Features]
** xref:features/authentication/index.adoc[Authentication]
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-= Migrating to 6.0
-The Spring Security team has prepared the 5.8 release to simplify upgrading to Spring Security 6.0.
-Use 5.8 and the steps below to minimize changes when
-xref:6.0.0@migration.adoc[updating to 6.0]
-updating to 6.0
-== Update to Spring Security 5.8
-The first step is to ensure you are the latest patch release of Spring Boot 2.7.
-Next, you should ensure you are on the latest patch release of Spring Security 5.8.
-If you are using Spring Boot, you will need to override the Spring Boot version from Spring Security 5.7 to 5.8.
-Spring Security 5.8 is fully compatible with Spring Security 5.7 and thus Spring Boot 2.7.
-For directions, on how to update to Spring Security 5.8 visit the xref::getting-spring-security.adoc[] section of the reference guide.
-== Servlet
-=== Explicit SessionAuthenticationStrategy
-In Spring Security 5, the default configuration relies on `SessionManagementFilter` to detect if a user just authenticated and invoke the `SessionAuthenticationStrategy`.
-The problem with this is that it means that in a typical setup, the `HttpSession` must be read for every request.
-In Spring Security 6, the default is that authentication mechanisms themselves must invoke the `SessionAuthenticationStrategy`.
-This means that there is no need to detect when `Authentication` is done and thus the `HttpSession` does not need to be read for every request.
-To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
-.Require Explicit `SessionAuthenticationStrategy` Invocation
-DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .sessionManagement((sessions) -> sessions
- .requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy(true)
- );
- return http.build();
-open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- http {
- sessionManagement {
- requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy = true
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-If this breaks your application, then you can explicitly opt into the 5.8 defaults using the following configuration:
-.Explicit use Spring Security 5.8 defaults for `SessionAuthenticationStrategy`
-DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .sessionManagement((sessions) -> sessions
- .requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy(false)
- );
- return http.build();
-open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- http {
- sessionManagement {
- requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy = false
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-=== Defer Loading CsrfToken
-In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is that the `CsrfToken` will be loaded on every request.
-This means that in a typical setup, the `HttpSession` must be read for every request even if it is unnecessary.
-In Spring Security 6, the default is that the lookup of the `CsrfToken` will be deferred until it is needed.
-To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
-.Defer Loading `CsrfToken`
-DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
- // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
- requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf");
- http
- // ...
- .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
- .csrfTokenRequestHandler(requestHandler)
- );
- return http.build();
-open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- val requestHandler = CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler()
- // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
- requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf")
- http {
- csrf {
- csrfTokenRequestHandler = requestHandler
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-If this breaks your application, then you can explicitly opt into the 5.8 defaults using the following configuration:
-.Explicit Configure `CsrfToken` with 5.8 Defaults
-DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
- // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
- requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName(null);
- http
- // ...
- .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
- .csrfTokenRequestHandler(requestHandler)
- );
- return http.build();
-open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- val requestHandler = CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler()
- // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
- requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName(null)
- http {
- csrf {
- csrfTokenRequestHandler = requestHandler
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-=== CSRF BREACH Protection
-If the steps for <> work for you, then you can also opt into Spring Security 6's default support for BREACH protection of the `CsrfToken` using the following configuration:
-.`CsrfToken` BREACH Protection
-DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- XorCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new XorCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
- // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
- requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf");
- http
- // ...
- .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
- .csrfTokenRequestHandler(requestHandler)
- );
- return http.build();
-open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- val requestHandler = XorCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler()
- // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
- requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf")
- http {
- csrf {
- csrfTokenRequestHandler = requestHandler
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-=== Explicit Save SecurityContextRepository
-In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is for the xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-securitycontext[`SecurityContext`] to automatically be saved to the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] using the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextpersistencefilter[`SecurityContextPersistenceFilter`].
-Saving must be done just prior to the `HttpServletResponse` being committed and just before `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter`.
-Unfortunately, automatic persistence of the `SecurityContext` can surprise users when it is done prior to the request completing (i.e. just prior to committing the `HttpServletResponse`).
-It also is complex to keep track of the state to determine if a save is necessary causing unnecessary writes to the `SecurityContextRepository` (i.e. `HttpSession`) at times.
-In Spring Security 6, the default behavior is that the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextholderfilter[`SecurityContextHolderFilter`] will only read the `SecurityContext` from `SecurityContextRepository` and populate it in the `SecurityContextHolder`.
-Users now must explicitly save the `SecurityContext` with the `SecurityContextRepository` if they want the `SecurityContext` to persist between requests.
-This removes ambiguity and improves performance by only requiring writing to the `SecurityContextRepository` (i.e. `HttpSession`) when it is necessary.
-To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
-=== Multiple SecurityContextRepository
-In Spring Security 5, the default xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] is `HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository`.
-In Spring Security 6, the default `SecurityContextRepository` is `DelegatingSecurityContextRepository`.
-To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
-.Configure SecurityContextRepository with 6.0 defaults
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .securityContext((securityContext) -> securityContext
- .securityContextRepository(new DelegatingSecurityContextRepository(
- new RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository(),
- new HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository()
- ))
- );
- return http.build();
-fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- http {
- // ...
- securityContext {
- securityContextRepository = DelegatingSecurityContextRepository(
- RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository(),
- HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository()
- )
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-If you are already using an implementation other than `HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository`, you should replace it with your chosen implementation in the example above to ensure that it is used along with `RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository`.
-=== Deprecation in SecurityContextRepository
-In Spring Security 5.7, a new method was added to xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] with the signature:
- Supplier loadContext(HttpServletRequest request)
-With the addition of xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#delegatingsecuritycontextrepository[`DelegatingSecurityContextRepository`] in Spring Security 5.8, that method was deprecated in favor of a new method with the signature:
- DeferredSecurityContext loadDeferredContext(HttpServletRequest request)
-In Spring Security 6, the deprecated method was removed.
-If you have implemented `SecurityContextRepository` yourself and added an implementation of the `loadContext(request)` method, you can prepare for Spring Security 6 by removing the implementation of that method and implementing the new method instead.
-To get started implementing the new method, use the following example to provide a `DeferredSecurityContext`:
-.Provide `DeferredSecurityContext`
-public DeferredSecurityContext loadDeferredContext(HttpServletRequest request) {
- return new DeferredSecurityContext() {
- private SecurityContext securityContext;
- private boolean isGenerated;
- @Override
- public SecurityContext get() {
- if (this.securityContext == null) {
- this.securityContext = getContextOrNull(request);
- if (this.securityContext == null) {
- SecurityContextHolderStrategy strategy = SecurityContextHolder.getContextHolderStrategy();
- this.securityContext = strategy.createEmptyContext();
- this.isGenerated = true;
- }
- }
- return this.securityContext;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isGenerated() {
- get();
- return this.isGenerated;
- }
- };
-override fun loadDeferredContext(request: HttpServletRequest): DeferredSecurityContext {
- return object : DeferredSecurityContext {
- private var securityContext: SecurityContext? = null
- private var isGenerated = false
- override fun get(): SecurityContext {
- if (securityContext == null) {
- securityContext = getContextOrNull(request)
- ?: SecurityContextHolder.getContextHolderStrategy().createEmptyContext()
- .also { isGenerated = true }
- }
- return securityContext!!
- }
- override fun isGenerated(): Boolean {
- get()
- return isGenerated
- }
- }
-=== Optimize Querying of `RequestCache`
-In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is to query the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#savedrequests[saved request] on every request.
-This means that in a typical setup, that in order to use the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#requestcache[`RequestCache`] the `HttpSession` is queried on every request.
-In Spring Security 6, the default is that `RequestCache` will only be queried for a cached request if the HTTP parameter `continue` is defined.
-This allows Spring Security to avoid unnecessarily reading the `HttpSession` with the `RequestCache`.
-In Spring Security 5 the default is to use `HttpSessionRequestCache` which will be queried for a cached request on every request.
-If you are not overriding the defaults (i.e. using `NullRequestCache`), then the following configuration can be used to explicitly opt into the Spring Security 6 behavior in Spring Security 5.8:
-=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Method Security
-xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc[Method Security] has been xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[simplified] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
-Should you run into trouble with making these changes, note that `@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity`, while deprecated, will not be removed in 6.0, allowing you to opt out by sticking with the old annotation.
-==== Replace xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-global-method-security[global method security] with xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[method security]
-{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableGlobalMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity`] and xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/method-security.adoc#nsa-global-method-security[``] are deprecated in favor of {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableMethodSecurity`] and xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/method-security.adoc#nsa-method-security[``], respectively.
-The new annotation and XML element activate Spring's xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[pre-post annotations] by default and use `AuthorizationManager` internally.
-This means that the following two listings are functionally equivalent:
-@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
-@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
-For applications not using the pre-post annotations, make sure to turn it off to avoid activating unwanted behavior.
-For example, a listing like:
-@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
-@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
-should change to:
-@EnableMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = false)
-@EnableMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = false)
-==== Publish a `MethodSecurityExpressionHandler` instead of a `PermissionEvaluator`
-`@EnableMethodSecurity` does not pick up a `PermissionEvaluator`.
-This helps keep its API simple.
-If you have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/PermissionEvaluator.html[`PermissionEvaluator`] `@Bean`, please change it from:
-static PermissionEvaluator permissionEvaluator() {
- // ... your evaluator
-companion object {
- @Bean
- fun permissionEvaluator(): PermissionEvaluator {
- // ... your evaluator
- }
-static MethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler() {
- var expressionHandler = new DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler();
- expressionHandler.setPermissionEvaluator(myPermissionEvaluator);
- return expressionHandler;
-companion object {
- @Bean
- fun expressionHandler(): MethodSecurityExpressionHandler {
- val expressionHandler = DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler
- expressionHandler.setPermissionEvaluator(myPermissionEvaluator)
- return expressionHandler
- }
-==== Replace any custom method-security ``AccessDecisionManager``s
-Your application may have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] or {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] arrangement.
-The preparation strategy will depend on your reason for each arrangement.
-Read on to find the best match for your situation.
-===== I use `UnanimousBased`
-If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/UnanimousBased.html[`UnanimousBased`] with the default voters, you likely need do nothing since unanimous-based is the default behavior with {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableMethodSecurity`].
-However, if you do discover that you cannot accept the default authorization managers, you can use `AuthorizationManagers.allOf` to compose your own arrangement.
-Having done that, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-===== I use `AffirmativeBased`
-If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/AffirmativeBased.html[`AffirmativeBased`], then you can construct an equivalent {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`], like so:
-AuthorizationManager authorization = AuthorizationManagers.anyOf(
- // ... your list of authorization managers
-val authorization = AuthorizationManagers.anyOf(
- // ... your list of authorization managers
-Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-===== I use `ConsensusBased`
-There is no framework-provided equivalent for {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/ConsensusBased.html[`ConsensusBased`].
-In that case, please implement a composite {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] that takes the set of delegate ``AuthorizationManager``s into account.
-Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-===== I use a custom `AccessDecisionVoter`
-You should either change the class to implement {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] or create an adapter.
-Without knowing what your custom voter is doing, it is impossible to recommend a general-purpose solution.
-By way of example, though, here is what adapting {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/SecurityMetadataSource.html[`SecurityMetadataSource`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] for `@PreAuthorize` would look like:
-public final class PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager {
- private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
- private final AccessDecisionVoter voter;
- public PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter(MethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler) {
- ExpressionBasedAnnotationAttributeFactory attributeFactory =
- new ExpressionBasedAnnotationAttributeFactory(expressionHandler);
- this.metadata = new PrePostAnnotationSecurityMetadataSource(attributeFactory);
- ExpressionBasedPreInvocationAdvice expressionAdvice = new ExpressionBasedPreInvocationAdvice();
- expressionAdvice.setExpressionHandler(expressionHandler);
- this.voter = new PreInvocationAuthorizationAdviceVoter(expressionAdvice);
- }
- public AuthorizationDecision check(Supplier authentication, MethodInvocation invocation) {
- List attributes = this.metadata.getAttributes(invocation, AopUtils.getTargetClass(invocation.getThis()));
- int decision = this.voter.vote(authentication.get(), invocation, attributes);
- if (decision == ACCESS_GRANTED) {
- return new AuthorizationDecision(true);
- }
- if (decision == ACCESS_DENIED) {
- return new AuthorizationDecision(false);
- }
- return null; // abstain
- }
-Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-===== I use a custom `AfterInvocationManager`
-{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] replaces both {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/intercept/AfterInvocationManager.html[`AfterInvocationManager`].
-The difference is that `AuthorizationManager` replaces `AccessDecisionManager` and `AuthorizationManager` replaces `AfterInvocationManager`.
-Given that, <<_i_use_a_custom_accessdecisionvoter,the same rules apply for adaptation>>, where the goal this time is to implement `AuthorizationManager` instead of `AuthorizationManager` and use `AuthorizationManagerAfterMethodInterceptor` instead of `AuthorizationManagerBeforeMethodInterceptor`.
-===== I use `RunAsManager`
-There is currently https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/11331[no replacement for `RunAsManager`] though one is being considered.
-It is quite straightforward to adapt a `RunAsManager`, though, to the `AuthorizationManager` API, if needed.
-Here is some pseudocode to get you started:
-public final class RunAsAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager {
- private final RunAsManager runAs = new RunAsManagerImpl();
- private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
- private final AuthorizationManager authorization;
- // ... constructor
- public AuthorizationDecision check(Supplier authentication, T object) {
- Supplier wrapped = (auth) -> {
- List attributes = this.metadata.getAttributes(object);
- return this.runAs.buildRunAs(auth, object, attributes);
- };
- return this.authorization.check(wrapped, object);
- }
-Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-==== Check for ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s
-`@EnableMethodSecurity` and `` activate stricter enforcement of Spring Security's non-repeatable or otherwise incompatible annotations.
-If after moving to either you see ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s in your logs, follow the instructions in the exception message to clean up your application's method security annotation usage.
-=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Message Security
-xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc[Message Security] has been xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc#websocket-configuration[improved] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
-Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the <> at the end of this section.
-==== Ensure all messages have defined authorization rules
-The now-deprecated {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/socket/AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer.html[message security support] permits all messages by default.
-xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc[The new support] has the stronger default of denying all messages.
-To prepare for this, ensure that authorization rules exist are declared for every request.
-For example, an application configuration like:
-protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
- messages
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN");
-override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
- messages
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
-should change to:
-protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
- messages
- .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyMessage().denyAll();
-override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
- messages
- .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyMessage().denyAll()
-==== Add `@EnableWebSocketSecurity`
-If you want to have CSRF disabled and you are using Java configuration, the migration steps are slightly different.
-Instead of using `@EnableWebSocketSecurity`, you will override the appropriate methods in `WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` yourself.
-Please see xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc#websocket-sameorigin-disable[the reference manual] for details about this step.
-If you are using Java Configuration, add {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/socket/EnableWebSocketSecurity.html[`@EnableWebSocketSecurity`] to your application.
-For example, you can add it to your websocket security configuration class, like so:
-public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
- // ...
-class WebSocketSecurityConfig: AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
- // ...
-This will make a prototype instance of `MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder` available to encourage configuration by composition instead of extension.
-==== Use an `AuthorizationManager>` instance
-To start using `AuthorizationManager`, you can set the `use-authorization-manager` attribute in XML or you can publish an `AuthorizationManager>` `@Bean` in Java.
-For example, the following application configuration:
-protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
- messages
- .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyMessage().denyAll();
-override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
- messages
- .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyMessage().denyAll()
-changes to:
-AuthorizationManager> messageSecurity(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
- messages
- .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyMessage().denyAll();
- return messages.build();
-fun messageSecurity(val messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager> {
- messages
- .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyMessage().denyAll()
- return messages.build()
-==== Stop Implementing `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer`
-If you are using Java configuration, you can now simply extend `WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer`.
-For example, if your class that extends `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` is called `WebSocketSecurityConfig`, then:
-public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
- // ...
-class WebSocketSecurityConfig: AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
- // ...
-changes to:
-public class WebSocketSecurityConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
- // ...
-class WebSocketSecurityConfig: WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
- // ...
-==== Opt-out Steps
-In case you had trouble, take a look at these scenarios for optimal opt out behavior:
-===== I cannot declare an authorization rule for all requests
-If you are having trouble setting an `anyRequest` authorization rule of `denyAll`, please use {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/messaging/access/intercept/MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder.Constraint.html#permitAll()[`permitAll`] instead, like so:
-AuthorizationManager> messageSecurity(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
- messages
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- // ...
- .anyMessage().permitAll();
- return messages.build();
-fun messageSecurity(val messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager> {
- messages
- .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
- .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- // ...
- .anyMessage().permitAll();
- return messages.build()
-===== I cannot get CSRF working, need some other `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` feature, or am having trouble with `AuthorizationManager`
-In the case of Java, you may continue using `AbstractMessageSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer`.
-Even though it is deprecated, it will not be removed in 6.0.
-In the case of XML, you can opt out of `AuthorizationManager` by setting `use-authorization-manager="false"`:
-=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Request Security
-xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-requests.adoc[HTTP Request Security] has been xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[simplified] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API].
-Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the <> at the end of this section.
-==== Ensure that all requests have defined authorization rules
-In Spring Security 5.8 and earlier, requests with no authorization rule are permitted by default.
-It is a stronger security position to deny by default, thus requiring that authorization rules be clearly defined for every endpoint.
-As such, in 6.0, Spring Security by default denies any request that is missing an authorization rule.
-The simplest way to prepare for this change is to introduce an appropriate {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#anyRequest()[`anyRequest`] rule as the last authorization rule.
-The recommendation is {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl.html#denyAll()[`denyAll`] since that is the implied 6.0 default.
-You may already have an `anyRequest` rule defined that you are happy with in which case this step can be skipped.
-Adding `denyAll` to the end looks like changing:
- .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeRequests {
- filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- }
- .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeRequests {
- filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-If you have already migrated to `authorizeHttpRequests`, the recommended change is the same.
-==== Switch to `AuthorizationManager`
-To opt in to using `AuthorizationManager`, you can use `authorizeHttpRequests` or xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/http.adoc#nsa-http-use-authorization-manager[`use-authorization-manager`] for Java or XML, respectively.
- .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeRequests {
- filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = false
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-==== Migrate SpEL expressions to `AuthorizationManager`
-For authorization rules, Java tends to be easier to test and maintain than SpEL.
-As such, `authorizeHttpRequests` does not have a method for declaring a `String` SpEL.
-Instead, you can implement your own `AuthorizationManager` implementation or use `WebExpressionAuthorizationManager`.
-For completeness, both options will be demonstrated.
-First, if you have the following SpEL:
- .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/complicated/**").access("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeRequests {
- filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
- authorize("/complicated/**", access("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-Then you can compose your own `AuthorizationManager` with Spring Security authorization primitives like so:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
- .mvcMatchers("/complicated/**").access(anyOf(hasRole("ADMIN"), hasAuthority("SCOPE_read"))
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = false
- authorize("/complicated/**", access(anyOf(hasRole("ADMIN"), hasAuthority("SCOPE_read"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-Or you can use `WebExpressionAuthorizationManager` in the following way:
- .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/complicated/**").access(
- new WebExpressionAuthorizationManager("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')")
- )
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeRequests {
- filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
- authorize("/complicated/**", access(
- WebExpressionAuthorizationManager("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')"))
- )
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-==== Switch to filter all dispatcher types
-Spring Security 5.8 and earlier only xref:servlet/authorization/architecture.adoc[perform authorization] once per request.
-This means that dispatcher types like `FORWARD` and `INCLUDE` that run after `REQUEST` are not secured by default.
-It's recommended that Spring Security secure all dispatch types.
-As such, in 6.0, Spring Security changes this default.
-So, finally, change your authorization rules to filter all dispatcher types.
-To do this, you should change:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = false
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = true
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-And, the `FilterChainProxy` should be registered for all dispatcher types as well.
-If you are using Spring Boot, https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/application-properties.html#application-properties.security.spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types[you have to change the `spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types` property] to include all dispatcher types:
-If you are xref::servlet/configuration/java.adoc#_abstractsecuritywebapplicationinitializer[using the `AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer`] you should override the `getSecurityDispatcherTypes` method and return all dispatcher types:
-import org.springframework.security.web.context.*;
-public class SecurityWebApplicationInitializer extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer {
- @Override
- protected EnumSet getSecurityDispatcherTypes() {
- return EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.ERROR, DispatcherType.FORWARD,
- DispatcherType.FORWARD, DispatcherType.INCLUDE);
- }
-===== Permit `FORWARD` when using Spring MVC
-If you are using {spring-framework-reference-url}/web.html#mvc-viewresolver[Spring MVC to resolve view names], you will need to permit `FORWARD` requests.
-This is because when Spring MVC detects a mapping between view name and the actual views, it will perform a forward to the view.
-As we saw on the <>, Spring Security 6.0 will apply authorization to `FORWARD` requests by default.
-Consider the following common configuration:
-public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
- .requestMatchers("/").authenticated()
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- .formLogin((form) -> form
- .loginPage("/login")
- .permitAll()
- ));
- return http.build();
-and one of the following equivalents MVC view mapping configurations:
-public class MyController {
- @GetMapping("/login")
- public String login() {
- return "login";
- }
-public class MyWebMvcConfigurer implements WebMvcConfigurer {
- @Override
- public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
- registry.addViewController("/login").setViewName("login");
- }
-With either configuration, when there is a request to `/login`, Spring MVC will perform a *forward* to the view `login`, which, with the default configuration, is under `src/main/resources/templates/login.html` path.
-The security configuration permits requests to `/login` but every other request will be denied, including the `FORWARD` request to the view under `/templates/login.html`.
-To fix this, you should configure Spring Security to permit `FORWARD` requests:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
- .dispatcherTypeMatchers(DispatcherType.FORWARD).permitAll()
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = true
- authorize(DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher(DispatcherType.FORWARD), permitAll)
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-==== Replace any custom filter-security ``AccessDecisionManager``s
-Your application may have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] or {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] arrangement.
-The preparation strategy will depend on your reason for each arrangement.
-Read on to find the best match for your situation.
-===== I use `UnanimousBased`
-If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/UnanimousBased.html[`UnanimousBased`], you should first adapt or replace any ``AccessDecisionVoter``s and then you can construct an `AuthorizationManager` like so:
-AuthorizationManager requestAuthorization() {
- PolicyAuthorizationManager policy = ...;
- LocalAuthorizationManager local = ...;
- return AuthorizationMangers.allOf(policy, local);
-fun requestAuthorization(): AuthorizationManager {
- val policy: PolicyAuthorizationManager = ...
- val local: LocalAuthorizationManager = ...
- return AuthorizationMangers.allOf(policy, local)
-then, wire it into the DSL like so:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize.anyRequest().access(requestAuthorization))
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- authorize(anyRequest, requestAuthorization)
- }
- // ...
-`authorizeHttpRequests` is designed so that you can apply a custom `AuthorizationManager` to any url pattern.
-See xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[the reference] for more details.
-===== I use `AffirmativeBased`
-If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/AffirmativeBased.html[`AffirmativeBased`], then you can construct an equivalent {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`], like so:
-AuthorizationManager requestAuthorization() {
- PolicyAuthorizationManager policy = ...;
- LocalAuthorizationManager local = ...;
- return AuthorizationMangers.anyOf(policy, local);
-fun requestAuthorization(): AuthorizationManager {
- val policy: PolicyAuthorizationManager = ...
- val local: LocalAuthorizationManager = ...
- return AuthorizationMangers.anyOf(policy, local)
-then, wire it into the DSL like so:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize.anyRequest().access(requestAuthorization))
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- authorize(anyRequest, requestAuthorization)
- }
- // ...
-`authorizeHttpRequests` is designed so that you can apply a custom `AuthorizationManager` to any url pattern.
-See xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[the reference] for more details.
-===== I use `ConsensusBased`
-There is no framework-provided equivalent for {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/ConsensusBased.html[`ConsensusBased`].
-In that case, please implement a composite {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] that takes the set of delegate ``AuthorizationManager``s into account.
-Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-===== I use a custom `AccessDecisionVoter`
-You should either change the class to implement {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] or create an adapter.
-Without knowing what your custom voter is doing, it is impossible to recommend a general-purpose solution.
-By way of example, though, here is what adapting {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/SecurityMetadataSource.html[`SecurityMetadataSource`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] for `anyRequest().authenticated()` would look like:
-public final class AnyRequestAuthenticatedAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager {
- private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
- private final AccessDecisionVoter voter;
- public PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter(SecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler) {
- Map> requestMap = Collections.singletonMap(
- AnyRequestMatcher.INSTANCE, Collections.singletonList(new SecurityConfig("authenticated")));
- this.metadata = new DefaultFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource(requestMap);
- WebExpressionVoter voter = new WebExpressionVoter();
- voter.setExpressionHandler(expressionHandler);
- this.voter = voter;
- }
- public AuthorizationDecision check(Supplier authentication, RequestAuthorizationContext context) {
- List attributes = this.metadata.getAttributes(context);
- int decision = this.voter.vote(authentication.get(), invocation, attributes);
- if (decision == ACCESS_GRANTED) {
- return new AuthorizationDecision(true);
- }
- if (decision == ACCESS_DENIED) {
- return new AuthorizationDecision(false);
- }
- return null; // abstain
- }
-Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
-==== Opt-out Steps
-In case you had trouble, take a look at these scenarios for optimal opt out behavior:
-===== I cannot secure all dispatcher types
-If you cannot secure all dispatcher types, first try and declare which dispatcher types should not require authorization like so:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
- .dispatcherTypeMatchers(FORWARD, INCLUDE).permitAll()
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().denyAll()
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = true
- authorize(DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher(FORWARD, INCLUDE), permitAll)
- authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
- }
-Or, if that doesn't work, then you can explicitly opt out of the behavior by setting `filter-all-dispatcher-types` and `filterAllDispatcherTypes` to `false`:
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- filterAllDispatcherTypes = false
- authorize("/messages/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- }
-or, if you are still using `authorizeRequests` or `use-authorization-manager="false"`, set `oncePerRequest` to `true`:
- .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
- .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- )
- // ...
-http {
- authorizeRequests {
- filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
- authorize("/messages/**", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- }
-===== I cannot declare an authorization rule for all requests
-If you are having trouble setting an `anyRequest` authorization rule of `denyAll`, please use {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl.html#permitAll()[`permitAll`] instead, like so:
- .authorizeHttpReqeusts((authorize) -> authorize
- .mvcMatchers("/app/*").hasRole("APP")
- // ...
- .anyRequest().permitAll()
- )
-http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- authorize("/app*", hasRole("APP"))
- // ...
- authorize(anyRequest, permitAll)
- }
-===== I cannot migrate my SpEL or my `AccessDecisionManager`
-If you are having trouble with SpEL, `AccessDecisionManager`, or there is some other feature that you are needing to keep using in `` or `authorizeRequests`, try the following.
-First, if you still need `authorizeRequests`, you are welcome to keep using it. Even though it is deprecated, it is not removed in 6.0.
-Second, if you still need your custom `access-decision-manager-ref` or have some other reason to opt out of `AuthorizationManager`, do:
-=== Propagate ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
-{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/AuthenticationFilter.html[`AuthenticationFilter`] propagates {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationServiceException.html[``AuthenticationServiceException``]s to the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`AuthenticationEntryPoint`].
-Because ``AuthenticationServiceException``s represent a server-side error instead of a client-side error, in 6.0, this changes to propagate them to the container.
-==== Configure `AuthenticationFailureHandler` to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
-To prepare for the 6.0 default, wire `AuthenticationFilter` instances with a `AuthenticationFailureHandler` that rethrows ``AuthenticationServiceException``s, like so:
-AuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...);
-AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler handler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...);
-val authenticationFilter: AuthenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...)
-val handler: AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...)
-==== Opt-out Steps
-If rethrowing ``AuthenticationServiceException``s gives you trouble, you can set the value to false instead of taking the 6.0 default, like so:
-AuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...);
-AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler handler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...);
-val authenticationFilter: AuthenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...)
-val handler: AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...)
-=== Use SHA-256 in Remember Me
-The `TokenBasedRememberMeServices` implementation now supports SHA-256 for the Remember Me token and this is the default in Spring Security 6.
-This change makes the implementation more secure by default since MD5 is already proven to be a weak hashing algorithm and vulnerable against collision attacks and modular differential attacks.
-The new generated tokens now have the information of which algorithm was used to generate the token and that information is used in order to match it.
-If the algorithm name is not present, then the `matchingAlgorithm` property is used to check the token.
-This allows for a smooth transition from MD5 to SHA-256.
-To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default to encode the tokens while still being able to decode tokens encoded with MD5, you can set the `encodingAlgorithm` property to SHA-256 and the `matchingAlgorithm` property to MD5.
-See the xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc#_tokenbasedremembermeservices[reference documentation] and the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/rememberme/TokenBasedRememberMeServices.html[API docs] for more information.
-.Use Spring Security 6 defaults for encoding, SHA-256 for encoding and MD5 for matching
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, RememberMeServices rememberMeServices) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .rememberMe((remember) -> remember
- .rememberMeServices(rememberMeServices)
- );
- return http.build();
- }
- @Bean
- RememberMeServices rememberMeServices(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
- RememberMeTokenAlgorithm encodingAlgorithm = RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.SHA256;
- TokenBasedRememberMeServices rememberMe = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(myKey, userDetailsService, encodingAlgorithm);
- rememberMe.setMatchingAlgorithm(RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.MD5);
- return rememberMe;
- }
-At some point, you will want to fully migrate to Spring Security 6 defaults. But how do you know when it is safe to do so?
-Let's suppose that you deployed your application using SHA-256 as the encoding algorithm (as you have done <>) on November 1st, if you have the value for the `tokenValiditySeconds` property set to N days (14 is the default), you can migrate to SHA-256 N days after November 1st (which is November 15th in this example).
-By that time, all the tokens generated with MD5 will have expired.
-.Use Spring Security 6 defaults, SHA-256 for both encoding and matching
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, RememberMeServices rememberMeServices) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .rememberMe((remember) -> remember
- .rememberMeServices(rememberMeServices)
- );
- return http.build();
- }
- @Bean
- RememberMeServices rememberMeServices(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
- RememberMeTokenAlgorithm encodingAlgorithm = RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.SHA256;
- TokenBasedRememberMeServices rememberMe = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(myKey, userDetailsService, encodingAlgorithm);
- rememberMe.setMatchingAlgorithm(RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.SHA256);
- return rememberMe;
- }
-If you are having problems with the Spring Security 6 defaults, you can explicitly opt into 5.8 defaults using the following configuration:
-.Use MD5 for both encoding and matching algorithms
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, RememberMeServices rememberMeServices) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .rememberMe((remember) -> remember
- .rememberMeServices(rememberMeServices)
- );
- return http.build();
- }
- @Bean
- RememberMeServices rememberMeServices(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
- RememberMeTokenAlgorithm encodingAlgorithm = RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.MD5;
- TokenBasedRememberMeServices rememberMe = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(myKey, userDetailsService, encodingAlgorithm);
- rememberMe.setMatchingAlgorithm(RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.MD5);
- return rememberMe;
- }
-=== Stop Using SAML 2.0 `Converter` constructors
-In an early release of Spring Security's SAML 2.0 support, `Saml2MetadataFilter` and `Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter` shipped with constructors of type `Converter`.
-This level of abstraction made it tricky to evolve the class and so a dedicated interface `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` was introduced in a later release.
-In 6.0, the `Converter` constructors are removed.
-To prepare for this in 5.8, change classes that implement `Converter` to instead implement `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`.
-=== Change to Using `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver`
-`Saml2AuthenticationContextResolver` and `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory` are removed in 6.0 as is the `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` that requires them.
-They are replaced by `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver` and a new constructor in `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter`.
-The new interface removes an unnecessary transport object between the two classes.
-Most applications need do nothing; however, if you use or configure `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver` or `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory`, try the following steps to convert instead use `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver`.
-==== Use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` instead of `setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter`
-If you are calling `OpenSaml4AuthenticationReqeustFactory#setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter`, for example, like so:
-Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory() {
- OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory factory = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory();
- factory.setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter((context) -> {
- AuthnRequestBuilder authnRequestBuilder = ConfigurationService.get(XMLObjectProviderRegistry.class)
- .getBuilderFactory().getBuilder(AuthnRequest.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
- IssuerBuilder issuerBuilder = ConfigurationService.get(XMLObjectProviderRegistry.class)
- .getBuilderFactory().getBuilder(Issuer.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
- tring issuer = context.getIssuer();
- String destination = context.getDestination();
- String assertionConsumerServiceUrl = context.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrl();
- String protocolBinding = context.getRelyingPartyRegistration().getAssertionConsumerServiceBinding().getUrn();
- AuthnRequest auth = authnRequestBuilder.buildObject();
- auth.setID("ARQ" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(1));
- auth.setIssueInstant(Instant.now());
- auth.setForceAuthn(Boolean.TRUE);
- auth.setIsPassive(Boolean.FALSE);
- auth.setProtocolBinding(SAMLConstants.SAML2_POST_BINDING_URI);
- Issuer iss = issuerBuilder.buildObject();
- iss.setValue(issuer);
- auth.setIssuer(iss);
- auth.setDestination(destination);
- auth.setAssertionConsumerServiceURL(assertionConsumerServiceUrl);
- });
- return factory;
-to ensure that ForceAuthn is set to `true`, you can instead do:
-Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver authenticationRequestResolver(RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver registrations) {
- OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver reaolver = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver(registrations);
- resolver.setAuthnRequestCustomizer((context) -> context.getAuthnRequest().setForceAuthn(Boolean.TRUE));
- return resolver;
-Also, since `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` has direct access to the `HttpServletRequest`, there is no need for a `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver`.
-Simply use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` to read directly from `HttpServletRequest` this information you need.
-==== Use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` instead of `setProtocolBinding`
-Instead of doing:
-Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory() {
- OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory factory = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory();
- factory.setProtocolBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST")
- return factory;
-you can do:
-Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver authenticationRequestResolver() {
- OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver reaolver = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver(registrations);
- resolver.setAuthnRequestCustomizer((context) -> context.getAuthnRequest()
- .setProtocolBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"));
- return resolver;
-Since Spring Security only supports the `POST` binding for authentication, there is not very much value in overriding the protocol binding at this point in time.
-=== Use the latest `Saml2AuthenticationToken` constructor
-In an early release, `Saml2AuthenticationToken` took several individual settings as constructor parameters.
-This created a challenge each time a new parameter needed to be added.
-Since most of these settings were part of `RelyingPartyRegistration`, a new constructor was added where a `RelyingPartyRegistration` could be provided, making the constructor more stable.
-It also is valuable in that it more closely aligns with the design of `OAuth2LoginAuthenticationToken`.
-Most applications do not construct this class directly since `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter` does.
-However, in the event that your application constructs one, please change from:
-new Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration.getSingleSignOnServiceLocation(),
- registration.getAssertingParty().getEntityId(), registration.getEntityId(), registration.getCredentials())
-Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration.getSingleSignOnServiceLocation(),
- registration.getAssertingParty().getEntityId(), registration.getEntityId(), registration.getCredentials())
-new Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration)
-Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration)
-=== Use `RelyingPartyRegistration` updated methods
-In an early release of Spring Security's SAML support, there was some ambiguity on the meaning of certain `RelyingPartyRegistration` methods and their function.
-As more capabilities were added to `RelyingPartyRegistration`, it became necessary to clarify this ambiguity by changing method names to ones that aligned with spec language.
-The deprecated methods in `RelyingPartyRegstration` are removed.
-To prepare for that, consider the following representative usage of `RelyingPartyRegistration`:
-String idpEntityId = registration.getRemoteIdpEntityId();
-String assertionConsumerServiceUrl = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrlTemplate();
-String idpWebSsoUrl = registration.getIdpWebSsoUrl();
-String localEntityId = registration.getLocalEntityIdTemplate();
-List verifying = registration.getCredentials().stream()
- .filter(Saml2X509Credential::isSignatureVerficationCredential)
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
-val idpEntityId: String = registration.getRemoteIdpEntityId()
-val assertionConsumerServiceUrl: String = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrlTemplate()
-val idpWebSsoUrl: String = registration.getIdpWebSsoUrl()
-val localEntityId: String = registration.getLocalEntityIdTemplate()
-val verifying: List = registration.getCredentials()
- .filter(Saml2X509Credential::isSignatureVerficationCredential)
-This should change to:
-String assertingPartyEntityId = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId();
-String assertionConsumerServiceLocation = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation();
-String singleSignOnServiceLocation = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getSingleSignOnServiceLocation();
-String entityId = registration.getEntityId();
-List verifying = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getVerificationX509Credentials();
-val assertingPartyEntityId: String = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId()
-val assertionConsumerServiceLocation: String = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation()
-val singleSignOnServiceLocation: String = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getSingleSignOnServiceLocation()
-val entityId: String = registration.getEntityId()
-val verifying: List = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getVerificationX509Credentials()
-For a complete listing of all changed methods, please see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/saml2/provider/service/registration/RelyingPartyRegistration.html[``RelyingPartyRegistration``'s JavaDoc].
-=== Use OpenSAML 4
-OpenSAML 3 has reached its end-of-life.
-As such, Spring Security 6 drops support for it, bumping up its OpenSAML baseline to 4.
-To prepare for the upgrade, update your pom to depend on OpenSAML 4 instead of 3:
- org.opensaml
- opensaml-core
- 4.2.1
- org.opensaml
- opensaml-saml-api
- 4.2.1
- org.opensaml
- opensaml-saml-impl
- 4.2.1
-dependencies {
- constraints {
- api "org.opensaml:opensaml-core:4.2.1"
- api "org.opensaml:opensaml-saml-api:4.2.1"
- api "org.opensaml:opensaml-saml-impl:4.2.1"
- }
-You must use at least OpenSAML 4.1.1 to update to Spring Security 6's SAML support.
-=== Use `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`
-In order to support both OpenSAML 3 and 4 at the same time, Spring Security released `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider` and `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`.
-In 6.0, because OpenSAML3 support is removed, `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider` is removed as well.
-Not all methods in `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider` were ported 1-to-1 to `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`.
-As such, some adjustment will be required to make the challenge.
-Consider the following representative usage of `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider`:
-OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider versionThree = new OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider();
-val versionThree: OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider = OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider()
-This should change to:
-Converter delegate = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
- .createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter();
-OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider versionFour = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
-versionFour.setResponseAuthenticationConverter((responseToken) -> {
- Saml2Authentication authentication = delegate.convert(responseToken);
- Assertion assertion = responseToken.getResponse().getAssertions().get(0);
- AuthenticatedPrincipal principal = (AuthenticatedPrincipal) authentication.getPrincipal();
- Collection authorities = myAuthoritiesExtractor.convert(assertion);
- return new Saml2Authentication(principal, authentication.getSaml2Response(), authorities);
-Converter validator = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
- .createDefaultAssertionValidatorWithParameters((p) -> p.put(CLOCK_SKEW, myDuration));
-val delegate = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter()
-val versionFour = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
- responseToken -> {
- val authentication = delegate.convert(responseToken)
- val assertion = responseToken.getResponse().getAssertions().get(0)
- val principal = (AuthenticatedPrincipal) authentication.getPrincipal()
- val authorities = myAuthoritiesExtractor.convert(assertion)
- return Saml2Authentication(principal, authentication.getSaml2Response(), authorities)
- }
-val validator = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
- .createDefaultAssertionValidatorWithParameters({ p -> p.put(CLOCK_SKEW, myDuration) })
-=== Use the new `requestMatchers` methods
-In Spring Security 5.8, the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#antMatchers(java.lang.String...)[`antMatchers`], {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#mvcMatchers(java.lang.String...)[`mvcMatchers`], and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#regexMatchers(java.lang.String...)[`regexMatchers`] methods were deprecated in favor of new xref::servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#_request_matchers[`requestMatchers` methods].
-The new `requestMatchers` methods were added xref::servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[to `authorizeHttpRequests`], `authorizeRequests`, CSRF configuration, `WebSecurityCustomizer` and any other places that had the specialized `RequestMatcher` methods.
-The deprecated methods are removed in Spring Security 6.
-These new methods have more secure defaults since they choose the most appropriate `RequestMatcher` implementation for your application.
-In summary, the new methods choose the `MvcRequestMatcher` implementation if your application has Spring MVC in the classpath, falling back to the `AntPathRequestMatcher` implementation if Spring MVC is not present (aligning the behavior with the Kotlin equivalent methods).
-To start using the new methods, you can replace the deprecated methods with the new ones. For example, the following application configuration:
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .antMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .antMatchers("/api/user/**").hasRole("USER")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-can be changed to:
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .requestMatchers("/api/user/**").hasRole("USER")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-If you have Spring MVC in the classpath and are using the `mvcMatchers` methods, you can replace it with the new methods and Spring Security will choose the `MvcRequestMatcher` implementation for you.
-The following configuration:
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .mvcMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-is equivalent to:
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-If you are customizing the `servletPath` property of the `MvcRequestMatcher`, you can now use the `MvcRequestMatcher.Builder` to create `MvcRequestMatcher` instances that share the same servlet path:
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .mvcMatchers("/admin").servletPath("/path").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .mvcMatchers("/user").servletPath("/path").hasRole("USER")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-The code above can be rewritten using the `MvcRequestMatcher.Builder` and the `requestMatchers` method:
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, HandlerMappingIntrospector introspector) throws Exception {
- MvcRequestMatcher.Builder mvcMatcherBuilder = new MvcRequestMatcher.Builder(introspector).servletPath("/path");
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers(mvcMatcherBuilder.pattern("/admin")).hasRole("ADMIN")
- .requestMatchers(mvcMatcherBuilder.pattern("/user")).hasRole("USER")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-If you are having problem with the new `requestMatchers` methods, you can always switch back to the `RequestMatcher` implementation that you were using.
-For example, if you still want to use `AntPathRequestMatcher` and `RegexRequestMatcher` implementations, you can use the `requestMatchers` method that accepts a `RequestMatcher` instance:
-import static org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher.antMatcher;
-import static org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.RegexRequestMatcher.regexMatcher;
-public class SecurityConfig {
- @Bean
- SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers(antMatcher("/user/**")).hasRole("USER")
- .requestMatchers(antMatcher(HttpMethod.POST, "/user/**")).hasRole("ADMIN")
- .requestMatchers(regexMatcher(".*\\?x=y")).hasRole("SPECIAL") // matches /any/path?x=y
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
- }
-Note that the above sample uses static factory methods from {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/util/matcher/AntPathRequestMatcher.html[`AntPathRequestMatcher`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/util/matcher/RegexRequestMatcher.html[`RegexRequestMatcher`] to improve readability.
-If you are using the `WebSecurityCustomizer` interface, you can replace the deprecated `antMatchers` methods:
-public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
- return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
-with their `requestMatchers` counterparts:
-public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
- return (web) -> web.ignoring().requestMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
-The same way, if you are customizing the CSRF configuration to ignore some paths, you can replace the deprecated methods with the `requestMatchers` methods:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
- .ignoringAntMatchers("/no-csrf")
- );
- return http.build();
-can be changed to:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
- .ignoringRequestMatchers("/no-csrf")
- );
- return http.build();
-=== Use the new `securityMatchers` methods
-In Spring Security 5.8, the `antMatchers`, `mvcMatchers` and `requestMatchers` methods from `HttpSecurity` were deprecated in favor of new `securityMatchers` methods.
-Note that these methods are not the same from `authorizeHttpRequests` methods <> in favor of the `requestMatchers` methods.
-However, the `securityMatchers` methods are similar to the `requestMatchers` methods in the sense that they will choose the most appropriate `RequestMatcher` implementation for your application.
-In summary, the new methods choose the `MvcRequestMatcher` implementation if your application has Spring MVC in the classpath, falling back to the `AntPathRequestMatcher` implementation if Spring MVC is not present (aligning the behavior with the Kotlin equivalent methods).
-Another reason for adding the `securityMatchers` methods is to avoid confusion with the `requestMatchers` methods from `authorizeHttpRequests`.
-The following configuration:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .antMatcher("/api/**", "/app/**")
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-can be rewritten using the `securityMatchers` methods:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .securityMatcher("/api/**", "/app/**")
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-If you are using a custom `RequestMatcher` in your `HttpSecurity` configuration:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .requestMatcher(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-public class MyCustomRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher {
- // ...
-you can do the same using `securityMatcher`:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .securityMatcher(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-public class MyCustomRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher {
- // ...
-If you are combining multiple `RequestMatcher` implementations in your `HttpSecurity` configuration:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .requestMatchers((matchers) -> matchers
- .antMatchers("/api/**", "/app/**")
- .mvcMatchers("/admin/**")
- .requestMatchers(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
- )
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-you can change it by using `securityMatchers`:
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .securityMatchers((matchers) -> matchers
- .requestMatchers("/api/**", "/app/**", "/admin/**")
- .requestMatchers(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
- )
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-If you are having problems with the `securityMatchers` methods choosing the `RequestMatcher` implementation for you, you can always choose the `RequestMatcher` implementation yourself:
-import static org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher.antMatcher;
-public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .securityMatcher(antMatcher("/api/**"), antMatcher("/app/**"))
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
- .requestMatchers(antMatcher("/api/admin/**")).hasRole("ADMIN")
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- );
- return http.build();
-=== Stop using `Encryptors.queryableText`
-`Encryptors.queryableText(CharSequence,CharSequence)` is unsafe since https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2020-5408[the same input data will produce the same output].
-It was deprecated and will be removed in 6.0; Spring Security no longer supports encrypting data in this way.
-To upgrade, you will either need to re-encrypt with a supported mechanism or store it decrypted.
-Consider the following pseudocode for reading each encrypted entry from a table, decrypting it, and then re-encrypting it using a supported mechanism:
-TextEncryptor deprecated = Encryptors.queryableText(password, salt);
-BytesEncryptor aes = new AesBytesEncryptor(password, salt, KeyGenerators.secureRandom(12), CipherAlgorithm.GCM);
-TextEncryptor supported = new HexEncodingTextEncryptor(aes);
-for (MyEntry entry : entries) {
- String value = deprecated.decrypt(entry.getEncryptedValue()); <1>
- entry.setEncryptedValue(supported.encrypt(value)); <2>
- entryService.save(entry)
-<1> - The above uses the deprecated `queryableText` to convert the value to plaintext.
-<2> - Then, the value is re-encrypted with a supported Spring Security mechanism.
-Please see the reference manual for more information on what xref:features/integrations/cryptography.adoc[encryption mechanisms Spring Security supports].
-=== Default authorities for oauth2Login()
-In Spring Security 5, the default `GrantedAuthority` given to a user that authenticates with an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect 1.0 provider (via `oauth2Login()`) is `ROLE_USER`.
-See xref:servlet/oauth2/login/advanced.adoc#oauth2login-advanced-map-authorities[Mapping User Authorities] for more information.
-In Spring Security 6, the default authority given to a user authenticating with an OAuth2 provider is `OAUTH2_USER`.
-The default authority given to a user authenticating with an OpenID Connect 1.0 provider is `OIDC_USER`.
-These defaults allow clearer distinction of users that have authenticated with an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect 1.0 provider.
-If you are using authorization rules or expressions such as `hasRole("USER")` or `hasAuthority("ROLE_USER")` to authorize users with this specific authority, the new defaults in Spring Security 6 will impact your application.
-To opt into the new Spring Security 6 defaults, the following configuration can be used.
-.Configure oauth2Login() with 6.0 defaults
-public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .oauth2Login((oauth2Login) -> oauth2Login
- .userInfoEndpoint((userInfo) -> userInfo
- .userAuthoritiesMapper(grantedAuthoritiesMapper())
- )
- );
- return http.build();
-private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper grantedAuthoritiesMapper() {
- return (authorities) -> {
- Set mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
- authorities.forEach((authority) -> {
- GrantedAuthority mappedAuthority;
- if (authority instanceof OidcUserAuthority) {
- OidcUserAuthority userAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
- mappedAuthority = new OidcUserAuthority(
- "OIDC_USER", userAuthority.getIdToken(), userAuthority.getUserInfo());
- } else if (authority instanceof OAuth2UserAuthority) {
- OAuth2UserAuthority userAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
- mappedAuthority = new OAuth2UserAuthority(
- "OAUTH2_USER", userAuthority.getAttributes());
- } else {
- mappedAuthority = authority;
- }
- mappedAuthorities.add(mappedAuthority);
- });
- return mappedAuthorities;
- };
-fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- http {
- // ...
- oauth2Login {
- userInfoEndpoint {
- userAuthoritiesMapper = grantedAuthoritiesMapper()
- }
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-private fun grantedAuthoritiesMapper(): GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
- return GrantedAuthoritiesMapper { authorities ->
- authorities.map { authority ->
- when (authority) {
- is OidcUserAuthority ->
- OidcUserAuthority("OIDC_USER", authority.idToken, authority.userInfo)
- is OAuth2UserAuthority ->
- OAuth2UserAuthority("OAUTH2_USER", authority.attributes)
- else -> authority
- }
- }
- }
-==== Opt-out Steps
-If configuring the new authorities gives you trouble, you can opt out and explicitly use the 5.8 authority of `ROLE_USER` with the following configuration.
-.Configure oauth2Login() with 5.8 defaults
-public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- // ...
- .oauth2Login((oauth2Login) -> oauth2Login
- .userInfoEndpoint((userInfo) -> userInfo
- .userAuthoritiesMapper(grantedAuthoritiesMapper())
- )
- );
- return http.build();
-private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper grantedAuthoritiesMapper() {
- return (authorities) -> {
- Set mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
- authorities.forEach((authority) -> {
- GrantedAuthority mappedAuthority;
- if (authority instanceof OidcUserAuthority) {
- OidcUserAuthority userAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
- mappedAuthority = new OidcUserAuthority(
- "ROLE_USER", userAuthority.getIdToken(), userAuthority.getUserInfo());
- } else if (authority instanceof OAuth2UserAuthority) {
- OAuth2UserAuthority userAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
- mappedAuthority = new OAuth2UserAuthority(
- "ROLE_USER", userAuthority.getAttributes());
- } else {
- mappedAuthority = authority;
- }
- mappedAuthorities.add(mappedAuthority);
- });
- return mappedAuthorities;
- };
-fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- http {
- // ...
- oauth2Login {
- userInfoEndpoint {
- userAuthoritiesMapper = grantedAuthoritiesMapper()
- }
- }
- }
- return http.build()
-private fun grantedAuthoritiesMapper(): GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
- return GrantedAuthoritiesMapper { authorities ->
- authorities.map { authority ->
- when (authority) {
- is OidcUserAuthority ->
- OidcUserAuthority("ROLE_USER", authority.idToken, authority.userInfo)
- is OAuth2UserAuthority ->
- OAuth2UserAuthority("ROLE_USER", authority.attributes)
- else -> authority
- }
- }
- }
-=== Stop Using `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`
-==== Publish a `SecurityFilterChain` Bean
-Spring Security 5.4 introduced the capability to publish a `SecurityFilterChain` bean instead of extending `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.
-In 6.0, `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` is removed.
-To prepare for this change, you can replace constructs like:
-public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
- @Override
- protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- )
- .httpBasic(withDefaults());
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
- @Override
- override fun configure(val http: HttpSecurity) {
- http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
- }
- httpBasic {}
- }
- }
-public class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
- http
- .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
- .anyRequest().authenticated()
- )
- .httpBasic(withDefaults());
- return http.build();
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
- http {
- authorizeHttpRequests {
- authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
- }
- httpBasic {}
- }
- return http.build()
- }
-==== Publish an `AuthenticationManager` Bean
-As part of `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapeter` removal, `configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder)` is also removed.
-Preparing for its removal will differ based on your reason for using it.
-===== LDAP Authentication
-If you are using `auth.ldapAuthentication()` for xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/ldap.adoc[LDAP authentication support], you can replace:
-public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
- @Override
- protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
- auth
- .ldapAuthentication()
- .userDetailsContextMapper(new PersonContextMapper())
- .userDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people")
- .contextSource()
- .port(0);
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
- override fun configure(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
- auth
- .ldapAuthentication()
- .userDetailsContextMapper(PersonContextMapper())
- .userDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people")
- .contextSource()
- .port(0)
- }
-public class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- public EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean contextSourceFactoryBean() {
- EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean contextSourceFactoryBean =
- EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean.fromEmbeddedLdapServer();
- contextSourceFactoryBean.setPort(0);
- return contextSourceFactoryBean;
- }
- @Bean
- AuthenticationManager ldapAuthenticationManager(BaseLdapPathContextSource contextSource) {
- LdapBindAuthenticationManagerFactory factory =
- new LdapBindAuthenticationManagerFactory(contextSource);
- factory.setUserDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people");
- factory.setUserDetailsContextMapper(new PersonContextMapper());
- return factory.createAuthenticationManager();
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- fun contextSourceFactoryBean(): EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean {
- val contextSourceFactoryBean: EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean =
- EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean.fromEmbeddedLdapServer()
- contextSourceFactoryBean.setPort(0)
- return contextSourceFactoryBean
- }
- @Bean
- fun ldapAuthenticationManager(val contextSource: BaseLdapPathContextSource): AuthenticationManager {
- val factory = LdapBindAuthenticationManagerFactory(contextSource)
- factory.setUserDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people")
- factory.setUserDetailsContextMapper(PersonContextMapper())
- return factory.createAuthenticationManager()
- }
-===== JDBC Authentication
-If you are using `auth.jdbcAuthentication()` for xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/jdbc.adoc[JDBC Authentication support], you can replace:
-public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
- @Bean
- public DataSource dataSource() {
- return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
- .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
- .build();
- }
- @Override
- protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
- UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build();
- auth.jdbcAuthentication()
- .withDefaultSchema()
- .dataSource(this.dataSource)
- .withUser(user);
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
- @Bean
- fun dataSource(): DataSource {
- return EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
- .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
- .build()
- }
- override fun configure(val auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
- UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build()
- auth.jdbcAuthentication()
- .withDefaultSchema()
- .dataSource(this.dataSource)
- .withUser(user)
- }
-public class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- public DataSource dataSource() {
- return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
- .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
- .build();
- }
- @Bean
- public UserDetailsManager users(DataSource dataSource) {
- UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build();
- JdbcUserDetailsManager users = new JdbcUserDetailsManager(dataSource);
- users.createUser(user);
- return users;
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- fun dataSource(): DataSource {
- return EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
- .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
- .build()
- }
- @Bean
- fun users(val dataSource: DataSource): UserDetailsManager {
- val user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build()
- val users = JdbcUserDetailsManager(dataSource)
- users.createUser(user)
- return users
- }
-===== In-Memory Authentication
-If you are using `auth.inMemoryAuthentication()` for xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/in-memory.adoc[In-Memory Authentication support], you can replace:
-public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
- @Override
- protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
- UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build();
- auth.inMemoryAuthentication()
- .withUser(user);
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
- override fun configure(val auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
- val user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build()
- auth.inMemoryAuthentication()
- .withUser(user)
- }
-public class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- public InMemoryUserDetailsManager userDetailsService() {
- UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build();
- return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user);
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- fun userDetailsService(): InMemoryUserDetailsManager {
- UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
- .username("user")
- .password("password")
- .roles("USER")
- .build()
- return InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user)
- }
-===== Other Scenarios
-If you are using `AuthenticationManagerBuilder` for something more sophisticated, you can xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-authenticationmanager[publish your own `AuthenticationManager` `@Bean`] or wire an `AuthenticationManager` instance into the `HttpSecurity` DSL with {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/builders/HttpSecurity.html#authenticationManager(org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationManager)[`HttpSecurity#authenticationManager`].
-==== Publish a `WebSecurityCustomizer` Bean
-Spring Security 5.4 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/8978[introduced `WebSecurityCustomizer`] to replace `configure(WebSecurity web)` in `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.
-To prepare for its removal, you can replace code like the following:
-public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
- @Override
- public void configure(WebSecurity web) {
- web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
- override fun configure(val web: WebSecurity) {
- web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2")
- }
-public class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
- return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
- }
-open class SecurityConfiguration {
- @Bean
- fun webSecurityCustomizer(): WebSecurityCustomizer {
- return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2")
- }
-=== Update Password Encoding
-In 6.0, password encoding minimums are updated for PBKDF2, SCrypt, and Argon2.
-If you are using the default password encoder, then there are no preparation steps to follow and this section can be skipped.
-==== Update `Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder`
-If you are xref:features/authentication/password-storage.adoc#authentication-password-storage-pbkdf2[using `Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder`], the constructors are replaced with static factories that refer to the Spring Security version that the given settings apply to.
-===== Replace Deprecated Constructor Usage
-If you use the default constructor, you should begin by changing:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- return new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder();
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- return Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder()
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- return Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_5();
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- return Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_5()
-Or, if you have custom settings, change to the constructor that specifies all settings, like so:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- PasswordEncoder current = new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 320000);
- return current;
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- val current: PasswordEncoder = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 320000)
- return current
-Change them to use the fully-specified constructor, like the following:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- PasswordEncoder current = new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 16, 185000, 256);
- return current;
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- val current: PasswordEncoder = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 16, 185000, 256)
- return current
-===== Use `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`
-Once you are not using the deprecated constructor, the next step is to prepare your code to upgrade to the latest standards by using `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`.
-The following code configures the delegating encoder to detect passwords that are using `current` and replace them with the latest:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- String prefix = "pbkdf2@5.8";
- PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
- PasswordEncoder upgraded = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();
- DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded));
- delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current);
- return delegating;
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- String prefix = "pbkdf2@5.8"
- PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
- PasswordEncoder upgraded = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
- DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded))
- delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current)
- return delegating
-==== Update `SCryptPasswordEncoder`
-If you are xref:features/authentication/password-storage.adoc#authentication-password-storage-scrypt[using `SCryptPasswordEncoder`], the constructors are replaced with static factories that refer to the Spring Security version that the given settings apply to.
-===== Replace Deprecated Constructor Usage
-If you use the default constructor, you should begin by changing:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- return new SCryptPasswordEncoder();
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- return SCryptPasswordEncoder()
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- return SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v4_1();
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- return SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v4_1()
-===== Use `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`
-Once you are not using the deprecated constructor, the next step is to prepare your code to upgrade to the latest standards by using `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`.
-The following code configures the delegating encoder to detect passwords that are using `current` and replace them with the latest:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- String prefix = "scrypt@5.8";
- PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
- PasswordEncoder upgraded = SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();
- DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded));
- delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current);
- return delegating;
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- String prefix = "scrypt@5.8"
- PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
- PasswordEncoder upgraded = SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
- DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded))
- delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current)
- return delegating
-==== Update `Argon2PasswordEncoder`
-If you are xref:features/authentication/password-storage.adoc#authentication-password-storage-argon2[using `Argon2PasswordEncoder`], the constructors are replaced with static factories that refer to the Spring Security version that the given settings apply to.
-===== Replace Deprecated Constructor Usage
-If you use the default constructor, you should begin by changing:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- return new Argon2PasswordEncoder();
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- return Argon2PasswordEncoder()
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- return Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_2();
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- return Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_2()
-===== Use `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`
-Once you are not using the deprecated constructor, the next step is to prepare your code to upgrade to the latest standards by using `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`.
-The following code configures the delegating encoder to detect passwords that are using `current` and replace them with the latest:
-PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
- String prefix = "argon@5.8";
- PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
- PasswordEncoder upgraded = Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();
- DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded));
- delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current);
- return delegating;
-fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
- String prefix = "argon@5.8"
- PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
- PasswordEncoder upgraded = Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
- DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded))
- delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current)
- return delegating
-=== Deprecations in OAuth2 Client
-In Spring Security 6, deprecated classes and methods were removed from xref:servlet/oauth2/client/index.adoc[OAuth2 Client].
-Each deprecation is listed below, along with a direct replacement.
-==== `ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction`
-The method `setAccessTokenExpiresSkew(...)` can be replaced with one of:
-* `ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
-* `RefreshTokenOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
-* `JwtBearerOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
-The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
-See xref:servlet/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
-==== `OidcUserInfo`
-The method `phoneNumberVerified(String)` can be replaced with `phoneNumberVerified(Boolean)`.
-==== `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver`
-The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
-See xref:servlet/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
-==== `ClaimAccessor`
-The method `containsClaim(...)` can be replaced with `hasClaim(...)`.
-==== `OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler`
-The method `setPostLogoutRedirectUri(URI)` can be replaced with `setPostLogoutRedirectUri(String)`.
-==== `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository`
-The method `setAllowMultipleAuthorizationRequests(...)` has no direct replacement.
-==== `AuthorizationRequestRepository`
-The method `removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest)` can be replaced with `removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)`.
-==== `ClientRegistration`
-The method `getRedirectUriTemplate()` can be replaced with `getRedirectUri()`.
-==== `ClientRegistration.Builder`
-The method `redirectUriTemplate(...)` can be replaced with `redirectUri(...)`.
-==== `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest`
-The constructor `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest(AuthorizationGrantType)` can be replaced with `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest(AuthorizationGrantType, ClientRegistration)`.
-==== `ClientAuthenticationMethod`
-The static field `BASIC` can be replaced with `CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC`.
-The static field `POST` can be replaced with `CLIENT_SECRET_POST`.
-==== `OAuth2AccessTokenResponseHttpMessageConverter`
-The field `tokenResponseConverter` has no direct replacement.
-The method `setTokenResponseConverter(...)` can be replaced with `setAccessTokenResponseConverter(...)`.
-The field `tokenResponseParametersConverter` has no direct replacement.
-The method `setTokenResponseParametersConverter(...)` can be replaced with `setAccessTokenResponseParametersConverter(...)`.
-==== `NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`
-The class `NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient` can be replaced with `DefaultAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`.
-==== `NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport`
-The class `NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport` can be replaced with `NimbusJwtDecoder` or `JwtDecoders`.
-==== `ImplicitGrantConfigurer`
-The class `ImplicitGrantConfigurer` has no direct replacement.
-Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
-==== `AuthorizationGrantType`
-The static field `IMPLICIT` has no direct replacement.
-Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
-==== `OAuth2AuthorizationResponseType`
-The static field `TOKEN` has no direct replacement.
-Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
-==== `OAuth2AuthorizationRequest`
-The static method `implicit()` has no direct replacement.
-Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
-=== Deprecations in OAuth2 Resource Server
-In Spring Security 6, deprecated classes and methods were removed from xref:servlet/oauth2/resource-server/index.adoc[OAuth2 Resource Server].
-Each deprecation is listed below, along with a direct replacement.
-==== `JwtAuthenticationConverter`
-The method `extractAuthorities(...)` can be replaced with `JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter#convert(...)`.
-== Reactive
-=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Method Security
-xref:reactive/authorization/method.adoc[Method Security] has been xref:reactive/authorization/method.adoc#jc-enable-reactive-method-security-authorization-manager[improved] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
-Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the
-<> at the end of this section.
-In Spring Security 5.8, `useAuthorizationManager` was added to {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableReactiveMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity`] to allow applications to opt in to ``AuthorizationManager``'s features.
-==== Change `useAuthorizationManager` to `true`
-To opt in, change `useAuthorizationManager` to `true` like so:
-changes to:
-@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = true)
-@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = true)
-==== Check for ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s
-`useAuthorizationManager` activates stricter enforcement of Spring Security's non-repeatable or otherwise incompatible annotations.
-If after turning on `useAuthorizationManager` you see ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s in your logs, follow the instructions in the exception message to clean up your application's method security annotation usage.
-==== Opt-out Steps
-If you ran into trouble with `AuthorizationManager` for reactive method security, you can opt out by changing:
-@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = false)
-@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = false)
-=== Propagate ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
-{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/server/Webauthentication/AuthenticationWebFilter.html[`AuthenticationFilter`] propagates {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationServiceException.html[``AuthenticationServiceException``]s to the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/server/ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint`].
-Because ``AuthenticationServiceException``s represent a server-side error instead of a client-side error, in 6.0, this changes to propagate them to the container.
-==== Configure `ServerAuthenticationFailureHandler` to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
-To prepare for the 6.0 default, `httpBasic` and `oauth2ResourceServer` should be configured to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s.
-For each, construct the appropriate authentication entry point for `httpBasic` and for `oauth2ResourceServer`:
-ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint bearerEntryPoint = new BearerTokenServerAuthenticationEntryPoint();
-ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint basicEntryPoint = new HttpStatusServerEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
-val bearerEntryPoint: ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint = BearerTokenServerAuthenticationEntryPoint()
-val basicEntryPoint: ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint = HttpStatusServerEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
-If you use a custom `AuthenticationEntryPoint` for either or both mechanisms, use that one instead for the remaining steps.
-Then, construct and configure a `ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler` for each one:
-AuthenticationFailureHandler bearerFailureHandler = new ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(bearerEntryPoint);
-AuthenticationFailureHandler basicFailureHandler = new ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(basicEntryPoint);
-val bearerFailureHandler: AuthenticationFailureHandler = ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(bearerEntryPoint)
-val basicFailureHandler: AuthenticationFailureHandler = ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(basicEntryPoint)
-Finally, wire each authentication failure handler into the DSL, like so:
- .httpBasic((basic) -> basic.authenticationFailureHandler(basicFailureHandler))
- .oauth2ResourceServer((oauth2) -> oauth2.authenticationFailureHandler(bearerFailureHandler))
-http {
- httpBasic {
- authenticationFailureHandler = basicFailureHandler
- }
- oauth2ResourceServer {
- authenticationFailureHandler = bearerFailureHandler
- }
-==== Opt-out Steps
-To opt-out of the 6.0 defaults and instead continue to pass `AuthenticationServiceException` on to ``ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint``s, you can follow the same steps as above, except set `rethrowAuthenticationServiceException` to false.
-=== Deprecations in OAuth2 Client
-==== `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction`
-The method `setAccessTokenExpiresSkew(...)` can be replaced with one of:
-* `ClientCredentialsReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
-* `RefreshTokenReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
-* `JwtBearerReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
-The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
-See xref:reactive/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
-==== `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizationRequestRepository`
-The method `setAllowMultipleAuthorizationRequests(...)` has no direct replacement.
-==== `UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`
-The class `UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository` has no direct replacement. Usage of the class can be replaced with `AuthorizedClientServiceReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager`.
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/index.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/index.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe3cabfec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/index.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+= Migrating to 6.0
+The Spring Security team has prepared the 5.8 release to simplify upgrading to Spring Security 6.0.
+Use 5.8 and the steps below to minimize changes when
+xref:6.0.0@migration.adoc[updating to 6.0]
+updating to 6.0
+== Update to Spring Security 5.8
+The first step is to ensure you are the latest patch release of Spring Boot 2.7.
+Next, you should ensure you are on the latest patch release of Spring Security 5.8.
+If you are using Spring Boot, you will need to override the Spring Boot version from Spring Security 5.7 to 5.8.
+Spring Security 5.8 is fully compatible with Spring Security 5.7 and thus Spring Boot 2.7.
+For directions, on how to update to Spring Security 5.8 visit the xref:getting-spring-security.adoc[] section of the reference guide.
+== Update Password Encoding
+In 6.0, password encoding minimums are updated for PBKDF2, SCrypt, and Argon2.
+If you are using the default password encoder, then there are no preparation steps to follow and this section can be skipped.
+=== Update `Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder`
+If you are xref:features/authentication/password-storage.adoc#authentication-password-storage-pbkdf2[using `Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder`], the constructors are replaced with static factories that refer to the Spring Security version that the given settings apply to.
+==== Replace Deprecated Constructor Usage
+If you use the default constructor, you should begin by changing:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ return new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder();
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ return Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder()
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ return Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_5();
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ return Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_5()
+Or, if you have custom settings, change to the constructor that specifies all settings, like so:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ PasswordEncoder current = new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 320000);
+ return current;
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ val current: PasswordEncoder = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 320000)
+ return current
+Change them to use the fully-specified constructor, like the following:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ PasswordEncoder current = new Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 16, 185000, 256);
+ return current;
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ val current: PasswordEncoder = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder("mysecret".getBytes(UTF_8), 16, 185000, 256)
+ return current
+==== Use `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`
+Once you are not using the deprecated constructor, the next step is to prepare your code to upgrade to the latest standards by using `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`.
+The following code configures the delegating encoder to detect passwords that are using `current` and replace them with the latest:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ String prefix = "pbkdf2@5.8";
+ PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
+ PasswordEncoder upgraded = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();
+ DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded));
+ delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current);
+ return delegating;
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ String prefix = "pbkdf2@5.8"
+ PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
+ PasswordEncoder upgraded = Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
+ DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded))
+ delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current)
+ return delegating
+=== Update `SCryptPasswordEncoder`
+If you are xref:features/authentication/password-storage.adoc#authentication-password-storage-scrypt[using `SCryptPasswordEncoder`], the constructors are replaced with static factories that refer to the Spring Security version that the given settings apply to.
+==== Replace Deprecated Constructor Usage
+If you use the default constructor, you should begin by changing:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ return new SCryptPasswordEncoder();
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ return SCryptPasswordEncoder()
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ return SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v4_1();
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ return SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v4_1()
+==== Use `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`
+Once you are not using the deprecated constructor, the next step is to prepare your code to upgrade to the latest standards by using `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`.
+The following code configures the delegating encoder to detect passwords that are using `current` and replace them with the latest:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ String prefix = "scrypt@5.8";
+ PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
+ PasswordEncoder upgraded = SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();
+ DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded));
+ delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current);
+ return delegating;
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ String prefix = "scrypt@5.8"
+ PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
+ PasswordEncoder upgraded = SCryptPasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
+ DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded))
+ delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current)
+ return delegating
+=== Update `Argon2PasswordEncoder`
+If you are xref:features/authentication/password-storage.adoc#authentication-password-storage-argon2[using `Argon2PasswordEncoder`], the constructors are replaced with static factories that refer to the Spring Security version that the given settings apply to.
+==== Replace Deprecated Constructor Usage
+If you use the default constructor, you should begin by changing:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ return new Argon2PasswordEncoder();
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ return Argon2PasswordEncoder()
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ return Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_2();
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ return Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_2()
+==== Use `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`
+Once you are not using the deprecated constructor, the next step is to prepare your code to upgrade to the latest standards by using `DelegatedPasswordEncoder`.
+The following code configures the delegating encoder to detect passwords that are using `current` and replace them with the latest:
+PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
+ String prefix = "argon@5.8";
+ PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
+ PasswordEncoder upgraded = Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8();
+ DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded));
+ delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current);
+ return delegating;
+fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
+ String prefix = "argon@5.8"
+ PasswordEncoder current = // ... see previous step
+ PasswordEncoder upgraded = Argon2PasswordEncoder.defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
+ DelegatedPasswordEncoder delegating = new DelegatedPasswordEncoder(prefix, Map.of(prefix, upgraded))
+ delegating.setDefaultPasswordEncoderFormatches(current)
+ return delegating
+== Stop using `Encryptors.queryableText`
+`Encryptors.queryableText(CharSequence,CharSequence)` is unsafe since https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2020-5408[the same input data will produce the same output].
+It was deprecated and will be removed in 6.0; Spring Security no longer supports encrypting data in this way.
+To upgrade, you will either need to re-encrypt with a supported mechanism or store it decrypted.
+Consider the following pseudocode for reading each encrypted entry from a table, decrypting it, and then re-encrypting it using a supported mechanism:
+TextEncryptor deprecated = Encryptors.queryableText(password, salt);
+BytesEncryptor aes = new AesBytesEncryptor(password, salt, KeyGenerators.secureRandom(12), CipherAlgorithm.GCM);
+TextEncryptor supported = new HexEncodingTextEncryptor(aes);
+for (MyEntry entry : entries) {
+ String value = deprecated.decrypt(entry.getEncryptedValue()); <1>
+ entry.setEncryptedValue(supported.encrypt(value)); <2>
+ entryService.save(entry)
+<1> - The above uses the deprecated `queryableText` to convert the value to plaintext.
+<2> - Then, the value is re-encrypted with a supported Spring Security mechanism.
+Please see the reference manual for more information on what xref:features/integrations/cryptography.adoc[encryption mechanisms Spring Security supports].
+== Perform Application-Specific Steps
+Next, there are steps you need to perform based on whether it is a xref:migration/servlet/index.adoc[Servlet] or xref:migration/reactive.adoc[Reactive] application.
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/reactive.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/reactive.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f0e03a004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/reactive.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+= Reactive Migrations
+If you have already performed the xref:migration/index.adoc[initial migration steps] for your Reactive application, you're now ready to perform steps specific to Reactive applications.
+== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Method Security
+xref:reactive/authorization/method.adoc[Method Security] has been xref:reactive/authorization/method.adoc#jc-enable-reactive-method-security-authorization-manager[improved] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
+Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the
+<> at the end of this section.
+In Spring Security 5.8, `useAuthorizationManager` was added to {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableReactiveMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity`] to allow applications to opt in to ``AuthorizationManager``'s features.
+=== Change `useAuthorizationManager` to `true`
+To opt in, change `useAuthorizationManager` to `true` like so:
+changes to:
+@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = true)
+@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = true)
+=== Check for ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s
+`useAuthorizationManager` activates stricter enforcement of Spring Security's non-repeatable or otherwise incompatible annotations.
+If after turning on `useAuthorizationManager` you see ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s in your logs, follow the instructions in the exception message to clean up your application's method security annotation usage.
+=== Opt-out Steps
+If you ran into trouble with `AuthorizationManager` for reactive method security, you can opt out by changing:
+@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = false)
+@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity(useAuthorizationManager = false)
+== Propagate ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
+{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/server/Webauthentication/AuthenticationWebFilter.html[`AuthenticationFilter`] propagates {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationServiceException.html[``AuthenticationServiceException``]s to the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/server/ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint`].
+Because ``AuthenticationServiceException``s represent a server-side error instead of a client-side error, in 6.0, this changes to propagate them to the container.
+=== Configure `ServerAuthenticationFailureHandler` to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
+To prepare for the 6.0 default, `httpBasic` and `oauth2ResourceServer` should be configured to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s.
+For each, construct the appropriate authentication entry point for `httpBasic` and for `oauth2ResourceServer`:
+ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint bearerEntryPoint = new BearerTokenServerAuthenticationEntryPoint();
+ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint basicEntryPoint = new HttpStatusServerEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
+val bearerEntryPoint: ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint = BearerTokenServerAuthenticationEntryPoint()
+val basicEntryPoint: ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint = HttpStatusServerEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
+If you use a custom `AuthenticationEntryPoint` for either or both mechanisms, use that one instead for the remaining steps.
+Then, construct and configure a `ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler` for each one:
+AuthenticationFailureHandler bearerFailureHandler = new ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(bearerEntryPoint);
+AuthenticationFailureHandler basicFailureHandler = new ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(basicEntryPoint);
+val bearerFailureHandler: AuthenticationFailureHandler = ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(bearerEntryPoint)
+val basicFailureHandler: AuthenticationFailureHandler = ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(basicEntryPoint)
+Finally, wire each authentication failure handler into the DSL, like so:
+ .httpBasic((basic) -> basic.authenticationFailureHandler(basicFailureHandler))
+ .oauth2ResourceServer((oauth2) -> oauth2.authenticationFailureHandler(bearerFailureHandler))
+http {
+ httpBasic {
+ authenticationFailureHandler = basicFailureHandler
+ }
+ oauth2ResourceServer {
+ authenticationFailureHandler = bearerFailureHandler
+ }
+=== Opt-out Steps
+To opt-out of the 6.0 defaults and instead continue to pass `AuthenticationServiceException` on to ``ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint``s, you can follow the same steps as above, except set `rethrowAuthenticationServiceException` to false.
+== Deprecations in OAuth2 Client
+=== `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction`
+The method `setAccessTokenExpiresSkew(...)` can be replaced with one of:
+* `ClientCredentialsReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
+* `RefreshTokenReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
+* `JwtBearerReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
+The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
+See xref:reactive/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
+=== `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizationRequestRepository`
+The method `setAllowMultipleAuthorizationRequests(...)` has no direct replacement.
+=== `UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`
+The class `UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository` has no direct replacement. Usage of the class can be replaced with `AuthorizedClientServiceReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager`.
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+= Authentication Migrations
+The following steps relate to changes around how authentication is performed.
+== Use SHA-256 in Remember Me
+The `TokenBasedRememberMeServices` implementation now supports SHA-256 for the Remember Me token and this is the default in Spring Security 6.
+This change makes the implementation more secure by default since MD5 is already proven to be a weak hashing algorithm and vulnerable against collision attacks and modular differential attacks.
+The new generated tokens now have the information of which algorithm was used to generate the token and that information is used in order to match it.
+If the algorithm name is not present, then the `matchingAlgorithm` property is used to check the token.
+This allows for a smooth transition from MD5 to SHA-256.
+To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default to encode the tokens while still being able to decode tokens encoded with MD5, you can set the `encodingAlgorithm` property to SHA-256 and the `matchingAlgorithm` property to MD5.
+See the xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc#_tokenbasedremembermeservices[reference documentation] and the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/rememberme/TokenBasedRememberMeServices.html[API docs] for more information.
+.Use Spring Security 6 defaults for encoding, SHA-256 for encoding and MD5 for matching
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, RememberMeServices rememberMeServices) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .rememberMe((remember) -> remember
+ .rememberMeServices(rememberMeServices)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+ @Bean
+ RememberMeServices rememberMeServices(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
+ RememberMeTokenAlgorithm encodingAlgorithm = RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.SHA256;
+ TokenBasedRememberMeServices rememberMe = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(myKey, userDetailsService, encodingAlgorithm);
+ rememberMe.setMatchingAlgorithm(RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.MD5);
+ return rememberMe;
+ }
+At some point, you will want to fully migrate to Spring Security 6 defaults. But how do you know when it is safe to do so?
+Let's suppose that you deployed your application using SHA-256 as the encoding algorithm (as you have done <>) on November 1st, if you have the value for the `tokenValiditySeconds` property set to N days (14 is the default), you can migrate to SHA-256 N days after November 1st (which is November 15th in this example).
+By that time, all the tokens generated with MD5 will have expired.
+.Use Spring Security 6 defaults, SHA-256 for both encoding and matching
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, RememberMeServices rememberMeServices) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .rememberMe((remember) -> remember
+ .rememberMeServices(rememberMeServices)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+ @Bean
+ RememberMeServices rememberMeServices(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
+ RememberMeTokenAlgorithm encodingAlgorithm = RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.SHA256;
+ TokenBasedRememberMeServices rememberMe = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(myKey, userDetailsService, encodingAlgorithm);
+ rememberMe.setMatchingAlgorithm(RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.SHA256);
+ return rememberMe;
+ }
+If you are having problems with the Spring Security 6 defaults, you can explicitly opt into 5.8 defaults using the following configuration:
+.Use MD5 for both encoding and matching algorithms
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, RememberMeServices rememberMeServices) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .rememberMe((remember) -> remember
+ .rememberMeServices(rememberMeServices)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+ @Bean
+ RememberMeServices rememberMeServices(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
+ RememberMeTokenAlgorithm encodingAlgorithm = RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.MD5;
+ TokenBasedRememberMeServices rememberMe = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(myKey, userDetailsService, encodingAlgorithm);
+ rememberMe.setMatchingAlgorithm(RememberMeTokenAlgorithm.MD5);
+ return rememberMe;
+ }
+== Propagate ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
+{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/AuthenticationFilter.html[`AuthenticationFilter`] propagates {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationServiceException.html[``AuthenticationServiceException``]s to the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`AuthenticationEntryPoint`].
+Because ``AuthenticationServiceException``s represent a server-side error instead of a client-side error, in 6.0, this changes to propagate them to the container.
+=== Configure `AuthenticationFailureHandler` to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
+To prepare for the 6.0 default, wire `AuthenticationFilter` instances with a `AuthenticationFailureHandler` that rethrows ``AuthenticationServiceException``s, like so:
+AuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...);
+AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler handler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...);
+val authenticationFilter: AuthenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...)
+val handler: AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...)
+=== Opt-out Steps
+If rethrowing ``AuthenticationServiceException``s gives you trouble, you can set the value to false instead of taking the 6.0 default, like so:
+AuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...);
+AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler handler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...);
+val authenticationFilter: AuthenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...)
+val handler: AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...)
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+= Authorization Migrations
+The following steps relate to changes around how authorization is performed.
+== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Method Security
+xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc[Method Security] has been xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[simplified] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
+Should you run into trouble with making these changes, note that `@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity`, while deprecated, will not be removed in 6.0, allowing you to opt out by sticking with the old annotation.
+=== Replace xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-global-method-security[global method security] with xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[method security]
+{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableGlobalMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity`] and xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/method-security.adoc#nsa-global-method-security[``] are deprecated in favor of {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableMethodSecurity`] and xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/method-security.adoc#nsa-method-security[``], respectively.
+The new annotation and XML element activate Spring's xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[pre-post annotations] by default and use `AuthorizationManager` internally.
+This means that the following two listings are functionally equivalent:
+@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
+@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
+For applications not using the pre-post annotations, make sure to turn it off to avoid activating unwanted behavior.
+For example, a listing like:
+@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
+@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
+should change to:
+@EnableMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = false)
+@EnableMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = false)
+=== Publish a `MethodSecurityExpressionHandler` instead of a `PermissionEvaluator`
+`@EnableMethodSecurity` does not pick up a `PermissionEvaluator`.
+This helps keep its API simple.
+If you have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/PermissionEvaluator.html[`PermissionEvaluator`] `@Bean`, please change it from:
+static PermissionEvaluator permissionEvaluator() {
+ // ... your evaluator
+companion object {
+ @Bean
+ fun permissionEvaluator(): PermissionEvaluator {
+ // ... your evaluator
+ }
+static MethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler() {
+ var expressionHandler = new DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler();
+ expressionHandler.setPermissionEvaluator(myPermissionEvaluator);
+ return expressionHandler;
+companion object {
+ @Bean
+ fun expressionHandler(): MethodSecurityExpressionHandler {
+ val expressionHandler = DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler
+ expressionHandler.setPermissionEvaluator(myPermissionEvaluator)
+ return expressionHandler
+ }
+=== Replace any custom method-security ``AccessDecisionManager``s
+Your application may have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] or {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] arrangement.
+The preparation strategy will depend on your reason for each arrangement.
+Read on to find the best match for your situation.
+==== I use `UnanimousBased`
+If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/UnanimousBased.html[`UnanimousBased`] with the default voters, you likely need do nothing since unanimous-based is the default behavior with {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableMethodSecurity`].
+However, if you do discover that you cannot accept the default authorization managers, you can use `AuthorizationManagers.allOf` to compose your own arrangement.
+Having done that, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+==== I use `AffirmativeBased`
+If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/AffirmativeBased.html[`AffirmativeBased`], then you can construct an equivalent {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`], like so:
+AuthorizationManager authorization = AuthorizationManagers.anyOf(
+ // ... your list of authorization managers
+val authorization = AuthorizationManagers.anyOf(
+ // ... your list of authorization managers
+Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+==== I use `ConsensusBased`
+There is no framework-provided equivalent for {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/ConsensusBased.html[`ConsensusBased`].
+In that case, please implement a composite {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] that takes the set of delegate ``AuthorizationManager``s into account.
+Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+==== I use a custom `AccessDecisionVoter`
+You should either change the class to implement {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] or create an adapter.
+Without knowing what your custom voter is doing, it is impossible to recommend a general-purpose solution.
+By way of example, though, here is what adapting {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/SecurityMetadataSource.html[`SecurityMetadataSource`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] for `@PreAuthorize` would look like:
+public final class PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager {
+ private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
+ private final AccessDecisionVoter voter;
+ public PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter(MethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler) {
+ ExpressionBasedAnnotationAttributeFactory attributeFactory =
+ new ExpressionBasedAnnotationAttributeFactory(expressionHandler);
+ this.metadata = new PrePostAnnotationSecurityMetadataSource(attributeFactory);
+ ExpressionBasedPreInvocationAdvice expressionAdvice = new ExpressionBasedPreInvocationAdvice();
+ expressionAdvice.setExpressionHandler(expressionHandler);
+ this.voter = new PreInvocationAuthorizationAdviceVoter(expressionAdvice);
+ }
+ public AuthorizationDecision check(Supplier authentication, MethodInvocation invocation) {
+ List attributes = this.metadata.getAttributes(invocation, AopUtils.getTargetClass(invocation.getThis()));
+ int decision = this.voter.vote(authentication.get(), invocation, attributes);
+ if (decision == ACCESS_GRANTED) {
+ return new AuthorizationDecision(true);
+ }
+ if (decision == ACCESS_DENIED) {
+ return new AuthorizationDecision(false);
+ }
+ return null; // abstain
+ }
+Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+==== I use a custom `AfterInvocationManager`
+{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] replaces both {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/intercept/AfterInvocationManager.html[`AfterInvocationManager`].
+The difference is that `AuthorizationManager` replaces `AccessDecisionManager` and `AuthorizationManager` replaces `AfterInvocationManager`.
+Given that, <<_i_use_a_custom_accessdecisionvoter,the same rules apply for adaptation>>, where the goal this time is to implement `AuthorizationManager` instead of `AuthorizationManager` and use `AuthorizationManagerAfterMethodInterceptor` instead of `AuthorizationManagerBeforeMethodInterceptor`.
+==== I use `RunAsManager`
+There is currently https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/11331[no replacement for `RunAsManager`] though one is being considered.
+It is quite straightforward to adapt a `RunAsManager`, though, to the `AuthorizationManager` API, if needed.
+Here is some pseudocode to get you started:
+public final class RunAsAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager {
+ private final RunAsManager runAs = new RunAsManagerImpl();
+ private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
+ private final AuthorizationManager authorization;
+ // ... constructor
+ public AuthorizationDecision check(Supplier authentication, T object) {
+ Supplier wrapped = (auth) -> {
+ List attributes = this.metadata.getAttributes(object);
+ return this.runAs.buildRunAs(auth, object, attributes);
+ };
+ return this.authorization.check(wrapped, object);
+ }
+Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+=== Check for ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s
+`@EnableMethodSecurity` and `` activate stricter enforcement of Spring Security's non-repeatable or otherwise incompatible annotations.
+If after moving to either you see ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s in your logs, follow the instructions in the exception message to clean up your application's method security annotation usage.
+== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Message Security
+xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc[Message Security] has been xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc#websocket-configuration[improved] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
+Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the <> at the end of this section.
+=== Ensure all messages have defined authorization rules
+The now-deprecated {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/socket/AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer.html[message security support] permits all messages by default.
+xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc[The new support] has the stronger default of denying all messages.
+To prepare for this, ensure that authorization rules exist are declared for every request.
+For example, an application configuration like:
+protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
+ messages
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN");
+override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
+ messages
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+should change to:
+protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
+ messages
+ .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyMessage().denyAll();
+override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
+ messages
+ .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyMessage().denyAll()
+=== Add `@EnableWebSocketSecurity`
+If you want to have CSRF disabled and you are using Java configuration, the migration steps are slightly different.
+Instead of using `@EnableWebSocketSecurity`, you will override the appropriate methods in `WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` yourself.
+Please see xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc#websocket-sameorigin-disable[the reference manual] for details about this step.
+If you are using Java Configuration, add {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/socket/EnableWebSocketSecurity.html[`@EnableWebSocketSecurity`] to your application.
+For example, you can add it to your websocket security configuration class, like so:
+public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
+ // ...
+class WebSocketSecurityConfig: AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
+ // ...
+This will make a prototype instance of `MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder` available to encourage configuration by composition instead of extension.
+=== Use an `AuthorizationManager>` instance
+To start using `AuthorizationManager`, you can set the `use-authorization-manager` attribute in XML or you can publish an `AuthorizationManager>` `@Bean` in Java.
+For example, the following application configuration:
+protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
+ messages
+ .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyMessage().denyAll();
+override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
+ messages
+ .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyMessage().denyAll()
+changes to:
+AuthorizationManager> messageSecurity(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
+ messages
+ .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyMessage().denyAll();
+ return messages.build();
+fun messageSecurity(val messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager> {
+ messages
+ .simpTypeMatchers(CONNECT, DISCONNECT, UNSUBSCRIBE).permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyMessage().denyAll()
+ return messages.build()
+=== Stop Implementing `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer`
+If you are using Java configuration, you can now simply extend `WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer`.
+For example, if your class that extends `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` is called `WebSocketSecurityConfig`, then:
+public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
+ // ...
+class WebSocketSecurityConfig: AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
+ // ...
+changes to:
+public class WebSocketSecurityConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
+ // ...
+class WebSocketSecurityConfig: WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
+ // ...
+=== Opt-out Steps
+In case you had trouble, take a look at these scenarios for optimal opt out behavior:
+==== I cannot declare an authorization rule for all requests
+If you are having trouble setting an `anyRequest` authorization rule of `denyAll`, please use {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/messaging/access/intercept/MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder.Constraint.html#permitAll()[`permitAll`] instead, like so:
+AuthorizationManager> messageSecurity(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
+ messages
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ // ...
+ .anyMessage().permitAll();
+ return messages.build();
+fun messageSecurity(val messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager> {
+ messages
+ .simpDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()
+ .simpDestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ // ...
+ .anyMessage().permitAll();
+ return messages.build()
+==== I cannot get CSRF working, need some other `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` feature, or am having trouble with `AuthorizationManager`
+In the case of Java, you may continue using `AbstractMessageSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer`.
+Even though it is deprecated, it will not be removed in 6.0.
+In the case of XML, you can opt out of `AuthorizationManager` by setting `use-authorization-manager="false"`:
+== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Request Security
+xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-requests.adoc[HTTP Request Security] has been xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[simplified] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API].
+Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the <> at the end of this section.
+=== Ensure that all requests have defined authorization rules
+In Spring Security 5.8 and earlier, requests with no authorization rule are permitted by default.
+It is a stronger security position to deny by default, thus requiring that authorization rules be clearly defined for every endpoint.
+As such, in 6.0, Spring Security by default denies any request that is missing an authorization rule.
+The simplest way to prepare for this change is to introduce an appropriate {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#anyRequest()[`anyRequest`] rule as the last authorization rule.
+The recommendation is {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl.html#denyAll()[`denyAll`] since that is the implied 6.0 default.
+You may already have an `anyRequest` rule defined that you are happy with in which case this step can be skipped.
+Adding `denyAll` to the end looks like changing:
+ .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeRequests {
+ filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ }
+ .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeRequests {
+ filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+If you have already migrated to `authorizeHttpRequests`, the recommended change is the same.
+=== Switch to `AuthorizationManager`
+To opt in to using `AuthorizationManager`, you can use `authorizeHttpRequests` or xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/http.adoc#nsa-http-use-authorization-manager[`use-authorization-manager`] for Java or XML, respectively.
+ .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeRequests {
+ filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = false
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+=== Migrate SpEL expressions to `AuthorizationManager`
+For authorization rules, Java tends to be easier to test and maintain than SpEL.
+As such, `authorizeHttpRequests` does not have a method for declaring a `String` SpEL.
+Instead, you can implement your own `AuthorizationManager` implementation or use `WebExpressionAuthorizationManager`.
+For completeness, both options will be demonstrated.
+First, if you have the following SpEL:
+ .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/complicated/**").access("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeRequests {
+ filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
+ authorize("/complicated/**", access("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+Then you can compose your own `AuthorizationManager` with Spring Security authorization primitives like so:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
+ .mvcMatchers("/complicated/**").access(anyOf(hasRole("ADMIN"), hasAuthority("SCOPE_read"))
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = false
+ authorize("/complicated/**", access(anyOf(hasRole("ADMIN"), hasAuthority("SCOPE_read"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+Or you can use `WebExpressionAuthorizationManager` in the following way:
+ .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/complicated/**").access(
+ new WebExpressionAuthorizationManager("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')")
+ )
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeRequests {
+ filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
+ authorize("/complicated/**", access(
+ WebExpressionAuthorizationManager("hasRole('ADMIN') || hasAuthority('SCOPE_read')"))
+ )
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+=== Switch to filter all dispatcher types
+Spring Security 5.8 and earlier only xref:servlet/authorization/architecture.adoc[perform authorization] once per request.
+This means that dispatcher types like `FORWARD` and `INCLUDE` that run after `REQUEST` are not secured by default.
+It's recommended that Spring Security secure all dispatch types.
+As such, in 6.0, Spring Security changes this default.
+So, finally, change your authorization rules to filter all dispatcher types.
+To do this, you should change:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = false
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = true
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+And, the `FilterChainProxy` should be registered for all dispatcher types as well.
+If you are using Spring Boot, https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/application-properties.html#application-properties.security.spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types[you have to change the `spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types` property] to include all dispatcher types:
+If you are xref:servlet/configuration/java.adoc#_abstractsecuritywebapplicationinitializer[using the `AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer`] you should override the `getSecurityDispatcherTypes` method and return all dispatcher types:
+import org.springframework.security.web.context.*;
+public class SecurityWebApplicationInitializer extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer {
+ @Override
+ protected EnumSet getSecurityDispatcherTypes() {
+ return EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.ERROR, DispatcherType.FORWARD,
+ DispatcherType.FORWARD, DispatcherType.INCLUDE);
+ }
+==== Permit `FORWARD` when using Spring MVC
+If you are using {spring-framework-reference-url}/web.html#mvc-viewresolver[Spring MVC to resolve view names], you will need to permit `FORWARD` requests.
+This is because when Spring MVC detects a mapping between view name and the actual views, it will perform a forward to the view.
+As we saw on the <>, Spring Security 6.0 will apply authorization to `FORWARD` requests by default.
+Consider the following common configuration:
+public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
+ .requestMatchers("/").authenticated()
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ .formLogin((form) -> form
+ .loginPage("/login")
+ .permitAll()
+ ));
+ return http.build();
+and one of the following equivalents MVC view mapping configurations:
+public class MyController {
+ @GetMapping("/login")
+ public String login() {
+ return "login";
+ }
+public class MyWebMvcConfigurer implements WebMvcConfigurer {
+ @Override
+ public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
+ registry.addViewController("/login").setViewName("login");
+ }
+With either configuration, when there is a request to `/login`, Spring MVC will perform a *forward* to the view `login`, which, with the default configuration, is under `src/main/resources/templates/login.html` path.
+The security configuration permits requests to `/login` but every other request will be denied, including the `FORWARD` request to the view under `/templates/login.html`.
+To fix this, you should configure Spring Security to permit `FORWARD` requests:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
+ .dispatcherTypeMatchers(DispatcherType.FORWARD).permitAll()
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = true
+ authorize(DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher(DispatcherType.FORWARD), permitAll)
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+=== Replace any custom filter-security ``AccessDecisionManager``s
+Your application may have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] or {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] arrangement.
+The preparation strategy will depend on your reason for each arrangement.
+Read on to find the best match for your situation.
+==== I use `UnanimousBased`
+If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/UnanimousBased.html[`UnanimousBased`], you should first adapt or replace any ``AccessDecisionVoter``s and then you can construct an `AuthorizationManager` like so:
+AuthorizationManager requestAuthorization() {
+ PolicyAuthorizationManager policy = ...;
+ LocalAuthorizationManager local = ...;
+ return AuthorizationMangers.allOf(policy, local);
+fun requestAuthorization(): AuthorizationManager {
+ val policy: PolicyAuthorizationManager = ...
+ val local: LocalAuthorizationManager = ...
+ return AuthorizationMangers.allOf(policy, local)
+then, wire it into the DSL like so:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize.anyRequest().access(requestAuthorization))
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ authorize(anyRequest, requestAuthorization)
+ }
+ // ...
+`authorizeHttpRequests` is designed so that you can apply a custom `AuthorizationManager` to any url pattern.
+See xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[the reference] for more details.
+==== I use `AffirmativeBased`
+If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/AffirmativeBased.html[`AffirmativeBased`], then you can construct an equivalent {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`], like so:
+AuthorizationManager requestAuthorization() {
+ PolicyAuthorizationManager policy = ...;
+ LocalAuthorizationManager local = ...;
+ return AuthorizationMangers.anyOf(policy, local);
+fun requestAuthorization(): AuthorizationManager {
+ val policy: PolicyAuthorizationManager = ...
+ val local: LocalAuthorizationManager = ...
+ return AuthorizationMangers.anyOf(policy, local)
+then, wire it into the DSL like so:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize.anyRequest().access(requestAuthorization))
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ authorize(anyRequest, requestAuthorization)
+ }
+ // ...
+`authorizeHttpRequests` is designed so that you can apply a custom `AuthorizationManager` to any url pattern.
+See xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[the reference] for more details.
+==== I use `ConsensusBased`
+There is no framework-provided equivalent for {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/ConsensusBased.html[`ConsensusBased`].
+In that case, please implement a composite {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] that takes the set of delegate ``AuthorizationManager``s into account.
+Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+==== I use a custom `AccessDecisionVoter`
+You should either change the class to implement {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] or create an adapter.
+Without knowing what your custom voter is doing, it is impossible to recommend a general-purpose solution.
+By way of example, though, here is what adapting {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/SecurityMetadataSource.html[`SecurityMetadataSource`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] for `anyRequest().authenticated()` would look like:
+public final class AnyRequestAuthenticatedAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager {
+ private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
+ private final AccessDecisionVoter voter;
+ public PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter(SecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler) {
+ Map> requestMap = Collections.singletonMap(
+ AnyRequestMatcher.INSTANCE, Collections.singletonList(new SecurityConfig("authenticated")));
+ this.metadata = new DefaultFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource(requestMap);
+ WebExpressionVoter voter = new WebExpressionVoter();
+ voter.setExpressionHandler(expressionHandler);
+ this.voter = voter;
+ }
+ public AuthorizationDecision check(Supplier authentication, RequestAuthorizationContext context) {
+ List attributes = this.metadata.getAttributes(context);
+ int decision = this.voter.vote(authentication.get(), invocation, attributes);
+ if (decision == ACCESS_GRANTED) {
+ return new AuthorizationDecision(true);
+ }
+ if (decision == ACCESS_DENIED) {
+ return new AuthorizationDecision(false);
+ }
+ return null; // abstain
+ }
+Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
+=== Opt-out Steps
+In case you had trouble, take a look at these scenarios for optimal opt out behavior:
+==== I cannot secure all dispatcher types
+If you cannot secure all dispatcher types, first try and declare which dispatcher types should not require authorization like so:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes(true)
+ .dispatcherTypeMatchers(FORWARD, INCLUDE).permitAll()
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().denyAll()
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ shouldFilterAllDispatcherTypes = true
+ authorize(DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher(FORWARD, INCLUDE), permitAll)
+ authorize("/app/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)
+ }
+Or, if that doesn't work, then you can explicitly opt out of the behavior by setting `filter-all-dispatcher-types` and `filterAllDispatcherTypes` to `false`:
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterAllDispatcherTypes(false)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ filterAllDispatcherTypes = false
+ authorize("/messages/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ }
+or, if you are still using `authorizeRequests` or `use-authorization-manager="false"`, set `oncePerRequest` to `true`:
+ .authorizeRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest(true)
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ )
+ // ...
+http {
+ authorizeRequests {
+ filterSecurityInterceptorOncePerRequest = true
+ authorize("/messages/**", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ }
+==== I cannot declare an authorization rule for all requests
+If you are having trouble setting an `anyRequest` authorization rule of `denyAll`, please use {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl.html#permitAll()[`permitAll`] instead, like so:
+ .authorizeHttpReqeusts((authorize) -> authorize
+ .mvcMatchers("/app/*").hasRole("APP")
+ // ...
+ .anyRequest().permitAll()
+ )
+http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ authorize("/app*", hasRole("APP"))
+ // ...
+ authorize(anyRequest, permitAll)
+ }
+==== I cannot migrate my SpEL or my `AccessDecisionManager`
+If you are having trouble with SpEL, `AccessDecisionManager`, or there is some other feature that you are needing to keep using in `` or `authorizeRequests`, try the following.
+First, if you still need `authorizeRequests`, you are welcome to keep using it. Even though it is deprecated, it is not removed in 6.0.
+Second, if you still need your custom `access-decision-manager-ref` or have some other reason to opt out of `AuthorizationManager`, do:
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/config.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/config.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83e8178a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/config.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+= Configuration Migrations
+The following steps relate to changes around how to configure `HttpSecurity`, `WebSecurity`, and `AuthenticationManager`.
+== Use the new `requestMatchers` methods
+In Spring Security 5.8, the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#antMatchers(java.lang.String...)[`antMatchers`], {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#mvcMatchers(java.lang.String...)[`mvcMatchers`], and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#regexMatchers(java.lang.String...)[`regexMatchers`] methods were deprecated in favor of new xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#_request_matchers[`requestMatchers` methods].
+The new `requestMatchers` methods were added xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[to `authorizeHttpRequests`], `authorizeRequests`, CSRF configuration, `WebSecurityCustomizer` and any other places that had the specialized `RequestMatcher` methods.
+The deprecated methods are removed in Spring Security 6.
+These new methods have more secure defaults since they choose the most appropriate `RequestMatcher` implementation for your application.
+In summary, the new methods choose the `MvcRequestMatcher` implementation if your application has Spring MVC in the classpath, falling back to the `AntPathRequestMatcher` implementation if Spring MVC is not present (aligning the behavior with the Kotlin equivalent methods).
+To start using the new methods, you can replace the deprecated methods with the new ones. For example, the following application configuration:
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .antMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .antMatchers("/api/user/**").hasRole("USER")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+can be changed to:
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .requestMatchers("/api/user/**").hasRole("USER")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+If you have Spring MVC in the classpath and are using the `mvcMatchers` methods, you can replace it with the new methods and Spring Security will choose the `MvcRequestMatcher` implementation for you.
+The following configuration:
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .mvcMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+is equivalent to:
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+If you are customizing the `servletPath` property of the `MvcRequestMatcher`, you can now use the `MvcRequestMatcher.Builder` to create `MvcRequestMatcher` instances that share the same servlet path:
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .mvcMatchers("/admin").servletPath("/path").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .mvcMatchers("/user").servletPath("/path").hasRole("USER")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+The code above can be rewritten using the `MvcRequestMatcher.Builder` and the `requestMatchers` method:
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, HandlerMappingIntrospector introspector) throws Exception {
+ MvcRequestMatcher.Builder mvcMatcherBuilder = new MvcRequestMatcher.Builder(introspector).servletPath("/path");
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers(mvcMatcherBuilder.pattern("/admin")).hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .requestMatchers(mvcMatcherBuilder.pattern("/user")).hasRole("USER")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+If you are having problem with the new `requestMatchers` methods, you can always switch back to the `RequestMatcher` implementation that you were using.
+For example, if you still want to use `AntPathRequestMatcher` and `RegexRequestMatcher` implementations, you can use the `requestMatchers` method that accepts a `RequestMatcher` instance:
+import static org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher.antMatcher;
+import static org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.RegexRequestMatcher.regexMatcher;
+public class SecurityConfig {
+ @Bean
+ SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers(antMatcher("/user/**")).hasRole("USER")
+ .requestMatchers(antMatcher(HttpMethod.POST, "/user/**")).hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .requestMatchers(regexMatcher(".*\\?x=y")).hasRole("SPECIAL") // matches /any/path?x=y
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+ }
+Note that the above sample uses static factory methods from {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/util/matcher/AntPathRequestMatcher.html[`AntPathRequestMatcher`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/util/matcher/RegexRequestMatcher.html[`RegexRequestMatcher`] to improve readability.
+If you are using the `WebSecurityCustomizer` interface, you can replace the deprecated `antMatchers` methods:
+public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
+ return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
+with their `requestMatchers` counterparts:
+public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
+ return (web) -> web.ignoring().requestMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
+The same way, if you are customizing the CSRF configuration to ignore some paths, you can replace the deprecated methods with the `requestMatchers` methods:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
+ .ignoringAntMatchers("/no-csrf")
+ );
+ return http.build();
+can be changed to:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
+ .ignoringRequestMatchers("/no-csrf")
+ );
+ return http.build();
+== Use the new `securityMatchers` methods
+In Spring Security 5.8, the `antMatchers`, `mvcMatchers` and `requestMatchers` methods from `HttpSecurity` were deprecated in favor of new `securityMatchers` methods.
+Note that these methods are not the same from `authorizeHttpRequests` methods <> in favor of the `requestMatchers` methods.
+However, the `securityMatchers` methods are similar to the `requestMatchers` methods in the sense that they will choose the most appropriate `RequestMatcher` implementation for your application.
+In summary, the new methods choose the `MvcRequestMatcher` implementation if your application has Spring MVC in the classpath, falling back to the `AntPathRequestMatcher` implementation if Spring MVC is not present (aligning the behavior with the Kotlin equivalent methods).
+Another reason for adding the `securityMatchers` methods is to avoid confusion with the `requestMatchers` methods from `authorizeHttpRequests`.
+The following configuration:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .antMatcher("/api/**", "/app/**")
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+can be rewritten using the `securityMatchers` methods:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .securityMatcher("/api/**", "/app/**")
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+If you are using a custom `RequestMatcher` in your `HttpSecurity` configuration:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .requestMatcher(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+public class MyCustomRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher {
+ // ...
+you can do the same using `securityMatcher`:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .securityMatcher(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/api/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+public class MyCustomRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher {
+ // ...
+If you are combining multiple `RequestMatcher` implementations in your `HttpSecurity` configuration:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .requestMatchers((matchers) -> matchers
+ .antMatchers("/api/**", "/app/**")
+ .mvcMatchers("/admin/**")
+ .requestMatchers(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
+ )
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+you can change it by using `securityMatchers`:
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .securityMatchers((matchers) -> matchers
+ .requestMatchers("/api/**", "/app/**", "/admin/**")
+ .requestMatchers(new MyCustomRequestMatcher())
+ )
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+If you are having problems with the `securityMatchers` methods choosing the `RequestMatcher` implementation for you, you can always choose the `RequestMatcher` implementation yourself:
+import static org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher.antMatcher;
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .securityMatcher(antMatcher("/api/**"), antMatcher("/app/**"))
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
+ .requestMatchers(antMatcher("/api/admin/**")).hasRole("ADMIN")
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ );
+ return http.build();
+== Stop Using `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`
+=== Publish a `SecurityFilterChain` Bean
+Spring Security 5.4 introduced the capability to publish a `SecurityFilterChain` bean instead of extending `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.
+In 6.0, `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` is removed.
+To prepare for this change, you can replace constructs like:
+public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
+ @Override
+ protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ )
+ .httpBasic(withDefaults());
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ override fun configure(val http: HttpSecurity) {
+ http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
+ }
+ httpBasic {}
+ }
+ }
+public class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
+ .anyRequest().authenticated()
+ )
+ .httpBasic(withDefaults());
+ return http.build();
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ http {
+ authorizeHttpRequests {
+ authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
+ }
+ httpBasic {}
+ }
+ return http.build()
+ }
+=== Publish a `WebSecurityCustomizer` Bean
+Spring Security 5.4 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/8978[introduced `WebSecurityCustomizer`] to replace `configure(WebSecurity web)` in `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.
+To prepare for its removal, you can replace code like the following:
+public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
+ @Override
+ public void configure(WebSecurity web) {
+ web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
+ override fun configure(val web: WebSecurity) {
+ web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2")
+ }
+public class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
+ return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ fun webSecurityCustomizer(): WebSecurityCustomizer {
+ return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2")
+ }
+=== Publish an `AuthenticationManager` Bean
+As part of `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapeter` removal, `configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder)` is also removed.
+Preparing for its removal will differ based on your reason for using it.
+==== LDAP Authentication
+If you are using `auth.ldapAuthentication()` for xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/ldap.adoc[LDAP authentication support], you can replace:
+public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
+ @Override
+ protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
+ auth
+ .ldapAuthentication()
+ .userDetailsContextMapper(new PersonContextMapper())
+ .userDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people")
+ .contextSource()
+ .port(0);
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
+ override fun configure(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
+ auth
+ .ldapAuthentication()
+ .userDetailsContextMapper(PersonContextMapper())
+ .userDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people")
+ .contextSource()
+ .port(0)
+ }
+public class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ public EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean contextSourceFactoryBean() {
+ EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean contextSourceFactoryBean =
+ EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean.fromEmbeddedLdapServer();
+ contextSourceFactoryBean.setPort(0);
+ return contextSourceFactoryBean;
+ }
+ @Bean
+ AuthenticationManager ldapAuthenticationManager(BaseLdapPathContextSource contextSource) {
+ LdapBindAuthenticationManagerFactory factory =
+ new LdapBindAuthenticationManagerFactory(contextSource);
+ factory.setUserDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people");
+ factory.setUserDetailsContextMapper(new PersonContextMapper());
+ return factory.createAuthenticationManager();
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ fun contextSourceFactoryBean(): EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean {
+ val contextSourceFactoryBean: EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean =
+ EmbeddedLdapServerContextSourceFactoryBean.fromEmbeddedLdapServer()
+ contextSourceFactoryBean.setPort(0)
+ return contextSourceFactoryBean
+ }
+ @Bean
+ fun ldapAuthenticationManager(val contextSource: BaseLdapPathContextSource): AuthenticationManager {
+ val factory = LdapBindAuthenticationManagerFactory(contextSource)
+ factory.setUserDnPatterns("uid={0},ou=people")
+ factory.setUserDetailsContextMapper(PersonContextMapper())
+ return factory.createAuthenticationManager()
+ }
+==== JDBC Authentication
+If you are using `auth.jdbcAuthentication()` for xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/jdbc.adoc[JDBC Authentication support], you can replace:
+public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
+ @Bean
+ public DataSource dataSource() {
+ return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
+ .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
+ .build();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
+ UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build();
+ auth.jdbcAuthentication()
+ .withDefaultSchema()
+ .dataSource(this.dataSource)
+ .withUser(user);
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
+ @Bean
+ fun dataSource(): DataSource {
+ return EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
+ .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
+ .build()
+ }
+ override fun configure(val auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
+ UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build()
+ auth.jdbcAuthentication()
+ .withDefaultSchema()
+ .dataSource(this.dataSource)
+ .withUser(user)
+ }
+public class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ public DataSource dataSource() {
+ return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
+ .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
+ .build();
+ }
+ @Bean
+ public UserDetailsManager users(DataSource dataSource) {
+ UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build();
+ JdbcUserDetailsManager users = new JdbcUserDetailsManager(dataSource);
+ users.createUser(user);
+ return users;
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ fun dataSource(): DataSource {
+ return EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
+ .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
+ .build()
+ }
+ @Bean
+ fun users(val dataSource: DataSource): UserDetailsManager {
+ val user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build()
+ val users = JdbcUserDetailsManager(dataSource)
+ users.createUser(user)
+ return users
+ }
+==== In-Memory Authentication
+If you are using `auth.inMemoryAuthentication()` for xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/in-memory.adoc[In-Memory Authentication support], you can replace:
+public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
+ @Override
+ protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
+ UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build();
+ auth.inMemoryAuthentication()
+ .withUser(user);
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
+ override fun configure(val auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
+ val user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build()
+ auth.inMemoryAuthentication()
+ .withUser(user)
+ }
+public class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ public InMemoryUserDetailsManager userDetailsService() {
+ UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build();
+ return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user);
+ }
+open class SecurityConfiguration {
+ @Bean
+ fun userDetailsService(): InMemoryUserDetailsManager {
+ UserDetails user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
+ .username("user")
+ .password("password")
+ .roles("USER")
+ .build()
+ return InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user)
+ }
+==== Other Scenarios
+If you are using `AuthenticationManagerBuilder` for something more sophisticated, you can xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-authenticationmanager[publish your own `AuthenticationManager` `@Bean`] or wire an `AuthenticationManager` instance into the `HttpSecurity` DSL with {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/builders/HttpSecurity.html#authenticationManager(org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationManager)[`HttpSecurity#authenticationManager`].
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+= Exploit Protection Migrations
+The following steps relate to changes around how to configure CSRF.
+== Defer Loading CsrfToken
+In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is that the `CsrfToken` will be loaded on every request.
+This means that in a typical setup, the `HttpSession` must be read for every request even if it is unnecessary.
+In Spring Security 6, the default is that the lookup of the `CsrfToken` will be deferred until it is needed.
+To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
+.Defer Loading `CsrfToken`
+DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
+ // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
+ requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf");
+ http
+ // ...
+ .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
+ .csrfTokenRequestHandler(requestHandler)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ val requestHandler = CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler()
+ // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
+ requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf")
+ http {
+ csrf {
+ csrfTokenRequestHandler = requestHandler
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
+If this breaks your application, then you can explicitly opt into the 5.8 defaults using the following configuration:
+.Explicit Configure `CsrfToken` with 5.8 Defaults
+DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
+ // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
+ requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName(null);
+ http
+ // ...
+ .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
+ .csrfTokenRequestHandler(requestHandler)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ val requestHandler = CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler()
+ // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
+ requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName(null)
+ http {
+ csrf {
+ csrfTokenRequestHandler = requestHandler
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
+== CSRF BREACH Protection
+If the steps for <> work for you, then you can also opt into Spring Security 6's default support for BREACH protection of the `CsrfToken` using the following configuration:
+.`CsrfToken` BREACH Protection
+DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ XorCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new XorCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
+ // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
+ requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf");
+ http
+ // ...
+ .csrf((csrf) -> csrf
+ .csrfTokenRequestHandler(requestHandler)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ val requestHandler = XorCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler()
+ // set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
+ requestHandler.setCsrfRequestAttributeName("_csrf")
+ http {
+ csrf {
+ csrfTokenRequestHandler = requestHandler
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
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+= Servlet Migrations
+:page-section-summary-toc: 1
+If you have already performed the xref:migration/index.adoc[initial migration steps] for your Servlet application, you're now ready to perform steps specific to Servlet applications.
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+= OAuth Migrations
+The following steps relate to changes around how to configure OAuth 2.0.
+== Default authorities for oauth2Login()
+In Spring Security 5, the default `GrantedAuthority` given to a user that authenticates with an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect 1.0 provider (via `oauth2Login()`) is `ROLE_USER`.
+See xref:servlet/oauth2/login/advanced.adoc#oauth2login-advanced-map-authorities[Mapping User Authorities] for more information.
+In Spring Security 6, the default authority given to a user authenticating with an OAuth2 provider is `OAUTH2_USER`.
+The default authority given to a user authenticating with an OpenID Connect 1.0 provider is `OIDC_USER`.
+These defaults allow clearer distinction of users that have authenticated with an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect 1.0 provider.
+If you are using authorization rules or expressions such as `hasRole("USER")` or `hasAuthority("ROLE_USER")` to authorize users with this specific authority, the new defaults in Spring Security 6 will impact your application.
+To opt into the new Spring Security 6 defaults, the following configuration can be used.
+.Configure oauth2Login() with 6.0 defaults
+public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .oauth2Login((oauth2Login) -> oauth2Login
+ .userInfoEndpoint((userInfo) -> userInfo
+ .userAuthoritiesMapper(grantedAuthoritiesMapper())
+ )
+ );
+ return http.build();
+private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper grantedAuthoritiesMapper() {
+ return (authorities) -> {
+ Set mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
+ authorities.forEach((authority) -> {
+ GrantedAuthority mappedAuthority;
+ if (authority instanceof OidcUserAuthority) {
+ OidcUserAuthority userAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
+ mappedAuthority = new OidcUserAuthority(
+ "OIDC_USER", userAuthority.getIdToken(), userAuthority.getUserInfo());
+ } else if (authority instanceof OAuth2UserAuthority) {
+ OAuth2UserAuthority userAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
+ mappedAuthority = new OAuth2UserAuthority(
+ "OAUTH2_USER", userAuthority.getAttributes());
+ } else {
+ mappedAuthority = authority;
+ }
+ mappedAuthorities.add(mappedAuthority);
+ });
+ return mappedAuthorities;
+ };
+fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ http {
+ // ...
+ oauth2Login {
+ userInfoEndpoint {
+ userAuthoritiesMapper = grantedAuthoritiesMapper()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
+private fun grantedAuthoritiesMapper(): GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
+ return GrantedAuthoritiesMapper { authorities ->
+ authorities.map { authority ->
+ when (authority) {
+ is OidcUserAuthority ->
+ OidcUserAuthority("OIDC_USER", authority.idToken, authority.userInfo)
+ is OAuth2UserAuthority ->
+ OAuth2UserAuthority("OAUTH2_USER", authority.attributes)
+ else -> authority
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=== Opt-out Steps
+If configuring the new authorities gives you trouble, you can opt out and explicitly use the 5.8 authority of `ROLE_USER` with the following configuration.
+.Configure oauth2Login() with 5.8 defaults
+public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .oauth2Login((oauth2Login) -> oauth2Login
+ .userInfoEndpoint((userInfo) -> userInfo
+ .userAuthoritiesMapper(grantedAuthoritiesMapper())
+ )
+ );
+ return http.build();
+private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper grantedAuthoritiesMapper() {
+ return (authorities) -> {
+ Set mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
+ authorities.forEach((authority) -> {
+ GrantedAuthority mappedAuthority;
+ if (authority instanceof OidcUserAuthority) {
+ OidcUserAuthority userAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
+ mappedAuthority = new OidcUserAuthority(
+ "ROLE_USER", userAuthority.getIdToken(), userAuthority.getUserInfo());
+ } else if (authority instanceof OAuth2UserAuthority) {
+ OAuth2UserAuthority userAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
+ mappedAuthority = new OAuth2UserAuthority(
+ "ROLE_USER", userAuthority.getAttributes());
+ } else {
+ mappedAuthority = authority;
+ }
+ mappedAuthorities.add(mappedAuthority);
+ });
+ return mappedAuthorities;
+ };
+fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ http {
+ // ...
+ oauth2Login {
+ userInfoEndpoint {
+ userAuthoritiesMapper = grantedAuthoritiesMapper()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
+private fun grantedAuthoritiesMapper(): GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
+ return GrantedAuthoritiesMapper { authorities ->
+ authorities.map { authority ->
+ when (authority) {
+ is OidcUserAuthority ->
+ OidcUserAuthority("ROLE_USER", authority.idToken, authority.userInfo)
+ is OAuth2UserAuthority ->
+ OAuth2UserAuthority("ROLE_USER", authority.attributes)
+ else -> authority
+ }
+ }
+ }
+== Deprecations in OAuth2 Client
+In Spring Security 6, deprecated classes and methods were removed from xref:servlet/oauth2/client/index.adoc[OAuth2 Client].
+Each deprecation is listed below, along with a direct replacement.
+=== `ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction`
+The method `setAccessTokenExpiresSkew(...)` can be replaced with one of:
+* `ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
+* `RefreshTokenOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
+* `JwtBearerOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
+The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
+See xref:servlet/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
+=== `OidcUserInfo`
+The method `phoneNumberVerified(String)` can be replaced with `phoneNumberVerified(Boolean)`.
+=== `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver`
+The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
+See xref:servlet/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
+=== `ClaimAccessor`
+The method `containsClaim(...)` can be replaced with `hasClaim(...)`.
+=== `OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler`
+The method `setPostLogoutRedirectUri(URI)` can be replaced with `setPostLogoutRedirectUri(String)`.
+=== `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository`
+The method `setAllowMultipleAuthorizationRequests(...)` has no direct replacement.
+=== `AuthorizationRequestRepository`
+The method `removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest)` can be replaced with `removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)`.
+=== `ClientRegistration`
+The method `getRedirectUriTemplate()` can be replaced with `getRedirectUri()`.
+=== `ClientRegistration.Builder`
+The method `redirectUriTemplate(...)` can be replaced with `redirectUri(...)`.
+=== `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest`
+The constructor `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest(AuthorizationGrantType)` can be replaced with `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest(AuthorizationGrantType, ClientRegistration)`.
+=== `ClientAuthenticationMethod`
+The static field `BASIC` can be replaced with `CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC`.
+The static field `POST` can be replaced with `CLIENT_SECRET_POST`.
+=== `OAuth2AccessTokenResponseHttpMessageConverter`
+The field `tokenResponseConverter` has no direct replacement.
+The method `setTokenResponseConverter(...)` can be replaced with `setAccessTokenResponseConverter(...)`.
+The field `tokenResponseParametersConverter` has no direct replacement.
+The method `setTokenResponseParametersConverter(...)` can be replaced with `setAccessTokenResponseParametersConverter(...)`.
+=== `NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`
+The class `NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient` can be replaced with `DefaultAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`.
+=== `NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport`
+The class `NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport` can be replaced with `NimbusJwtDecoder` or `JwtDecoders`.
+=== `ImplicitGrantConfigurer`
+The class `ImplicitGrantConfigurer` has no direct replacement.
+Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
+=== `AuthorizationGrantType`
+The static field `IMPLICIT` has no direct replacement.
+Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
+=== `OAuth2AuthorizationResponseType`
+The static field `TOKEN` has no direct replacement.
+Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
+=== `OAuth2AuthorizationRequest`
+The static method `implicit()` has no direct replacement.
+Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
+== Deprecations in OAuth2 Resource Server
+In Spring Security 6, deprecated classes and methods were removed from xref:servlet/oauth2/resource-server/index.adoc[OAuth2 Resource Server].
+Each deprecation is listed below, along with a direct replacement.
+=== `JwtAuthenticationConverter`
+The method `extractAuthorities(...)` can be replaced with `JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter#convert(...)`.
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/saml2.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/saml2.adoc
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+= SAML Migrations
+The following steps relate to changes around how to configure SAML 2.0.
+== Use OpenSAML 4
+OpenSAML 3 has reached its end-of-life.
+As such, Spring Security 6 drops support for it, bumping up its OpenSAML baseline to 4.
+To prepare for the upgrade, update your pom to depend on OpenSAML 4 instead of 3:
+ org.opensaml
+ opensaml-core
+ 4.2.1
+ org.opensaml
+ opensaml-saml-api
+ 4.2.1
+ org.opensaml
+ opensaml-saml-impl
+ 4.2.1
+dependencies {
+ constraints {
+ api "org.opensaml:opensaml-core:4.2.1"
+ api "org.opensaml:opensaml-saml-api:4.2.1"
+ api "org.opensaml:opensaml-saml-impl:4.2.1"
+ }
+You must use at least OpenSAML 4.1.1 to update to Spring Security 6's SAML support.
+== Use `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`
+In order to support both OpenSAML 3 and 4 at the same time, Spring Security released `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider` and `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`.
+In 6.0, because OpenSAML3 support is removed, `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider` is removed as well.
+Not all methods in `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider` were ported 1-to-1 to `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`.
+As such, some adjustment will be required to make the challenge.
+Consider the following representative usage of `OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider`:
+OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider versionThree = new OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider();
+val versionThree: OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider = OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider()
+This should change to:
+Converter delegate = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
+ .createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter();
+OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider versionFour = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
+versionFour.setResponseAuthenticationConverter((responseToken) -> {
+ Saml2Authentication authentication = delegate.convert(responseToken);
+ Assertion assertion = responseToken.getResponse().getAssertions().get(0);
+ AuthenticatedPrincipal principal = (AuthenticatedPrincipal) authentication.getPrincipal();
+ Collection authorities = myAuthoritiesExtractor.convert(assertion);
+ return new Saml2Authentication(principal, authentication.getSaml2Response(), authorities);
+Converter validator = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
+ .createDefaultAssertionValidatorWithParameters((p) -> p.put(CLOCK_SKEW, myDuration));
+val delegate = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter()
+val versionFour = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
+ responseToken -> {
+ val authentication = delegate.convert(responseToken)
+ val assertion = responseToken.getResponse().getAssertions().get(0)
+ val principal = (AuthenticatedPrincipal) authentication.getPrincipal()
+ val authorities = myAuthoritiesExtractor.convert(assertion)
+ return Saml2Authentication(principal, authentication.getSaml2Response(), authorities)
+ }
+val validator = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
+ .createDefaultAssertionValidatorWithParameters({ p -> p.put(CLOCK_SKEW, myDuration) })
+== Stop Using SAML 2.0 `Converter` constructors
+In an early release of Spring Security's SAML 2.0 support, `Saml2MetadataFilter` and `Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter` shipped with constructors of type `Converter`.
+This level of abstraction made it tricky to evolve the class and so a dedicated interface `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` was introduced in a later release.
+In 6.0, the `Converter` constructors are removed.
+To prepare for this in 5.8, change classes that implement `Converter` to instead implement `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`.
+== Change to Using `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver`
+`Saml2AuthenticationContextResolver` and `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory` are removed in 6.0 as is the `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` that requires them.
+They are replaced by `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver` and a new constructor in `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter`.
+The new interface removes an unnecessary transport object between the two classes.
+Most applications need do nothing; however, if you use or configure `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver` or `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory`, try the following steps to convert instead use `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver`.
+=== Use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` instead of `setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter`
+If you are calling `OpenSaml4AuthenticationReqeustFactory#setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter`, for example, like so:
+Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory() {
+ OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory factory = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory();
+ factory.setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter((context) -> {
+ AuthnRequestBuilder authnRequestBuilder = ConfigurationService.get(XMLObjectProviderRegistry.class)
+ .getBuilderFactory().getBuilder(AuthnRequest.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
+ IssuerBuilder issuerBuilder = ConfigurationService.get(XMLObjectProviderRegistry.class)
+ .getBuilderFactory().getBuilder(Issuer.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
+ tring issuer = context.getIssuer();
+ String destination = context.getDestination();
+ String assertionConsumerServiceUrl = context.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrl();
+ String protocolBinding = context.getRelyingPartyRegistration().getAssertionConsumerServiceBinding().getUrn();
+ AuthnRequest auth = authnRequestBuilder.buildObject();
+ auth.setID("ARQ" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(1));
+ auth.setIssueInstant(Instant.now());
+ auth.setForceAuthn(Boolean.TRUE);
+ auth.setIsPassive(Boolean.FALSE);
+ auth.setProtocolBinding(SAMLConstants.SAML2_POST_BINDING_URI);
+ Issuer iss = issuerBuilder.buildObject();
+ iss.setValue(issuer);
+ auth.setIssuer(iss);
+ auth.setDestination(destination);
+ auth.setAssertionConsumerServiceURL(assertionConsumerServiceUrl);
+ });
+ return factory;
+to ensure that ForceAuthn is set to `true`, you can instead do:
+Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver authenticationRequestResolver(RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver registrations) {
+ OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver reaolver = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver(registrations);
+ resolver.setAuthnRequestCustomizer((context) -> context.getAuthnRequest().setForceAuthn(Boolean.TRUE));
+ return resolver;
+Also, since `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` has direct access to the `HttpServletRequest`, there is no need for a `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver`.
+Simply use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` to read directly from `HttpServletRequest` this information you need.
+=== Use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` instead of `setProtocolBinding`
+Instead of doing:
+Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory() {
+ OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory factory = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory();
+ factory.setProtocolBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST")
+ return factory;
+you can do:
+Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver authenticationRequestResolver() {
+ OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver reaolver = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestResolver(registrations);
+ resolver.setAuthnRequestCustomizer((context) -> context.getAuthnRequest()
+ .setProtocolBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"));
+ return resolver;
+Since Spring Security only supports the `POST` binding for authentication, there is not very much value in overriding the protocol binding at this point in time.
+== Use the latest `Saml2AuthenticationToken` constructor
+In an early release, `Saml2AuthenticationToken` took several individual settings as constructor parameters.
+This created a challenge each time a new parameter needed to be added.
+Since most of these settings were part of `RelyingPartyRegistration`, a new constructor was added where a `RelyingPartyRegistration` could be provided, making the constructor more stable.
+It also is valuable in that it more closely aligns with the design of `OAuth2LoginAuthenticationToken`.
+Most applications do not construct this class directly since `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter` does.
+However, in the event that your application constructs one, please change from:
+new Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration.getSingleSignOnServiceLocation(),
+ registration.getAssertingParty().getEntityId(), registration.getEntityId(), registration.getCredentials())
+Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration.getSingleSignOnServiceLocation(),
+ registration.getAssertingParty().getEntityId(), registration.getEntityId(), registration.getCredentials())
+new Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration)
+Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration)
+== Use `RelyingPartyRegistration` updated methods
+In an early release of Spring Security's SAML support, there was some ambiguity on the meaning of certain `RelyingPartyRegistration` methods and their function.
+As more capabilities were added to `RelyingPartyRegistration`, it became necessary to clarify this ambiguity by changing method names to ones that aligned with spec language.
+The deprecated methods in `RelyingPartyRegstration` are removed.
+To prepare for that, consider the following representative usage of `RelyingPartyRegistration`:
+String idpEntityId = registration.getRemoteIdpEntityId();
+String assertionConsumerServiceUrl = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrlTemplate();
+String idpWebSsoUrl = registration.getIdpWebSsoUrl();
+String localEntityId = registration.getLocalEntityIdTemplate();
+List verifying = registration.getCredentials().stream()
+ .filter(Saml2X509Credential::isSignatureVerficationCredential)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+val idpEntityId: String = registration.getRemoteIdpEntityId()
+val assertionConsumerServiceUrl: String = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrlTemplate()
+val idpWebSsoUrl: String = registration.getIdpWebSsoUrl()
+val localEntityId: String = registration.getLocalEntityIdTemplate()
+val verifying: List = registration.getCredentials()
+ .filter(Saml2X509Credential::isSignatureVerficationCredential)
+This should change to:
+String assertingPartyEntityId = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId();
+String assertionConsumerServiceLocation = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation();
+String singleSignOnServiceLocation = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getSingleSignOnServiceLocation();
+String entityId = registration.getEntityId();
+List verifying = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getVerificationX509Credentials();
+val assertingPartyEntityId: String = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId()
+val assertionConsumerServiceLocation: String = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation()
+val singleSignOnServiceLocation: String = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getSingleSignOnServiceLocation()
+val entityId: String = registration.getEntityId()
+val verifying: List = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getVerificationX509Credentials()
+For a complete listing of all changed methods, please see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/saml2/provider/service/registration/RelyingPartyRegistration.html[``RelyingPartyRegistration``'s JavaDoc].
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/session-management.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/session-management.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..182c61aa11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/migration/servlet/session-management.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+= Session Management Migrations
+== Explicit Save SecurityContextRepository
+In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is for the xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-securitycontext[`SecurityContext`] to automatically be saved to the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] using the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextpersistencefilter[`SecurityContextPersistenceFilter`].
+Saving must be done just prior to the `HttpServletResponse` being committed and just before `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter`.
+Unfortunately, automatic persistence of the `SecurityContext` can surprise users when it is done prior to the request completing (i.e. just prior to committing the `HttpServletResponse`).
+It also is complex to keep track of the state to determine if a save is necessary causing unnecessary writes to the `SecurityContextRepository` (i.e. `HttpSession`) at times.
+In Spring Security 6, the default behavior is that the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextholderfilter[`SecurityContextHolderFilter`] will only read the `SecurityContext` from `SecurityContextRepository` and populate it in the `SecurityContextHolder`.
+Users now must explicitly save the `SecurityContext` with the `SecurityContextRepository` if they want the `SecurityContext` to persist between requests.
+This removes ambiguity and improves performance by only requiring writing to the `SecurityContextRepository` (i.e. `HttpSession`) when it is necessary.
+To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
+== Multiple SecurityContextRepository
+In Spring Security 5, the default xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] is `HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository`.
+In Spring Security 6, the default `SecurityContextRepository` is `DelegatingSecurityContextRepository`.
+To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
+.Configure SecurityContextRepository with 6.0 defaults
+public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .securityContext((securityContext) -> securityContext
+ .securityContextRepository(new DelegatingSecurityContextRepository(
+ new RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository(),
+ new HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository()
+ ))
+ );
+ return http.build();
+fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ http {
+ // ...
+ securityContext {
+ securityContextRepository = DelegatingSecurityContextRepository(
+ RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository(),
+ HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
+If you are already using an implementation other than `HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository`, you should replace it with your chosen implementation in the example above to ensure that it is used along with `RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository`.
+== Deprecation in SecurityContextRepository
+In Spring Security 5.7, a new method was added to xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] with the signature:
+ Supplier loadContext(HttpServletRequest request)
+With the addition of xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#delegatingsecuritycontextrepository[`DelegatingSecurityContextRepository`] in Spring Security 5.8, that method was deprecated in favor of a new method with the signature:
+ DeferredSecurityContext loadDeferredContext(HttpServletRequest request)
+In Spring Security 6, the deprecated method was removed.
+If you have implemented `SecurityContextRepository` yourself and added an implementation of the `loadContext(request)` method, you can prepare for Spring Security 6 by removing the implementation of that method and implementing the new method instead.
+To get started implementing the new method, use the following example to provide a `DeferredSecurityContext`:
+.Provide `DeferredSecurityContext`
+public DeferredSecurityContext loadDeferredContext(HttpServletRequest request) {
+ return new DeferredSecurityContext() {
+ private SecurityContext securityContext;
+ private boolean isGenerated;
+ @Override
+ public SecurityContext get() {
+ if (this.securityContext == null) {
+ this.securityContext = getContextOrNull(request);
+ if (this.securityContext == null) {
+ SecurityContextHolderStrategy strategy = SecurityContextHolder.getContextHolderStrategy();
+ this.securityContext = strategy.createEmptyContext();
+ this.isGenerated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return this.securityContext;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isGenerated() {
+ get();
+ return this.isGenerated;
+ }
+ };
+override fun loadDeferredContext(request: HttpServletRequest): DeferredSecurityContext {
+ return object : DeferredSecurityContext {
+ private var securityContext: SecurityContext? = null
+ private var isGenerated = false
+ override fun get(): SecurityContext {
+ if (securityContext == null) {
+ securityContext = getContextOrNull(request)
+ ?: SecurityContextHolder.getContextHolderStrategy().createEmptyContext()
+ .also { isGenerated = true }
+ }
+ return securityContext!!
+ }
+ override fun isGenerated(): Boolean {
+ get()
+ return isGenerated
+ }
+ }
+== Optimize Querying of `RequestCache`
+In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is to query the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#savedrequests[saved request] on every request.
+This means that in a typical setup, that in order to use the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#requestcache[`RequestCache`] the `HttpSession` is queried on every request.
+In Spring Security 6, the default is that `RequestCache` will only be queried for a cached request if the HTTP parameter `continue` is defined.
+This allows Spring Security to avoid unnecessarily reading the `HttpSession` with the `RequestCache`.
+In Spring Security 5 the default is to use `HttpSessionRequestCache` which will be queried for a cached request on every request.
+If you are not overriding the defaults (i.e. using `NullRequestCache`), then the following configuration can be used to explicitly opt into the Spring Security 6 behavior in Spring Security 5.8:
+== Explicit SessionAuthenticationStrategy
+In Spring Security 5, the default configuration relies on `SessionManagementFilter` to detect if a user just authenticated and invoke the `SessionAuthenticationStrategy`.
+The problem with this is that it means that in a typical setup, the `HttpSession` must be read for every request.
+In Spring Security 6, the default is that authentication mechanisms themselves must invoke the `SessionAuthenticationStrategy`.
+This means that there is no need to detect when `Authentication` is done and thus the `HttpSession` does not need to be read for every request.
+To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
+.Require Explicit `SessionAuthenticationStrategy` Invocation
+DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .sessionManagement((sessions) -> sessions
+ .requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy(true)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ http {
+ sessionManagement {
+ requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy = true
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()
+If this breaks your application, then you can explicitly opt into the 5.8 defaults using the following configuration:
+.Explicit use Spring Security 5.8 defaults for `SessionAuthenticationStrategy`
+DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
+ http
+ // ...
+ .sessionManagement((sessions) -> sessions
+ .requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy(false)
+ );
+ return http.build();
+open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
+ http {
+ sessionManagement {
+ requireExplicitAuthenticationStrategy = false
+ }
+ }
+ return http.build()