OAuth 2.0 Test Support Docs

- Added WebTestClient documentation
- Updated MockMvc documentation to align

Fixes gh-8050
This commit is contained in:
Josh Cummings 2020-03-04 19:55:26 -07:00
parent b42d9ca9e3
commit 894a19b5ec
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 49EF60DD7FF83443
2 changed files with 907 additions and 215 deletions

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@ -149,8 +149,401 @@ this.rest
=== Testing OAuth 2.0
=== Testing Bearer Authentication
When it comes to OAuth 2.0, the same principles covered earlier still apply: Ultimately, it depends on what your method under test is expecting to be in the `SecurityContextHolder`.
For example, for a controller that looks like this:
public Mono<String> foo(Principal user) {
return Mono.just(user.getName());
There's nothing OAuth2-specific about it, so you will likely be able to simply <<test-erms,use `@WithMockUser`>> and be fine.
But, in cases where your controllers are bound to some aspect of Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 support, like the following:
public Mono<String> foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser user) {
return Mono.just(user.getIdToken().getSubject());
then Spring Security's test support can come in handy.
=== Testing OIDC Login
Testing the method above with `WebTestClient` would require simulating some kind of grant flow with an authorization server.
Certainly this would be a daunting task, which is why Spring Security ships with support for removing this boilerplate.
For example, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OidcUser` using the `SecurityMockServerConfigurers#oidcLogin` method, like so:
What this will do is configure the associated `MockServerRequest` with an `OidcUser` that includes a simple `OidcIdToken`, `OidcUserInfo`, and `Collection` of granted authorities.
Specifically, it will include an `OidcIdToken` with a `sub` claim set to `user`:
an `OidcUserInfo` with no claims set:
and a `Collection` of authorities with just one authority, `SCOPE_read`:
assertThat(user.getAuthorities()).containsExactly(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read"));
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `OidcUser` instance is available for <<mvc-authentication-principal,the `@AuthenticationPrincipal` annotation>>.
Further, it also links that `OidcUser` to a simple instance of `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` that it deposits into an `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository`.
This can be handy if your tests <<webflux-testing-oauth2-client,use the `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation>>..
==== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
In this case, you can supply what granted authorities you need using the `authorities()` method:
.authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_message:read"))
==== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have claims in the case of OAuth 2.0.
Let's say, for example, that you've got a `user_id` claim that indicates the user's id in your system.
You might access it like so in a controller:
public Mono<String> foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser oidcUser) {
String userId = oidcUser.getIdToken().getClaim("user_id");
// ...
In that case, you'd want to specify that claim with the `idToken()` method:
.idToken(token -> token.claim("user_id", "1234"))
since `OidcUser` collects its claims from `OidcIdToken`.
==== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
* `userInfo(OidcUserInfo.Builder)` - For configuring the `OidcUserInfo` instance
* `clientRegistration(ClientRegistration)` - For configuring the associated `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` with a given `ClientRegistration`
* `oidcUser(OidcUser)` - For configuring the complete `OidcUser` instance
That last one is handy if you:
1. Have your own implementation of `OidcUser`, or
2. Need to change the name attribute
For example, let's say that your authorization server sends the principal name in the `user_name` claim instead of the `sub` claim.
In that case, you can configure an `OidcUser` by hand:
OidcUser oidcUser = new DefaultOidcUser(
Collections.singletonMap("user_name", "foo_user"),
=== Testing OAuth 2.0 Login
As with <<webflux-testing-oidc-login,testing OIDC login>>, testing OAuth 2.0 Login presents a similar challenge of mocking a grant flow.
And because of that, Spring Security also has test support for non-OIDC use cases.
Let's say that we've got a controller that gets the logged-in user as an `OAuth2User`:
public Mono<String> foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User oauth2User) {
return Mono.just(oauth2User.getAttribute("sub"));
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OAuth2User` using the `SecurityMockServerConfigurers#oauth2User` method, like so:
What this will do is configure the associated `MockServerRequest` with an `OAuth2User` that includes a simple `Map` of attributes and `Collection` of granted authorities.
Specifically, it will include a `Map` with a key/value pair of `sub`/`user`:
assertThat((String) user.getAttribute("sub")).isEqualTo("user");
and a `Collection` of authorities with just one authority, `SCOPE_read`:
assertThat(user.getAuthorities()).containsExactly(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read"));
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `OAuth2User` instance is available for <<mvc-authentication-principal,the `@AuthenticationPrincipal` annotation>>.
Further, it also links that `OAuth2User` to a simple instance of `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` that it deposits in an `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository`.
This can be handy if your tests <<webflux-testing-oauth2-client,use the `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation>>.
==== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
In this case, you can supply what granted authorities you need using the `authorities()` method:
.authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_message:read"))
==== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have claims in the case of OAuth 2.0.
Let's say, for example, that you've got a `user_id` attribute that indicates the user's id in your system.
You might access it like so in a controller:
public Mono<String> foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User oauth2User) {
String userId = oauth2User.getAttribute("user_id");
// ...
In that case, you'd want to specify that attribute with the `attributes()` method:
.attributes(attrs -> attrs.put("user_id", "1234"))
==== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
* `clientRegistration(ClientRegistration)` - For configuring the associated `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` with a given `ClientRegistration`
* `oauth2User(OAuth2User)` - For configuring the complete `OAuth2User` instance
That last one is handy if you:
1. Have your own implementation of `OAuth2User`, or
2. Need to change the name attribute
For example, let's say that your authorization server sends the principal name in the `user_name` claim instead of the `sub` claim.
In that case, you can configure an `OAuth2User` by hand:
OAuth2User oauth2User = new DefaultOAuth2User(
Collections.singletonMap("user_name", "foo_user"),
=== Testing OAuth 2.0 Clients
Independent of how your user authenticates, you may have other tokens and client registrations that are in play for the request you are testing.
For example, your controller may be relying on the client credentials grant to get a token that isn't associated with the user at all:
public Mono<String> foo(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("my-app") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
return this.webClient.get()
Simulating this handshake with the authorization server could be cumbersome.
Instead, you can use `SecurityMockServerConfigurers#oauth2Client` to add a `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` into an `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository`:
If your application isn't already using an `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository`, then you can supply one as a `@TestConfiguration`:
static class AuthorizedClientConfig {
OAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClientRepository() {
return new WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository();
What this will do is create an `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` that has a simple `ClientRegistration`, `OAuth2AccessToken`, and resource owner name.
Specifically, it will include a `ClientRegistration` with a client id of "test-client" and client secret of "test-secret":
a resource owner name of "user":
and an `OAuth2AccessToken` with just one scope, `read`:
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` instance is available in the associated `HttpSession`.
That means that it can be retrieved from an `WebSessionOAuth2ServerAuthorizedClientRepository`.
==== Configuring Scopes
In many circumstances, the OAuth 2.0 access token comes with a set of scopes.
If your controller inspects these, say like so:
public Mono<String> foo(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("my-app") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
Set<String> scopes = authorizedClient.getAccessToken().getScopes();
if (scopes.contains("message:read")) {
return this.webClient.get()
// ...
then you can configure the scope using the `accessToken()` method:
.accessToken(new OAuth2AccessToken(BEARER, "token", null, null, Collections.singleton("message:read"))))
==== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
* `principalName(String)` - For configuring the resource owner name
* `clientRegistration(Consumer<ClientRegistration.Builder>)` - For configuring the associated `ClientRegistration`
* `clientRegistration(ClientRegistration)` - For configuring the complete `ClientRegistration`
That last one is handy if you want to use a real `ClientRegistration`
For example, let's say that you are wanting to use one of your app's `ClientRegistration` definitions, as specified in your `application.yml`.
In that case, your test can autowire the `ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository` and look up the one your test needs:
ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;
// ...
=== Testing JWT Authentication
In order to make an authorized request on a resource server, you need a bearer token.
If your resource server is configured for JWTs, then this would mean that the bearer token needs to be signed and then encoded according to the JWT specification.
@ -268,3 +661,120 @@ client
Note that as an alternative to these, you can also mock the `ReactiveJwtDecoder` bean itself with a `@MockBean` annotation.
=== Testing Opaque Token Authentication
Similar to <<webflux-testing-jwt,JWTs>>, opaque tokens require an authorization server in order to verify their validity, which can make testing more difficult.
To help with that, Spring Security has test support for opaque tokens.
Let's say that we've got a controller that retrieves the authentication as a `BearerTokenAuthentication`:
public Mono<String> foo(BearerTokenAuthentication authentication) {
return Mono.just((String) authentication.getTokenAttributes("sub"));
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `BearerTokenAuthentication` using the `SecurityMockServerConfigurers#opaqueToken` method, like so:
What this will do is configure the associated `MockHttpServletRequest` with a `BearerTokenAuthentication` that includes a simple `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal`, `Map` of attributes, and `Collection` of granted authorities.
Specifically, it will include a `Map` with a key/value pair of `sub`/`user`:
assertThat((String) token.getTokenAttributes().get("sub")).isEqualTo("user");
and a `Collection` of authorities with just one authority, `SCOPE_read`:
assertThat(token.getAuthorities()).containsExactly(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read"));
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `BearerTokenAuthentication` instance is available for your controller methods.
==== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
In this case, you can supply what granted authorities you need using the `authorities()` method:
.authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_message:read"))
==== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have attributes in the case of OAuth 2.0.
Let's say, for example, that you've got a `user_id` attribute that indicates the user's id in your system.
You might access it like so in a controller:
public Mono<String> foo(BearerTokenAuthentication authentication) {
String userId = (String) authentication.getTokenAttributes().get("user_id");
// ...
In that case, you'd want to specify that attribute with the `attributes()` method:
.attributes(attrs -> attrs.put("user_id", "1234"))
==== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects.
One such is `principal(OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal)`, which you can use to configure the complete `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal` instance that underlies the `BearerTokenAuthentication`
It's handy if you:
1. Have your own implementation of `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal`, or
2. Want to specify a different principal name
For example, let's say that your authorization server sends the principal name in the `user_name` attribute instead of the `sub` attribute.
In that case, you can configure an `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal` by hand:
Map<String, Object> attributes = Collections.singletonMap("user_name", "foo_user");
OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal principal = new DefaultOAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal(
(String) attributes.get("user_name"),
Note that as an alternative to using `mockOpaqueToken()` test support, you can also mock the `OpaqueTokenIntrospector` bean itself with a `@MockBean` annotation.

View File

@ -240,257 +240,391 @@ will attempt to use HTTP Basic to authenticate a user with the username "user" a
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
=== SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders
==== Testing OAuth 2.0
Spring MVC Test also provides a `RequestBuilder` interface that can be used to create the `MockHttpServletRequest` used in your test.
Spring Security provides a few `RequestBuilder` implementations that can be used to make testing easier.
In order to use Spring Security's `RequestBuilder` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
When it comes to OAuth 2.0, the same principles covered earlier still apply: Ultimately, it depends on what your method under test is expecting to be in the `SecurityContextHolder`.
For example, for a controller that looks like this:
import static org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.request.SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders.*;
public String foo(Principal user) {
return user.getName();
==== Testing Form Based Authentication
There's nothing OAuth2-specific about it, so you will likely be able to simply <<test-method-withmockuser,use `@WithMockUser`>> and be fine.
You can easily create a request to test a form based authentication using Spring Security's testing support.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/login" with the username "user", the password "password", and a valid CSRF token:
But, in cases where your controllers are bound to some aspect of Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 support, like the following:
public String foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser user) {
return user.getIdToken().getSubject();
It is easy to customize the request.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/auth" with the username "admin", the password "pass", and a valid CSRF token:
We can also customize the parameters names that the username and password are included on.
For example, this is the above request modified to include the username on the HTTP parameter "u" and the password on the HTTP parameter "p".
then Spring Security's test support can come in handy.
==== Testing OIDC Login
In order to make an authenticated request on an OAuth 2.0 client, you would need to simulate some kind of grant flow with an authorization server.
However, Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 Client test support can help remove much of this boilerplate.
Testing the method above with Spring MVC Test would require simulating some kind of grant flow with an authorization server.
Certainly this would be a daunting task, which is why Spring Security ships with support for removing this boilerplate.
If your client uses OIDC to authenticate, then you can use the `oidcLogin()` `RequestPostProcessor` to configure a `MockMvc` request with an authenticated user.
The simplest of these would look something like this:
For example, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OidcUser` using the `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors#oidcLogin` method, like so:
What this will do is create a mock `OidcUser`, passing it correctly through any authentication APIs so that it's available for your controllers and so on.
It contains a mock `OidcUserInfo`, a mock `OidcIdToken`, and a mock `Collection` of granted authorities.
Also, <<testing-oauth2-client,a mock `OAuth2AuthorizedClient`>> associated with the user is registered to an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`.
What this will do is configure the associated `MockHttpServletRequest` with an `OidcUser` that includes a simple `OidcIdToken`, `OidcUserInfo`, and `Collection` of granted authorities.
By default, the user info has no claims, and the id token has the `sub` claim, like so:
Specifically, it will include an `OidcIdToken` with a `sub` claim set to `user`:
"sub" : "user"
And the resulting `OidcUser`, were it tested, would pass in the following way:
an `OidcUserInfo` with no claims set:
GrantedAuthority authority = user.getAuthorities().iterator().next();
These values can, of course be configured.
and a `Collection` of authorities with just one authority, `SCOPE_read`:
Any claims can be configured with their corresponding methods:
.idToken(idToken -> idToken.subject("my-subject"))
.userInfo(info -> info.firstName("Rob"))));
assertThat(user.getAuthorities()).containsExactly(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read"));
.with(oidcLogin().idToken(idToken -> idToken.claims(claims -> claims.remove("scope")))));
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `OidcUser` instance is available for <<mvc-authentication-principal,the `@AuthenticationPrincipal` annotation>>.
By default, `oidcLogin()` adds a `SCOPE_read` `GrantedAuthority`.
However, this can be overridden simply by providing the list of `GrantedAuthority` instances that you need for your test:
Further, it also links that `OidcUser` to a simple instance of `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` that it deposits into an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`.
This can be handy if your tests <<testing-oauth2-client,use the `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation>>..
===== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
In this case, you can supply what granted authorities you need using the `authorities()` method:
.with(oidcLogin().authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_messages"))));
.authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_message:read"))
Or, you can supply all detail via an instance of `OidcUser` like so:
===== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have claims in the case of OAuth 2.0.
Let's say, for example, that you've got a `user_id` claim that indicates the user's id in your system.
You might access it like so in a controller:
.with(oidcLogin().oidcUser(new MyOidcUser())));
public String foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser oidcUser) {
String userId = oidcUser.getIdToken().getClaim("user_id");
// ...
In that case, you'd want to specify that claim with the `idToken()` method:
.idToken(token -> token.claim("user_id", "1234"))
since `OidcUser` collects its claims from `OidcIdToken`.
===== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
* `userInfo(OidcUserInfo.Builder)` - For configuring the `OidcUserInfo` instance
* `clientRegistration(ClientRegistration)` - For configuring the associated `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` with a given `ClientRegistration`
* `oidcUser(OidcUser)` - For configuring the complete `OidcUser` instance
That last one is handy if you:
1. Have your own implementation of `OidcUser`, or
2. Need to change the name attribute
For example, let's say that your authorization server sends the principal name in the `user_name` claim instead of the `sub` claim.
In that case, you can configure an `OidcUser` by hand:
OidcUser oidcUser = new DefaultOidcUser(
Collections.singletonMap("user_name", "foo_user"),
==== Testing OAuth 2.0 Login
Or, if your client uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate, but not OIDC, then you can use the `oauth2Login()` `RequestPostProcessor` to configure a `MockMvc` request with an authenticated user.
The simplest of these would look something like this:
As with <<testing-oidc-login,testing OIDC login>>, testing OAuth 2.0 Login presents a similar challenge of mocking a grant flow.
And because of that, Spring Security also has test support for non-OIDC use cases.
Let's say that we've got a controller that gets the logged-in user as an `OAuth2User`:
What this will do is create a mock `OAuth2User`, passing it correctly through any authentication APIs so that it's available for your controllers and so on.
It contains a mock set of attributes and a mock `Collection` of granted authorities.
Also, <<testing-oauth2-client,a mock `OAuth2AuthorizedClient`>> associated with the user is registered to an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`.
By default, the set of attributes contains only `sub`:
"sub" : "user"
public String foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User oauth2User) {
return oauth2User.getAttribute("sub");
And the resulting `OAuth2User`, were it tested, would pass in the following way:
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OAuth2User` using the `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors#oauth2User` method, like so:
GrantedAuthority authority = user.getAuthorities().iterator().next();
These values can, of course be configured.
What this will do is configure the associated `MockHttpServletRequest` with an `OAuth2User` that includes a simple `Map` of attributes and `Collection` of granted authorities.
Any claims can be configured via the underlying `Map`:
Specifically, it will include a `Map` with a key/value pair of `sub`/`user`:
.attributes(attrs -> attrs.put("sub", "my-subject"))));
assertThat((String) user.getAttribute("sub")).isEqualTo("user");
and a `Collection` of authorities with just one authority, `SCOPE_read`:
.attributes(attrs -> attrs.remove("some_claim"))));
assertThat(user.getAuthorities()).containsExactly(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read"));
By default, `oauth2User()` adds a `SCOPE_read` `GrantedAuthority`.
However, this can be overridden simply by providing the list of `GrantedAuthority` instances that you need for your test:
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `OAuth2User` instance is available for <<mvc-authentication-principal,the `@AuthenticationPrincipal` annotation>>.
Further, it also links that `OAuth2User` to a simple instance of `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` that it deposits in an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`.
This can be handy if your tests <<testing-oauth2-client,use the `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation>>.
===== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
In this case, you can supply what granted authorities you need using the `authorities()` method:
.with(oauth2Login().authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_messages"))));
.authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_message:read"))
Or, you can supply all detail via an instance of `OAuth2User` like so:
===== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have claims in the case of OAuth 2.0.
Let's say, for example, that you've got a `user_id` attribute that indicates the user's id in your system.
You might access it like so in a controller:
.with(oauth2Login().oauth2User(new MyOAuth2User())));
public String foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User oauth2User) {
String userId = oauth2User.getAttribute("user_id");
// ...
In that case, you'd want to specify that attribute with the `attributes()` method:
.attributes(attrs -> attrs.put("user_id", "1234"))
===== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
* `clientRegistration(ClientRegistration)` - For configuring the associated `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` with a given `ClientRegistration`
* `oauth2User(OAuth2User)` - For configuring the complete `OAuth2User` instance
That last one is handy if you:
1. Have your own implementation of `OAuth2User`, or
2. Need to change the name attribute
For example, let's say that your authorization server sends the principal name in the `user_name` claim instead of the `sub` claim.
In that case, you can configure an `OAuth2User` by hand:
OAuth2User oauth2User = new DefaultOAuth2User(
Collections.singletonMap("user_name", "foo_user"),
==== Testing OAuth 2.0 Clients
Independent of how your user authenticates, there may be other OAuth 2.0 tokens that the request will need in order to communicate with resource servers, say in an integration test.
If you need to express an OAuth 2.0 client in your test, then you can use the `oauth2Client()` `RequestPostProcessor` to configure a `MockMvc` request with an authorized client.
The simplest of these would look something like this:
What this will do is create a mock `OAuth2AuthorizedClient`, passing it correctly through any authentication APIs.
It contains a mock `ClientRegistration` and associated access token.
It will register this `ClientRegistration` and access token in an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`.
By default, the access token contains only the `scope` attribute:
Independent of how your user authenticates, you may have other tokens and client registrations that are in play for the request you are testing.
For example, your controller may be relying on the client credentials grant to get a token that isn't associated with the user at all:
"scope" : "read"
public String foo(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("my-app") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
return this.webClient.get()
And the resulting `OAuth2AuthorizedClient`, were it tested, would pass in the following way:
Simulating this handshake with the authorization server could be cumbersome.
Instead, you can use `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessor#oauth2Client` to add a `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` into an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`:
These values can, of course, be configured.
Any client details can be configured via the `ClientRegistration.Builder` like so:
If your application isn't already using an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`, then you can supply one as a `@TestConfiguration`:
.clientRegistration(client -> client.clientId("client-id"));
static class AuthorizedClientConfig {
OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClientRepository() {
return new HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository();
To supply the corresponding token, invoke `accessToken()` like this:
What this will do is create an `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` that has a simple `ClientRegistration`, `OAuth2AccessToken`, and resource owner name.
Specifically, it will include a `ClientRegistration` with a client id of "test-client" and client secret of "test-secret":
a resource owner name of "user":
and an `OAuth2AccessToken` with just one scope, `read`:
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` instance is available in the associated `HttpSession`.
That means that it can be retrieved from an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`.
===== Configuring Scopes
In many circumstances, the OAuth 2.0 access token comes with a set of scopes.
If your controller inspects these, say like so:
public String foo(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("my-app") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
Set<String> scopes = authorizedClient.getAccessToken().getScopes();
if (scopes.contains("message:read")) {
return this.webClient.get()
// ...
then you can configure the scope using the `accessToken()` method:
.accessToken(new OAuth2AccessToken(BEARER, "my-value", issuedAt, expiresAt, scopes))));
.accessToken(new OAuth2AccessToken(BEARER, "token", null, null, Collections.singleton("message:read"))))
===== `ClientRegistrationRepository` and `OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`
===== Additional Configurations
Under many circumstances, you will need to supply a registration id so that it can be looked up by exchange filter functions or `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotations.
For this reason, `oauth2Client()` ships with a convenience method:
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
* `principalName(String)` - For configuring the resource owner name
* `clientRegistration(Consumer<ClientRegistration.Builder>)` - For configuring the associated `ClientRegistration`
* `clientRegistration(ClientRegistration)` - For configuring the complete `ClientRegistration`
This, however, doesn't know about your application's `ClientRegistrationRepository`, so calling this does not look up your "facebook" client registration for you.
That last one is handy if you want to use a real `ClientRegistration`
To configure a test with an actual `ClientRegistration` from your `ClientRegistrationRepository` you can do:
For example, let's say that you are wanting to use one of your app's `ClientRegistration` definitions, as specified in your `application.yml`.
In that case, your test can autowire the `ClientRegistrationRepository` and look up the one your test needs:
@ -499,25 +633,10 @@ ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;
// ...
Also, `oauth2Client()` doesn't know about your application's `OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`, which is what Spring Security uses to resolve `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotations.
To make it available in your controllers, your app will need to be using an `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository` so that the token can be retrieved in a thread-safe way.
You can isolate this configuration to your test via a test configuration like the following:
static class TestAuthorizedClientRepositoryConfig {
OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClientRepository() {
return new HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository();
@ -643,98 +762,161 @@ Note that as an alternative to these, you can also mock the `JwtDecoder` bean it
==== Testing Opaque Token Authentication
Or, if your resource server is configured for opaque tokens, then this would mean that the bearer token needs to be registered with and verified against an authorization server.
This can be just as distracting as creating a signed JWT.
Similar to <<testing-jwt,JWTs>>, opaque tokens require an authorization server in order to verify their validity, which can make testing more difficult.
To help with that, Spring Security has test support for opaque tokens.
There are two simple ways that you can overcome this difficulty and allow your tests to focus on authorization and not on representing bearer tokens.
Let's take a look:
===== `opaqueToken()` `RequestPostProcessor`
The first way is via a `RequestPostProcessor`.
The simplest of these would look something like this:
Let's say that we've got a controller that retrieves the authentication as a `BearerTokenAuthentication`:
What this will do is create a mock `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal`, passing it correctly through any authentication APIs so that it's available for your authorization mechanisms to verify.
By default, the set of attributes that it creates is like this:
"sub" : "user",
"scope" : "read"
public String foo(BearerTokenAuthentication authentication) {
return (String) authentication.getTokenAttributes("sub");
And the resulting `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal`, were it tested, would pass in the following way:
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `BearerTokenAuthentication` using the `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors#opaqueToken` method, like so:
GrantedAuthority authority = principal.getAuthorities().iterator().next();
These values can, of course be configured.
What this will do is configure the associated `MockHttpServletRequest` with a `BearerTokenAuthentication` that includes a simple `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal`, `Map` of attributes, and `Collection` of granted authorities.
Any attributes can be configured via an underlying `Map`:
Specifically, it will include a `Map` with a key/value pair of `sub`/`user`:
assertThat((String) token.getTokenAttributes().get("sub")).isEqualTo("user");
and a `Collection` of authorities with just one authority, `SCOPE_read`:
assertThat(token.getAuthorities()).containsExactly(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read"));
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `BearerTokenAuthentication` instance is available for your controller methods.
===== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
In this case, you can supply what granted authorities you need using the `authorities()` method:
.with(opaqueToken().attributes(attrs -> attrs
.put("sub", "my-subject")
.put("my-claim", "my-value"))));
.authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_message:read"))
===== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have attributes in the case of OAuth 2.0.
Let's say, for example, that you've got a `user_id` attribute that indicates the user's id in your system.
You might access it like so in a controller:
.with(opaqueToken().attributes(attrs -> attrs
public String foo(BearerTokenAuthentication authentication) {
String userId = (String) authentication.getTokenAttributes().get("user_id");
// ...
The `scope` attribute is processed the same way here as it is in a normal bearer token request.
However, this can be overridden simply by providing the list of `GrantedAuthority` instances that you need for your test:
In that case, you'd want to specify that attribute with the `attributes()` method:
.with(opaqueToken().authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_messages"))));
.attributes(attrs -> attrs.put("user_id", "1234"))
Or, you can supply all detail via an instance of `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal` like so:
===== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects.
One such is `principal(OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal)`, which you can use to configure the complete `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal` instance that underlies the `BearerTokenAuthentication`
It's handy if you:
1. Have your own implementation of `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal`, or
2. Want to specify a different principal name
For example, let's say that your authorization server sends the principal name in the `user_name` attribute instead of the `sub` attribute.
In that case, you can configure an `OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal` by hand:
.with(opaqueToken().principal(new MyAuthenticatedPrincipal())));
Map<String, Object> attributes = Collections.singletonMap("user_name", "foo_user");
OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal principal = new DefaultOAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal(
(String) attributes.get("user_name"),
===== `authentication()` `RequestPostProcessor`
Note that as an alternative to using `opaqueToken()` test support, you can also mock the `OpaqueTokenIntrospector` bean itself with a `@MockBean` annotation.
The second way is by using the `authentication()` `RequestPostProcessor`.
Essentially, you can instantiate your own `BearerTokenAuthentication` and provide it in your test, like so:
=== SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders
Spring MVC Test also provides a `RequestBuilder` interface that can be used to create the `MockHttpServletRequest` used in your test.
Spring Security provides a few `RequestBuilder` implementations that can be used to make testing easier.
In order to use Spring Security's `RequestBuilder` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
Map<String, Object> attributes = Collections.singletonMap("sub", "user");
OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = new OAuth2AccessToken(BEARER, "token", null, null);
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("SCOPE_read");
OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal principal = new DefaultOAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal(attributes, authorities);
BearerTokenAuthentication token = new BearerTokenAuthentication(attributes, accessToken, authorities);
import static org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.request.SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders.*;
Note that as an alternative to these, you can also mock the `OpaqueTokenIntrospector` bean itself with a `@MockBean` annotation.
==== Testing Form Based Authentication
You can easily create a request to test a form based authentication using Spring Security's testing support.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/login" with the username "user", the password "password", and a valid CSRF token:
It is easy to customize the request.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/auth" with the username "admin", the password "pass", and a valid CSRF token:
We can also customize the parameters names that the username and password are included on.
For example, this is the above request modified to include the username on the HTTP parameter "u" and the password on the HTTP parameter "p".
==== Testing Logout