It is ready NOW. As explained in the reference guide, the API
+ is now quite stable. We also use the Apache APR Project
+ Versioning Guidelines so you can identify backward
+ compatibility.
Fast results: View our suggested steps
+ for the fastest way to develop complex, security-compliant applications.
Enterprise-wide single sign on: Using Yale University's open
+ source Central Authentication
+ Service (CAS), the Acegi Security System for Spring can participate
+ in an enterprise-wide single sign on environment. You no longer need
+ every web application to have its own authentication database. Nor are
+ you restricted to single sign on across a single web container. Advanced
+ single sign on features like proxy support and forced refresh of logins
+ are supported by both CAS and Acegi Security.
Reuses your Spring expertise: We use Spring application
+ contexts for all configuration, which should help Spring developers get
+ up-to-speed nice and quickly.
Domain object instance security: In many applications it's
+ desirable to define Access Control Lists (ACLs) for individual domain
+ object instances. We provide a comprehensive ACL package with features
+ including integer bit masking, permission inheritence (including
+ blocking), a JDBC-backed ACL repository, caching and a pluggable,
+ interface-driven design.
Non-intrusive setup: The entire security system can operate
+ within a single web application using the provided filters. There is no
+ need to make special changes or deploy libraries to your Servlet or EJB
+ container.
Full (but optional) container integration: The credential
+ collection and authorization capabilities of your Servlet or EJB
+ container can be fully utilised via included "container adapters". We
+ currently support Catalina (Tomcat), Jetty, JBoss and Resin, with
+ additional containers easily added.
Keeps your objects free of security code: Many applications
+ need to secure data at the bean level based on any combination of
+ parameters (user, time of day, authorities held, method being invoked,
+ parameter on method being invoked....). This package gives you this
+ flexibility without adding security code to your Spring business
+ objects.
After invocation security: Acegi Security can not only protect
+ methods from being invoked in the first place, but it can also
+ deal with the Objects returned from the methods. Included implementations
+ of after invocation security can throw an exception or mutate the returned
+ object based on ACLs.
Secures your HTTP requests as well: In addition to securing
+ your beans, the project also secures your HTTP requests. No longer is it
+ necessary to rely on web.xml security constraints. Best of all, your
+ HTTP requests can now be secured by your choice of regular expressions
+ or Apache Ant paths, along with pluggable authentication, authorization
+ and run-as replacement managers.
Channel security: The Acegi Security System for Spring can
+ automatically redirect requests across an appropriate transport channel.
+ Whilst flexible enough to support any of your "channel" requirements (eg
+ the remote user is a human, not a robot), a common channel security
+ feature is to ensure your secure pages will only be available over
+ HTTPS, and your public pages only over HTTP. Acegi Security also
+ supports unusual port combinations and pluggable transport decision
+ managers.
Supports HTTP BASIC authentication: Perfect for remoting
+ protocols or those web applications that prefer a simple browser pop-up
+ (rather than a form login), Acegi Security can directly process HTTP
+ BASIC authentication requests as per RFC 1945.
Supports HTTP Digest authentication: For greater security than
+ offered by BASIC authentcation, Acegi Security also supports Digest Authentication
+ (which never sends the user's password across the wire). Digest Authentication
+ is widely supported by modern browsers. Acegi Security's implementation complies
+ with both RFC 2617 and RFC 2069.
Convenient security taglib: Your JSP files can use our taglib
+ to ensure that protected content like links and messages are only
+ displayed to users holding the appropriate granted authorities. The taglib
+ also fully integrates with Acegi Security's ACL services.
Application context or attribute-based configuration: You
+ select the method used to configure your security environment. The
+ project supports configuration via Spring application contexts as well
+ as Jakarta Commons Attributes.
Various authentication backends: We include the ability to
+ retrieve your user and granted authority definitions from either an XML
+ file or JDBC datasource. Alternatively, you can implement the
+ single-method DAO interface and obtain authentication details from
+ anywhere you like.
Event support: Building upon Spring's
+ ApplicationEvent services, you can write your own listeners
+ for authentication-related events, along with authorisation-related events.
+ This enables you to implement account lockout and audit log systems, with
+ complete decoupling from Acegi Security code.
Easy integration with existing databases: Our implementations
+ have been designed to make it very easy to use your existing
+ authentication schema and data (without modification). Of course,
+ you can also provide your own Data Access Object if you wish.
Caching: Acegi Security integrates with Spring's EHCACHE factory.
+ This flexibility means your database (or other authentication
+ repository) is not repeatedly queried for authentication
+ information.
Pluggable architecture: Every critical aspect of the package
+ has been modelled using high cohesion, loose coupling, interface-driven
+ design principles. You can easily replace, customise or extend parts of
+ the package.
Startup-time validation: Every critical object dependency and
+ configuration parameter is validated at application context startup
+ time. Security configuration errors are therefore detected early and
+ corrected quickly.
Remoting support: Does your project use a rich client? Not a
+ problem. Acegi Security integrates with standard Spring remoting
+ protocols, because it automatically processes the HTTP BASIC
+ authentication headers they present. Add our BASIC authentication filter
+ to your web.xml and you're done.
Advanced password encoding: Of course, passwords in your
+ authentication repository need not be in plain text. We support both SHA
+ and MD5 encoding, and also pluggable "salt" providers to maximise
+ password security.
Run-as replacement: The security system fully supports
+ temporarily replacing the authenticated user for the duration of the web
+ request or bean invocation. This enables you to build public-facing
+ object tiers with different security configurations than your backend
+ objects.
Transparent security propagation: Acegi Security can automatically
+ transfer its core authentication information from one machine to another,
+ using a variety of protocols including RMI and Spring's HttpInvoker.
Compatible with HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser(): Even though
+ Acegi Security can deliver authentication using a range of pluggable mechanisms
+ (most of which require no web container configuration), we allow you to access
+ the resulting Authentication object via the getRemoteUser() method.
Unit tests: A must-have of any quality security project, unit
+ tests are included. Our unit test coverage is very high, as shown in the
+ coverage report.
Built by Maven: This assists you in effectively reusing the Acegi
+ Security artifacts in your own Maven-based projects.
Supports your own unit tests: We provide a number of classes
+ that assist with your own unit testing of secured business objects. For
+ example, you can change the authentication identity and its associated
+ granted authorities directly within your test methods.
Peer reviewed: Whilst nothing is ever completely secure,
+ using an open source security package leverages the continuous design
+ and code quality improvements that emerge from peer review.
Thorough documentation: All APIs are fully documented using
+ JavaDoc, with a 40+ page
+ Reference Guide providing an easy-to-follow
+ introduction. More documentation is provided on this web site, as
+ shown in the left hand navigation sidebar.