SEC-1858: Added integration tests to validate that the xsd is documented in the reference

This commit is contained in:
Rob Winch 2011-11-11 09:00:53 -05:00
parent f88b6f75ff
commit c8b847f1ed
5 changed files with 539 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ dependencies {
test {
inputs.file file("$rootDir/docs/manual/src/docbook/appendix-namespace.xml")
integrationTest {
systemProperties['apacheDSWorkDir'] = "${buildDir}/apacheDSWork"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Represents a Spring Security XSD Attribute. It is created when parsing the current xsd to compare to the documented appendix.
* @author Rob Winch
* @see SpringSecurityXsdParser
* @see XsdDocumentedSpec
class Attribute {
def prefix = ""
def name
def desc
def elmt
def indent() {
prefix += " "
def toDocbook(prefix) {
def indent = " "+prefix
${prefix}<section xml:id="${id}">
def getId() {
return "${}-${name}".toString()
public String toString() {
prefix + '@' + name + " - " + desc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Represents a Spring Security XSD Element. It is created when parsing the current xsd to compare to the documented appendix.
* @author Rob Winch
* @see SpringSecurityXsdParser
* @see XsdDocumentedSpec
class Element {
def prefix = ""
def name
def desc
def attrs
* Contains the elements that extend this element (i.e. any-user-service contains ldap-user-service)
def subGrps = []
def childElmts = [:]
def parentElmts = [:]
def indent() {
prefix += " "
def getId() {
return "nsa-${name}".toString()
* Gets all the ids related to this Element including attributes, parent elements, and child elements.
* <p>
* The expected ids to be found are documented below.
* <ul>
* <li>Elements - any xml element will have the nsa-&lt;element&gt;. For example the http element will have the id
* nsa-http</li>
* <li>Parent Section - Any element with a parent other than beans will have a section named
* nsa-&lt;element&gt;-parents. For example, authentication-provider would have a section id of
* nsa-authentication-provider-parents. The section would then contain a list of links pointing to the
* documentation for each parent element.</li>
* <li>Attributes Section - Any element with attributes will have a section with the id
* nsa-&lt;element&gt;-attributes. For example the http element would require a section with the id
* http-attributes.</li>
* <li>Attribute - Each attribute of an element would have an id of nsa-&lt;element&gt;-&lt;attributeName&gt;. For
* example the attribute create-session for the http attribute would have the id http-create-session.</li>
* <li>Child Section - Any element with a child element will have a section named nsa-&lt;element&gt;-children.
* For example, authentication-provider would have a section id of nsa-authentication-provider-children. The
* section would then contain a list of links pointing to the documentation for each child element.</li>
* </ul>
* @return
def getIds() {
def ids = [id]
childElmts.values()*.ids.each { ids.addAll it }
attrs*.id.each { ids.add it }
if(childElmts) {
ids.add id+'-children'
if(attrs) {
ids.add id+'-attributes'
if(parentElmts) {
ids.add id+'-parents'
def getFullName() {
parentElmt ? parentElmt.fullName+"-"+name : name
def docbookParentElmts(prefix) {
if(parentElmts.empty) {
return ''
def indent = prefix+' '
def parents = """
${prefix}<section xml:id="${id}-parents">
${indent}<title>Parent Elements of <literal>&lt;${name}&gt;</literal></title>
parentElmts.sort {l,r ->}.each {
parents += """\n${indent} <listitem><link xlink:href="#${}">${}</link></listitem>"""
parents += "\n${indent}</orderedlist>\n${prefix}</section>"
def docbookChildElmts(prefix) {
if(!childElmts) {
return ''
def indent = prefix+' '
def children = """
${prefix}<section xml:id="${id}-children">
${indent}<title>Child Elements of <literal>&lt;${name}&gt;</literal></title>
childElmts.values().sort {l,r ->}.each {
children += """\n${indent} <listitem><link xlink:href="#${}">${}</link></listitem>"""
children += "\n${indent}</orderedlist>\n${prefix}</section>"
def toDocbook(prefix) {
def indent = prefix+' '
def parentElmt = docbookParentElmts(indent)
def attributes = ""
attrs.sort {l,r ->}.each {
attributes += it.toDocbook(indent+' ')
if(attributes) {
attributes = """
${indent}<section xml:id="${id}-attributes">
${indent} <title><literal>&lt;${name}&gt;</literal> Attributes</title>${attributes}
def childElmts = docbookChildElmts(indent)
def elements = ""
childElmts.values().sort {l,r ->}.each {
elements += it.toDocbook(prefix)
${prefix}<section xml:id="${id}">
public String toString() {
def result = prefix + name + " - " + desc+"\n"
attrs.sort {l,r ->}.each { result+= it.toString()}
childElmts.values().sort {l,r ->}.each { result+= it.toString() }
def getAllChildElmts() {
def result = [:]
childElmts.values()*.subGrps*.each { elmt -> result.put(,elmt) }
result + childElmts
def getAllParentElmts() {
def result = [:]
parentElmts.values()*.subGrps*.each { elmt -> result.put(,elmt) }
result + parentElmts

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import groovy.xml.Namespace
* Parses the Spring Security Xsd Document
* @author Rob Winch
class SpringSecurityXsdParser {
private def rootElement
private def xs = new Namespace("", 'xs')
private def attrElmts = [] as Set
private def elementNameToElement = [:] as Map
* Returns a map of the element name to the {@link Element}.
* @return
Map<String,Element> parse() {
* Creates a Map of the name to an Element object of all the children of element.
* @param element
* @return
private def elements(element) {
def elementNameToElement = [:] as Map
element.children().each { c->
if( == 'element') {
def e = elmt(c)
} else {
* Any children that are attribute will be returned as an Attribute object.
* @param element
* @return a collection of Attribute objects that are children of element.
private def attrs(element) {
def r = []
element.children().each { c->
if( == 'attribute') {
}else if( == 'element') {
}else {
* Any children will be searched for an attributeGroup, each of it's children will be returned as an Attribute
* @param element
* @return
private def attrgrps(element) {
def r = []
element.children().each { c->
if( == 'element') {
}else if ( == 'attributeGroup') {
if(c.attributes().get('name')) {
} else {
private def n = c.attributes().get('ref').split(':')[1]
private def attrGrp = findNode(element,n)
} else {
private def findNode(c,name) {
def root = c
while( != 'schema') {
root = root.parent()
def result = root.breadthFirst().find { child-> name == child.@name?.text() }
assert result?.@name?.text() == name
* Processes an individual attributeGroup by obtaining all the attributes and then looking for more attributeGroup elements and prcessing them.
* @param e
* @return all the attributes for a specific attributeGroup and any child attributeGroups
private def attrgrp(e) {
def attrs = attrs(e)
* Obtains the description for a specific element
* @param element
* @return
private def desc(element) {
return element['annotation']['documentation']
* Given an element creates an attribute from it.
* @param n
* @return
private def attr(n) {
new Attribute(desc: desc(n), name: n.@name.text())
* Given an element creates an Element out of it by collecting all its attributes and child elements.
* @param n
* @return
private def elmt(n) {
def name = n.@ref.text()
if(name) {
name = name.split(':')[1]
n = findNode(n,name)
} else {
name = n.@name.text()
if(elementNameToElement.containsKey(name)) {
return elementNameToElement.get(name)
def e = new Element() = n.@name.text()
e.desc = desc(n)
e.childElmts = elements(n)
e.attrs = attrs(n)
e.attrs*.elmt = e
e.childElmts.values()*.each { it.parentElmts.put(,e) }
def subGrpName = n.@substitutionGroup.text()
if(subGrpName) {
def subGrp = elmt(findNode(n,subGrpName.split(":")[1]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild;
import spock.lang.*
* Tests to ensure that the xsd is properly documented.
* @author Rob Winch
class XsdDocumentedSpec extends Specification {
def ignoredIds = ['nsa-any-user-service','nsa-any-user-service-parents','nsa-authentication','nsa-ldap','nsa-method-security','nsa-web']
@Shared def appendix = new File('../docs/manual/src/docbook/appendix-namespace.xml')
@Shared def appendixRoot = new XmlSlurper().parse(appendix)
@Shared File schemaDocument = new File('src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.1.xsd')
@Shared Map<String,Element> elementNameToElement
def setupSpec() {
def rootElement = new XmlSlurper().parse(schemaDocument)
elementNameToElement = new SpringSecurityXsdParser(rootElement: rootElement).parse()
appendixRoot.getMetaClass().sections = {
delegate.breadthFirst().inject([]) {result, c->
if( == 'section' && c.@id) {
NodeChild.metaClass.hrefs = { result ->
def id = delegate.@id.text().replace('-parents', '').replace('-children', '')
delegate.children().breadthFirst().each { sectionChild ->
def href = sectionChild.@href.text()
if(href) {
* This will check to ensure that the expected number of xsd documents are found to ensure that we are validating
* against the current xsd document. If this test fails, all that is needed is to update the schemaDocument
* and the expected size for this test.
* @return
def 'the latest schema is being validated'() {
when: 'all the schemas are found'
def schemas = schemaDocument.getParentFile().list().findAll { it.endsWith('.xsd') }
then: 'the count is equal to 7, if not then schemaDocument needs updated'
schemas.size() == 7
* This uses a naming convention for the ids of the appendix to ensure that the entire appendix is documented.
* The naming convention for the ids is documented in {@link Element#getIds()}.
* @return
def 'the entire schema is included in the appendix documentation'() {
setup: 'get all the documented ids and the expected ids'
def documentedIds = appendixRoot.sections().collect { it.@id.text() }
when: 'the schema is compared to the appendix documentation'
def expectedIds = [] as Set
elementNameToElement*.value*.ids*.each { expectedIds.addAll it }
documentedIds.removeAll ignoredIds
expectedIds.removeAll ignoredIds
then: 'all the elements and attributes are documented'
documentedIds.sort() == expectedIds.sort()
* This test ensures that any element that has children or parents contains a section that has links pointing to that
* documentation.
* @return
def 'validate parents and children are linked in the appendix documentation'() {
when: "get all the links for each element's children and parents"
def docAttrNameToChildren = [:]
def docAttrNameToParents = [:]
appendixRoot.sections().each { c->
def id = c.@id.text()
if(id.endsWith('-parents')) {
if(id.endsWith('-children')) {
def schemaAttrNameToParents = [:]
def schemaAttrNameToChildren = [:]
elementNameToElement.each { entry ->
def key = 'nsa-'+entry.key
if(ignoredIds.contains(key)) {
def parentIds = entry.value.allParentElmts.values()*.id.findAll { !ignoredIds.contains(it) }.sort()
if(parentIds) {
def childIds = entry.value.allChildElmts.values()*.id.findAll { !ignoredIds.contains(it) }.sort()
if(childIds) {
then: "the expected parents and children are all documented"
schemaAttrNameToChildren.sort() == docAttrNameToChildren.sort()
schemaAttrNameToParents.sort() == docAttrNameToParents.sort()
* This test checks each xsd element and ensures there is documentation for it.
* @return
def 'entire xsd is documented'() {
when: "validate that the entire xsd contains documentation"
def notDocElmtIds = elementNameToElement.values().findAll {
!it.desc.text() && !ignoredIds.contains(
def notDocAttrIds = elementNameToElement.values()*.attrs.flatten().findAll {
!it.desc.text() && !ignoredIds.contains(
then: "all the elements and attributes have some documentation"