diff --git a/config/src/main/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.java b/config/src/main/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.java
index ecbfa980c7..0962d2c4ee 100644
--- a/config/src/main/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.java
+++ b/config/src/main/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.java
@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ public class HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser implements BeanDefinitionParser {
         boolean autoConfig = "true".equals(element.getAttribute(ATT_AUTO_CONFIG));
         Element anonymousElt = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName(element, Elements.ANONYMOUS);
-        if (anonymousElt != null || autoConfig) {
+        if (anonymousElt == null || !"false".equals(anonymousElt.getAttribute("enabled"))) {
             new AnonymousBeanDefinitionParser().parse(anonymousElt, parserContext);
diff --git a/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.rnc b/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.rnc
index 1b879dd8d9..901ae6eb32 100644
--- a/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.rnc
+++ b/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.rnc
@@ -429,6 +429,10 @@ anonymous.attlist &=
 anonymous.attlist &=
     ## The granted authority that should be assigned to the anonymous request. Commonly this is used to assign the anonymous request particular roles, which can subsequently be used in authorization decisions. If unset, defaults to "ROLE_ANONYMOUS".
     attribute granted-authority {xsd:token}?
+anonymous.attlist &=
+    ## With the default namespace setup, the anonymous "authentication" facility is automatically enabled. You can disable it using this property. 
+    attribute enabled {boolean}?
 port-mappings = 
     ## Defines the list of mappings between http and https ports for use in redirects
diff --git a/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.xsd b/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.xsd
index 3df5dc5369..6e0aa6cbf4 100644
--- a/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.xsd
+++ b/config/src/main/resources/org/springframework/security/config/spring-security-3.0.xsd
@@ -1,1596 +1,1618 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
-  xmlns:security="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security" elementFormDefault="qualified"
-  targetNamespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security">
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="hash">
-    <xs:attribute name="hash" use="required">
+   xmlns:security="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security" elementFormDefault="qualified"
+   targetNamespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security">
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="hash">
+      <xs:attribute name="hash" use="required">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend
+               strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing
+               algorithm.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="plaintext"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="sha"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="sha-256"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="md5"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="md4"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="{sha}"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="{ssha}"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="base64">
+      <xs:attribute name="base64" use="required">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Whether a string should be base64 encoded</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="path-type">
+      <xs:attribute name="path-type" use="required">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines the type of pattern used to specify URL paths (either JDK
+               1.4-compatible regular expressions, or Apache Ant expressions). Defaults to "ant" if
+               unspecified.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="ant"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="regex"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="port">
+      <xs:attribute name="port" use="required" type="xs:positiveInteger">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies an IP port number. Used to configure an embedded LDAP
+               server, for example.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="url">
+      <xs:attribute name="url" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="id">
+      <xs:attribute name="id" use="required" type="xs:ID">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
+               context.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="ref">
+      <xs:attribute name="ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="cache-ref">
+      <xs:attribute name="cache-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a cache for use with a
+               UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="user-service-ref">
+      <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
+               Id</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="data-source-ref">
+      <xs:attribute name="data-source-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a DataSource bean</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="password-encoder.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="hash">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend
+               strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing
+               algorithm.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="plaintext"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="sha"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="sha-256"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="md5"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="md4"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="{sha}"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="{ssha}"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="base64">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Whether a string should be base64 encoded</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="user-property">
+      <xs:attribute name="user-property" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A property of the UserDetails object which will be used as salt by a
+               password encoder. Typically something like "username" might be used.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="system-wide">
+      <xs:attribute name="system-wide" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A single value that will be used as the salt for a password encoder.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:simpleType name="boolean">
+      <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+         <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
+      </xs:restriction>
+   </xs:simpleType>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="role-prefix">
+      <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded
+               from persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases
+               where the default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="use-expressions">
+      <xs:attribute name="use-expressions" use="required" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Enables the use of expressions in the 'access' attributes in
+               &lt;intercept-url&gt; elements rather than the traditional list of
+               configuration attributes. Defaults to 'false'. If enabled, each attribute should
+               contain a single boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to 'true', access
+               will be granted. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="ldap-server">
-        <xs:documentation>Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend
-          strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing algorithm.</xs:documentation>
+         <xs:documentation>Defines an LDAP server location or starts an embedded server. The url
+            indicates the location of a remote server. If no url is given, an embedded server will
+            be started, listening on the supplied port number. The port is optional and defaults to
+            33389. A Spring LDAP ContextSource bean will be registered for the server with the id
+            supplied. </xs:documentation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="plaintext"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="sha"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="sha-256"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="md5"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="md4"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="{sha}"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="{ssha}"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="base64">
-    <xs:attribute name="base64" use="required">
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ldap-server.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-server.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
+               context.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="port" type="xs:positiveInteger">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies an IP port number. Used to configure an embedded LDAP
+               server, for example.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="manager-dn" type="xs:string">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Username (DN) of the "manager" user identity which will be used to
+               authenticate to a (non-embedded) LDAP server. If omitted, anonymous access will be
+               used. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="manager-password" type="xs:string">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The password for the manager DN.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="ldif" type="xs:string">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Explicitly specifies an ldif file resource to load into an embedded
+               LDAP server</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="root" type="xs:string">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Optional root suffix for the embedded LDAP server. Default is
+               "dc=springframework,dc=org"</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-server-ref-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="server-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The optional server to use. If omitted, and a default LDAP server is
+               registered (using &lt;ldap-server&gt; with no Id), that server will be used.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="group-search-filter-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="group-search-filter" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Group search filter. Defaults to (uniqueMember={0}). The substituted
+               parameter is the DN of the user.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="group-search-base-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="group-search-base" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Search base for group membership searches. Defaults to "" (searching
+               from the root).</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="user-search-filter-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="user-search-filter" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The LDAP filter used to search for users (optional). For example
+               "(uid={0})". The substituted parameter is the user's login name.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="user-search-base-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="user-search-base" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Search base for user searches. Defaults to "". Only used with a
+               'user-search-filter'.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="group-role-attribute-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="group-role-attribute" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The LDAP attribute name which contains the role name which will be
+               used within Spring Security. Defaults to "cn".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="user-details-class-attribute">
+      <xs:attribute name="user-details-class" use="required">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows the objectClass of the user entry to be specified. If set, the
+               framework will attempt to load standard attributes for the defined class into the
+               returned UserDetails object</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="person"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="inetOrgPerson"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="ldap-user-service" substitutionGroup="security:any-user-service">
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ldap-us.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-us.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
+               context.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="server-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The optional server to use. If omitted, and a default LDAP server is
+               registered (using &lt;ldap-server&gt; with no Id), that server will be used.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-search-filter" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The LDAP filter used to search for users (optional). For example
+               "(uid={0})". The substituted parameter is the user's login name.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-search-base" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Search base for user searches. Defaults to "". Only used with a
+               'user-search-filter'.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-search-filter" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Group search filter. Defaults to (uniqueMember={0}). The substituted
+               parameter is the DN of the user.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-search-base" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Search base for group membership searches. Defaults to "" (searching
+               from the root).</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-role-attribute" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The LDAP attribute name which contains the role name which will be
+               used within Spring Security. Defaults to "cn".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a cache for use with a
+               UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded
+               from persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases
+               where the default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-details-class">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows the objectClass of the user entry to be specified. If set, the
+               framework will attempt to load standard attributes for the defined class into the
+               returned UserDetails object</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="person"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="inetOrgPerson"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="ldap-authentication-provider">
-        <xs:documentation>Whether a string should be base64 encoded</xs:documentation>
+         <xs:documentation>Sets up an ldap authentication provider</xs:documentation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="path-type">
-    <xs:attribute name="path-type" use="required">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines the type of pattern used to specify URL paths (either JDK
-          1.4-compatible regular expressions, or Apache Ant expressions). Defaults to "ant" if
-          unspecified.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="ant"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="regex"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="port">
-    <xs:attribute name="port" use="required" type="xs:positiveInteger">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies an IP port number. Used to configure an embedded LDAP server,
-          for example.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="url">
-    <xs:attribute name="url" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="id">
-    <xs:attribute name="id" use="required" type="xs:ID">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
-          context.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="ref">
-    <xs:attribute name="ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="cache-ref">
-    <xs:attribute name="cache-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a cache for use with a
-          UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="user-service-ref">
-    <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
-          Id</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="data-source-ref">
-    <xs:attribute name="data-source-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a DataSource bean</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="password-encoder.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="hash">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend
-          strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing algorithm.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="plaintext"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="sha"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="sha-256"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="md5"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="md4"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="{sha}"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="{ssha}"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="base64">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Whether a string should be base64 encoded</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="user-property">
-    <xs:attribute name="user-property" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A property of the UserDetails object which will be used as salt by a
-          password encoder. Typically something like "username" might be used. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="system-wide">
-    <xs:attribute name="system-wide" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A single value that will be used as the salt for a password encoder.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:simpleType name="boolean">
-    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-      <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
-    </xs:restriction>
-  </xs:simpleType>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="role-prefix">
-    <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded from
-          persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases where the
-          default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="use-expressions">
-    <xs:attribute name="use-expressions" use="required" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Enables the use of expressions in the 'access' attributes in
-          &lt;intercept-url&gt; elements rather than the traditional list of configuration
-          attributes. Defaults to 'false'. If enabled, each attribute should contain a single
-          boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to 'true', access will be granted.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="ldap-server">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Defines an LDAP server location or starts an embedded server. The url
-        indicates the location of a remote server. If no url is given, an embedded server will be
-        started, listening on the supplied port number. The port is optional and defaults to 33389.
-        A Spring LDAP ContextSource bean will be registered for the server with the id supplied.
-      </xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ldap-server.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-server.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
-          context.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="port" type="xs:positiveInteger">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies an IP port number. Used to configure an embedded LDAP server,
-          for example.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="manager-dn" type="xs:string">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Username (DN) of the "manager" user identity which will be used to
-          authenticate to a (non-embedded) LDAP server. If omitted, anonymous access will be used.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="manager-password" type="xs:string">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The password for the manager DN.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="ldif" type="xs:string">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Explicitly specifies an ldif file resource to load into an embedded LDAP
-          server</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="root" type="xs:string">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Optional root suffix for the embedded LDAP server. Default is
-          "dc=springframework,dc=org"</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-server-ref-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="server-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The optional server to use. If omitted, and a default LDAP server is
-          registered (using &lt;ldap-server&gt; with no Id), that server will be used.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="group-search-filter-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="group-search-filter" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Group search filter. Defaults to (uniqueMember={0}). The substituted
-          parameter is the DN of the user.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="group-search-base-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="group-search-base" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Search base for group membership searches. Defaults to "" (searching from
-          the root).</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="user-search-filter-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="user-search-filter" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The LDAP filter used to search for users (optional). For example
-          "(uid={0})". The substituted parameter is the user's login name.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="user-search-base-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="user-search-base" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Search base for user searches. Defaults to "". Only used with a
-          'user-search-filter'.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="group-role-attribute-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="group-role-attribute" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The LDAP attribute name which contains the role name which will be used
-          within Spring Security. Defaults to "cn".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="user-details-class-attribute">
-    <xs:attribute name="user-details-class" use="required">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows the objectClass of the user entry to be specified. If set, the
-          framework will attempt to load standard attributes for the defined class into the returned
-          UserDetails object</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="person"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="inetOrgPerson"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="ldap-user-service" substitutionGroup="security:any-user-service">
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ldap-us.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-us.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
-          context.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="server-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The optional server to use. If omitted, and a default LDAP server is
-          registered (using &lt;ldap-server&gt; with no Id), that server will be used.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-search-filter" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The LDAP filter used to search for users (optional). For example
-          "(uid={0})". The substituted parameter is the user's login name.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-search-base" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Search base for user searches. Defaults to "". Only used with a
-          'user-search-filter'.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-search-filter" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Group search filter. Defaults to (uniqueMember={0}). The substituted
-          parameter is the DN of the user.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-search-base" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Search base for group membership searches. Defaults to "" (searching from
-          the root).</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-role-attribute" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The LDAP attribute name which contains the role name which will be used
-          within Spring Security. Defaults to "cn".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a cache for use with a
-          UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded from
-          persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases where the
-          default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-details-class">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows the objectClass of the user entry to be specified. If set, the
-          framework will attempt to load standard attributes for the defined class into the returned
-          UserDetails object</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="person"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="inetOrgPerson"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="ldap-authentication-provider">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Sets up an ldap authentication provider</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:sequence>
-        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="password-compare">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Specifies that an LDAP provider should use an LDAP compare operation
-              of the user's password to authenticate the user</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:sequence>
-              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="password-encoder">
-                <xs:annotation>
-                  <xs:documentation>element which defines a password encoding strategy. Used by an
-                    authentication provider to convert submitted passwords to hashed versions, for
-                    example.</xs:documentation>
-                </xs:annotation>
-                <xs:complexType>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="password-compare">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Specifies that an LDAP provider should use an LDAP compare
+                     operation of the user's password to authenticate the user</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
-                    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="salt-source">
-                      <xs:annotation>
-                        <xs:documentation>Password salting strategy. A system-wide constant or a
-                          property from the UserDetails object can be used.</xs:documentation>
-                      </xs:annotation>
-                      <xs:complexType>
-                        <xs:attribute name="user-property" type="xs:token">
-                          <xs:annotation>
-                            <xs:documentation>A property of the UserDetails object which will be
-                              used as salt by a password encoder. Typically something like
-                              "username" might be used. </xs:documentation>
-                          </xs:annotation>
-                        </xs:attribute>
-                        <xs:attribute name="system-wide" type="xs:token">
-                          <xs:annotation>
-                            <xs:documentation>A single value that will be used as the salt for a
-                              password encoder. </xs:documentation>
-                          </xs:annotation>
-                        </xs:attribute>
-                        <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
-                          <xs:annotation>
-                            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean
-                              Id.</xs:documentation>
-                          </xs:annotation>
-                        </xs:attribute>
-                      </xs:complexType>
-                    </xs:element>
+                     <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="password-encoder">
+                        <xs:annotation>
+                           <xs:documentation>element which defines a password encoding strategy.
+                              Used by an authentication provider to convert submitted passwords to
+                              hashed versions, for example.</xs:documentation>
+                        </xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:complexType>
+                           <xs:sequence>
+                              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="salt-source">
+                                 <xs:annotation>
+                                    <xs:documentation>Password salting strategy. A system-wide
+                                       constant or a property from the UserDetails object can be
+                                       used.</xs:documentation>
+                                 </xs:annotation>
+                                 <xs:complexType>
+                                    <xs:attribute name="user-property" type="xs:token">
+                                       <xs:annotation>
+                                          <xs:documentation>A property of the UserDetails object
+                                             which will be used as salt by a password encoder.
+                                             Typically something like "username" might be used.
+                                          </xs:documentation>
+                                       </xs:annotation>
+                                    </xs:attribute>
+                                    <xs:attribute name="system-wide" type="xs:token">
+                                       <xs:annotation>
+                                          <xs:documentation>A single value that will be used as the
+                                             salt for a password encoder. </xs:documentation>
+                                       </xs:annotation>
+                                    </xs:attribute>
+                                    <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
+                                       <xs:annotation>
+                                          <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean
+                                             Id.</xs:documentation>
+                                       </xs:annotation>
+                                    </xs:attribute>
+                                 </xs:complexType>
+                              </xs:element>
+                           </xs:sequence>
+                           <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:password-encoder.attlist"/>
+                        </xs:complexType>
+                     </xs:element>
+                  </xs:sequence>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:password-compare.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:sequence>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ldap-ap.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-ap.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="server-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The optional server to use. If omitted, and a default LDAP server is
+               registered (using &lt;ldap-server&gt; with no Id), that server will be used.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-search-base" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Search base for user searches. Defaults to "". Only used with a
+               'user-search-filter'.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-search-filter" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The LDAP filter used to search for users (optional). For example
+               "(uid={0})". The substituted parameter is the user's login name.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-search-base" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Search base for group membership searches. Defaults to "" (searching
+               from the root).</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-search-filter" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Group search filter. Defaults to (uniqueMember={0}). The substituted
+               parameter is the DN of the user.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-role-attribute" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The LDAP attribute name which contains the role name which will be
+               used within Spring Security. Defaults to "cn".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-dn-pattern" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A specific pattern used to build the user's DN, for example
+               "uid={0},ou=people". The key "{0}" must be present and will be substituted with the
+               username.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded
+               from persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases
+               where the default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-details-class">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows the objectClass of the user entry to be specified. If set, the
+               framework will attempt to load standard attributes for the defined class into the
+               returned UserDetails object</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="person"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="inetOrgPerson"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="password-compare.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="password-attribute" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The attribute in the directory which contains the user password.
+               Defaults to "userPassword".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="hash">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend
+               strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing
+               algorithm.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="plaintext"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="sha"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="sha-256"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="md5"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="md4"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="{sha}"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="{ssha}"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="intercept-methods">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Can be used inside a bean definition to add a security interceptor to the
+            bean and set up access configuration attributes for the bean's
+            methods</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="protect">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Defines a protected method and the access control configuration
+                     attributes that apply to it. We strongly advise you NOT to mix "protect"
+                     declarations with any services provided
+                     "global-method-security".</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:protect.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:sequence>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:intercept-methods.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="intercept-methods.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="access-decision-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Optional AccessDecisionManager bean ID to be used by the created
+               method security interceptor.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="protect.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="method" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A method name</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="access" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Access configuration attributes list that applies to the method, e.g.
+               "ROLE_A,ROLE_B".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="global-method-security">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Provides method security for all beans registered in the Spring
+            application context. Specifically, beans will be scanned for matches with the ordered
+            list of "protect-pointcut" sub-elements, Spring Security annotations and/or. Where there
+            is a match, the beans will automatically be proxied and security authorization applied
+            to the methods accordingly. If you use and enable all four sources of method security
+            metadata (ie "protect-pointcut" declarations, expression annotations, @Secured and also
+            JSR250 security annotations), the metadata sources will be queried in that order. In
+            practical terms, this enables you to use XML to override method security metadata
+            expressed in annotations. If using annotations, the order of precedence is EL-based
+            (@PreAuthorize etc.), @Secured and finally JSR-250.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="security:expression-handler"/>
+            <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="protect-pointcut">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Defines a protected pointcut and the access control
+                     configuration attributes that apply to it. Every bean registered in the Spring
+                     application context that provides a method that matches the pointcut will
+                     receive security authorization.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:protect-pointcut.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:sequence>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:global-method-security.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="global-method-security.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="expression-annotations">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies whether the use of Spring Security's expression-based
+               annotations (@PreFilter, @PreAuthorize, @PostFilter, @PostAuthorize) should be
+               enabled for this application context. Defaults to "disabled".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="secured-annotations">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies whether the use of Spring Security's @Secured annotations
+               should be enabled for this application context. Defaults to
+               "disabled".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="jsr250-annotations">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies whether JSR-250 style attributes are to be used (for example
+               "RolesAllowed"). This will require the javax.annotation.security classes on the
+               classpath. Defaults to "disabled".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="access-decision-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Optional AccessDecisionManager bean ID to override the default used
+               for method security.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="run-as-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Optional RunAsmanager implementation which will be used by the
+               configured MethodSecurityInterceptor</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="expression-handler">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Defines the SecurityExpressionHandler instance which will be used if
+            expression-based access-control is enabled. A default implementation (with no ACL
+            support) will be used if not supplied.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ref"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:element name="custom-after-invocation-provider">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Used to decorate an AfterInvocationProvider to specify that it should be
+            used with method security.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType/>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="protect-pointcut.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="expression" use="required" type="xs:string">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>An AspectJ expression, including the 'execution' keyword. For example,
+               'execution(int com.foo.TargetObject.countLength(String))' (without the
+               quotes).</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="access" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Access configuration attributes list that applies to all methods
+               matching the pointcut, e.g. "ROLE_A,ROLE_B"</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="http">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Container element for HTTP security configuration</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+            <xs:element name="intercept-url">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Specifies the access attributes and/or filter list for a
+                     particular set of URLs.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:intercept-url.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="access-denied-handler">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Defines the access-denied strategy that should be used. An
+                     access denied page can be defined or a reference to an AccessDeniedHandler
+                     instance. </xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:access-denied-handler.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="form-login">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Sets up a form login configuration for authentication with a
+                     username and password</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:form-login.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element ref="security:openid-login"/>
+            <xs:element name="x509">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Adds support for X.509 client authentication.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:x509.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="http-basic">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Adds support for basic authentication (this is an element to
+                     permit future expansion, such as supporting an "ignoreFailure"
+                     attribute)</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType/>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="logout">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Incorporates a logout processing filter. Most web applications
+                     require a logout filter, although you may not require one if you write a
+                     controller to provider similar logic.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:logout.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="concurrent-session-control">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Adds support for concurrent session control, allowing limits to
+                     be placed on the number of sessions a user can have.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:concurrent-sessions.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="remember-me">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Sets up remember-me authentication. If used with the "key"
+                     attribute (or no attributes) the cookie-only implementation will be used.
+                     Specifying "token-repository-ref" or "remember-me-data-source-ref" will use the
+                     more secure, persisten token approach. </xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:remember-me.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="anonymous">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Adds support for automatically granting all anonymous web
+                     requests a particular principal identity and a corresponding granted
+                     authority.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:anonymous.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+            <xs:element name="port-mappings">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Defines the list of mappings between http and https ports for
+                     use in redirects</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:sequence>
+                     <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="security:port-mapping"/>
+                  </xs:sequence>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:choice>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:http.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="http.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="auto-config" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Automatically registers a login form, BASIC authentication, anonymous
+               authentication, logout services, remember-me and servlet-api-integration. If set to
+               "true", all of these capabilities are added (although you can still customize the
+               configuration of each by providing the respective element). If unspecified, defaults
+               to "false".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="use-expressions" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Enables the use of expressions in the 'access' attributes in
+               &lt;intercept-url&gt; elements rather than the traditional list of
+               configuration attributes. Defaults to 'false'. If enabled, each attribute should
+               contain a single boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to 'true', access
+               will be granted. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="create-session">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Controls the eagerness with which an HTTP session is created. If not
+               set, defaults to "ifRequired". Note that if a custom SecurityContextRepository is set
+               using security-context-repository-ref, then the only value which can be set is
+               "always". Otherwise the session creation behaviour will be determined by the
+               repository bean implementation.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="ifRequired"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="always"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="never"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="security-context-repository-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a SecurityContextRepository bean. This can be used to
+               customize how the SecurityContext is stored between requests.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="path-type">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines the type of pattern used to specify URL paths (either JDK
+               1.4-compatible regular expressions, or Apache Ant expressions). Defaults to "ant" if
+               unspecified.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="ant"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="regex"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="lowercase-comparisons" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Whether test URLs should be converted to lower case prior to comparing
+               with defined path patterns. If unspecified, defaults to "true".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="servlet-api-provision" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Provides versions of HttpServletRequest security methods such as
+               isUserInRole() and getPrincipal() which are implemented by accessing the Spring
+               SecurityContext. Defaults to "true".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="access-decision-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Optional attribute specifying the ID of the AccessDecisionManager
+               implementation which should be used for authorizing HTTP requests.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="realm" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Optional attribute specifying the realm name that will be used for all
+               authentication features that require a realm name (eg BASIC and Digest
+               authentication). If unspecified, defaults to "Spring Security
+               Application".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="session-fixation-protection">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Indicates whether an existing session should be invalidated when a
+               user authenticates and a new session started. If set to "none" no change will be
+               made. "newSession" will create a new empty session. "migrateSession" will create a
+               new session and copy the session attributes to the new session. Defaults to
+               "migrateSession".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="none"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="newSession"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="migrateSession"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="entry-point-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows a customized AuthenticationEntryPoint to be
+               used.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="once-per-request" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Corresponds to the observeOncePerRequest property of
+               FilterSecurityInterceptor. Defaults to "true"</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="access-denied-page" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Deprecated in favour of the access-denied-handler
+               element.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="disable-url-rewriting" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation> </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="access-denied-handler.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="error-page" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The access denied page that an authenticated user will be redirected
+               to if they request a page which they don't have the authority to access.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="access-denied-handler-page">
+      <xs:attribute name="error-page" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The access denied page that an authenticated user will be redirected
+               to if they request a page which they don't have the authority to access.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="intercept-url.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="pattern" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The pattern which defines the URL path. The content will depend on the
+               type set in the containing http element, so will default to ant path
+               syntax.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="access" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The access configuration attributes that apply for the configured
+               path.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="method">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The HTTP Method for which the access configuration attributes should
+               apply. If not specified, the attributes will apply to any method.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="GET"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="DELETE"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="HEAD"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="OPTIONS"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="POST"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="PUT"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="TRACE"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="filters">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The filter list for the path. Currently can be set to "none" to remove
+               a path from having any filters applied. The full filter stack (consisting of all
+               filters created by the namespace configuration, and any added using 'custom-filter'),
+               will be applied to any other paths.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="none"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="requires-channel">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Used to specify that a URL must be accessed over http or https, or
+               that there is no preference.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="http"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="https"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="any"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="logout.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="logout-url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies the URL that will cause a logout. Spring Security will
+               initialize a filter that responds to this particular URL. Defaults to
+               /j_spring_security_logout if unspecified.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="logout-success-url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies the URL to display once the user has logged out. If not
+               specified, defaults to /.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="invalidate-session" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies whether a logout also causes HttpSession invalidation, which
+               is generally desirable. If unspecified, defaults to true.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="form-login.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="login-processing-url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The URL that the login form is posted to. If unspecified, it defaults
+               to /j_spring_security_check.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="default-target-url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The URL that will be redirected to after successful authentication, if
+               the user's previous action could not be resumed. This generally happens if the user
+               visits a login page without having first requested a secured operation that triggers
+               authentication. If unspecified, defaults to the root of the
+               application.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="always-use-default-target" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Whether the user should always be redirected to the default-target-url
+               after login. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="login-page" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The URL for the login page. If no login URL is specified, Spring
+               Security will automatically create a login URL at /spring_security_login and a
+               corresponding filter to render that login URL when requested.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="authentication-failure-url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The URL for the login failure page. If no login failure URL is
+               specified, Spring Security will automatically create a failure login URL at
+               /spring_security_login?login_error and a corresponding filter to render that login
+               failure URL when requested.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="authentication-success-handler-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Reference to an AuthenticationSuccessHandler bean which should be used
+               to handle a successful authentication request. Should not be used in combination with
+               default-target-url (or always-use-default-target-url) as the implementation should
+               always deal with navigation to the subsequent destination</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="authentication-failure-handler-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Reference to an AuthenticationFailureHandler bean which should be used
+               to handle a failed authentication request. Should not be used in combination with
+               authentication-failure-url as the implementation should always deal with navigation
+               to the subsequent destination</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="openid-login">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Sets up form login for authentication with an Open ID
+            identity</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:form-login.attlist"/>
+         <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
+            <xs:annotation>
+               <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
+                  Id</xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+         </xs:attribute>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:element name="filter-chain-map">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Used to explicitly configure a FilterChainProxy instance with a
+            FilterChainMap</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="filter-chain">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Used within filter-chain-map to define a specific URL pattern
+                     and the list of filters which apply to the URLs matching that pattern. When
+                     multiple filter-chain elements are used within a filter-chain-map element, the
+                     most specific patterns must be placed at the top of the list, with most general
+                     ones at the bottom.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:filter-chain.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:sequence>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:filter-chain-map.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="filter-chain-map.attlist">
+      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:path-type"/>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="filter-chain.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="pattern" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
+      <xs:attribute name="filters" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="filter-invocation-definition-source">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Used to explicitly configure a FilterInvocationDefinitionSource bean for
+            use with a FilterSecurityInterceptor. Usually only needed if you are configuring a
+            FilterChainProxy explicitly, rather than using the &lt;http&gt; element. The
+            intercept-url elements used should only contain pattern, method and access attributes.
+            Any others will result in a configuration error. </xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="intercept-url">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>Specifies the access attributes and/or filter list for a
+                     particular set of URLs.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:intercept-url.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:sequence>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:fids.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="fids.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="use-expressions" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Enables the use of expressions in the 'access' attributes in
+               &lt;intercept-url&gt; elements rather than the traditional list of
+               configuration attributes. Defaults to 'false'. If enabled, each attribute should
+               contain a single boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to 'true', access
+               will be granted. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
+               context.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="lowercase-comparisons" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>as for http element</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="path-type">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines the type of pattern used to specify URL paths (either JDK
+               1.4-compatible regular expressions, or Apache Ant expressions). Defaults to "ant" if
+               unspecified.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:simpleType>
+            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+               <xs:enumeration value="ant"/>
+               <xs:enumeration value="regex"/>
+            </xs:restriction>
+         </xs:simpleType>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="concurrent-sessions.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="max-sessions" type="xs:positiveInteger">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The maximum number of sessions a single user can have open at the same
+               time. Defaults to "1".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="expired-url" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The URL a user will be redirected to if they attempt to use a session
+               which has been "expired" by the concurrent session controller because they have
+               logged in again.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="exception-if-maximum-exceeded" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Specifies that an exception should be raised when a user attempts to
+               login when they already have the maximum configured sessions open. The default
+               behaviour is to expire the original session.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="session-registry-alias" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows you to define an alias for the SessionRegistry bean in order to
+               access it in your own configuration</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="session-registry-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to an external SessionRegistry implementation which will
+               be used in place of the standard one. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="remember-me.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The "key" used to identify cookies from a specific token-based
+               remember-me application. You should set this to a unique value for your
+               application.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="token-repository-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Reference to a PersistentTokenRepository bean for use with the
+               persistent token remember-me implementation. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="data-source-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a DataSource bean</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:remember-me-services-ref"/>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
+               Id</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="token-validity-seconds" type="xs:integer">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The period (in seconds) for which the remember-me cookie should be
+               valid. If set to a negative value</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="token-repository-ref">
+      <xs:attribute name="token-repository-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Reference to a PersistentTokenRepository bean for use with the
+               persistent token remember-me implementation. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="remember-me-services-ref">
+      <xs:attribute name="services-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows a custom implementation of RememberMeServices to be used. Note
+               that this implementation should return RememberMeAuthenticationToken instances with
+               the same "key" value as specified in the remember-me element. Alternatively it should
+               register its own AuthenticationProvider. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="remember-me-data-source-ref">
+      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:data-source-ref"/>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="anonymous.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The key shared between the provider and filter. This generally does
+               not need to be set. If unset, it will default to "doesNotMatter".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="username" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The username that should be assigned to the anonymous request. This
+               allows the principal to be identified, which may be important for logging and
+               auditing. if unset, defaults to "anonymousUser".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="granted-authority" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The granted authority that should be assigned to the anonymous
+               request. Commonly this is used to assign the anonymous request particular roles,
+               which can subsequently be used in authorization decisions. If unset, defaults to
+               "ROLE_ANONYMOUS".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="enabled" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>With the default namespace setup, the anonymous "authentication"
+               facility is automatically enabled. You can disable it using this property.
+            </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="port-mapping">
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:http-port"/>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:https-port"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="http-port">
+      <xs:attribute name="http" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="https-port">
+      <xs:attribute name="https" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="x509.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="subject-principal-regex" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The regular expression used to obtain the username from the
+               certificate's subject. Defaults to matching on the common name using the pattern
+               "CN=(.*?),".</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
+               Id</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="authentication-manager">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>If you are using namespace configuration with Spring Security, an
+            AuthenticationManager will automatically be registered. This element allows you to
+            define an alias to allow you to reference the authentication-manager in your own beans.
+         </xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:authman.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="authman.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="alias" use="required" type="xs:ID">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The alias you wish to use for the AuthenticationManager
+               bean</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="session-controller-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Allows the session controller to be set on the internal
+               AuthenticationManager. This should not be used with the
+               &lt;concurrent-session-control /&gt; element</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="authentication-provider">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Indicates that the contained user-service should be used as an
+            authentication source. </xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+            <xs:element ref="security:any-user-service"/>
+            <xs:element name="password-encoder">
+               <xs:annotation>
+                  <xs:documentation>element which defines a password encoding strategy. Used by an
+                     authentication provider to convert submitted passwords to hashed versions, for
+                     example.</xs:documentation>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:complexType>
+                  <xs:sequence>
+                     <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="salt-source">
+                        <xs:annotation>
+                           <xs:documentation>Password salting strategy. A system-wide constant or a
+                              property from the UserDetails object can be used.</xs:documentation>
+                        </xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:complexType>
+                           <xs:attribute name="user-property" type="xs:token">
+                              <xs:annotation>
+                                 <xs:documentation>A property of the UserDetails object which will
+                                    be used as salt by a password encoder. Typically something like
+                                    "username" might be used. </xs:documentation>
+                              </xs:annotation>
+                           </xs:attribute>
+                           <xs:attribute name="system-wide" type="xs:token">
+                              <xs:annotation>
+                                 <xs:documentation>A single value that will be used as the salt for
+                                    a password encoder. </xs:documentation>
+                              </xs:annotation>
+                           </xs:attribute>
+                           <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
+                              <xs:annotation>
+                                 <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean
+                                    Id.</xs:documentation>
+                              </xs:annotation>
+                           </xs:attribute>
+                        </xs:complexType>
+                     </xs:element>
                   <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:password-encoder.attlist"/>
-                </xs:complexType>
-              </xs:element>
-            </xs:sequence>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:password-compare.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-      </xs:sequence>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ldap-ap.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="ldap-ap.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="server-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The optional server to use. If omitted, and a default LDAP server is
-          registered (using &lt;ldap-server&gt; with no Id), that server will be used.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-search-base" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Search base for user searches. Defaults to "". Only used with a
-          'user-search-filter'.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-search-filter" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The LDAP filter used to search for users (optional). For example
-          "(uid={0})". The substituted parameter is the user's login name.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-search-base" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Search base for group membership searches. Defaults to "" (searching from
-          the root).</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-search-filter" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Group search filter. Defaults to (uniqueMember={0}). The substituted
-          parameter is the DN of the user.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-role-attribute" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The LDAP attribute name which contains the role name which will be used
-          within Spring Security. Defaults to "cn".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-dn-pattern" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A specific pattern used to build the user's DN, for example
-          "uid={0},ou=people". The key "{0}" must be present and will be substituted with the
-          username.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded from
-          persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases where the
-          default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-details-class">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows the objectClass of the user entry to be specified. If set, the
-          framework will attempt to load standard attributes for the defined class into the returned
-          UserDetails object</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="person"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="inetOrgPerson"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="password-compare.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="password-attribute" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The attribute in the directory which contains the user password. Defaults
-          to "userPassword".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="hash">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend
-          strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing algorithm.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="plaintext"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="sha"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="sha-256"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="md5"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="md4"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="{sha}"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="{ssha}"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="intercept-methods">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Can be used inside a bean definition to add a security interceptor to the
-        bean and set up access configuration attributes for the bean's methods</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:sequence>
-        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="protect">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Defines a protected method and the access control configuration
-              attributes that apply to it. We strongly advise you NOT to mix "protect" declarations
-              with any services provided "global-method-security".</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:protect.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-      </xs:sequence>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:intercept-methods.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="intercept-methods.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="access-decision-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Optional AccessDecisionManager bean ID to be used by the created method
-          security interceptor.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="protect.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="method" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A method name</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="access" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Access configuration attributes list that applies to the method, e.g.
-          "ROLE_A,ROLE_B".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="global-method-security">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Provides method security for all beans registered in the Spring application
-        context. Specifically, beans will be scanned for matches with the ordered list of
-        "protect-pointcut" sub-elements, Spring Security annotations and/or. Where there is a match,
-        the beans will automatically be proxied and security authorization applied to the methods
-        accordingly. If you use and enable all four sources of method security metadata (ie
-        "protect-pointcut" declarations, expression annotations, @Secured and also JSR250 security
-        annotations), the metadata sources will be queried in that order. In practical terms, this
-        enables you to use XML to override method security metadata expressed in annotations. If
-        using annotations, the order of precedence is EL-based (@PreAuthorize etc.), @Secured and
-        finally JSR-250.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:sequence>
-        <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="security:expression-handler"/>
-        <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="protect-pointcut">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Defines a protected pointcut and the access control configuration
-              attributes that apply to it. Every bean registered in the Spring application context
-              that provides a method that matches the pointcut will receive security
-              authorization.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:protect-pointcut.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-      </xs:sequence>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:global-method-security.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="global-method-security.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="expression-annotations">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies whether the use of Spring Security's expression-based
-          annotations (@PreFilter, @PreAuthorize, @PostFilter, @PostAuthorize) should be enabled for
-          this application context. Defaults to "disabled".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="secured-annotations">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies whether the use of Spring Security's @Secured annotations should
-          be enabled for this application context. Defaults to "disabled".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="jsr250-annotations">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies whether JSR-250 style attributes are to be used (for example
-          "RolesAllowed"). This will require the javax.annotation.security classes on the classpath.
-          Defaults to "disabled".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="disabled"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="enabled"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="access-decision-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Optional AccessDecisionManager bean ID to override the default used for
-          method security.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="run-as-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Optional RunAsmanager implementation which will be used by the configured
-          MethodSecurityInterceptor</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="expression-handler">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Defines the SecurityExpressionHandler instance which will be used if
-        expression-based access-control is enabled. A default implementation (with no ACL support)
-        will be used if not supplied.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ref"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:element name="custom-after-invocation-provider">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Used to decorate an AfterInvocationProvider to specify that it should be
-        used with method security.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType/>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="protect-pointcut.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="expression" use="required" type="xs:string">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>An AspectJ expression, including the 'execution' keyword. For example,
-          'execution(int com.foo.TargetObject.countLength(String))' (without the
-          quotes).</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="access" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Access configuration attributes list that applies to all methods matching
-          the pointcut, e.g. "ROLE_A,ROLE_B"</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="http">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Container element for HTTP security configuration</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-        <xs:element name="intercept-url">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Specifies the access attributes and/or filter list for a particular
-              set of URLs.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:intercept-url.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="access-denied-handler">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Defines the access-denied strategy that should be used. An access
-              denied page can be defined or a reference to an AccessDeniedHandler instance.
-            </xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:access-denied-handler.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="form-login">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Sets up a form login configuration for authentication with a username
-              and password</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:form-login.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element ref="security:openid-login"/>
-        <xs:element name="x509">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Adds support for X.509 client authentication.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:x509.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="http-basic">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Adds support for basic authentication (this is an element to permit
-              future expansion, such as supporting an "ignoreFailure" attribute)</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType/>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="logout">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Incorporates a logout processing filter. Most web applications require
-              a logout filter, although you may not require one if you write a controller to
-              provider similar logic.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:logout.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="concurrent-session-control">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Adds support for concurrent session control, allowing limits to be
-              placed on the number of sessions a user can have.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:concurrent-sessions.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="remember-me">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Sets up remember-me authentication. If used with the "key" attribute
-              (or no attributes) the cookie-only implementation will be used. Specifying
-              "token-repository-ref" or "remember-me-data-source-ref" will use the more secure,
-              persisten token approach. </xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:remember-me.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="anonymous">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Adds support for automatically granting all anonymous web requests a
-              particular principal identity and a corresponding granted
-              authority.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:anonymous.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-        <xs:element name="port-mappings">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Defines the list of mappings between http and https ports for use in
-              redirects</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:sequence>
-              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="security:port-mapping"/>
-            </xs:sequence>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-      </xs:choice>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:http.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="http.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="auto-config" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Automatically registers a login form, BASIC authentication, anonymous
-          authentication, logout services, remember-me and servlet-api-integration. If set to
-          "true", all of these capabilities are added (although you can still customize the
-          configuration of each by providing the respective element). If unspecified, defaults to
-          "false".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="use-expressions" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Enables the use of expressions in the 'access' attributes in
-          &lt;intercept-url&gt; elements rather than the traditional list of configuration
-          attributes. Defaults to 'false'. If enabled, each attribute should contain a single
-          boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to 'true', access will be granted.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="create-session">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Controls the eagerness with which an HTTP session is created. If not set,
-          defaults to "ifRequired". Note that if a custom SecurityContextRepository is set using
-          security-context-repository-ref, then the only value which can be set is "always".
-          Otherwise the session creation behaviour will be determined by the repository bean
-          implementation.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="ifRequired"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="always"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="never"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="security-context-repository-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a SecurityContextRepository bean. This can be used to
-          customize how the SecurityContext is stored between requests.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="path-type">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines the type of pattern used to specify URL paths (either JDK
-          1.4-compatible regular expressions, or Apache Ant expressions). Defaults to "ant" if
-          unspecified.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="ant"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="regex"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="lowercase-comparisons" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Whether test URLs should be converted to lower case prior to comparing
-          with defined path patterns. If unspecified, defaults to "true".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="servlet-api-provision" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Provides versions of HttpServletRequest security methods such as
-          isUserInRole() and getPrincipal() which are implemented by accessing the Spring
-          SecurityContext. Defaults to "true".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="access-decision-manager-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Optional attribute specifying the ID of the AccessDecisionManager
-          implementation which should be used for authorizing HTTP requests.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="realm" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Optional attribute specifying the realm name that will be used for all
-          authentication features that require a realm name (eg BASIC and Digest authentication). If
-          unspecified, defaults to "Spring Security Application".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="session-fixation-protection">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Indicates whether an existing session should be invalidated when a user
-          authenticates and a new session started. If set to "none" no change will be made.
-          "newSession" will create a new empty session. "migrateSession" will create a new session
-          and copy the session attributes to the new session. Defaults to
-          "migrateSession".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="none"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="newSession"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="migrateSession"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="entry-point-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows a customized AuthenticationEntryPoint to be
-          used.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="once-per-request" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Corresponds to the observeOncePerRequest property of
-          FilterSecurityInterceptor. Defaults to "true"</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="access-denied-page" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Deprecated in favour of the access-denied-handler
-          element.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="disable-url-rewriting" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation> </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="access-denied-handler.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="error-page" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The access denied page that an authenticated user will be redirected to if
-          they request a page which they don't have the authority to access. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="access-denied-handler-page">
-    <xs:attribute name="error-page" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The access denied page that an authenticated user will be redirected to if
-          they request a page which they don't have the authority to access. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="intercept-url.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="pattern" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The pattern which defines the URL path. The content will depend on the
-          type set in the containing http element, so will default to ant path
-          syntax.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="access" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The access configuration attributes that apply for the configured
-          path.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="method">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The HTTP Method for which the access configuration attributes should
-          apply. If not specified, the attributes will apply to any method.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="GET"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="DELETE"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="HEAD"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="OPTIONS"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="POST"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="PUT"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="TRACE"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="filters">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The filter list for the path. Currently can be set to "none" to remove a
-          path from having any filters applied. The full filter stack (consisting of all filters
-          created by the namespace configuration, and any added using 'custom-filter'), will be
-          applied to any other paths.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="none"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="requires-channel">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Used to specify that a URL must be accessed over http or https, or that
-          there is no preference.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="http"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="https"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="any"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="logout.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="logout-url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies the URL that will cause a logout. Spring Security will
-          initialize a filter that responds to this particular URL. Defaults to
-          /j_spring_security_logout if unspecified.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="logout-success-url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies the URL to display once the user has logged out. If not
-          specified, defaults to /.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="invalidate-session" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies whether a logout also causes HttpSession invalidation, which is
-          generally desirable. If unspecified, defaults to true.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="form-login.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="login-processing-url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The URL that the login form is posted to. If unspecified, it defaults to
-          /j_spring_security_check.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="default-target-url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The URL that will be redirected to after successful authentication, if the
-          user's previous action could not be resumed. This generally happens if the user visits a
-          login page without having first requested a secured operation that triggers
-          authentication. If unspecified, defaults to the root of the
-          application.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="always-use-default-target" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Whether the user should always be redirected to the default-target-url
-          after login. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="login-page" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The URL for the login page. If no login URL is specified, Spring Security
-          will automatically create a login URL at /spring_security_login and a corresponding filter
-          to render that login URL when requested.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="authentication-failure-url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The URL for the login failure page. If no login failure URL is specified,
-          Spring Security will automatically create a failure login URL at
-          /spring_security_login?login_error and a corresponding filter to render that login failure
-          URL when requested.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="authentication-success-handler-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Reference to an AuthenticationSuccessHandler bean which should be used to
-          handle a successful authentication request. Should not be used in combination with
-          default-target-url (or always-use-default-target-url) as the implementation should always
-          deal with navigation to the subsequent destination</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="authentication-failure-handler-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Reference to an AuthenticationFailureHandler bean which should be used to
-          handle a failed authentication request. Should not be used in combination with
-          authentication-failure-url as the implementation should always deal with navigation to the
-          subsequent destination</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="openid-login">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Sets up form login for authentication with an Open ID
-        identity</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:form-login.attlist"/>
+               </xs:complexType>
+            </xs:element>
+         </xs:choice>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ap.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="ap.attlist">
       <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
-        <xs:annotation>
-          <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
-            Id</xs:documentation>
-        </xs:annotation>
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
+               Id</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:element name="filter-chain-map">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Used to explicitly configure a FilterChainProxy instance with a
-        FilterChainMap</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="custom-authentication-provider">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Element used to decorate an AuthenticationProvider bean to add it to the
+            internal AuthenticationManager maintained by the namespace.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType/>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:element name="user-service" substitutionGroup="security:any-user-service">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Creates an in-memory UserDetailsService from a properties file or a list
+            of "user" child elements.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="security:user"/>
+         </xs:sequence>
+         <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
+            <xs:annotation>
+               <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
+                  context.</xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+         </xs:attribute>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:properties-file"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="properties-file">
+      <xs:attribute name="properties" type="xs:token"/>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="user">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Represents a user in the application.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:user.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="user.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The username assigned to the user.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="password" use="required" type="xs:string">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The password assigned to the user. This may be hashed if the
+               corresponding authentication provider supports hashing (remember to set the "hash"
+               attribute of the "user-service" element).</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="authorities" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>One of more authorities granted to the user. Separate authorities with
+               a comma (but no space). For example,
+               "ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="locked" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Can be set to "true" to mark an account as locked and
+               unusable.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="disabled" type="security:boolean">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Can be set to "true" to mark an account as disabled and
+               unusable.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="jdbc-user-service" substitutionGroup="security:any-user-service">
+      <xs:annotation>
+         <xs:documentation>Causes creation of a JDBC-based UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
+      </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
+            <xs:annotation>
+               <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
+                  context.</xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+         </xs:attribute>
+         <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:jdbc-user-service.attlist"/>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="jdbc-user-service.attlist">
+      <xs:attribute name="data-source-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The bean ID of the DataSource which provides the required
+               tables.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a cache for use with a
+               UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="users-by-username-query" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>An SQL statement to query a username, password, and enabled status
+               given a username</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="authorities-by-username-query" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>An SQL statement to query for a user's granted authorities given a
+               username.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="group-authorities-by-username-query" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>An SQL statement to query user's group authorities given a
+               username.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+      <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" type="xs:token">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded
+               from persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases
+               where the default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
+      </xs:attribute>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:element name="any-user-service" abstract="true"/>
+   <xs:group name="custom-filter">
-        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="filter-chain">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Used within filter-chain-map to define a specific URL pattern and the
-              list of filters which apply to the URLs matching that pattern. When multiple
-              filter-chain elements are used within a filter-chain-map element, the most specific
-              patterns must be placed at the top of the list, with most general ones at the
-              bottom.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:filter-chain.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
+         <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="security:custom-filter"/>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:filter-chain-map.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="filter-chain-map.attlist">
-    <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:path-type"/>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="filter-chain.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="pattern" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
-    <xs:attribute name="filters" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="filter-invocation-definition-source">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Used to explicitly configure a FilterInvocationDefinitionSource bean for use
-        with a FilterSecurityInterceptor. Usually only needed if you are configuring a
-        FilterChainProxy explicitly, rather than using the &lt;http&gt; element. The
-        intercept-url elements used should only contain pattern, method and access attributes. Any
-        others will result in a configuration error. </xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:sequence>
-        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="intercept-url">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Specifies the access attributes and/or filter list for a particular
-              set of URLs.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:intercept-url.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-      </xs:sequence>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:fids.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="fids.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="use-expressions" type="security:boolean">
+   </xs:group>
+   <xs:element name="custom-filter">
-        <xs:documentation>Enables the use of expressions in the 'access' attributes in
-          &lt;intercept-url&gt; elements rather than the traditional list of configuration
-          attributes. Defaults to 'false'. If enabled, each attribute should contain a single
-          boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to 'true', access will be granted.
-        </xs:documentation>
+         <xs:documentation>Used to indicate that a filter bean declaration should be incorporated
+            into the security filter chain. If neither the 'after' or 'before' options are supplied,
+            then the filter must implement the Ordered interface directly. </xs:documentation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
-          context.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="lowercase-comparisons" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>as for http element</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="path-type">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines the type of pattern used to specify URL paths (either JDK
-          1.4-compatible regular expressions, or Apache Ant expressions). Defaults to "ant" if
-          unspecified.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:simpleType>
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-          <xs:enumeration value="ant"/>
-          <xs:enumeration value="regex"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-      </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="concurrent-sessions.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="max-sessions" type="xs:positiveInteger">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The maximum number of sessions a single user can have open at the same
-          time. Defaults to "1".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="expired-url" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The URL a user will be redirected to if they attempt to use a session
-          which has been "expired" by the concurrent session controller because they have logged in
-          again.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="exception-if-maximum-exceeded" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Specifies that an exception should be raised when a user attempts to login
-          when they already have the maximum configured sessions open. The default behaviour is to
-          expire the original session.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="session-registry-alias" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows you to define an alias for the SessionRegistry bean in order to
-          access it in your own configuration</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="session-registry-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to an external SessionRegistry implementation which will be
-          used in place of the standard one. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="remember-me.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The "key" used to identify cookies from a specific token-based remember-me
-          application. You should set this to a unique value for your
-          application.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="token-repository-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Reference to a PersistentTokenRepository bean for use with the persistent
-          token remember-me implementation. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="data-source-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a DataSource bean</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:remember-me-services-ref"/>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
-          Id</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="token-validity-seconds" type="xs:integer">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The period (in seconds) for which the remember-me cookie should be valid.
-          If set to a negative value</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="token-repository-ref">
-    <xs:attribute name="token-repository-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Reference to a PersistentTokenRepository bean for use with the persistent
-          token remember-me implementation. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="remember-me-services-ref">
-    <xs:attribute name="services-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows a custom implementation of RememberMeServices to be used. Note that
-          this implementation should return RememberMeAuthenticationToken instances with the same
-          "key" value as specified in the remember-me element. Alternatively it should register its
-          own AuthenticationProvider. </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="remember-me-data-source-ref">
-    <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:data-source-ref"/>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="anonymous.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The key shared between the provider and filter. This generally does not
-          need to be set. If unset, it will default to "doesNotMatter".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="username" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The username that should be assigned to the anonymous request. This allows
-          the principal to be identified, which may be important for logging and auditing. if unset,
-          defaults to "anonymousUser".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="granted-authority" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The granted authority that should be assigned to the anonymous request.
-          Commonly this is used to assign the anonymous request particular roles, which can
-          subsequently be used in authorization decisions. If unset, defaults to
-          "ROLE_ANONYMOUS".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="port-mapping">
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:http-port"/>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:https-port"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="http-port">
-    <xs:attribute name="http" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="https-port">
-    <xs:attribute name="https" use="required" type="xs:token"/>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="x509.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="subject-principal-regex" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The regular expression used to obtain the username from the certificate's
-          subject. Defaults to matching on the common name using the pattern
-          "CN=(.*?),".</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
-          Id</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="authentication-manager">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>If you are using namespace configuration with Spring Security, an
-        AuthenticationManager will automatically be registered. This element allows you to define an
-        alias to allow you to reference the authentication-manager in your own beans.
-      </xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:authman.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="authman.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="alias" use="required" type="xs:ID">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The alias you wish to use for the AuthenticationManager
-          bean</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="session-controller-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Allows the session controller to be set on the internal
-          AuthenticationManager. This should not be used with the &lt;concurrent-session-control
-          /&gt; element</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="authentication-provider">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Indicates that the contained user-service should be used as an
-        authentication source. </xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-        <xs:element ref="security:any-user-service"/>
-        <xs:element name="password-encoder">
-          <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>element which defines a password encoding strategy. Used by an
-              authentication provider to convert submitted passwords to hashed versions, for
-              example.</xs:documentation>
-          </xs:annotation>
-          <xs:complexType>
-            <xs:sequence>
-              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="salt-source">
-                <xs:annotation>
-                  <xs:documentation>Password salting strategy. A system-wide constant or a property
-                    from the UserDetails object can be used.</xs:documentation>
-                </xs:annotation>
-                <xs:complexType>
-                  <xs:attribute name="user-property" type="xs:token">
-                    <xs:annotation>
-                      <xs:documentation>A property of the UserDetails object which will be used as
-                        salt by a password encoder. Typically something like "username" might be
-                        used. </xs:documentation>
-                    </xs:annotation>
-                  </xs:attribute>
-                  <xs:attribute name="system-wide" type="xs:token">
-                    <xs:annotation>
-                      <xs:documentation>A single value that will be used as the salt for a password
-                        encoder. </xs:documentation>
-                    </xs:annotation>
-                  </xs:attribute>
-                  <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token">
-                    <xs:annotation>
-                      <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a Spring bean Id.</xs:documentation>
-                    </xs:annotation>
-                  </xs:attribute>
-                </xs:complexType>
-              </xs:element>
-            </xs:sequence>
-            <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:password-encoder.attlist"/>
-          </xs:complexType>
-        </xs:element>
-      </xs:choice>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:ap.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="ap.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="user-service-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A reference to a user-service (or UserDetailsService bean)
-          Id</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="custom-authentication-provider">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Element used to decorate an AuthenticationProvider bean to add it to the
-        internal AuthenticationManager maintained by the namespace.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType/>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:element name="user-service" substitutionGroup="security:any-user-service">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Creates an in-memory UserDetailsService from a properties file or a list of
-        "user" child elements.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:sequence>
-        <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="security:user"/>
-      </xs:sequence>
-      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
-        <xs:annotation>
-          <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
-            context.</xs:documentation>
-        </xs:annotation>
+      <xs:complexType>
+         <xs:attribute name="after" type="security:named-security-filter">
+            <xs:annotation>
+               <xs:documentation>The filter immediately after which the custom-filter should be
+                  placed in the chain. This feature will only be needed by advanced users who wish
+                  to mix their own filters into the security filter chain and have some knowledge of
+                  the standard Spring Security filters. The filter names map to specific Spring
+                  Security implementation filters. </xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+         </xs:attribute>
+         <xs:attribute name="before" type="security:named-security-filter">
+            <xs:annotation>
+               <xs:documentation>The filter immediately before which the custom-filter should be
+                  placed in the chain</xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+         </xs:attribute>
+         <xs:attribute name="position" type="security:named-security-filter">
+            <xs:annotation>
+               <xs:documentation>The explicit position at which the custom-filter should be placed
+                  in the chain. Use if you are replacing a standard filter.</xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+         </xs:attribute>
+      </xs:complexType>
+   </xs:element>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="after">
+      <xs:attribute name="after" use="required" type="security:named-security-filter">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The filter immediately after which the custom-filter should be placed
+               in the chain. This feature will only be needed by advanced users who wish to mix
+               their own filters into the security filter chain and have some knowledge of the
+               standard Spring Security filters. The filter names map to specific Spring Security
+               implementation filters. </xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:properties-file"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="properties-file">
-    <xs:attribute name="properties" type="xs:token"/>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="user">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Represents a user in the application.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:user.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="user.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The username assigned to the user.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="password" use="required" type="xs:string">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The password assigned to the user. This may be hashed if the corresponding
-          authentication provider supports hashing (remember to set the "hash" attribute of the
-          "user-service" element).</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="authorities" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>One of more authorities granted to the user. Separate authorities with a
-          comma (but no space). For example, "ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="locked" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Can be set to "true" to mark an account as locked and
-          unusable.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="disabled" type="security:boolean">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Can be set to "true" to mark an account as disabled and
-          unusable.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="jdbc-user-service" substitutionGroup="security:any-user-service">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Causes creation of a JDBC-based UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
-        <xs:annotation>
-          <xs:documentation>A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the
-            context.</xs:documentation>
-        </xs:annotation>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="before">
+      <xs:attribute name="before" use="required" type="security:named-security-filter">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The filter immediately before which the custom-filter should be placed
+               in the chain</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:attributeGroup ref="security:jdbc-user-service.attlist"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="jdbc-user-service.attlist">
-    <xs:attribute name="data-source-ref" use="required" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The bean ID of the DataSource which provides the required
-          tables.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>Defines a reference to a cache for use with a
-          UserDetailsService.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="users-by-username-query" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>An SQL statement to query a username, password, and enabled status given a
-          username</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="authorities-by-username-query" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>An SQL statement to query for a user's granted authorities given a
-          username.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="group-authorities-by-username-query" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>An SQL statement to query user's group authorities given a
-          username.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="role-prefix" type="xs:token">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded from
-          persistent storage (e.g. "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases where the
-          default is non-empty.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:element name="any-user-service" abstract="true"/>
-  <xs:group name="custom-filter">
-    <xs:sequence>
-      <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="security:custom-filter"/>
-    </xs:sequence>
-  </xs:group>
-  <xs:element name="custom-filter">
-    <xs:annotation>
-      <xs:documentation>Used to indicate that a filter bean declaration should be incorporated into
-        the security filter chain. If neither the 'after' or 'before' options are supplied, then the
-        filter must implement the Ordered interface directly. </xs:documentation>
-    </xs:annotation>
-    <xs:complexType>
-      <xs:attribute name="after" type="security:named-security-filter">
-        <xs:annotation>
-          <xs:documentation>The filter immediately after which the custom-filter should be placed in
-            the chain. This feature will only be needed by advanced users who wish to mix their own
-            filters into the security filter chain and have some knowledge of the standard Spring
-            Security filters. The filter names map to specific Spring Security implementation
-            filters. </xs:documentation>
-        </xs:annotation>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:attributeGroup name="position">
+      <xs:attribute name="position" use="required" type="security:named-security-filter">
+         <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>The explicit position at which the custom-filter should be placed in
+               the chain. Use if you are replacing a standard filter.</xs:documentation>
+         </xs:annotation>
-      <xs:attribute name="before" type="security:named-security-filter">
-        <xs:annotation>
-          <xs:documentation>The filter immediately before which the custom-filter should be placed
-            in the chain</xs:documentation>
-        </xs:annotation>
-      </xs:attribute>
-      <xs:attribute name="position" type="security:named-security-filter">
-        <xs:annotation>
-          <xs:documentation>The explicit position at which the custom-filter should be placed in the
-            chain. Use if you are replacing a standard filter.</xs:documentation>
-        </xs:annotation>
-      </xs:attribute>
-    </xs:complexType>
-  </xs:element>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="after">
-    <xs:attribute name="after" use="required" type="security:named-security-filter">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The filter immediately after which the custom-filter should be placed in
-          the chain. This feature will only be needed by advanced users who wish to mix their own
-          filters into the security filter chain and have some knowledge of the standard Spring
-          Security filters. The filter names map to specific Spring Security implementation filters.
-        </xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="before">
-    <xs:attribute name="before" use="required" type="security:named-security-filter">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The filter immediately before which the custom-filter should be placed in
-          the chain</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:attributeGroup name="position">
-    <xs:attribute name="position" use="required" type="security:named-security-filter">
-      <xs:annotation>
-        <xs:documentation>The explicit position at which the custom-filter should be placed in the
-          chain. Use if you are replacing a standard filter.</xs:documentation>
-      </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-  </xs:attributeGroup>
-  <xs:simpleType name="named-security-filter">
-    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
-      <xs:enumeration value="FIRST"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="CHANNEL_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="CONCURRENT_SESSION_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="SESSION_CONTEXT_INTEGRATION_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="LOGOUT_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="X509_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="PRE_AUTH_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="CAS_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="AUTHENTICATION_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="OPENID_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="BASIC_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="SERVLET_API_SUPPORT_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="REMEMBER_ME_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="ANONYMOUS_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="EXCEPTION_TRANSLATION_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="NTLM_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="FILTER_SECURITY_INTERCEPTOR"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="SWITCH_USER_FILTER"/>
-      <xs:enumeration value="LAST"/>
-    </xs:restriction>
-  </xs:simpleType>
+   </xs:attributeGroup>
+   <xs:simpleType name="named-security-filter">
+      <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
+         <xs:enumeration value="FIRST"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="CHANNEL_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="CONCURRENT_SESSION_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="SESSION_CONTEXT_INTEGRATION_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="LOGOUT_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="X509_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="PRE_AUTH_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="CAS_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="AUTHENTICATION_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="OPENID_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="BASIC_PROCESSING_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="SERVLET_API_SUPPORT_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="REMEMBER_ME_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="ANONYMOUS_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="EXCEPTION_TRANSLATION_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="NTLM_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="FILTER_SECURITY_INTERCEPTOR"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="SWITCH_USER_FILTER"/>
+         <xs:enumeration value="LAST"/>
+      </xs:restriction>
+   </xs:simpleType>
diff --git a/config/src/test/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParserTests.java b/config/src/test/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParserTests.java
index a6388d9ebe..1b03b6ae4a 100644
--- a/config/src/test/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParserTests.java
+++ b/config/src/test/java/org/springframework/security/config/HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParserTests.java
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package org.springframework.security.config;
 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
 import static org.springframework.security.config.ConfigTestUtils.AUTH_PROVIDER_XML;
 import static org.springframework.security.config.HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.*;
@@ -122,15 +123,9 @@ public class HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParserTests {
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof LogoutFilter);
         Object authProcFilter = filters.next();
         assertTrue(authProcFilter instanceof AuthenticationProcessingFilter);
-        // Check RememberMeServices has been set on AuthenticationProcessingFilter
-        //Object rms = FieldUtils.getFieldValue(authProcFilter, "rememberMeServices");
-        //assertNotNull(rms);
-        //assertTrue(rms instanceof RememberMeServices);
-        //assertFalse(rms instanceof NullRememberMeServices);
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof DefaultLoginPageGeneratingFilter);
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof BasicProcessingFilter);
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter);
-        //assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof RememberMeProcessingFilter);
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof AnonymousProcessingFilter);
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof ExceptionTranslationFilter);
         assertTrue(filters.next() instanceof SessionFixationProtectionFilter);
@@ -200,6 +195,27 @@ public class HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParserTests {
         assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, FieldUtils.getFieldValue(filter, "successHandler.alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl"));
+    // SEC-1152
+    @Test
+    public void anonymousFilterIsAddedByDefault() throws Exception {
+        setContext(
+                "<http>" +
+                "   <form-login />" +
+                "</http>" + AUTH_PROVIDER_XML);
+        assertThat(getFilters("/anything").get(4), instanceOf(AnonymousProcessingFilter.class));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void anonymousFilterIsRemovedIfDisabledFlagSet() throws Exception {
+        setContext(
+                "<http>" +
+                "   <form-login />" +
+                "   <anonymous enabled='false'/>" +
+                "</http>" + AUTH_PROVIDER_XML);
+        assertThat(getFilters("/anything").get(4), not(instanceOf(AnonymousProcessingFilter.class)));
+    }
     public void invalidLoginPageIsDetected() throws Exception {