@ -10,6 +10,20 @@ Also, this guide includes ways to <<revert,revert to 5.x>> behaviors and its def
== Servlet
=== Optimize Querying of `RequestCache`
In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is to query the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#savedrequests[saved request] on every request.
This means that in a typical setup, that in order to use the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#requestcache[`RequestCache`] the `HttpSession` is queried on every request.
In Spring Security 6, the default is that `RequestCache` will only be queried for a cached request if the HTTP parameter `continue` is defined.
This allows Spring Security to avoid unnecessarily reading the `HttpSession` with the `RequestCache`.
In Spring Security 5 the default is to use `HttpSessionRequestCache` which will be queried for a cached request on every request.
If you are not overriding the defaults (i.e. using `NullRequestCache`), then the following configuration can be used to explicitly opt into the Spring Security 6 behavior in Spring Security 5.8:
=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Method Security
There are no further migration steps for this feature.
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ The following is a comprehensive list of Spring Security Filter ordering:
* xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/digest.adoc#servlet-authentication-digest[`DigestAuthenticationFilter`]
* `BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter`
* xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/basic.adoc#servlet-authentication-basic[`BasicAuthenticationFilter`]
* `RequestCacheAwareFilter`
* <<requestcacheawarefilter,RequestCacheAwareFilter>>
* `SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter`
* `JaasApiIntegrationFilter`
* `RememberMeAuthenticationFilter`
@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ image::{figures}/exceptiontranslationfilter.png[]
* image:{icondir}/number_1.png[] First, the `ExceptionTranslationFilter` invokes `FilterChain.doFilter(request, response)` to invoke the rest of the application.
* image:{icondir}/number_2.png[] If the user is not authenticated or it is an `AuthenticationException`, then __Start Authentication__.
** The xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder[SecurityContextHolder] is cleared out.
** The `HttpServletRequest` is saved in the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/savedrequest/RequestCache.html[`RequestCache`].
When the user successfully authenticates, the `RequestCache` is used to replay the original request.
** The `HttpServletRequest` is <<savedrequests,saved>> so that it can be used to replay the original request once authentication is successful.
// FIXME: add link to authentication success
** The `AuthenticationEntryPoint` is used to request credentials from the client.
For example, it might redirect to a log in page or send a `WWW-Authenticate` header.
@ -252,3 +252,26 @@ This means that if another part of the application, (<<servlet-authorization-fil
<2> If the user is not authenticated or it is an `AuthenticationException`, __Start Authentication__.
<3> Otherwise, __Access Denied__
== Saving Requests Between Authentication
As illustrated in <<servlet-exceptiontranslationfilter>>, when a request has no authentication and is for a resource that requires authentication, there is a need to save the request for the authenticated resource to re-request after authentication is successful.
In Spring Security this is done by saving the `HttpServletRequest` using a <<requestcache,`RequestCache`>> implementation.
=== RequestCache
The `HttpServletRequest` is saved in the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/savedrequest/RequestCache.html[`RequestCache`].
When the user successfully authenticates, the `RequestCache` is used to replay the original request.
The <<requestcacheawarefilter,`RequestCacheAwareFilter`>> is what uses the `RequestCache` to save the `HttpServletRequest`.
By default, an `HttpSessionRequestCache` is used.
The code below demonstrates how to customize the `RequestCache` implementation that is used to check the `HttpSession` for a saved request if the parameter named `continue` is present.
=== RequestCacheAwareFilter
The {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/savedrequest/RequestCacheAwareFilter.html[`RequestCacheAwareFilter`] uses the <<requestcache,`RequestCache`>> to save the `HttpServletRequest`.
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
.`RequestCache` Only Checks for Saved Requests if `continue` Parameter Present
DefaultSecurityFilterChain springSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
HttpSessionRequestCache requestCache = new HttpSessionRequestCache();
// ...
.requestCache((cache) -> cache
class SecurityConfig {
open fun springSecurity(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
val httpRequestCache = HttpSessionRequestCache()
http {
requestCache {
requestCache = httpRequestCache
<http auto-config="true">
<!-- ... -->
<request-cache ref="requestCache"/>
<b:bean id="requestCache" class=""
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