Please refer to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework for further details on the[Authorization Code] grant.
The `OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectWebFilter` uses a `ServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver` to resolve an `OAuth2AuthorizationRequest` and initiate the Authorization Code grant flow by redirecting the end-user's user-agent to the Authorization Server's Authorization Endpoint.
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ spring:
client-authentication-method: none
authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
redirect-uri: "{baseUrl}/authorized/okta"
# ...
Public Clients are supported using[Proof Key for Code Exchange] (PKCE).
@ -75,8 +76,8 @@ If the client is running in an untrusted environment (eg. native application or
If the OAuth 2.0 Provider supports PKCE for[Confidential Clients], you may (optionally) configure it using `DefaultServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver.setAuthorizationRequestCustomizer(OAuth2AuthorizationRequestCustomizers.withPkce())`.
The `DefaultServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver` also supports `URI` template variables for the `redirect-uri` using `UriComponentsBuilder`.
[[oauth2Client-auth-code-redirect-uri]]The `DefaultServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver` also supports `URI` template variables for the `redirect-uri` using `UriComponentsBuilder`.
The following configuration uses all the supported `URI` template variables:
Configuring the `redirect-uri` with `URI` template variables is especially useful when the OAuth 2.0 Client is running behind a xref:features/exploits/http.adoc#http-proxy-server[Proxy Server].
This ensures that the `X-Forwarded-*` headers are used when expanding the `redirect-uri`.
One of the primary use cases a `ServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver` can realize is the ability to customize the Authorization Request with additional parameters above the standard parameters defined in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.
@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ private fun authorizationRequestCustomizer(): Consumer<OAuth2AuthorizationReques
The `ServerAuthorizationRequestRepository` is responsible for the persistence of the `OAuth2AuthorizationRequest` from the time the Authorization Request is initiated to the time the Authorization Response is received (the callback).
@ -283,7 +285,7 @@ public class OAuth2ClientSecurityConfig {
@ -312,6 +314,7 @@ class OAuth2ClientSecurityConfig {
=== Requesting an Access Token
@ -319,33 +322,21 @@ Please refer to the[Access Tok
The default implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient` for the Authorization Code grant is `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`, which uses a `WebClient` for exchanging an authorization code for an access token at the Authorization Server’s Token Endpoint.
The `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient` is quite flexible as it allows you to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request and/or post-handling of the Token Response.
If you need to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request, you can provide `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient.setParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2AuthorizationCodeGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>`.
The default implementation builds a `MultiValueMap<String, String>` containing only the `grant_type` parameter of a standard[OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request] which is used to construct the request. Other parameters required by the Authorization Code grant are added directly to the body of the request by the `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`.
However, providing a custom `Converter`, would allow you to extend the standard Token Request and add custom parameter(s).
Whether you customize `{class-name}` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you can configure it using the DSL (as an alternative to <<oauth2-client-authorization-code-access-token-response-client-bean,publishing a bean>>) as shown in the following example:
If you prefer to only add additional parameters, you can instead provide `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient.addParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2AuthorizationCodeGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>` which constructs an aggregate `Converter`.
IMPORTANT: The custom `Converter` must return valid parameters of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request that is understood by the intended OAuth 2.0 Provider.
=== Customizing the Access Token Response
On the other end, if you need to customize the post-handling of the Token Response, you will need to provide `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient.setBodyExtractor()` with a custom configured `BodyExtractor<Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse>, ReactiveHttpInputMessage>` that is used for converting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response to an `OAuth2AccessTokenResponse`.
The default implementation provided by `OAuth2BodyExtractors.oauth2AccessTokenResponse()` parses the response and handles errors accordingly.
=== Customizing the `WebClient`
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request/response by simply providing `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient.setWebClient()` with a custom configured `WebClient`.
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you’ll need to configure it as shown in the following example:
.Access Token Response Configuration
.Access Token Response Configuration via DSL
@ -361,7 +352,7 @@ public class OAuth2ClientSecurityConfig {
Please refer to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework for further details on the[Refresh Token].
=== Refreshing an Access Token
@ -420,33 +410,21 @@ Please refer to the[Access Token R
The default implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient` for the Refresh Token grant is `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient`, which uses a `WebClient` when refreshing an access token at the Authorization Server’s Token Endpoint.
The `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient` is quite flexible as it allows you to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request and/or post-handling of the Token Response.
If you need to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request, you can provide `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient.setParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>`.
The default implementation builds a `MultiValueMap<String, String>` containing only the `grant_type` parameter of a standard[OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request] which is used to construct the request. Other parameters required by the Refresh Token grant are added directly to the body of the request by the `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient`.
However, providing a custom `Converter`, would allow you to extend the standard Token Request and add custom parameter(s).
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you can configure it using the `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder` (as an alternative to <<oauth2-client-refresh-token-access-token-response-client-bean,publishing a bean>>) as follows:
If you prefer to only add additional parameters, you can instead provide `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient.addParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>` which constructs an aggregate `Converter`.
IMPORTANT: The custom `Converter` must return valid parameters of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request that is understood by the intended OAuth 2.0 Provider.
=== Customizing the Access Token Response
On the other end, if you need to customize the post-handling of the Token Response, you will need to provide `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient.setBodyExtractor()` with a custom configured `BodyExtractor<Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse>, ReactiveHttpInputMessage>` that is used for converting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response to an `OAuth2AccessTokenResponse`.
The default implementation provided by `OAuth2BodyExtractors.oauth2AccessTokenResponse()` parses the response and handles errors accordingly.
=== Customizing the `WebClient`
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request/response by simply providing `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient.setWebClient()` with a custom configured `WebClient`.
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you’ll need to configure it as shown in the following example:
@ -492,14 +470,13 @@ which is an implementation of a `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider` for the
The `OAuth2RefreshToken` may optionally be returned in the Access Token Response for the `authorization_code` and `password` grant types.
If the `OAuth2AuthorizedClient.getRefreshToken()` is available and the `OAuth2AuthorizedClient.getAccessToken()` is expired, it will automatically be refreshed by the `RefreshTokenReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider`.
Please refer to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework for further details on the[Client Credentials] grant.
=== Requesting an Access Token
@ -507,32 +484,21 @@ Please refer to the[Access Tok
The default implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient` for the Client Credentials grant is `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient`, which uses a `WebClient` when requesting an access token at the Authorization Server’s Token Endpoint.
The `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient` is quite flexible as it allows you to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request and/or post-handling of the Token Response.
If you need to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request, you can provide `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient.setParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>`.
The default implementation builds a `MultiValueMap<String, String>` containing only the `grant_type` parameter of a standard[OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request] which is used to construct the request. Other parameters required by the Client Credentials grant are added directly to the body of the request by the `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient`.
However, providing a custom `Converter`, would allow you to extend the standard Token Request and add custom parameter(s).
If you prefer to only add additional parameters, you can instead provide `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient.addParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>` which constructs an aggregate `Converter`.
IMPORTANT: The custom `Converter` must return valid parameters of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request that is understood by the intended OAuth 2.0 Provider.
=== Customizing the Access Token Response
On the other end, if you need to customize the post-handling of the Token Response, you will need to provide `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient.setBodyExtractor()` with a custom configured `BodyExtractor<Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse>, ReactiveHttpInputMessage>` that is used for converting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response to an `OAuth2AccessTokenResponse`.
The default implementation provided by `OAuth2BodyExtractors.oauth2AccessTokenResponse()` parses the response and handles errors accordingly.
=== Customizing the `WebClient`
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request/response by simply providing `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient.setWebClient()` with a custom configured `WebClient`.
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you'll need to configure it as shown in the following example:
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you can configure it using the `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder` (as an alternative to <<oauth2-client-client-credentials-access-token-response-client-bean,publishing a bean>>) as follows:
@ -698,14 +665,13 @@ class OAuth2ClientController {
`ServerWebExchange` is an OPTIONAL attribute.
If not provided, it will be obtained from the[Reactor's Context] via the key `ServerWebExchange.class`.
Please refer to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework for further details on the[Resource Owner Password Credentials] grant.
=== Requesting an Access Token
@ -713,32 +679,27 @@ Please refer to the[Access Tok
The default implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient` for the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant is `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient`, which uses a `WebClient` when requesting an access token at the Authorization Server’s Token Endpoint.
The `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient` is quite flexible as it allows you to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request and/or post-handling of the Token Response.
The `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient` class and support for the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant are deprecated.
This section will be removed in Spring Security 7.
If you need to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request, you can provide `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient.setParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2PasswordGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>`.
The default implementation builds a `MultiValueMap<String, String>` containing only the `grant_type` parameter of a standard[OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request] which is used to construct the request. Other parameters required by the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant are added directly to the body of the request by the `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient`.
However, providing a custom `Converter`, would allow you to extend the standard Token Request and add custom parameter(s).
If you prefer to only add additional parameters, you can instead provide `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient.addParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<OAuth2PasswordGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>` which constructs an aggregate `Converter`.
IMPORTANT: The custom `Converter` must return valid parameters of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request that is understood by the intended OAuth 2.0 Provider.
=== Customizing the Access Token Response
On the other end, if you need to customize the post-handling of the Token Response, you will need to provide `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient.setBodyExtractor()` with a custom configured `BodyExtractor<Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse>, ReactiveHttpInputMessage>` that is used for converting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response to an `OAuth2AccessTokenResponse`.
The default implementation provided by `OAuth2BodyExtractors.oauth2AccessTokenResponse()` parses the response and handles errors accordingly.
=== Customizing the `WebClient`
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request/response by simply providing `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient.setWebClient()` with a custom configured `WebClient`.
Whether you customize `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you'll need to configure it as shown in the following example:
Whether you customize `WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you can configure it using the `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder` (as an alternative to <<oauth2-client-password-access-token-response-client-bean,publishing a bean>>) as follows:
@ -951,14 +913,13 @@ class OAuth2ClientController {
`ServerWebExchange` is an OPTIONAL attribute.
If not provided, it will be obtained from the[Reactor's Context] via the key `ServerWebExchange.class`.
== JWT Bearer
== [[oauth2Client-jwt-bearer-grant]]JWT Bearer
Please refer to JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants for further details on the[JWT Bearer] grant.
=== Requesting an Access Token
@ -966,31 +927,21 @@ Please refer to the[Ac
The default implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient` for the JWT Bearer grant is `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient`, which uses a `WebClient` when requesting an access token at the Authorization Server’s Token Endpoint.
The `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient` is quite flexible as it allows you to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request and/or post-handling of the Token Response.
If you need to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request, you can provide `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient.setParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<JwtBearerGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>`.
The default implementation builds a `MultiValueMap<String, String>` containing only the `grant_type` parameter of a standard[OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request] which is used to construct the request. Other parameters required by the JWT Bearer grant are added directly to the body of the request by the `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient`.
However, providing a custom `Converter`, would allow you to extend the standard Token Request and add custom parameter(s).
If you prefer to only add additional parameters, you can instead provide `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient.addParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<JwtBearerGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>` which constructs an aggregate `Converter`.
IMPORTANT: The custom `Converter` must return valid parameters of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request that is understood by the intended OAuth 2.0 Provider.
=== Customizing the Access Token Response
On the other end, if you need to customize the post-handling of the Token Response, you will need to provide `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient.setBodyExtractor()` with a custom configured `BodyExtractor<Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse>, ReactiveHttpInputMessage>` that is used for converting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response to an `OAuth2AccessTokenResponse`.
The default implementation provided by `OAuth2BodyExtractors.oauth2AccessTokenResponse()` parses the response and handles errors accordingly.
=== Customizing the `WebClient`
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request/response by simply providing `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient.setWebClient()` with a custom configured `WebClient`.
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you'll need to configure it as shown in the following example:
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveJwtBearerTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you can configure it using the `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder` (as an alternative to <<oauth2-client-jwt-bearer-access-token-response-client-bean,publishing a bean>>) as follows:
@ -1159,13 +1113,13 @@ class OAuth2ResourceServerController {
If you need to resolve the `Jwt` assertion from a different source, you can provide `JwtBearerReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider.setJwtAssertionResolver()` with a custom `Function<OAuth2AuthorizationContext, Mono<Jwt>>`.
Please refer to OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange for further details on the[Token Exchange] grant.
=== Requesting an Access Token
@ -1173,32 +1127,21 @@ Please refer to the[Toke
The default implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient` for the Token Exchange grant is `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient`, which uses a `WebClient` when requesting an access token at the Authorization Server’s Token Endpoint.
The `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient` is quite flexible as it allows you to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request and/or post-handling of the Token Response.
If you need to customize the pre-processing of the Token Request, you can provide `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient.setParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<TokenExchangeGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>`.
The default implementation builds a `MultiValueMap<String, String>` containing only the `grant_type` parameter of a standard[OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request] which is used to construct the request.
Other parameters required by the Token Exchange grant are added directly to the body of the request by the `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient`.
However, providing a custom `Converter`, would allow you to extend the standard Token Request and add custom parameter(s).
If you prefer to only add additional parameters, you can instead provide `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient.addParametersConverter()` with a custom `Converter<TokenExchangeGrantRequest, MultiValueMap<String, String>>` which constructs an aggregate `Converter`.
IMPORTANT: The custom `Converter` must return valid parameters of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Request that is understood by the intended OAuth 2.0 Provider.
=== Customizing the Access Token Response
On the other end, if you need to customize the post-handling of the Token Response, you will need to provide `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient.setBodyExtractor()` with a custom configured `BodyExtractor<Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse>, ReactiveHttpInputMessage>` that is used for converting the OAuth 2.0 Access Token Response to an `OAuth2AccessTokenResponse`.
The default implementation provided by `OAuth2BodyExtractors.oauth2AccessTokenResponse()` parses the response and handles errors accordingly.
=== Customizing the `WebClient`
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request/response by simply providing `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient.setWebClient()` with a custom configured `WebClient`.
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you'll need to configure it as shown in the following example:
Whether you customize `WebClientReactiveTokenExchangeTokenResponseClient` or provide your own implementation of `ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient`, you can configure it using the `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder` (as an alternative to <<oauth2-client-token-exchange-access-token-response-client-bean,publishing a bean>>) as follows:
= [[oauth2Client-additional-features]]Authorized Client Features
This section covers additional features provided by Spring Security for OAuth2 Client.
== Resolving an Authorized Client
== [[oauth2Client-registered-authorized-client]]Resolving an Authorized Client
The `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation provides the capability of resolving a method parameter to an argument value of type `OAuth2AuthorizedClient`.
This is a convenient alternative compared to accessing the `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` using the `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager` or `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientService`.
@ -42,16 +43,15 @@ class OAuth2ClientController {
The `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation is handled by `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver`, which directly uses a <<oauth2Client-authorized-manager-provider, ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager>> and therefore inherits it's capabilities.
The `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation is handled by `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver`, which directly uses a xref:reactive/oauth2/client/core.adoc#oauth2Client-authorized-manager-provider[ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager] and therefore inherits it's capabilities.
== WebClient integration for Reactive Environments
== [[oauth2Client-webclient-webflux]]WebClient integration for Reactive Environments
The OAuth 2.0 Client support integrates with `WebClient` using an `ExchangeFilterFunction`.
The `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction` provides a simple mechanism for requesting protected resources by using an `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` and including the associated `OAuth2AccessToken` as a Bearer Token.
It directly uses an <<oauth2Client-authorized-manager-provider, ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager>> and therefore inherits the following capabilities:
It directly uses an xref:reactive/oauth2/client/core.adoc#oauth2Client-authorized-manager-provider[ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager] and therefore inherits the following capabilities:
* An `OAuth2AccessToken` will be requested if the client has not yet been authorized.
** `authorization_code` - triggers the Authorization Request redirect to initiate the flow
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ fun webClient(authorizedClientManager: ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager): W
=== Providing the Authorized Client
The `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction` determines the client to use (for a request) by resolving the `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` from the `ClientRequest.attributes()` (request attributes).
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ fun index(): Mono<String> {
<1> `clientRegistrationId()` is a `static` method in `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction`.
If neither `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` or `ClientRegistration.getRegistrationId()` is provided as a request attribute, the `ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction` can determine the _default_ client to use depending on it's configuration.
Client Authentication with client credentials included in the request-body is supported out of the box and no customization is necessary to enable it.
@ -76,8 +78,8 @@ spring:
== JWT Bearer
== [[oauth2Client-jwt-bearer-auth]]JWT Bearer
Please refer to JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants for further details on[JWT Bearer] Client Authentication.
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ a signed JSON Web Token (JWS) in the `client_assertion` parameter.
The `` or `javax.crypto.SecretKey` used for signing the JWS
is supplied by the `com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK` resolver associated with `NimbusJwtClientAuthenticationParametersConverter`.
The JWT produced by `NimbusJwtClientAuthenticationParametersConverter` contains the `iss`, `sub`, `aud`, `jti`, `iat` and `exp` claims by default. You can customize the headers and/or claims by providing a `Consumer<NimbusJwtClientAuthenticationParametersConverter.JwtClientAuthenticationContext<T>>` to `setJwtClientAssertionCustomizer()`. The following example shows how to customize claims of the JWT:
To customize `{class-name}`, simply provide a bean as in the following example and it will be picked up by the default `ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager` automatically:
fun accessTokenResponseClient(): ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient<{grant-type}> {
val accessTokenResponseClient = {class-name}()
// ...
return accessTokenResponseClient
`{class-name}` is very flexible and provides several options for customizing the OAuth 2.0 Access Token request and response for the {grant-type} grant.
Choose from the following use cases to learn more:
* I want to <<oauth2-client-{section-id}-access-token-request-headers,customize headers of the Access Token request>>
* I want to <<oauth2-client-{section-id}-access-token-request-parameters,customize parameters of the Access Token request>>
* I want to <<oauth2-client-{section-id}-access-token-response-parameters,customize parameters of the Access Token response>>
* I want to <<oauth2-client-{section-id}-access-token-response-web-client,customize the instance of `WebClient` that is used>>
val clientRegistration = grantRequest.getClientRegistration()
val headers = HttpHeaders()
if (clientRegistration.getRegistrationId() == "spring") {
headers[HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT] = "my-user-agent"
You can fully customize headers by re-using `DefaultOAuth2TokenRequestHeadersConverter` or providing a custom implementation using `setHeadersConverter()`.
The following example re-uses `DefaultOAuth2TokenRequestHeadersConverter` and disables `encodeClientCredentials` so that HTTP Basic credentials are no longer encoded with `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`:
When providing a custom `BodyExtractor`, you are responsible for detecting and converting an OAuth 2.0 Error Response to a `Mono.error()` with `OAuth2Error` based on parameters of the response.
Alternatively, if your requirements are more advanced, you can take full control of the request and/or response by providing a pre-configured `WebClient` to `setWebClient()` as the following example shows: