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@ -1,17 +1,97 @@
= Authenticating ``<saml2:Response>``s
To verify SAML 2.0 Responses, Spring Security uses xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-architecture[`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`] by default.
To verify SAML 2.0 Responses, Spring Security uses xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authentication-saml2authenticationtokenconverter[`Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter`] to populate the `Authentication` request and xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-architecture[`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`] to authenticate it.
You can configure this in a number of ways including:
1. Setting a clock skew to timestamp validation
2. Mapping the response to a list of `GrantedAuthority` instances
3. Customizing the strategy for validating assertions
4. Customizing the strategy for decrypting response and assertion elements
1. Changing the way the `RelyingPartyRegistration` is Looked Up
2. Setting a clock skew to timestamp validation
3. Mapping the response to a list of `GrantedAuthority` instances
4. Customizing the strategy for validating assertions
5. Customizing the strategy for decrypting response and assertion elements
To configure these, you'll use the `saml2Login#authenticationManager` method in the DSL.
== Changing `RelyingPartyRegistration` Lookup
`RelyingPartyRegistration` lookup is customized xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-rpr-relyingpartyregistrationresolver[in a `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`].
To apply a `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` when processing `<saml2:Response>` payloads, you should first publish a `Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter` bean like so:
Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter authenticationConverter(InMemoryRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository registrations) {
return new Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter(new MyRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(registrations));
fun authenticationConverter(val registrations: InMemoryRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository): Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter {
return Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter(MyRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(registrations));
Recall that the Assertion Consumer Service URL is `+/saml2/login/sso/{registrationId}+` by default.
If you are no longer wanting the `registrationId` in the URL, change it in the filter chain and in your relying party metadata:
SecurityFilterChain securityFilters(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// ...
.saml2Login((saml2) -> saml2.filterProcessingUrl("/saml2/login/sso"))
// ...
return http.build();
fun securityFilters(val http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
http {
// ...
.saml2Login {
filterProcessingUrl = "/saml2/login/sso"
// ...
return http.build()
== Setting a Clock Skew
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ image::{figures}/saml2webssoauthenticationfilter.png[]
The figure builds off our xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#servlet-securityfilterchain[`SecurityFilterChain`] diagram.
image:{icondir}/number_1.png[] When the browser submits a `<saml2:Response>` to the application, it xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses[delegates to `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter`].
This filter calls its configured `AuthenticationConverter` to create a `Saml2AuthenticationToken` by extracting the response from the `HttpServletRequest`.
This converter additionally resolves the <<servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration, `RelyingPartyRegistration`>> and supplies it to `Saml2AuthenticationToken`.
@ -662,6 +663,16 @@ In a deployed application, that translates to:
The prevailing URI patterns are as follows:
* `+/saml2/authenticate/{registrationId}+` - The endpoint that xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc[generates a `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`] based on the configurations for that `RelyingPartyRegistration` and sends it to the asserting party
* `+/saml2/login/sso/{registrationId}+` - The endpoint that xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc[authenticates an asserting party's `<saml2:Response>`] based on the configurations for that `RelyingPartyRegistration`
* `+/saml2/logout/sso+` - The endpoint that xref:servlet/saml2/logout.adoc[processes `<saml2:LogoutRequest>` and `<saml2:LogoutResponse>` payloads]; the `RelyingPartyRegistration` is looked up from previously authenticated state
* `+/saml2/saml2-service-provider/metadata/{registrationId}+` - The xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc[relying party metadata] for that `RelyingPartyRegistration`
Since the `registrationId` is the primary identifier for a `RelyingPartyRegistration`, it is needed in the URL for unauthenticated scenarios.
If you wish to remove the `registrationId` from the URL for any reason, you can <<servlet-saml2login-rpr-relyingpartyregistrationresolver,specify a `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`>> to tell Spring Security how to look up the `registrationId`.
=== Credentials
@ -736,58 +747,6 @@ resource.inputStream.use {
When you specify the locations of these files as the appropriate Spring Boot properties, Spring Boot performs these conversions for you.
=== Resolving the Relying Party from the Request
As seen so far, Spring Security resolves the `RelyingPartyRegistration` by looking for the registration ID in the URI path.
You may want to customize for a number of reasons, including:
* You may know that your application is never going to be a multi-tenant application and, as a result, want a simpler URL scheme.
* You may identify tenants in a way other than by the URI path.
To customize the way that a `RelyingPartyRegistration` is resolved, you can configure a custom `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`.
The default looks up the registration ID from the URI's last path element and looks it up in your `RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository`.
You can provide a simpler resolver that, for example, always returns the same relying party:
public class SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver implements RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver {
private final RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver delegate;
public SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository registrations) {
this.delegate = new DefaultRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(registrations);
public RelyingPartyRegistration resolve(HttpServletRequest request, String registrationId) {
return this.delegate.resolve(request, "single");
class SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(delegate: RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver) : RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver {
override fun resolve(request: HttpServletRequest?, registrationId: String?): RelyingPartyRegistration? {
return this.delegate.resolve(request, "single")
Then you can provide this resolver to the appropriate filters that xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc#servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory[produce `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` instances], xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses[authenticate `<saml2:Response>` instances], and xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc#servlet-saml2login-metadata[produce `<saml2:SPSSODescriptor>` metadata].
Remember that if you have any placeholders in your `RelyingPartyRegistration`, your resolver implementation should resolve them.
=== Duplicated Relying Party Configurations
@ -884,3 +843,184 @@ open fun relyingPartyRegistrations(): RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository? {
=== Resolving the `RelyingPartyRegistration` from the Request
As seen so far, Spring Security resolves the `RelyingPartyRegistration` by looking for the registration id in the URI path.
There are a number of reasons you may want to customize that. Among them:
* You may already <<relyingpartyregistrationresolver-single, know which `RelyingPartyRegistration` you need>>
* You may be <<relyingpartyregistrationresolver-entityid, federating many asserting parties>>
To customize the way that a `RelyingPartyRegistration` is resolved, you can configure a custom `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`.
The default looks up the registration id from the URI's last path element and looks it up in your `RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository`.
Remember that if you have any placeholders in your `RelyingPartyRegistration`, your resolver implementation should resolve them.
==== Resolving to a Single Consistent `RelyingPartyRegistration`
You can provide a resolver that, for example, always returns the same `RelyingPartyRegistration`:
public class SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver implements RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver {
private final RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver delegate;
public SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository registrations) {
this.delegate = new DefaultRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(registrations);
public RelyingPartyRegistration resolve(HttpServletRequest request, String registrationId) {
return this.delegate.resolve(request, "single");
class SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(delegate: RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver) : RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver {
override fun resolve(request: HttpServletRequest?, registrationId: String?): RelyingPartyRegistration? {
return this.delegate.resolve(request, "single")
You might next take a look at how to use this resolver to customize xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc#servlet-saml2login-metadata[`<saml2:SPSSODescriptor>` metadata production].
==== Resolving Based on the `<saml2:Response#Issuer>`
When you have one relying party that can accept assertions from multiple asserting parties, you will have as many ``RelyingPartyRegistration``s as asserting parties, with the <<servlet-saml2login-rpr-duplicated, relying party information duplicated across each instance>>.
This carries the implication that the assertion consumer service endpoint will be different for each asserting party, which may not be desirable.
You can instead resolve the `registrationId` via the `Issuer`.
A custom implementation of `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` that does this may look like:
public class SamlResponseIssuerRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver implements RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver {
private final InMemoryRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository registrations;
// ... constructor
RelyingPartyRegistration resolve(HttpServletRequest request, String registrationId) {
if (registrationId != null) {
return this.registrations.findByRegistrationId(registrationId);
String entityId = resolveEntityIdFromSamlResponse(request);
for (RelyingPartyRegistration registration : this.registrations) {
if (registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId().equals(entityId)) {
return registration;
return null;
private String resolveEntityIdFromSamlResponse(HttpServletRequest request) {
// ...
class SamlResponseIssuerRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(val registrations: InMemoryRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository):
RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver {
fun resolve(val request: HttpServletRequest, val registrationId: String): RelyingPartyRegistration {
if (registrationId != null) {
return this.registrations.findByRegistrationId(registrationId)
String entityId = resolveEntityIdFromSamlResponse(request)
for (val registration : this.registrations) {
if (registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId().equals(entityId)) {
return registration
return null
private resolveEntityIdFromSamlResponse(val request: HttpServletRequest): String {
// ...
You might next take a look at how to use this resolver to customize xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#relyingpartyregistrationresolver-apply[`<saml2:Response>` authentication].
=== Federating Login
One common arrangement with SAML 2.0 is an identity provider that has multiple asserting parties.
In this case, the identity provider's metadata endpoint returns multiple `<md:IDPSSODescriptor>` elements.
These multiple asserting parties can be accessed in a single call to `RelyingPartyRegistrations` like so:
Collection<RelyingPartyRegistration> registrations = RelyingPartyRegistrations
.stream().map((builder) -> builder
var registrations: Collection<RelyingPartyRegistration> = RelyingPartyRegistrations
.stream().map { builder : RelyingPartyRegistration.Builder -> builder
Note that because the registration id is set to a random value, this will change certain SAML 2.0 endpoints to be unpredictable.
There are several ways to address this; let's focus on a way that suits the specific use case of federation.
In many federation cases, all the asserting parties share service provider configuration.
Given that Spring Security will by default include the `registrationId` in all many of its SAML 2.0 URIs, the next step is often to change these URIs to exclude the `registrationId`.
There are two main URIs you will want to change along those lines:
* <<relyingpartyregistrationresolver-entityid,Resolve by `<saml2:Response#Issuer>`>>
* <<relyingpartyregistrationresolver-single,Resolve with a default `RelyingPartyRegistration`>>
Optionally, you may also want to change the Authentication Request location, but since this is a URI internal to the app and not published to asserting parties, the benefit is often minimal.
You can see a completed example of this in {gh-samples-url}/servlet/spring-boot/java/saml2/saml-extension-federation[our `saml-extension-federation` sample].
=== Using Spring Security SAML Extension URIs
In the event that you are migrating from the Spring Security SAML Extension, there may be some benefit to configuring your application to use the SAML Extension URI defaults.
For more information on this, please see {gh-samples-url}/servlet/spring-boot/java/saml2/custom-urls[our `custom-urls` sample] and {gh-samples-url}/servlet/spring-boot/java/saml2/saml-extension-federation[our `saml-extension-federation` sample].
@ -72,3 +72,45 @@ filter.setRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/saml2/metadata", "GET"));
filter.setRequestMatcher(AntPathRequestMatcher("/saml2/metadata", "GET"))
== Changing the Way a `RelyingPartyRegistration` Is Looked Up
To apply a custom `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` to the metadata endpoint, you can provide it directly in the filter constructor like so:
RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver myRegistrationResolver = ...;
Saml2MetadataFilter metadata = new Saml2MetadataFilter(myRegistrationResolver, new OpenSamlMetadataResolver());
// ...
http.addFilterBefore(metadata, BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
val myRegistrationResolver: RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver = ...;
val metadata = new Saml2MetadataFilter(myRegistrationResolver, OpenSamlMetadataResolver());
// ...
http.addFilterBefore(metadata, BasicAuthenticationFilter::class.java);
In the event that you are applying a `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` to remove the `registrationId` from the URI, you must also change the URI in the filter like so:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user