SEC-2782: Finish Migration Guide from 3.x to 4.x

This commit is contained in:
Rob Winch 2015-03-09 17:09:00 -05:00
parent 9b4cbff58c
commit dea5723ecc
1 changed files with 632 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ NOTE: Any attribute that is already explicitly provided will not be impacted and
<remember-me login-page="/login"
remember-me-parameter="_spring_security_remember_me" <!--1-->
remember-me-cookie="SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE" <!--2-->
@ -580,6 +580,9 @@ http
== Deprecations
A number of deprecations were removed in Spring Security 4.
The following section describes how to migrate the removal of all deprecations.
=== spring-security-acl
==== AclImpl
@ -788,4 +791,632 @@ it needs to be replaced with:
=== spring-security-core
==== SecurityConfig
`SecurityConfig.createSingleAttributeList(String)` was removed in favor of using `SecurityConfig.createList(String...)`.
This means if you have something like this:
List<ConfigAttribute> attrs =
needs to be replaced with:
List<ConfigAttribute> attrs =
==== UserDetailsServiceWrapper
`UserDetailsServiceWrapper` was deprecated in favor of using `RoleHierarchyAuthoritiesMapper`.
For example, if you have something like this:
<authentication-provider user-service-ref="userDetailsServiceWrapper"/>
<b:bean id="userDetailsServiceWrapper" class="">
<b:property name="userDetailsService" ref="userDetailsService"/>
<b:property name="roleHierarchy" ref="roleHierarchy"/>
<b:bean id="roleHierarchy" class="">
<b:property name="hierarchy">
then it needs to be migrated with something like this:
==== UserDetailsWrapper
`UserDetailsWrapper` was deprecated in favor of using `RoleHierarchyAuthoritiesMapper`.
Typically users would not use the `UserDetailsWrapper` directly. However, if they are they can use `RoleHierarchyAuthoritiesMapper`
For example, if the following code is present:
UserDetailsWrapper authenticate = new UserDetailsWrapper(userDetails, roleHiearchy);
then it needs to be replaced by:
Collection<GrantedAuthority> allAuthorities =
UserDetails authenticate =
new User(userDetails.getUsername(), userDetails.getPassword(), allAuthorities);
==== AbstractAccessDecisionManager
The default constructor for `AbstractAccessDecisionManager` has been deprecated along with the `setDecisionVoters` method.
Naturally, this impacts the subclasses `AffirmativeBased`, `ConsensusBased`, and `UnanimousBased`.
For example, this means that if you are using the following:
AffirmativeBased affirm = new AffirmativeBased();
it needs to be migrated to:
AffirmativeBased affirm = new AffirmativeBased(voters);
This type of migration also applies to XML based configuration.
For example, if you are using the following:
<b:bean class="">
<b:property name="decisionVoters" ref="voters"/>
then it needs to be migrated to:
<b:bean class="">
<b:constructor-arg ref="voters"/>
==== AuthenticationException
The constructor that accepts extraInformation within `AuthenticationException` was removed to prevent accidental leaking of the `UserDetails`.
Specifically, the following we removed.
public AccountExpiredException(String msg, Object extraInformation) {
This impacts the subclasses `AccountStatusException`, `AccountExpiredException`, `BadCredentialsException`, `CredentialsExpiredException`, `DisabledException`, `LockedException`, and `UsernameNotFoundException`.
If use are using any of these constructors, simply remove the additional argument.
For example, the following is changed from:
new LockedException("Message", userDetails);
new LockedException("Message");
==== AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
`AnonymousAuthenticationProvider` default constructor and `setKey` method was deprecated in favor of using constructor injection.
For example, if you have the following:
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider provider = new AnonymousAuthenticationProvider();
it should be changed to:
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider provider = new AnonymousAuthenticationProvider(key);
==== AuthenticationDetailsSourceImpl
`AuthenticationDetailsSourceImpl` was deprecated in favor of writing a custom `AuthenticationDetailsSource`.
For example, if you have the following:
AuthenticationDetailsSourceImpl source = AuthenticationDetailsSourceImpl();
You should implement `AuthenticationDetailsSource` directly to return `CustomSource`:
public CustomSourceAuthenticationDetailsSource implements AuthenticationDetailsSource<Object, Object> {
public Object buildDetails(Object context) {
return new CustomSource(context);
==== ProviderManager
`ProviderManager` has removed the deprecated default constructor and the correspdonding setter methods in favor of using constructor injection.
It has also removed the clearExtraInformation property since the `AuthenticationException` had the extra information property removed.
For example, if you have something like the following:
ProviderManager provider = new ProviderManager();
then it should be changed to:
ProviderManager provider = new ProviderManager(parent, providers);
==== RememberMeAuthenticationProvider
`RememberMeAuthenticationProvider` had the default constructor and the `setKey` method removed in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider provider = new RememberMeAuthenticationProvider();
should be migrated to:
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider provider = new RememberMeAuthenticationProvider(key);
==== GrantedAuthorityImpl
`GrantedAuthorityImpl` was removed in favor of `SimpleGrantedAuthority` or implementing your own.
For example:
new GrantedAuthorityImpl(role);
should be replaced with
new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role);
==== InMemoryDaoImpl
`InMemoryDaoImpl` was replaced in favor of `InMemoryUserDetailsManager`
==== spring-security-openid
==== OpenID4JavaConsumer
The `OpenID4JavaConsumer` constructors that accept `List<OpenIDAttribute>` have been removed in favor of using an `AxFetchListFactory`.
For example:
new OpenIDJavaConsumer(attributes);
should be replaced with:
Map<String, List<OpenIDAttribute>> regexMap = new HashMap<String,List<OpenIDAttribute>>();
regexMap.put(".*", attributes);
RegexBasedAxFetchListFactory factory = new RegexBasedAxFetchListFactory(regexMap);
new OpenIDJavaConsumer(factory);
=== spring-security-taglibs
Spring Security's authorize JSP tag deprecated the properties `ifAllGranted`, `ifAnyGranted`, and `ifNotGranted` in favor of using expressions.
For example:
<sec:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_A,ROLE_B">
Must have ROLE_A and ROLE_B
<sec:authorize ifAnyGranted="ROLE_A,ROLE_B">
Must have ROLE_A or ROLE_B
<sec:authorize ifNotGranted="ROLE_A,ROLE_B">
Must not have ROLE_A
can be replaced with:
<sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_A') and hasRole('ROLE_B')">
Must have ROLE_A and ROLE_B
<sec:authorize access="hasAnyRole('ROLE_A','ROLE_B')">
Must have ROLE_A or ROLE_B
<sec:authorize ifNotGranted="!hasRole('ROLE_A')">
Must not have ROLE_A
=== spring-security-web
==== FilterChainProxy
`FilterChainProxy` removed the `setFilterChainMap` method in favor of constructor injection.
For example, if you have the following:
FilterChainProxy filter = new FilterChainProxy();
it should be replaced with:
FilterChainProxy filter = new FilterChainProxy(filterChainMap);
`FilterChainProxy` also removed `getFilterChainMap` in favor of using `getFilterChains` for example:
FilterChainProxy filter = ...
Map<RequestMatcher,List<Filter>> mappings = filter.getFilterChainMap();
should be replaced with
FilterChainProxy filter = ...
List<SecurityFilterChain> mappings = filter.getFilterChains();
==== ExceptionTranslationFilter
The default constructor for `ExceptionTranslationFilter` and the `setAuthenticationEntryPoint` method was removed in favor of using constructor injection.
ExceptionTranslationFilter filter = new ExceptionTranslationFilter();
can be replaced with
ExceptionTranslationFilter filter = new ExceptionTranslationFilter(entryPoint, requestCache);
==== AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter
`AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter` had its `successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse,Authentication)` method removed.
So if your application overrides the following method:
protected void successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authResult) throws IOException, ServletException {
it should be replaced with:
protected void successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain, Authentication authResult) throws IOException, ServletException {
==== AnonymousAuthenticationFilter
`AnonymousAuthenticationFilter` had the default constructor and the `setKey` and `setPrincipal` methods removed in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
AnonymousAuthenticationFilter filter = new AnonymousAuthenticationFilter();
should be replaced with:
AnonymousAuthenticationFilter filter =
new AnonymousAuthenticationFilter(key,attrs.getPassword(),attrs.getAuthorities());
==== LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint
The `LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint` default constructor and the `setLoginFormUrl` method was removed in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint = new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint();
should be replaced with
LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint = new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint(loginFormUrl);
==== PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesUserDetailsService
`PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesUserDetailsService` removed `createuserDetails` in favor of `createUserDetails`.
==== AbstractRememberMeServices
`AbstractRememberMeServices` and its subclasses `PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices` and `TokenBasedRememberMeServices` removed the default constructor and the `setKey` and `setUserDetailsService` methods in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices services = new PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices();
should be replaced with
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices services =
new PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices(key, userDetailsService, tokenRepository);
==== RememberMeAuthenticationFilter
`RememberMeAuthenticationFilter` default constructor and the `setAuthenticationManager` and `setRememberMeServices` methods were removed in favor of constructor injection.
RememberMeAuthenticationFilter filter = new RememberMeAuthenticationFilter();
should be replaced with
RememberMeAuthenticationFilter filter =
new RememberMeAuthenticationFilter(authenticationManager,rememberMeServices);
==== TokenBasedRememberMeServices
`TokenBasedRememberMeServices` default constructor and the `setKey` and `setUserDetailsService` methods were removed in favor of constructor injection.
TokenBasedRememberMeServices services = new TokenBasedRememberMeServices();
should be replaced with
TokenBasedRememberMeServices services =
new TokenBasedRememberMeServices(key,userDetailsService);
==== ConcurrentSessionControlStrategy
`ConcurrentSessionControlStrategy` was replaced with `ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy`.
Previously `ConcurrentSessionControlStrategy` could not be decoupled from `SessionFixationProtectionStrategy`.
Now it is completely decoupled.
For example, the following:
ConcurrentSessionControlStrategy strategy = new ConcurrentSessionControlStrategy(sessionRegistry);
can be replaced with
List<SessionAuthenticationStrategy> delegates = new ArrayList<SessionAuthenticationStrategy>();
delegates.add(new ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy(sessionRegistry));
delegates.add(new SessionFixationProtectionStrategy());
delegates.add(new RegisterSessionAuthenticationStrategy(sessionRegistry));
CompositeSessionAuthenticationStrategy strategy = new CompositeSessionAuthenticationStrategy(delegates);
==== SessionFixationProtectionStrategy
`SessionFixationProtectionStrategy` removed `setRetainedAttributes` method in favor of users subclassing `SessionFixationProtectionStrategy` and overriding `extractAttributes` method.
==== BasicAuthenticationFilter
`BasicAuthenticationFilter` default constructor and the `setAuthenticationManager` and `setRememberMeServices` methods were removed in favor of constructor injection.
BasicAuthenticationFilter filter = new BasicAuthenticationFilter();
should be replaced with
BasicAuthenticationFilter filter =
new BasicAuthenticationFilter(authenticationManager,entryPoint, ignoreFailure);
==== SecurityContextPersistenceFilter
`SecurityContextPersistenceFilter` removed the `setSecurityContextRepository` in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
SecurityContextPersistenceFilter filter = new SecurityContextPersistenceFilter();
should be replaced with
SecurityContextPersistenceFilter filter = new SecurityContextPersistenceFilter(securityContextRepository);
==== RequestCacheAwareFilter
`RequestCacheAwareFilter` removed the `setRequestCache` in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
RequestCacheAwareFilter filter = new RequestCacheAwareFilter();
should be replaced with
RequestCacheAwareFilter filter = new RequestCacheAwareFilter(requestCache);
==== ConcurrentSessionFilter
`ConcurrentSessionFilter` removed the default constructor and the `setExpiredUrl` and `setSessionRegistry` methods in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
ConcurrentSessionFilter filter = new ConcurrentSessionFilter();
should be replaced with
ConcurrentSessionFilter filter = new ConcurrentSessionFilter(sessionRegistry,expiredUrl);
==== SessionManagementFilter
`SessionManagementFilter` removed the `setSessionAuthenticationStrategy` method in favor of constructor injection.
For example:
SessionManagementFilter filter = new SessionManagementFilter(securityContextRepository);
should be replaced with
SessionManagementFilter filter = new SessionManagementFilter(securityContextRepository, sessionAuthenticationStrategy);
==== RequestMatcher
The `RequestMatcher` and its implementations have moved from the package `` to ``.
* `` -> ``
* `` -> ``
* `` -> ``
* `` -> ``
* `` -> ``
* `` -> ``
* `` -> ``
==== WebSecurityExpressionHandler
`WebSecurityExpressionHandler` was removed in favor of using `SecurityExpressionHandler<FilterInvocation>`.
This means if you are using:
WebSecurityExpressionHandler handler = ...
it needs to be updated to
SecurityExpressionHandler<FilterInvocation> handler = ...
== Automatic ROLE_ prefixing
Spring Security 4 made the use of ROLE_ consistent.
Not everyone is impacted by this change.
You are impacted if user's roles are *not* prefixed with ROLE_.
If all of your user's roles are prefixed with ROLE_ you are NOT impacted.
For details on this change and how to migrate, refer to the[SEC-2758] description.