Separate Testing Servlet Docs

Issue gh-10367
This commit is contained in:
Josh Cummings 2021-10-29 12:34:29 -06:00
parent f39d272a86
commit f02a7d2b28
14 changed files with 820 additions and 818 deletions

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@ -83,7 +83,18 @@
*** xref:servlet/configuration/xml-namespace.adoc[Namespace Configuration]
** xref:servlet/test/index.adoc[Testing]
*** xref:servlet/test/method.adoc[Method Security]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc.adoc[MockMvc Support]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/index.adoc[MockMvc Support]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/setup.adoc[MockMvc Setup]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[Security RequestPostProcessors]
**** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/authentication.adoc[Mocking Users]
**** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/csrf.adoc[Mocking CSRF]
**** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/form-login.adoc[Mocking Form Login]
**** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/http-basic.adoc[Mocking HTTP Basic]
**** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/oauth2.adoc[Mocking OAuth2]
**** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/logout.adoc[Mocking Logout]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-builders.adoc[Security RequestBuilders]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/result-matchers.adoc[Security ResultMatchers]
*** xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/result-handlers.adoc[Security ResultHandlers]
** xref:servlet/appendix/index.adoc[Appendix]
*** xref:servlet/appendix/database-schema.adoc[Database Schemas]
*** xref:servlet/appendix/namespace.adoc[XML Namespace]

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ If not configured a status code 200 will be returned by default.
== Further Logout-Related References
- <<ns-logout, Logout Handling>>
- xref:servlet/test/mockmvc.adoc#test-logout[ Testing Logout]
- xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/logout.adoc#test-logout[ Testing Logout]
- xref:servlet/integrations/servlet-api.adoc#servletapi-logout[ HttpServletRequest.logout()]
- xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc#remember-me-impls[Remember-Me Interfaces and Implementations]
- xref:servlet/exploits/csrf.adoc#servlet-considerations-csrf-logout[ Logging Out] in section CSRF Caveats

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@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
= Running a Test as a User in Spring MVC Test
It is often desirable to run tests as a specific user.
There are two simple ways of populating the user:
* <<Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor,Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor>>
* <<Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations,Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations>>
== Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor
There are a number of options available to associate a user to the current `HttpServletRequest`.
For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "user", the password "password", and the role "ROLE_USER":
The support works by associating the user to the `HttpServletRequest`.
To associate the request to the `SecurityContextHolder` you need to ensure that the `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter` is associated with the `MockMvc` instance.
A few ways to do this are:
* Invoking xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/setup.adoc#test-mockmvc-setup[`apply(springSecurity())`]
* Adding Spring Security's `FilterChainProxy` to `MockMvc`
* Manually adding `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter` to the `MockMvc` instance may make sense when using `MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup`
mvc.get("/") {
You can easily make customizations.
For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "admin", the password "pass", and the roles "ROLE_USER" and "ROLE_ADMIN".
mvc.get("/admin") {
If you have a custom `UserDetails` that you would like to use, you can easily specify that as well.
For example, the following will use the specified `UserDetails` (which does not need to exist) to run with a `UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken` that has a principal of the specified `UserDetails`:
mvc.get("/") {
You can run as anonymous user using the following:
mvc.get("/") {
This is especially useful if you are running with a default user and wish to process a few requests as an anonymous user.
If you want a custom `Authentication` (which does not need to exist) you can do so using the following:
mvc.get("/") {
You can even customize the `SecurityContext` using the following:
mvc.get("/") {
We can also ensure to run as a specific user for every request by using ``MockMvcBuilders``'s default request.
For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "admin", the password "password", and the role "ROLE_ADMIN":
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
If you find you are using the same user in many of your tests, it is recommended to move the user to a method.
For example, you can specify the following in your own class named `CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors`:
public static RequestPostProcessor rob() {
return user("rob").roles("ADMIN");
fun rob(): RequestPostProcessor {
return user("rob").roles("ADMIN")
Now you can perform a static import on `CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors` and use that within your tests:
import static sample.CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.*;
import sample.CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.*
mvc.get("/") {
== Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations
As an alternative to using a `RequestPostProcessor` to create your user, you can use annotations described in xref:servlet/test/method.adoc[Testing Method Security].
For example, the following will run the test with the user with username "user", password "password", and role "ROLE_USER":
public void requestProtectedUrlWithUser() throws Exception {
fun requestProtectedUrlWithUser() {
// ...
Alternatively, the following will run the test with the user with username "user", password "password", and role "ROLE_ADMIN":
public void requestProtectedUrlWithUser() throws Exception {
@WithMockUser(roles = ["ADMIN"])
fun requestProtectedUrlWithUser() {
// ...

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
= Testing with CSRF Protection
When testing any non-safe HTTP methods and using Spring Security's CSRF protection, you must be sure to include a valid CSRF Token in the request.
To specify a valid CSRF token as a request parameter use the CSRF xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`] like so:
----"/") {
If you like you can include CSRF token in the header instead:
----"/") {
You can also test providing an invalid CSRF token using the following:
----"/") {

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
= Testing Form Based Authentication
You can easily create a request to test a form based authentication using Spring Security's testing support.
For example, the following `formLogin` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`] will submit a POST to "/login" with the username "user", the password "password", and a valid CSRF token:
It is easy to customize the request.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/auth" with the username "admin", the password "pass", and a valid CSRF token:
We can also customize the parameters names that the username and password are included on.
For example, this is the above request modified to include the username on the HTTP parameter "u" and the password on the HTTP parameter "p".

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
= Testing HTTP Basic Authentication
While it has always been possible to authenticate with HTTP Basic, it was a bit tedious to remember the header name, format, and encode the values.
Now this can be done using Spring Security's `httpBasic` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`].
For example, the snippet below:
mvc.get("/") {
will attempt to use HTTP Basic to authenticate a user with the username "user" and the password "password" by ensuring the following header is populated on the HTTP Request:
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
= Spring MVC Test Integration
:page-section-summary-toc: 1
Spring Security provides comprehensive integration with[Spring MVC Test]

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
= Testing Logout
While fairly trivial using standard Spring MVC Test, you can use Spring Security's testing support to make testing log out easier.
For example, the following `logout` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`] will submit a POST to "/logout" with a valid CSRF token:
You can also customize the URL to post to.
For example, the snippet below will submit a POST to "/signout" with a valid CSRF token:

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@ -1,460 +1,5 @@
= Spring MVC Test Integration
Spring Security provides comprehensive integration with[Spring MVC Test]
== Setting Up MockMvc and Spring Security
In order to use Spring Security with Spring MVC Test it is necessary to add the Spring Security `FilterChainProxy` as a `Filter`.
It is also necessary to add Spring Security's `TestSecurityContextHolderPostProcessor` to support <<Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations,Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations>>.
This can be done using Spring Security's `SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity()`.
For example:
NOTE: Spring Security's testing support requires spring-test-4.1.3.RELEASE or greater.
import static*;
@ContextConfiguration(classes = SecurityConfig.class)
public class CsrfShowcaseTests {
private WebApplicationContext context;
private MockMvc mvc;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
.apply(springSecurity()) // <1>
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [SecurityConfig::class])
class CsrfShowcaseTests {
private lateinit var context: WebApplicationContext
private var mvc: MockMvc? = null
fun setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
.apply<DefaultMockMvcBuilder>(springSecurity()) // <1>
// ...
<1> `SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity()` will perform all of the initial setup we need to integrate Spring Security with Spring MVC Test
== SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors
Spring MVC Test provides a convenient interface called a `RequestPostProcessor` that can be used to modify a request.
Spring Security provides a number of `RequestPostProcessor` implementations that make testing easier.
In order to use Spring Security's `RequestPostProcessor` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;
=== Testing with CSRF Protection
When testing any non-safe HTTP methods and using Spring Security's CSRF protection, you must be sure to include a valid CSRF Token in the request.
To specify a valid CSRF token as a request parameter using the following:
----"/") {
If you like you can include CSRF token in the header instead:
----"/") {
You can also test providing an invalid CSRF token using the following:
----"/") {
=== Running a Test as a User in Spring MVC Test
It is often desirable to run tests as a specific user.
There are two simple ways of populating the user:
* <<Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor,Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor>>
* <<Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations,Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations>>
=== Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor
There are a number of options available to associate a user to the current `HttpServletRequest`.
For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "user", the password "password", and the role "ROLE_USER":
The support works by associating the user to the `HttpServletRequest`.
To associate the request to the `SecurityContextHolder` you need to ensure that the `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter` is associated with the `MockMvc` instance.
A few ways to do this are:
* Invoking <<test-mockmvc-setup,apply(springSecurity())>>
* Adding Spring Security's `FilterChainProxy` to `MockMvc`
* Manually adding `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter` to the `MockMvc` instance may make sense when using `MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup`
mvc.get("/") {
You can easily make customizations.
For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "admin", the password "pass", and the roles "ROLE_USER" and "ROLE_ADMIN".
mvc.get("/admin") {
If you have a custom `UserDetails` that you would like to use, you can easily specify that as well.
For example, the following will use the specified `UserDetails` (which does not need to exist) to run with a `UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken` that has a principal of the specified `UserDetails`:
mvc.get("/") {
You can run as anonymous user using the following:
mvc.get("/") {
This is especially useful if you are running with a default user and wish to process a few requests as an anonymous user.
If you want a custom `Authentication` (which does not need to exist) you can do so using the following:
mvc.get("/") {
You can even customize the `SecurityContext` using the following:
mvc.get("/") {
We can also ensure to run as a specific user for every request by using ``MockMvcBuilders``'s default request.
For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "admin", the password "password", and the role "ROLE_ADMIN":
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
If you find you are using the same user in many of your tests, it is recommended to move the user to a method.
For example, you can specify the following in your own class named `CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors`:
public static RequestPostProcessor rob() {
return user("rob").roles("ADMIN");
fun rob(): RequestPostProcessor {
return user("rob").roles("ADMIN")
Now you can perform a static import on `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors` and use that within your tests:
import static sample.CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.*;
import sample.CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.*
mvc.get("/") {
==== Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations
As an alternative to using a `RequestPostProcessor` to create your user, you can use annotations described in xref:servlet/test/method.adoc[Testing Method Security].
For example, the following will run the test with the user with username "user", password "password", and role "ROLE_USER":
public void requestProtectedUrlWithUser() throws Exception {
fun requestProtectedUrlWithUser() {
// ...
Alternatively, the following will run the test with the user with username "user", password "password", and role "ROLE_ADMIN":
public void requestProtectedUrlWithUser() throws Exception {
@WithMockUser(roles = ["ADMIN"])
fun requestProtectedUrlWithUser() {
// ...
=== Testing HTTP Basic Authentication
While it has always been possible to authenticate with HTTP Basic, it was a bit tedious to remember the header name, format, and encode the values.
Now this can be done using Spring Security's `httpBasic` `RequestPostProcessor`.
For example, the snippet below:
mvc.get("/") {
will attempt to use HTTP Basic to authenticate a user with the username "user" and the password "password" by ensuring the following header is populated on the HTTP Request:
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
=== Testing OAuth 2.0
= Testing OAuth 2.0
When it comes to OAuth 2.0, the same principles covered earlier still apply: Ultimately, it depends on what your method under test is expecting to be in the `SecurityContextHolder`.
@ -507,12 +52,12 @@ fun foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal user: OidcUser): String {
then Spring Security's test support can come in handy.
=== Testing OIDC Login
== Testing OIDC Login
Testing the method above with Spring MVC Test would require simulating some kind of grant flow with an authorization server.
Certainly this would be a daunting task, which is why Spring Security ships with support for removing this boilerplate.
For example, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OidcUser` using the `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors#oidcLogin` method, like so:
For example, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OidcUser` using the `oidcLogin` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`], like so:
@ -589,7 +134,7 @@ Further, it also links that `OidcUser` to a simple instance of `OAuth2Authorized
This can be handy if your tests <<testing-oauth2-client,use the `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation>>..
==== Configuring Authorities
== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
@ -619,7 +164,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== Configuring Claims
== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have claims in the case of OAuth 2.0.
@ -678,7 +223,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
since `OidcUser` collects its claims from `OidcIdToken`.
==== Additional Configurations
== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
@ -724,7 +269,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
=== Testing OAuth 2.0 Login
== Testing OAuth 2.0 Login
As with <<testing-oidc-login,testing OIDC login>>, testing OAuth 2.0 Login presents a similar challenge of mocking a grant flow.
And because of that, Spring Security also has test support for non-OIDC use cases.
@ -751,7 +296,7 @@ fun foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal oauth2User: OAuth2User): String? {
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OAuth2User` using the `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors#oauth2User` method, like so:
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `OAuth2User` using the `oauth2User` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`], like so:
@ -812,7 +357,7 @@ Further, it also links that `OAuth2User` to a simple instance of `OAuth2Authoriz
This can be handy if your tests <<testing-oauth2-client,use the `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` annotation>>.
==== Configuring Authorities
== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
@ -842,7 +387,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== Configuring Claims
== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have claims in the case of OAuth 2.0.
@ -897,7 +442,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== Additional Configurations
== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
@ -942,7 +487,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
=== Testing OAuth 2.0 Clients
== Testing OAuth 2.0 Clients
Independent of how your user authenticates, you may have other tokens and client registrations that are in play for the request you are testing.
For example, your controller may be relying on the client credentials grant to get a token that isn't associated with the user at all:
@ -976,7 +521,7 @@ fun foo(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("my-app") authorizedClient: OAuth2Auth
Simulating this handshake with the authorization server could be cumbersome.
Instead, you can use `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessor#oauth2Client` to add a `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` into a mock `OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`:
Instead, you can use the `oauth2Client` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`] to add a `OAuth2AuthorizedClient` into a mock `OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository`:
@ -1054,7 +599,7 @@ assertThat(authorizedClient.accessToken.scopes).containsExactly("read")
The client can then be retrieved as normal using `@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient` in a controller method.
==== Configuring Scopes
== Configuring Scopes
In many circumstances, the OAuth 2.0 access token comes with a set of scopes.
If your controller inspects these, say like so:
@ -1121,7 +666,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== Additional Configurations
== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects:
@ -1167,7 +712,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
=== Testing JWT Authentication
== Testing JWT Authentication
In order to make an authorized request on a resource server, you need a bearer token.
@ -1177,9 +722,9 @@ All of this can be quite daunting, especially when this isn't the focus of your
Fortunately, there are a number of simple ways that you can overcome this difficulty and allow your tests to focus on authorization and not on representing bearer tokens.
We'll look at two of them now:
==== `jwt() RequestPostProcessor`
== `jwt() RequestPostProcessor`
The first way is via a `RequestPostProcessor`.
The first way is via the `jwt` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`].
The simplest of these would look something like this:
@ -1357,9 +902,9 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== `authentication()` `RequestPostProcessor`
== `authentication()` `RequestPostProcessor`
The second way is by using the `authentication()` `RequestPostProcessor`.
The second way is by using the `authentication()` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`].
Essentially, you can instantiate your own `JwtAuthenticationToken` and provide it in your test, like so:
@ -1399,7 +944,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
Note that as an alternative to these, you can also mock the `JwtDecoder` bean itself with a `@MockBean` annotation.
=== Testing Opaque Token Authentication
== Testing Opaque Token Authentication
Similar to <<testing-jwt,JWTs>>, opaque tokens require an authorization server in order to verify their validity, which can make testing more difficult.
To help with that, Spring Security has test support for opaque tokens.
@ -1426,7 +971,7 @@ fun foo(authentication: BearerTokenAuthentication): String {
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `BearerTokenAuthentication` using the `SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors#opaqueToken` method, like so:
In that case, we can tell Spring Security to include a default `BearerTokenAuthentication` using the `opaqueToken` xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/request-post-processors.adoc[`RequestPostProcessor`] method, like so:
@ -1484,7 +1029,7 @@ assertThat(token.authorities).containsExactly(SimpleGrantedAuthority("SCOPE_read
Spring Security does the necessary work to make sure that the `BearerTokenAuthentication` instance is available for your controller methods.
==== Configuring Authorities
== Configuring Authorities
In many circumstances, your method is protected by filter or method security and needs your `Authentication` to have certain granted authorities to allow the request.
@ -1514,7 +1059,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== Configuring Claims
== Configuring Claims
And while granted authorities are quite common across all of Spring Security, we also have attributes in the case of OAuth 2.0.
@ -1569,7 +1114,7 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
==== Additional Configurations
== Additional Configurations
There are additional methods, too, for further configuring the authentication; it simply depends on what data your controller expects.
@ -1615,339 +1160,3 @@ mvc.get("/endpoint") {
Note that as an alternative to using `opaqueToken()` test support, you can also mock the `OpaqueTokenIntrospector` bean itself with a `@MockBean` annotation.
== SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders
Spring MVC Test also provides a `RequestBuilder` interface that can be used to create the `MockHttpServletRequest` used in your test.
Spring Security provides a few `RequestBuilder` implementations that can be used to make testing easier.
In order to use Spring Security's `RequestBuilder` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;
=== Testing Form Based Authentication
You can easily create a request to test a form based authentication using Spring Security's testing support.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/login" with the username "user", the password "password", and a valid CSRF token:
It is easy to customize the request.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/auth" with the username "admin", the password "pass", and a valid CSRF token:
We can also customize the parameters names that the username and password are included on.
For example, this is the above request modified to include the username on the HTTP parameter "u" and the password on the HTTP parameter "p".
=== Testing Logout
While fairly trivial using standard Spring MVC Test, you can use Spring Security's testing support to make testing log out easier.
For example, the following will submit a POST to "/logout" with a valid CSRF token:
You can also customize the URL to post to.
For example, the snippet below will submit a POST to "/signout" with a valid CSRF token:
== SecurityMockMvcResultMatchers
At times it is desirable to make various security related assertions about a request.
To accommodate this need, Spring Security Test support implements Spring MVC Test's `ResultMatcher` interface.
In order to use Spring Security's `ResultMatcher` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;
=== Unauthenticated Assertion
At times it may be valuable to assert that there is no authenticated user associated with the result of a `MockMvc` invocation.
For example, you might want to test submitting an invalid username and password and verify that no user is authenticated.
You can easily do this with Spring Security's testing support using something like the following:
.andExpect { unauthenticated() }
=== Authenticated Assertion
It is often times that we must assert that an authenticated user exists.
For example, we may want to verify that we authenticated successfully.
We could verify that a form based login was successful with the following snippet of code:
.andExpect { authenticated() }
If we wanted to assert the roles of the user, we could refine our previous code as shown below:
.andExpect { authenticated().withRoles("USER","ADMIN") }
Alternatively, we could verify the username:
.andExpect { authenticated().withUsername("admin") }
We can also combine the assertions:
.andExpect(authenticated().withUsername("admin").withRoles("USER", "ADMIN"));
.andExpect { authenticated().withUsername("admin").withRoles("USER", "ADMIN") }
We can also make arbitrary assertions on the authentication
.andExpect(authenticated().withAuthentication(auth ->
.andExpect {
authenticated().withAuthentication { auth ->
assertThat(auth).isInstanceOf( }
=== SecurityMockMvcResultHandlers
Spring Security provides a few ``ResultHandler``s implementations.
In order to use Spring Security's ``ResultHandler``s implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;
==== Exporting the SecurityContext
Often times we want to query a repository to see if some `MockMvc` request actually persisted in the database.
In some cases our repository query uses the xref:features/integrations/data.adoc[Spring Data Integration] to filter the results based on current user's username or any other property.
Let's see an example:
A repository interface:
private interface MessageRepository extends JpaRepository<Message, Long> {
@Query("SELECT m.content FROM Message m WHERE m.sentBy = ?#{ principal?.name }")
List<String> findAllUserMessages();
Our test scenario:
.content("New Message")
List<String> userMessages = messageRepository.findAllUserMessages();
This test won't pass because after our request finishes, the `SecurityContextHolder` will be cleared out by the filter chain.
We can then export the `TestSecurityContextHolder` to our `SecurityContextHolder` and use it as we want:
.content("New Message")
List<String> userMessages = messageRepository.findAllUserMessages();
Remember to clear the `SecurityContextHolder` between your tests, or it may leak amongst them

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
== SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders
Spring MVC Test also provides a `RequestBuilder` interface that can be used to create the `MockHttpServletRequest` used in your test.
Spring Security provides a few `RequestBuilder` implementations that can be used to make testing easier.
In order to use Spring Security's `RequestBuilder` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
= SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors
:page-section-summary-toc: 1
Spring MVC Test provides a convenient interface called a `RequestPostProcessor` that can be used to modify a request.
Spring Security provides a number of `RequestPostProcessor` implementations that make testing easier.
In order to use Spring Security's `RequestPostProcessor` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
=== SecurityMockMvcResultHandlers
Spring Security provides a few ``ResultHandler``s implementations.
In order to use Spring Security's ``ResultHandler``s implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;
==== Exporting the SecurityContext
Often times we want to query a repository to see if some `MockMvc` request actually persisted in the database.
In some cases our repository query uses the xref:features/integrations/data.adoc[Spring Data Integration] to filter the results based on current user's username or any other property.
Let's see an example:
A repository interface:
private interface MessageRepository extends JpaRepository<Message, Long> {
@Query("SELECT m.content FROM Message m WHERE m.sentBy = ?#{ principal?.name }")
List<String> findAllUserMessages();
Our test scenario:
.content("New Message")
List<String> userMessages = messageRepository.findAllUserMessages();
This test won't pass because after our request finishes, the `SecurityContextHolder` will be cleared out by the filter chain.
We can then export the `TestSecurityContextHolder` to our `SecurityContextHolder` and use it as we want:
.content("New Message")
List<String> userMessages = messageRepository.findAllUserMessages();
Remember to clear the `SecurityContextHolder` between your tests, or it may leak amongst them

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
== SecurityMockMvcResultMatchers
At times it is desirable to make various security related assertions about a request.
To accommodate this need, Spring Security Test support implements Spring MVC Test's `ResultMatcher` interface.
In order to use Spring Security's `ResultMatcher` implementations ensure the following static import is used:
import static*;
=== Unauthenticated Assertion
At times it may be valuable to assert that there is no authenticated user associated with the result of a `MockMvc` invocation.
For example, you might want to test submitting an invalid username and password and verify that no user is authenticated.
You can easily do this with Spring Security's testing support using something like the following:
.andExpect { unauthenticated() }
=== Authenticated Assertion
It is often times that we must assert that an authenticated user exists.
For example, we may want to verify that we authenticated successfully.
We could verify that a form based login was successful with the following snippet of code:
.andExpect { authenticated() }
If we wanted to assert the roles of the user, we could refine our previous code as shown below:
.andExpect { authenticated().withRoles("USER","ADMIN") }
Alternatively, we could verify the username:
.andExpect { authenticated().withUsername("admin") }
We can also combine the assertions:
.andExpect(authenticated().withUsername("admin").withRoles("USER", "ADMIN"));
.andExpect { authenticated().withUsername("admin").withRoles("USER", "ADMIN") }
We can also make arbitrary assertions on the authentication
.andExpect(authenticated().withAuthentication(auth ->
.andExpect {
authenticated().withAuthentication { auth ->
assertThat(auth).isInstanceOf( }

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= Setting Up MockMvc and Spring Security
In order to use Spring Security with Spring MVC Test it is necessary to add the Spring Security `FilterChainProxy` as a `Filter`.
It is also necessary to add Spring Security's `TestSecurityContextHolderPostProcessor` to support xref:servlet/test/mockmvc/setup.adoc#test-mockmvc-withmockuser[Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations].
This can be done using Spring Security's `SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity()`.
For example:
NOTE: Spring Security's testing support requires spring-test-4.1.3.RELEASE or greater.
import static*;
@ContextConfiguration(classes = SecurityConfig.class)
public class CsrfShowcaseTests {
private WebApplicationContext context;
private MockMvc mvc;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
.apply(springSecurity()) // <1>
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [SecurityConfig::class])
class CsrfShowcaseTests {
private lateinit var context: WebApplicationContext
private var mvc: MockMvc? = null
fun setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
.apply<DefaultMockMvcBuilder>(springSecurity()) // <1>
// ...
<1> `SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity()` will perform all of the initial setup we need to integrate Spring Security with Spring MVC Test