Replaced .cvsignore placeholders for package.html files (which also serve some doccumentary purpose).

This commit is contained in:
Scott McCrory 2005-07-26 00:52:02 +00:00
parent 891cd7380c
commit f4c8211cc2

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
<action dev="smccrory" type="fix">CVS changes to help new Eclipse-based developers get started</action>
<action dev="smccrory" type="fix">AuthorizeTag no longer depends on JDK 1.4. Tested on Websphere 5.0 w/JDK 1.3 (see</action>
<action dev="smccrory" type="update">Added debug statement to AbstractTicketValidator to help with Acegi+CAS+SSL setup (thanks Seth Ladd for the patch) (see</action>
<action dev="smccrory" type="update">Added package.html files to empty resources dirs so CVS serves them to new developers</action>
<release version="0.8.3" date="2005-05-12">
<action dev="benalex" type="fix">HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter elegantly handles IOExceptions and ServletExceptions within filter chain (see</action>