This ensures that the same URL can work for both log in and
authorization code which prevents having to create additional registrations
on the client and potentially on the server (GitHub only allows a single
valid redirect URL).
Fixes: gh-5856
This introduces a hook for users to customize standard Jwt Claim
values in cases where the JWT issuer isn't spec compliant or where the
user needs to add or remove claims.
Fixes: gh-5223
Extract out a private API for shared code between the argument resolver
and WebClient support. This makes it easier to make changes in both
locations. Later we will extract this out so it is not a copy/paste
Issue: gh-4921
You can now provide the clientRegistrationId and
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction will look up the authorized client automatically.
Issue: gh-4921
A reactive static builder for constructing and configuring a
ReactiveJwtDecoder via an issuer that supports the OIDC Provider
Configuration spec.
Fixes: gh-5649
NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder incorrectly referred in its class-level doc
as being an implementation of JwtDecoder. This has been corrected to
say ReactiveJwtDecoder.
Fixes: gh-5711
This is necessary so that the saving of the authorized client occurs
outside of the ReactiveAuthenticationManager. It will allow for
saving with the ServerWebExchange when ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
is added.
Issue: gh-5621
- Adding an ServerAuthenticationConverter interface
- Retro-fitting ServerOAuth2LoginAuthenticationTokenConverter,
ServerBearerTokenAuthentivationConverter, ServerFormLoginAuthenticationConverter,
and ServerHttpBasicAuthenticationConverter to implement ServerAuthenticationConverter
- Deprecate existing AuthenticationWebFilter.setAuthenticationConverter
and add overloaded one which takes ServerAuthenticationConverter
Fixes gh-5338
Adding JwtDecoders#fromOidcIssuerLocation which takes an issuer
and derives from it the jwk set uri via a call to
Fixes: gh-5523
Previously there was a tangle between
DefaultOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver and
OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter with
This commit adds a new method that can be used for resolving the
OAuth2AuthorizationRequest when the client registration id is known.
Issue: gh-4911
The current name of createDelegatingJwtValidator is not intuitive. The
name implies it is just creating a DelegatingOAuth2TokenValidator with
no mention that JwtTimestampValidator is being added.
To resolve this, the arguments have been removed and only
JwtTimestampValidator is added. User's needing additional validators can
add the result of this method to DelegatingOAuth2TokenValidator along with
the additional validators they wish to use. The method name has been
renamed to createDefault which now accurately reflects what is created.
There is no need to have JwtValidator at the end of the method since
the method is located in JwtValidators.
The commit also adds createDefaultWithIssuer for creating with a specific issuer.
Issue: gh-5133
This introduces OAuth2TokenValidator which allows the customization of
validation steps that need to be performing when decoding a string
token to a Jwt.
At this point, two validators, JwtTimestampValidator and
JwtIssuerValidator, are available for use.
Fixes: gh-5133