BearerTokenAuthenticationConverter is introduced to solve the
problem of not being able to change AuthenticationDetailsSource.
BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter delegates to
BearerTokenAuthenticationConverter the task of creating
BearerTokenAuthenticationToken and setting AuthenticationDetailsSource.
BearerTokenAuthenticationConverter is customizable and the customized
converter can be used in BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter.
Closes gh-8840
Make DefaultOAuth2User more inline with other part of
For example,
- DefaultOAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal
- AbstractAuthenticationToken
Closes gh-9366
ObjectToListStringConverter and ObjectToMapStringObjectConverter were checking if the source object is of type List or Map and if the first element or key is a String. If we have a JSONArray containing Strings the above check will pass, meaning that a JSONArray will be returned which is not serializable (same applies to JSONObject)
With this change, even if the check is passing a new List or Map will be returned.
Closes gh-9210
The new method is intended to replace ClaimAccessor#containsClaim, the
return type of which was non-primitive Boolean. The existing
containsClaim method is now deprecated.
Closes gh-9201
- Adjusted internal logic to follow DelegatingOAuth2TokenValidator
- Changed JavaDoc to align more closely with
- Polished test names to follow Spring Security naming convention
- Updated test class name to follow Spring Security naming convention
- Polished tests to use TestJwts
- Added tests to address additional use cases
Closes gh-7596
Implement R2dbcReactiveOuath2AuthorizedClientService which persists the
Oauth2AuthorizedClient in a sql database
R2dbcReactiveOuath2AuthorizedClientService is using the spring-r2dbc
module to persist/load Oauth2AuthorizedClient to/from a sql database
Add optional depedency to the spring-r2dbc module
Add test compile dependencies to r2dbc-h2 and r2dbc-test
Closes gh-7890
- NimbusJwtDecoder uses claim set converters: issuer claim is converted to an URL object
- JwtIssuerValidator (created by JwtValidators.createDefaultWithIssuer(String)) wraps a JwtClaimValidator<String>
- because of different data types, equal() is always false
This change allows both Strings and URLs as values of the issuer
Closes gh-9136
LobHandler provides an abstraction for handling large binary fields and large text
fields in specific databases, no matter if represented as simple types or
Large OBjects.
Its use provides compatibility with many databases eliminating the need
for custom OAuth2AuthorizedClientParametersMapper and
OAuth2AuthorizedClientRowMapper implementations.
Closes gh-9070