This project uses Maven as project manager and build tool. We recommend you to install Maven 1.0.2 or greater before trying the following. Note there are workarounds at the bottom of this page.
To checkout Acegi Security from SVN, see our CVS Usage page.
Often people reading this document just want to see if Acegi Security will work for their projects. They want to deploy a sample application, and that's about it (after all, all the reference documentation can be read online at In this case, execute:
cd $ACEGI_SECURITY/core (or cd %ACEGI_SECURITY%/core on Windows)
maven jar:install
cd $ACEGI_SECURITY/samples/contacts
maven multiwar:multiwar
copy $ACEGI_SECURITY/samples/contacts/target/acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war $YOUR_CONTAINER/webapps
Then load up your web container and visit http://localhost:8080/acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter/ (or whatever location is appropriate for your web container).
To properly integrate Commons Attributes with Maven (as required by the Attributes Sample), you need to install an additional plugin.
To install the commons-attributes-plugin
, execute the following commands:
maven plugin:download -DgroupId=commons-attributes -DartifactId=commons-attributes-plugin -Dversion=2.1
The second (final) command should be executed on a single line.
Sometimes people are already using Acegi Security, and they just want to build the
latest code from CVS. To build all artifacts (JARs) and install them into
your local Maven repository, simply perform a CVS checkout and install the
(as detailed above), and then
maven multiproject:install
You can then check your $HOME/.maven/repository/acegisecurity
directory and it should contain all of the latest Acegi Security JARs.
By "site" we mean the web site you can browse at, which includes the reference documentation and all of the Maven reports. If you'd like a local copy, simply execute:
maven -Dpassword= changelog:create-cvspass
maven multiproject:clean multiproject:site -Dmaven.jar.override=on -Dmaven.jar.clover-ant=1.3.3_01
As per the Maven Changelog Plugin Documentation, you must tell the plugin the "anonymous CVS pserver" password is blank. This is why there is the "create-cvspass" command shown above. You should only need to do this once.
If you get an OutOfMemoryError
, simply execute the following before
calling Maven:
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
If you get an [ERROR] Invalid license: Invalid license file [E1202]
this is because the maven-clover-plugin
is using an old version of
. Whilst Acegi Security's
specifies a newer version, subprojects have an inheritence problem and don't pick
this up (as of the time of writing). To workaround this issue, you need to
specify those override properties on the command line. For example, to execute the
Clover reports for the core subproject, you would do the following:
maven clover:html-report -Dmaven.jar.override=on -Dmaven.jar.clover-ant=1.3.3_01