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If you've found another, please let us know. <ul> <li><b><a href="http://forum.springframework.org">Spring Forums</a></b>: The first place to look for Acegi Security support (use the 'search' function).<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="mail-lists.html">Acegi Security Mailing Lists</a></b>: If you'd like to discuss development of the project.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.javalobby.org/articles/acegisecurity/part1.jsp">Securing Your Java Applications - Acegi Security Style</a></b>: Matthew Porter wrote this good introductory article for Javalobby.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://jroller.com/page/paskos?entry=acegi_portable_independent_and_rich">Acegi: Portable, Independent and Rich Webapp Security</a></b>: Pascal Gehl relates his experience in migrating from CMA to Acegi Security.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://affy.blogspot.com/2005/10/how-do-i-create-private-bean-using.html">Creating a private bean with Acegi</a></b>: By David Medinets.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://affy.blogspot.com/2005/10/acegi-tutorial-example-of-method-based.html">Method based access control and JUnit for testing</a></b>: By David Medinets.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://affy.blogspot.com/2005/10/acegi-example-of-when-to-use.html">Acegi: When to use AffirmativeBased voting</a></b>: By David Medinets.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd/20050617#presentations_acegi_security_and_spring">Acegi Security High-Level Overview Presentation</a></b>: Matt Raible has provided a nice <a href="http://www2.java.no/web/files/moter/mai05/AcegiSecurity.pdf">PDF presentation</a> comparing Acegi Security and J2EE CMA.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://jaredtech.blogspot.com/2005/08/webworkvelocityacegi-config.html">Webwork + Velocity + Acegi Config</a></b>: Jared Odulio offers some configuration tips.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.almaer.com/blog/archives/000640.html">Container Managed Security: If your standard covers a lowest common denominator</a></b>: "For this reason I end up using something like Acegi Security", Dion Almaer comments after listing a series of missing hooks from the Servlet Spec security approach.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://opensource.atlassian.com/seraph/status.html">Seraph Development Status</a></b>: The fine folks at Atlassian have noted, "for more complex needs than Seraph meets, we suggest considering alternative frameworks like ACEGI, which provides more functionality (at the cost of greater complexity)."<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd/20050104#re_j2ee_app_server_security">J2EE App Server Security</a></b>: "After using Acegi for the last month, I think I'm going to ditch the 'standard' J2EE security stuff", blogged Matt Raible. I should note our CVS tree has become stable and there are <a href="building.html">build instructions</a>.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=AppFuseAuthentication">AppFuse Authentication</a></b>: Discusses AppFuse 1.8+'s replacement of Container-Managed Authentication (CMA) with Acegi Security.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.jroller.com/page/vtatai/20050505#integrating_acegi_with_jsf">Java Server Faces (JSF) with Acegi Security</a></b>: Covers using these two frameworks - thanks to Victor Tatai.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=AppFuseSecurity">Acegi Security use with AppFuse</a></b>: The popular AppFuse project now uses Acegi Security instead of container managed authentication!<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://jroller.com/page/habuma/20041124#simplifying_acegi_configuration">Simplifying Acegi Configuration</a></b>: Craig Walls provides a good approach to reusing your Acegi Security configuration between projects. This has been <a href="http://www.picklematrix.net/archives/000974.html">updated</a> by Seth Ladd for release 0.7.0.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://confluence.sourcebeat.com/display/SPL/Update+Chapters">Spring Live Update Chapters</a></b>: Matt Raible is including Acegi Security in Chapter 12 of his popular ebook.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.china-pub.com/computers/common/info.asp?id=24483">Mastering Spring (Chinese) Book</a></b>: Acegi Security is included in Chapter 6 of this book.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.manning.com/walls2">Spring In Action</a></b>: Craig Walls has also written another popular Spring book, which includes Acegi Security in Chapter 11.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://tp.its.yale.edu/tiki/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=2#q16">Central Authentication Service FAQ</a></b>: A general overview of how Acegi Security is used with Yale's CAS.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://oness.sourceforge.net/JavaHispano%20Acegi%20presentacion.pdf">JavaHispano 2004 Acegi Security Presentation</a></b>: Carlos Sanchez's presentation (in Spanish), delivered 17 December 2004. An <a href="http://oness.sourceforge.net/JavaHispano%20Acegi.pdf">article</a> was also published. <br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://up-u.com/?p=183">Annotations in Acegi Security</a></b>: An implementation of JDK 1.5 annotations with Acegi Security's SecurityConfig.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.fstxblog.com/completely-geeked/2005/05/java-acegi-security-simple-example-v2.html">Acegi Security - The Simplest Possible Example</a></b>: Reid Carlberg has provided a downloadable WAR containing the simplest possible Acegi Security 0.8.2 configuration.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://fishdujour.typepad.com/blog/2005/02/junit_testing_w.html">JUnit Testing with Acegi Security</a></b>: A tip from Gavin Terrill on unit testing with Acegi Security.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://jroller.com/page/carlossg/20050226#acegi_security_reducing_configuration_in">Acegi Security: reducing configuration in web.xml</a></b>: Carlos Sanchez provides an overview of our new <code>FilterChainProxy</code> class.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/single-sign-on-in-java/view">Open Source Identity Management Solutions Written in Java</a></b>: From <code>manageability.org</code>.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.porterhome.com/blog/matthew/2005/03/13/1110732830996.html">WW Live: Integrating Acegi and WebWork</a></b>: Discussion about enhancing Acegi Security and WebWork integration.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.orablogs.com/fnimphius/archives/000730.html">J2EE Security: Struts "Shale" proposal does improve web application security</a></b>: Frank Nimphius' blog contains some comments on Acegi Security. See our <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a> for additional JAAS comments.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/attributes/faq.html">Anyone else using C-A (Commons Attributes)?</a></b>: Acegi Security made the list of projects using Jakarta Commons Attributes. Our <a href="/multiproject/acegi-security-sample-attributes/index.html">Attributes Sample</a> demonstrates C-A integration.<br><br> </li> <li><b><a href="http://www.arroco.com/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/2005/08/22#acegi-javadoc">Documenting the Future At the Expense of the Present</a></b>: Blog entry on the JavaDocs missing from Acegi release ZIPs. They're actually there. Just check /docs/multiproject/acegi-security/apidocs/.<br><br> </li> </ul> </body> </html>