--- $Id$ --- Sample Hypersonic SQL compatible schema and data --- --- All Acegi Security JDBC DAOs can be customised to use a different schema. --- In addition, the Acegi Security JDBC DAOs do not even need to be used --- with Acegi Security, and an entirely customised persistence strategy --- can be employed via standard interfaces (eg in-memory, Hibernate etc). SET IGNORECASE TRUE; CREATE TABLE users ( username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, enabled BIT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE authorities ( username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, authority VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_auth_username ON authorities ( username, authority ); ALTER TABLE authorities ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authorities_users foreign key (username) REFERENCES users(username); INSERT INTO users VALUES ('marissa', 'koala', true); INSERT INTO users VALUES ('dianne', 'emu', true); INSERT INTO users VALUES ('scott', 'wombat', true); INSERT INTO users VALUES ('peter', 'opal', false); INSERT INTO authorities VALUES ('marissa', 'ROLE_TELLER'); INSERT INTO authorities VALUES ('marissa', 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR'); INSERT INTO authorities VALUES ('dianne', 'ROLE_TELLER'); INSERT INTO authorities VALUES ('scott', 'ROLE_TELLER'); INSERT INTO authorities VALUES ('peter', 'ROLE_TELLER'); --- Indexes auto created in HSQLDB for primary keys and unique columns CREATE TABLE acl_object_identity ( id BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, object_identity VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(250) NOT NULL, parent_object BIGINT, acl_class VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(250) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_object_identity UNIQUE(object_identity), FOREIGN KEY (parent_object) REFERENCES acl_object_identity(id) ); CREATE TABLE acl_permission ( id BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY acl_object_identity BIGINT NOT NULL, recipient VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(100) NOT NULL, mask INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_recipient UNIQUE(acl_object_identity, recipient), FOREIGN KEY (acl_object_identity) REFERENCES acl_object_identity(id) ); --- Mask integer 0 = no permissions --- Mask integer 1 = administer --- Mask integer 2 = read --- Mask integer 6 = read and write permissions --- Mask integer 14 = read and write and create permissions --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- *** INHERITED RIGHTS FOR DIFFERENT INSTANCES AND RECIPIENTS *** --- INSTANCE RECIPIENT PERMISSION(S) (COMMENT #INSTANCE) --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 1 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer --- 2 ROLE_SUPERVISOR None (overrides parent #1) --- marissa Read --- 3 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #1) --- scott Read, Write, Create --- 4 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #1) --- 5 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #3) --- scott Read, Write, Create (from parent #3) --- 6 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #3) --- scott Administer (overrides parent #3) --------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.DomainObject:1', null, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (2, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.DomainObject:2', 1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (3, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.DomainObject:3', 1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (4, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.DomainObject:4', 1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (5, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.DomainObject:5', 3, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (6, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.DomainObject:6', 3, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 1, 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR', 1); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 2, 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR', 0); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 2, 'marissa', 2); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 3, 'scott', 14); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 6, 'scott', 1);