=============================================================================== ACEGI SECURITY SYSTEM FOR SPRING - README FILE =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Acegi Security System for Spring provides security services for The Spring Framework (http://www.springframework.org). For a detailed list of features and access to the latest release, please visit http://acegisecurity.sourceforge.net. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNED JAR FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We strongly recommend that you verify the integrity of the JAR files included in this release. You can do so using the following command: "jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs jar_file_name" Of course, replace the jar_file_name with "dist/acegi-security.jar" or the appropriate path to the Acegi Security JAR to be validated. Until further notice, all Acegi Security official releases are signed by: X.509, EMAILADDRESS=ben.alex@acegi.com.au, CN=Benjamin Peter Alex, GIVENNAME=Benjamin Peter, SURNAME=Alex X.509, CN=Thawte Personal Freemail Issuing CA, O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd., C=ZA --> If the above certificate was not used, or the JAR was not validated, DO NOT USE THE JAR. Please email the acegisecurity-developers list (contact details are provided below) for further assistance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANT HELP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acegi Security includes several Apache Ant build.xml files. This eases Clover integration and use of JUnit from the command line. We recommend you use the provided build.bat or build.sh script (as appropriate to your platform). With Windows, run the main build file "tests" target like this: ant tests With Windows, run the Contacts sample "warfile" target like this: ant -buildfile samples\contacts\build.xml warfile With Linux/Unix, run the main build file "tests" target like this: ./ant.sh tests With Linux/Unix, run the Contacts sample "warfile" target like this: ./ant.sh -buildfile samples/contacts/build.xml warfile Each example should be run from the root of the Acegi Security project directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK START ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy samples/contact/dist/contacts.war into your container webapps directory. Then visit http://localhost:8080/contacts/ and click "Manage". The Acegi Security System for Spring secures this small application by protecting both the method invocations of business objects, and also the HTTP URLs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the Reference Guide, which is located in the docs/reference directory. In addition, JavaDocs are located in the docs/api directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDING ACEGI SECURITY TO YOUR OWN APPLICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take a look in samples/quick-start. There we give you the fragments to add to your existing web.xml and applicationContext.xml, along with a couple of files that need to be added to your WAR file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBTAINING SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need any help, please use the Acegi Security System for Spring forum located at the Spring Community's forum site: http://forum.springframework.org If you start using Acegi Security in your project, please consider joining the acegisecurity-developer mailing list. This is currently the best way to keep informed about the project's status and provide feedback in design discussions. You can join at: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/acegisecurity-developer. Links to mailing list archives, the forums, and other useful resources are available from http://acegisecurity.sourceforge.net. $Id$