// Docbook and Javadoc building and uploading tasks apply plugin: 'base' task docs { dependsOn 'manual:docbook', 'faq:docbookHtmlSingle', 'apidocs' } subprojects { apply plugin: 'base' apply plugin: 'docbook' docbookHtmlSingle.stylesheet = new File(projectDir, 'src/xsl/html-single-custom.xsl') } project('faq') { defaultTasks 'docbookHtmlSingle' [docbookHtml, docbookFoPdf, docbookHtmlSingle]*.sourceFileName = 'faq.xml' docbookHtmlSingle.suffix = '' spec = copySpec { into ('faq') { from("$buildDir/docs") from("$projectDir/src/resources") } } } project('manual') { defaultTasks 'docbookHtml', 'docbookHtmlSingle', 'docbookFoPdf' [docbookHtml, docbookFoPdf, docbookHtmlSingle]*.sourceFileName = 'springsecurity.xml' docbookHtml.stylesheet = new File(projectDir, 'src/xsl/html-custom.xsl') docbookHtmlSingle.stylesheet = new File(projectDir, 'src/xsl/html-single-custom.xsl') docbookFoPdf.stylesheet = new File(projectDir, 'src/xsl/pdf-custom.xsl') def imagesDir = new File(projectDir, 'src/docbook/images'); docbookFoPdf.admonGraphicsPath = "${imagesDir}/" spec = copySpec { into ('reference') { from("$buildDir/docs") from("$projectDir/src/resources") } into ('reference/images') { from (imagesDir) } } } task apidocs(type: Javadoc) { destinationDir = new File(buildDir, 'apidocs') title = "Spring Security $version API" optionsFile = file("$buildDir/tmp/javadoc.options") source coreModuleProjects.collect { project -> project.sourceSets.main.allJava } classpath = files(coreModuleProjects.collect { project -> project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath }) } apiSpec = copySpec { into('apidocs') { from(apidocs.destinationDir) } } task docSiteLogin(type: Login) { if (project.hasProperty('sshHost')) { host = project.property('sshHost') } } // Define remoteSiteDir and sshHost in gradle.properties def remoteDocsDir = null if (hasProperty('remoteSiteDir')) { remoteDocsDir="$remoteSiteDir/docs/3.1.x" } task uploadApidocs(type: TarUpload) { dependsOn apidocs baseName = "${rootProject.name}" appendix = 'apidocs' remoteDir = remoteDocsDir login = docSiteLogin with(apiSpec) } task uploadManual(type: TarUpload) { dependsOn 'manual:docbook' baseName = "${rootProject.name}" appendix = 'doc' remoteDir = remoteDocsDir login = docSiteLogin with(project('manual').spec) } task uploadFaq(type: TarUpload) { dependsOn 'faq:docbookHtmlSingle' baseName = "${rootProject.name}" appendix = 'faq' if (project.hasProperty('remoteSiteDir')) { remoteDir = project.property('remoteSiteDir') } login = docSiteLogin with(project('faq').spec) } assemble.dependsOn = [apidocs, 'manual:docbook']