Acegi Security System for Spring Reference Documentation 0.7-SNAPSHOT Ben Alex Preface This document provides a reference guide to the Acegi Security System for Spring, which is a series of classes that deliver authentication and authorization services within the Spring Framework. I would like to acknowledge this reference was prepared using the DocBook configuration included with the Spring Framework. The Spring team in turn acknowledge Chris Bauer (Hibernate) for his assistance with their DocBook. Security Before You Begin For your security, each official release JAR of Acegi Security has been signed by the project leader. This does not in any way alter the liability disclaimer contained in the License, but it does ensure you are using a properly reviewed, official build of Acegi Security. Please refer to the readme.txt file in the root of the release distribution for instructions on how to validate the JARs are correctly signed, and which certificate has been used to sign them. Introduction The Acegi Security System for Spring provides authentication and authorization capabilities for Spring-powered projects, with full integration with popular web containers. The security architecture was designed from the ground up using "The Spring Way" of development, which includes using bean contexts, interceptors and interface-driven programming. As a consequence, the Acegi Security System for Spring is useful out-of-the-box for those seeking to secure their Spring-based applications, and can be easily adapted to complex customized requirements. Security involves two distinct operations, authentication and authorization. The former relates to resolving whether or not a caller is who they claim to be. Authorization on the other hand relates to determining whether or not an authenticated caller is permitted to perform a given operation. Throughout the Acegi Security System for Spring, the user, system or agent that needs to be authenticated is referred to as a "principal". The security architecture does not have a notion of roles or groups, which you may be familiar with from other security implementations. Current Status The Acegi Security System for Spring is widely used by members of the Spring Community. The APIs are considered stable and only minor changes are expected. Having said that, like many other projects we need to strike a balance between backward compatibility and improvement. Effective version 0.6.1, Acegi Security uses the Apache Portable Runtime Project versioning guidelines, available from Some improvements are currently intended prior to the 1.0.0 release. These are: Replacing the Ant build with a Maven build. When this happens the lib directory will no longer be distributed in ZIP releases or hosted in CVS. "Remember me" functionality. Some discussion on this can be found at A sample web application which demonstrates the access control list package. Implementation of an ObjectDefinitionSource that retrieves its details from a database. Deprecation of Acegi Security's various EH-CACHE-based cache implementations. Instead Acegi Security will provide new cache implementations which use Spring Framework's new (currently in CVS) EhCacheManagerFactoryBean factory. The deprecated classes may be removed from the 1.0.0 release. Whilst this list is subject to change and not in any particular order, none of the above improvements are likely to result in changes to the API. The improvements are also relatively minor to implement. Users of Acegi Security System for Spring should therefore be comfortable depending on the current version of the project in their applications. High Level Design Key Components The Acegi Security System for Spring essentially comprises seven key functional parts: An Authentication object which holds the principal, credentials and the authorities granted to the principal. The object can also store additional information associated with an authentication request, such as the source TCP/IP address. A ContextHolder which holds the Authentication object in a ThreadLocal-bound object. An AuthenticationManager to authenticate the Authentication object presented via the ContextHolder. An AccessDecisionManager to authorize a given operation. A RunAsManager to optionally replace the Authentication object whilst a given operation is being executed. A "secure object" interceptor, which coordinates the authentication, authorization, run-as replacement and execution of a given operation. An acess control list (ACL) management package, which can be used to obtain ACLs for domain object instances. Secure objects refer to any type of object that can have security applied to it. A secure object must provide some form of callback, so that the security interceptor can transparently do its work as required, and callback the object when it is time for it to proceed with the requested operation. If secure objects cannot provide a native callback approach, a wrapper needs to be written so this becomes possible. Each secure object has its own package under net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept. Every other package in the security system is secure object independent, in that it can support any type of secure object presented. Only developers contemplating an entirely new way of intercepting and authorizing requests would need to use secure objects directly. For example, it would be possible to build a new secure object to secure calls to a messaging system that does not use MethodInvocations. Most Spring applications will simply use the three currently supported secure object types (MethodInvocation, JoinPoint and FilterInterceptor) with complete transparency. Each of the seven key parts is discussed in detail throughout this document. Supported Secure Objects The Acegi Security System for Spring currently supports three secure objects. The first handles an AOP Alliance MethodInvocation. This is the secure object type used to protect Spring beans. Developers will generally use this secure object type to secure their business objects. To make a standard Spring-hosted bean available as a MethodInvocation, the bean is simply published through a ProxyFactoryBean or BeanNameAutoProxyCreator or DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator. Most Spring developers would already be familiar with these due to their use in transactions and other areas of Spring. The second type is an AspectJ JoinPoint. AspectJ has a particular use in securing domain object instances, as these are most often managed outside the Spring bean container. By using AspectJ, standard constructs such as new Person(); can be used and full security will be applied to them by Acegi Security. The AspectJSecurityInterceptor is still managed by Spring, which creates the aspect singleton and wires it with the appropriate authentication managers, access decision managers and so on. The third type is a FilterInvocation. This is an object included with the Acegi Security System for Spring. It is created by an included filter and simply wraps the HTTP ServletRequest, ServletResponse and FilterChain. The FilterInvocation enables HTTP resources to be secured. Developers do not usually need to understand the mechanics of how this works, because they just add the filters to their web.xml and let the security system do its work. Configuration Attributes Every secure object can represent an infinite number of individual requests. For example, a MethodInvocation can represent the invocation of any method with any arguments, whilst a FilterInvocation can represent any HTTP URL. The Acegi Security System for Spring needs to record the configuration that applies to each of these possible requests. The security configuration of a request to BankManager.getBalance(int accountNumber) needs to be very different from the security configuration of a request to BankManager.approveLoan(int applicationNumber). Similarly, the security configuration of a request to needs to be very different from the security configuration of To store the various security configurations associated with different requests, a configuration attribute is used. At an implementation level a configuration attribute is represented by the ConfigAttribute interface. One concrete implementation of ConfigAttribute is provided, SecurityConfig, which simply stores a configuration attribute as a String. The collection of ConfigAttributes associated with a particular request is held in a ConfigAttributeDefinition. This concrete class is simply a holder of ConfigAttributes and does nothing special. When a request is received by the security interceptor, it needs to determine which configuration attributes apply. In other words, it needs to find the ConfigAttributeDefinition which applies to the request. This decision is handled by the ObjectDefinitionSource interface. The main method provided by this interface is public ConfigAttributeDefinition getAttributes(Object object), with the Object being the secure object. Recall the secure object contains details of the request, so the ObjectDefinitionSource implementation will be able to extract the details it requires to lookup the relevant ConfigAttributeDefinition. Request Contexts Contexts Many applications require a way of sharing objects between classes, but without resorting to passing them in method signatures. This is commonly achieved by using a ThreadLocal. The Acegi Security System for Spring uses ThreadLocal functionality and introduces the concept of "request contexts". By placing an object into a request context, that object becomes available to any other object on the current thread of execution. The request context is not passed around as a method parameter, but is held in a ThreadLocal. The Acegi Security System for Spring uses the request context to pass around the authentication request and response. A request context is a concrete implementation of the Context interface, which exposes a single method: public void validate() throws ContextInvalidException; This validate() method is called to confirm the Context is properly setup. An implementation will typically use this method to check that the objects it holds are properly setup. The ContextHolder class makes the Context available to the current thread of execution using a ThreadLocal. A ContextInterceptor is also provided, which is intended to be chained into the bean context using ProxyFactoryBean. The ContextInterceptor simply calls Context.validate(), which guarantees to business methods that a valid Context is available from the ContextHolder. Secure Contexts The Acegi Security System for Spring requires the ContextHolder to contain a request context that implements the SecureContext interface. An implementation is provided named SecureContextImpl. The SecureContext simply extends the Context discussed above and adds a holder and validation for an Authentication object. Custom Contexts Developers can create their own request context classes to store application-specific objects. Such request context classes will need to implement the Context interface. If the Acegi Security System for Spring is to be used, developers must ensure any custom request contexts implement the SecureContext interface. Security Interception All Secure Objects As described in the High Level Design section, each secure object has its own security interceptor which is responsible for handling each request. Handling involves a number of operations: Store the configuration attributes that are associated with each secure request. Extract the ConfigAttributeDefinition that applies to the request from the relevant ObjectDefinitionSource. Obtain the Authentication object from the SecureContext, which is held in the ContextHolder. Pass the Authentication object to the AuthenticationManager, update the ContextHolder with the response. Pass the Authentication object, the ConfigAttributeDefinition, and the secure object to the AccessDecisionManager. Pass the Authentication object, the ConfigAttributeDefinition, and the secure object to the RunAsManager. If the RunAsManager returns a new Authentication object, update the ContextHolder with it. Proceed with the request execution of the secure object. If the RunAsManager earlier returned a new Authentication object, update the ContextHolder with the Authentication object that was previously returned by the AuthenticationManager. Return any result received from the secure object execution. Whilst this may seem quite involved, don't worry. Developers interact with the security process by simply implementing basic interfaces (such as AccessDecisionManager), which are fully documented below. The AbstractSecurityInterceptor handles the majority of the flow listed above. Each secure object has its own security interceptor which subclasses AbstractSecurityInterceptor. Each of these secure object-specific security interceptors are discussed below. AOP Alliance (MethodInvocation) Security Interceptor To secure MethodInvocations, developers simply add a properly configured MethodSecurityInterceptor into the application context. Next the beans requiring security are chained into the interceptor. This chaining is accomplished using Spring’s ProxyFactoryBean or BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, as commonly used by many other parts of Spring (refer to the sample application for examples). Alternatively, Acegi Security provides a MethodDefinitionSourceAdvisor which may be used with Spring's DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator to automatically chain the security interceptor in front of any beans defined against the MethodSecurityInterceptor. The MethodSecurityInterceptor itself is configured as follows: <bean id="bankManagerSecurity" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aopalliance.MethodSecurityInterceptor"> <property name="validateConfigAttributes"><value>true</value></property> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="accessDecisionManager"><ref bean="accessDecisionManager"/></property> <property name="runAsManager"><ref bean="runAsManager"/></property> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <value> net.sf.acegisecurity.context.BankManager.delete*=ROLE_SUPERVISOR,RUN_AS_SERVER net.sf.acegisecurity.context.BankManager.getBalance=ROLE_TELLER,ROLE_SUPERVISOR,BANKSECURITY_CUSTOMER,RUN_AS_SERVER </value> </property> </bean> As shown above, the MethodSecurityInterceptor is configured with a reference to an AuthenticationManager, AccessDecisionManager and RunAsManager, which are each discussed in separate sections below. The MethodSecurityInterceptor is also configured with configuration attributes that apply to different method signatures. A full discussion of configuration attributes is provided in the High Level Design section of this document. The MethodSecurityInterceptor can be configured with configuration attributes in three ways. The first is via a property editor and the application context, which is shown above. The second is via defining the configuration attributes in your source code using Jakarta Commons Attributes. The third is via writing your own ObjectDefinitionSource, although this is beyond the scope of this document. Irrespective of the approach used, the ObjectDefinitionSource is responsible for returning a ConfigAttributeDefinition object that contains all of the configuration attributes associated with a single secure method. It should be noted that the MethodSecurityInterceptor.setObjectDefinitionSource() method actually expects an instance of MethodDefinitionSource. This is a marker interface which subclasses ObjectDefinitionSource. It simply denotes the ObjectDefinitionSource understands MethodInvocations. In the interests of simplicity we'll continue to refer to the MethodDefinitionSource as an ObjectDefinitionSource, as the distinction is of little relevance to most users of the MethodSecurityInterceptor. If using the application context property editor approach (as shown above), commas are used to delimit the different configuration attributes that apply to a given method pattern. Each configuration attribute is assigned into its own SecurityConfig object. The SecurityConfig object is discussed in the High Level Design section. If using the Jakarta Commons Attributes approach, your bean context will be configured differently: <bean id="attributes" class="org.springframework.metadata.commons.CommonsAttributes"/> <bean id="objectDefinitionSource" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.MethodDefinitionAttributes"> <property name="attributes"><ref local="attributes"/></property> </bean> <bean id="bankManagerSecurity" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.MethodSecurityInterceptor"> <property name="validateConfigAttributes"><value>false</value></property> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="accessDecisionManager"><ref bean="accessDecisionManager"/></property> <property name="runAsManager"><ref bean="runAsManager"/></property> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"><ref bean="objectDefinitionSource"/></property> </bean> In addition, your source code will contain Jakarta Commons Attributes tags that refer to a concrete implementation of ConfigAttribute. The following example uses the SecurityConfig implementation to represent the configuration attributes, and results in the same security configuration as provided by the property editor approach above: public interface BankManager { /** * @@SecurityConfig("ROLE_SUPERVISOR") * @@SecurityConfig("RUN_AS_SERVER") */ public void deleteSomething(int id); /** * @@SecurityConfig("ROLE_SUPERVISOR") * @@SecurityConfig("RUN_AS_SERVER") */ public void deleteAnother(int id); /** * @@SecurityConfig("ROLE_TELLER") * @@SecurityConfig("ROLE_SUPERVISOR") * @@SecurityConfig("BANKSECURITY_CUSTOMER") * @@SecurityConfig("RUN_AS_SERVER") */ public float getBalance(int id); } You might have noticed the validateConfigAttributes property in the above MethodSecurityInterceptor examples. When set to true (the default), at startup time the MethodSecurityInterceptor will evaluate if the provided configuration attributes are valid. It does this by checking each configuration attribute can be processed by either the AccessDecisionManager or the RunAsManager. If neither of these can process a given configuration attribute, an exception is thrown. If using the Jakarta Commons Attributes method of configuration, you should set validateConfigAttributes to false. AspectJ (JoinPoint) Security Interceptor The AspectJ security interceptor is very similar to the AOP Alliance security interceptor discussed in the previous section. Indeed we will only discuss the differences in this section. The AspectJ interceptor is named AspectJSecurityInterceptor. Unlike the AOP Alliance security interceptor, which relies on the Spring application context to weave in the security interceptor via proxying, the AspectJSecurityInterceptor is weaved in via the AspectJ compiler. It would not be uncommon to use both types of security interceptors in the same application, with AspectJSecurityInterceptor being used for domain object instance security and the AOP Alliance MethodSecurityInterceptor being used for services layer security. Let's first consider how the AspectJSecurityInterceptor is configured in the Spring application context: <bean id="bankManagerSecurity" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aspectj.AspectJSecurityInterceptor"> <property name="validateConfigAttributes"><value>true</value></property> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="accessDecisionManager"><ref bean="accessDecisionManager"/></property> <property name="runAsManager"><ref bean="runAsManager"/></property> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <value> net.sf.acegisecurity.context.BankManager.delete*=ROLE_SUPERVISOR,RUN_AS_SERVER net.sf.acegisecurity.context.BankManager.getBalance=ROLE_TELLER,ROLE_SUPERVISOR,BANKSECURITY_CUSTOMER,RUN_AS_SERVER </value> </property> </bean> As you can see, aside from the class name, the AspectJSecurityInterceptor is exactly the same as the AOP Alliance security interceptor. Indeed the two interceptors can share the same objectDefinitionSource, as the ObjectDefinitionSource works with java.lang.reflect.Methods rather than an AOP library-specific class. Of course, your access decisions have access to the relevant AOP library-specific invocation (ie MethodInvocation or JoinPoint) and as such can consider a range of addition criteria when making access decisions (such as method arguments). Next you'll need to define an AspectJ aspect. For example: package net.sf.acegisecurity.samples.aspectj; import net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aspectj.AspectJSecurityInterceptor; import net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aspectj.AspectJCallback; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; public aspect DomainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect implements InitializingBean { private AspectJSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor; pointcut domainObjectInstanceExecution(): target(PersistableEntity) && execution(public * *(..)) && !within(DomainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect); Object around(): domainObjectInstanceExecution() { if (this.securityInterceptor != null) { AspectJCallback callback = new AspectJCallback() { public Object proceedWithObject() { return proceed(); } }; return this.securityInterceptor.invoke(thisJoinPoint, callback); } else { return proceed(); } } public AspectJSecurityInterceptor getSecurityInterceptor() { return securityInterceptor; } public void setSecurityInterceptor(AspectJSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor) { this.securityInterceptor = securityInterceptor; } public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (this.securityInterceptor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("securityInterceptor required"); } } In the above example, the security interceptor will be applied to every instance of PersistableEntity, which is an abstract class not shown (you can use any other class or pointcut expression you like). For those curious, AspectJCallback is needed because the proceed(); statement has special meaning only within an around() body. The AspectJSecurityInterceptor calls this anonymous AspectJCallback class when it wants the target object to continue. You will need to configure Spring to load the aspect and wire it with the AspectJSecurityInterceptor. A bean declaration which achieves this is shown below: <bean id="domainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.samples.aspectj.DomainObjectInstanceSecurityAspect" factory-method="aspectOf"> <property name="securityInterceptor"><ref bean="aspectJSecurityInterceptor"/></property> </bean> That's it! Now you can create your beans from anywhere within your application, using whatever means you think fit (eg new Person();) and they will have the security interceptor applied. FilterInvocation Security Interceptor To secure FilterInvocations, developers need to add a filter to their web.xml that delegates to the SecurityEnforcementFilter. A typical configuration example is provided below: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi HTTP Request Security Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.web.SecurityEnforcementFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Acegi HTTP Request Security Filter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> Notice that the filter is actually a FilterToBeanProxy. Most of the filters used by the Acegi Security System for Spring use this class. Refer to the Filters section to learn more about this bean. In the application context you will need to configure three beans: <bean id="securityEnforcementFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.web.SecurityEnforcementFilter"> <property name="filterSecurityInterceptor"><ref bean="filterInvocationInterceptor"/></property> <property name="authenticationEntryPoint"><ref bean="authenticationEntryPoint"/></property> </bean> <bean id="authenticationEntryPoint" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="loginFormUrl"><value>/acegilogin.jsp</value></property> <property name="forceHttps"><value>false</value></property> </bean> <bean id="filterInvocationInterceptor" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.web.FilterSecurityInterceptor"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="accessDecisionManager"><ref bean="accessDecisionManager"/></property> <property name="runAsManager"><ref bean="runAsManager"/></property> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <value> CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON \A/secure/super/.*\Z=ROLE_WE_DONT_HAVE \A/secure/.*\Z=ROLE_SUPERVISOR,ROLE_TELLER </value> </property> </bean> The AuthenticationEntryPoint will be called if the user requests a secure HTTP resource but they are not authenticated. The class handles presenting the appropriate response to the user so that authentication can begin. Three concrete implementations are provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring: AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint for commencing a form-based authentication, BasicProcessingFilterEntryPoint for commencing a Http Basic authentication process, and CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint for commencing a Yale Central Authentication Service (CAS) login. The AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint and CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint have optional properties related to forcing the use of HTTPS, so please refer to the JavaDocs if you require this. The PortMapper provides information on which HTTPS ports correspond to which HTTP ports. This is used by the AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint and several other beans. The default implementation, PortMapperImpl, knows the common HTTP ports 80 and 8080 map to HTTPS ports 443 and 8443 respectively. You can customise this mapping if desired. The SecurityEnforcementFilter primarily provides session management support and initiates authentication when required. It delegates actual FilterInvocation security decisions to the configured FilterSecurityInterceptor. Like any other security interceptor, the FilterSecurityInterceptor requires a reference to an AuthenticationManager, AccessDecisionManager and RunAsManager, which are each discussed in separate sections below. The FilterSecurityInterceptor is also configured with configuration attributes that apply to different HTTP URL requests. A full discussion of configuration attributes is provided in the High Level Design section of this document. The FilterSecurityInterceptor can be configured with configuration attributes in two ways. The first is via a property editor and the application context, which is shown above. The second is via writing your own ObjectDefinitionSource, although this is beyond the scope of this document. Irrespective of the approach used, the ObjectDefinitionSource is responsible for returning a ConfigAttributeDefinition object that contains all of the configuration attributes associated with a single secure HTTP URL. It should be noted that the FilterSecurityInterceptor.setObjectDefinitionSource() method actually expects an instance of FilterInvocationDefinitionSource. This is a marker interface which subclasses ObjectDefinitionSource. It simply denotes the ObjectDefinitionSource understands FilterInvocations. In the interests of simplicity we'll continue to refer to the FilterInvocationDefinitionSource as an ObjectDefinitionSource, as the distinction is of little relevance to most users of the FilterSecurityInterceptor. If using the application context property editor approach (as shown above), commas are used to delimit the different configuration attributes that apply to each HTTP URL. Each configuration attribute is assigned into its own SecurityConfig object. The SecurityConfig object is discussed in the High Level Design section. The ObjectDefinitionSource created by the property editor, FilterInvocationDefinitionSource, matches configuration attributes against FilterInvocations based on expression evaluation of the request URL. Two standard expression syntaxes are supported. The default is to treat all expressions as regular expressions. Alternatively, the presence of a PATTERN_TYPE_APACHE_ANT directive will cause all expressions to be treated as Apache Ant paths. It is not possible to mix expression syntaxes within the same definition. For example, the earlier configuration could be generated using Apache Ant paths as follows: <bean id="filterInvocationInterceptor" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.web.FilterSecurityInterceptor"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="accessDecisionManager"><ref bean="accessDecisionManager"/></property> <property name="runAsManager"><ref bean="runAsManager"/></property> <property name="objectDefinitionSource"> <value> CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON PATTERN_TYPE_APACHE_ANT /secure/super/**=ROLE_WE_DONT_HAVE /secure/**=ROLE_SUPERVISOR,ROLE_TELLER </value> </property> </bean> Irrespective of the type of expression syntax used, expressions are always evaluated in the order they are defined. Thus it is important that more specific expressions are defined higher in the list than less specific expressions. This is reflected in our example above, where the more specific /secure/super/ pattern appears higher than the less specific /secure/ pattern. If they were reversed, the /secure/ pattern would always match and the /secure/super/ pattern would never be evaluated. The special keyword CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON causes the FilterInvocationDefinitionSource to automatically convert a request URL to lowercase before comparison against the expressions. Whilst by default the case of the request URL is not converted, it is generally recommended to use CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON and write each expression assuming lowercase. As with other security interceptors, the validateConfigAttributes property is observed. When set to true (the default), at startup time the FilterSecurityInterceptor will evaluate if the provided configuration attributes are valid. It does this by checking each configuration attribute can be processed by either the AccessDecisionManager or the RunAsManager. If neither of these can process a given configuration attribute, an exception is thrown. Authentication Authentication Requests Authentication requires a way for client code to present its security identification to the Acegi Security System for Spring. This is the role of the Authentication interface. The Authentication interface holds three important objects: the principal (the identity of the caller), the credentials (the proof of the identity of the caller, such as a password), and the authorities that have been granted to the principal. The principal and its credentials are populated by the client code, whilst the granted authorities are populated by the AuthenticationManager. The Acegi Security System for Spring includes several concrete Authentication implementations: UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken allows a username and password to be presented as the principal and credentials respectively. It is also what is created by the HTTP Session Authentication system. TestingAuthenticationToken facilitates unit testing by automatically being considered an authenticated object by its associated AuthenticationProvider. RunAsUserToken is used by the default run-as authentication replacement implementation. This is discussed further in the Run-As Authentication Replacement section. CasAuthenticationToken is used to represent a successful Yale Central Authentication Service (CAS) authentication. This is discussed further in the CAS section. PrincipalAcegiUserToken and JettyAcegiUserToken implement AuthByAdapter (a subclass of Authentication) and are used whenever authentication is completed by Acegi Security System for Spring container adapters. This is discussed further in the Container Adapters section. The authorities granted to a principal are represented by the GrantedAuthority interface. The GrantedAuthority interface is discussed at length in the Authorization section. Authentication Manager As discussed in the Security Interception section, the AbstractSecurityInterceptor extracts the Authentication object from the SecureContext in the ContextHolder. This is then passed to an AuthenticationManager. The AuthenticationManager interface is very simple: public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException; Implementations of AuthenticationManager are required to throw an AuthenticationException should authentication fail, or return a fully populated Authentication object. In particular, the returned Authentication object should contain an array of GrantedAuthority objects. The SecurityInterceptor places the populated Authentication object back in the SecureContext in the ContextHolder, overwriting the original Authentication object. The AuthenticationException has a number of subclasses. The most important are BadCredentialsException (an incorrect principal or credentials), DisabledException and LockedException. The latter two exceptions indicate the principal was found, but the credentials were not checked and authentication is denied. An AuthenticationServiceException is also provided, which indicates the authentication system could not process the request (eg a database was unavailable). Provider-Based Authentication Whilst the basic Authentication and AuthenticationManager interfaces enable users to develop their own authentication systems, users should consider using the provider-based authentication packages provided by the Acegi Security System for Spring. The key class, ProviderManager, is configured via the bean context with a list of AuthenticationProviders: <bean id="authenticationManager" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <ref bean="daoAuthenticationProvider"/> <ref bean="someOtherAuthenticationProvider"/> </list> </property> </bean> ProviderManager calls a series of registered AuthenticationProvider implementations, until one is found that indicates it is able to authenticate a given Authentication class. When the first compatible AuthenticationProvider is located, it is passed the authentication request. The AuthenticationProvider will then either throw an AuthenticationException or return a fully populated Authentication object. Note the ProviderManager may throw a ProviderNotFoundException (a subclass of AuthenticationException) if it none of the registered AuthenticationProviders can validate the Authentication object. Several AuthenticationProvider implementations are provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring: TestingAuthenticationProvider is able to authenticate a TestingAuthenticationToken. The limit of its authentication is simply to treat whatever is contained in the TestingAuthenticationToken as valid. This makes it ideal for use during unit testing, as you can create an Authentication object with precisely the GrantedAuthority objects required for calling a given method. You definitely would not register this AuthenticationProvider on a production system. DaoAuthenticationProvider is able to authenticate a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken by accessing an authentication respository via a data access object. This is discussed further below, as it is the main way authentication is initially handled. RunAsImplAuthenticationToken is able to authenticate a RunAsUserToken. This is discussed further in the Run-As Authentication Replacement section. You would not register this AuthenticationProvider if you were not using run-as replacement. AuthByAdapterProvider is able to authenticate any AuthByAdapter (a subclass of Authentication used with container adapters). This is discussed further in the Container Adapters section. You would not register this AuthenticationProvider if you were not using container adapters. CasAuthenticationProvider is able to authenticate Yale Central Authentication Service (CAS) tickets. This is discussed further in the CAS Single Sign On section. JaasAuthenticationProvider is able to delegate authentication requests to a JAAS LoginModule. This is discussed further below. Data Access Object Authentication Provider The Acegi Security System for Spring includes a production-quality AuthenticationProvider implementation called DaoAuthenticationProvider. This authentication provider is able to authenticate a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken by obtaining authentication details from a data access object configured at bean creation time: <bean id="daoAuthenticationProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="authenticationDao"><ref bean="inMemoryDaoImpl"/></property> <property name="saltSource"><ref bean="saltSource"/></property> <property name="passwordEncoder"><ref bean="passwordEncoder"/></property> </bean> The PasswordEncoder and SaltSource are optional. A PasswordEncoder provides encoding and decoding of passwords obtained from the authentication repository. A SaltSource enables the passwords to be populated with a "salt", which enhances the security of the passwords in the authentication repository. PasswordEncoder implementations are provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring covering MD5, SHA and cleartext encodings. Two SaltSource implementations are also provided: SystemWideSaltSource which encodes all passwords with the same salt, and ReflectionSaltSource, which inspects a given property of the returned UserDetails object to obtain the salt. Please refer to the JavaDocs for further details on these optional features. In addition to the properties above, the DaoAuthenticationProvider supports optional caching of UserDetails objects. The UserCache interface enables the DaoAuthenticationProvider to place a UserDetails object into the cache, and retrieve it from the cache upon subsequent authentication attempts for the same username. By default the DaoAuthenticationProvider uses the NullUserCache, which performs no caching. A usable caching implementation is also provided, EhCacheBasedUserCache, which is configured as follows: <bean id="daoAuthenticationProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="authenticationDao"><ref bean="authenticationDao"/></property> <property name="userCache"><ref bean="userCache"/></property> </bean> <bean id="userCache" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.cache.EhCacheBasedUserCache"> <property name="minutesToIdle"><value>5</value></property> </bean> For a class to be able to provide the DaoAuthenticationProvider with access to an authentication repository, it must implement the AuthenticationDao interface: public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException, DataAccessException; The UserDetails is an interface that provides getters that guarantee non-null provision of basic authentication information such as the username, password, granted authorities and whether the user is enabled or disabled. A concrete implementation, User, is also provided. Acegi Security users will need to decide when writing their AuthenticationDao what type of UserDetails to return. In most cases User will be used directly or subclassed, although special circumstances (such as object relational mappers) may require users to write their own UserDetails implementation from scratch. Given AuthenticationDao is so simple to implement, it should be easy for users to retrieve authentication information using a persistence strategy of their choice. A design decision was made not to support account locking in the DaoAuthenticationProvider, as doing so would have increased the complexity of the AuthenticationDao interface. For instance, a method would be required to increase the count of unsuccessful authentication attempts. Such functionality could be easily provided by leveraging the application event publishing features discussed below. DaoAuthenticationProvider returns an Authentication object which in turn has its principal property set. The principal will be either a String (which is essentially the username) or a UserDetails object (which was looked up from the AuthenticationDao). By default the UserDetails is returned, as this enables applications to add extra properties potentially of use in applications, such as the user's full name, email address etc. If using container adapters, or if your applications were written to operate with Strings (as was the case for releases prior to Acegi Security 0.6), you should set the DaoAuthenticationProvider.forcePrincipalAsString property to true in your application context. Event Publishing The DaoAuthenticationProvider automatically obtains the ApplicationContext it is running in at startup time. This allows the provider to publish events through the standard Spring event framework. Three types of event messages are published: AuthenticationSuccessEvent is published when an authentication request is successful. AuthenticationFailureDisabledEvent is published when an authentication request is unsuccessful because the returned UserDetails is disabled. This is normally the case when an account is locked. AuthenticationFailureUsernameNotFoundEvent is published when an authentication request is unsuccessful because the AuthenticationDao could not locate the UserDetails. AuthenticationFailurePasswordEvent is published when an authentication request is unsuccessful because the presented password did not match that in the UserDetails. Each event contains two objects: the Authentication object that represented the authentication request, and the UserDetails object that was found in response to the authentication request (clearly the latter will be a dummy object in the case of AuthenticationFailureUsernameNotFoundEvent). The Authentication interface provides a getDetails() method which often includes information that event consumers may find useful (eg the TCP/IP address that the authentication request originated from). As per standard Spring event handling, you can receive these events by adding a bean to the application context which implements the ApplicationListener interface. Included with Acegi Security is a LoggerListener class which receives these events and publishes their details to Commons Logging. Refer to the JavaDocs for LoggerListener for details on the logging priorities used for different message types. This event publishing system enables you to implement account locking and record authentication event history. This might be of interest to application users, who can be advised of the times and source IP address of all unsuccessful password attempts (and account lockouts) since their last successful login. Such capabilities are simple to implement and greatly improve the security of your application. In-Memory Authentication Whilst it is easy to use the DaoAuthenticationProvider and create a custom AuthenticationDao implementation that extracts information from a persistence engine of choice, many applications do not require such complexity. One alternative is to configure an authentication repository in the application context itself using the InMemoryDaoImpl: <bean id="inMemoryDaoImpl" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.memory.InMemoryDaoImpl"> <property name="userMap"> <value> marissa=koala,ROLE_TELLER,ROLE_SUPERVISOR dianne=emu,ROLE_TELLER scott=wombat,ROLE_TELLER peter=opal,disabled,ROLE_TELLER </value> </property> </bean> The userMap property contains each of the usernames, passwords, a list of granted authorities and an optional enabled/disabled keyword. Commas delimit each token. The username must appear to the left of the equals sign, and the password must be the first token to the right of the equals sign. The enabled and disabled keywords (case insensitive) may appear in the second or any subsequent token. Any remaining tokens are treated as granted authorities, which are created as GrantedAuthorityImpl objects (refer to the Authorization section for further discussion on granted authorities). Note that if a user has no password and/or no granted authorities, the user will not be created in the in-memory authentication repository. JDBC Authentication The Acegi Security System for Spring also includes an authentication provider that can obtain authentication information from a JDBC data source. The typical configuration for the JdbcDaoImpl is shown below: <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName"><value>org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</value></property> <property name="url"><value>jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001</value></property> <property name="username"><value>sa</value></property> <property name="password"><value></value></property> </bean> <bean id="jdbcDaoImpl" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.jdbc.JdbcDaoImpl"> <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="dataSource"/></property> </bean> You can use different relational database management systems by modifying the DriverManagerDataSource shown above. Irrespective of the database used, a standard schema must be used as indicated in dbinit.txt. If you default schema is unsuitable for your needs, JdbcDaoImpl provides two properties that allow customisation of the SQL statements. You may also subclass the JdbcDaoImpl if further customisation is necessary. Please refer to the JavaDocs for details. The Acegi Security System for Spring ships with a Hypersonic SQL instance that has the required authentication information and sample data already populated. To use this server, simply execute the server.bat or script included in the distribution. This will load a new database server instance that will service requests made to the URL indicated in the bean context configuration shown above. JAAS Authentication Acegi Security provides a package able to delegate authentication requests to the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). This package is discussed in detail below. Central to JAAS operation are login configuration files. To learn more about JAAS login configuration files, consult the JAAS reference documentation available from Sun Microsystems. We expect you to have a basic understanding of JAAS and its login configuration file syntax in order to understand this section. JaasAuthenticationProvider The JaasAuthenticationProvider attempts to authenticate a user’s principal and credentials through JAAS. Let’s assume we have a JAAS login configuration file, /WEB-INF/login.conf, with the following contents: JAASTest { sample.SampleLoginModule required; }; Like all Acegi Security beans, the JaasAuthenticationProvider is configured via the application context. The following definitions would correspond to the above JAAS login configuration file: <bean id="jaasAuthenticationProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.jaas.JaasAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="loginConfig"> <value>/WEB-INF/login.conf</value> </property> <property name="loginContextName"> <value>JAASTest</value> </property> <property name="callbackHandlers"> <list> <bean class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.jaas.JaasNameCallbackHandler"/> <bean class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.jaas.JaasPasswordCallbackHandler"/> </list> </property> <property name="authorityGranters"> <list> <bean class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.jaas.TestAuthorityGranter"/> </list> </property> </bean> The CallbackHandlers and AuthorityGranters are discussed below. Callbacks Most JAAS LoginModules require a callback of some sort. These callbacks are usually used to obtain the username and password from the user. In an Acegi Security deployment, Acegi Security is responsible for this user interaction (typically via a reference to a ContextHolder-managed Authentication object). The JAAS package for Acegi Security provides two default callback handlers, JaasNameCallbackHandler and JaasPasswordCallbackHandler. Each of these callback handlers implement JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandler. In most cases these callback handlers can simply be used without understanding the internal mechanics. For those needing full control over the callback behavior, internally JaasAutheticationProvider wraps these JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandlers with an InternalCallbackHandler. The InternalCallbackHandler is the class that actually implements JAAS’ normal CallbackHandler interface. Any time that the JAAS LoginModule is used, it is passed a list of application context configured InternalCallbackHandlers. If the LoginModule requests a callback against the InternalCallbackHandlers, the callback is in-turn passed to the JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandlers being wrapped. AuthorityGranters JAAS works with principals. Even “roles” are represented as principals in JAAS. Acegi Security, on the other hand, works with Authentication objects. Each Authentication object contains a single principal, and multiple GrantedAuthority[]s. To facilitate mapping between these different concepts, the Acegi Security JAAS package includes an AuthorityGranter interface. An AuthorityGranter is responsible for inspecting a JAAS principal and returning a String. The JaasAuthenticationProvider then creates a JaasGrantedAuthority (which implements Acegi Security’s GrantedAuthority interface) containing both the AuthorityGranter-returned String and the JAAS principal that the AuthorityGranter was passed. The JaasAuthenticationProvider obtains the JAAS principals by firstly successfully authenticating the user’s credentials using the JAAS LoginModule, and then accessing the LoginContext it returns. A call to LoginContext.getSubject().getPrincipals() is made, with each resulting principal passed to each AuthorityGranter defined against the JaasAuthenticationProvider.setAuthorityGranters(List) property. Acegi Security does not include any production AuthorityGranters given every JAAS principal has an implementation-specific meaning. However, there is a TestAuthorityGranter in the unit tests that demonstrates a simple AuthorityGranter implementation. Authentication Recommendations With the heavy use of interfaces throughout the authentication system (Authentication, AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationProvider and AuthenticationDao) it might be confusing to a new user to know which part of the authentication system to customize. In general, the following is recommended: Use the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken implementation where possible. If you simply need to implement a new authentication repository (eg to obtain user details from your application’s existing database), use the DaoAuthenticationProvider along with the AuthenticationDao. It is the fastest and safest way to integrate an external database. If you're using Container Adapters or a RunAsManager that replaces the Authentication object, ensure you have registered the AuthByAdapterProvider and RunAsManagerImplProvider respectively with your ProviderManager. Never enable the TestingAuthenticationProvider on a production system. Doing so will allow any client to simply present a TestingAuthenticationToken and obtain whatever access they request. Adding a new AuthenticationProvider is sufficient to support most custom authentication requirements. Only unusual requirements would require the ProviderManager to be replaced with a different AuthenticationManager. Authorization Granted Authorities As briefly mentioned in the Authentication section, all Authentication implementations are required to store an array of GrantedAuthority objects. These represent the authorities that have been granted to the principal. The GrantedAuthority objects are inserted into the Authentication object by the AuthenticationManager and are later read by AccessDecisionManagers when making authorization decisions. GrantedAuthority is an interface with only one method: public String getAuthority(); This method allows AccessDecisionManagers to obtain a precise String representation of the GrantedAuthority. By returning a representation as a String, a GrantedAuthority can be easily "read" by most AccessDecisionManagers. If a GrantedAuthority cannot be precisely represented as a String, the GrantedAuthority is considered "complex" and getAuthority() must return null. An example of a "complex" GrantedAuthority would be an implementation that stores a list of operations and authority thresholds that apply to different customer account numbers. Representing this complex GrantedAuthority as a String would be quite complex, and as a result the getAuthority() method should return null. This will indicate to any AccessDecisionManager that it will need to specifically support the GrantedAuthority implementation in order to understand its contents. The Acegi Security System for Spring includes one concrete GrantedAuthority implementation, GrantedAuthorityImpl. This allows any user-specified String to be converted into a GrantedAuthority. All AuthenticationProviders included with the security architecture use GrantedAuthorityImpl to populate the Authentication object. Access Decision Managers The AccessDecisionManager is called by the AbstractSecurityInterceptor and is responsible for making final access control decisions. The AccessDecisionManager interface contains three methods: public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) throws AccessDeniedException; public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute); public boolean supports(Class clazz); As can be seen from the first method, the AccessDecisionManager is passed via method parameters all information that is likely to be of value in assessing an authorization decision. In particular, passing the secure Object enables those arguments contained in the actual secure object invocation to be inspected. For example, let's assume the secure object was a MethodInvocation. It would be easy to query the MethodInvocation for any Customer argument, and then implement some sort of security logic in the AccessDecisionManager to ensure the principal is permitted to operate on that customer. Implementations are expected to throw an AccessDeniedException if access is denied. The supports(ConfigAttribute) method is called by the AbstractSecurityInterceptor at startup time to determine if the AccessDecisionManager can process the passed ConfigAttribute. The supports(Class) method is called by a security interceptor implementation to ensure the configured AccessDecisionManager supports the type of secure object that the security interceptor will present. Voting Decision Manager Whilst users can implement their own AccessDecisionManager to control all aspects of authorization, the Acegi Security System for Spring includes several AccessDecisionManager implementations that are based on voting. Using this approach, a series of AccessDecisionVoter implementations are polled on an authorization decision. The AccessDecisionManager then decides whether or not to throw an AccessDeniedException based on its assessment of the votes. The AccessDecisionVoter interface has three methods: public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config); public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute); public boolean supports(Class clazz); Concrete implementations return an int, with possible values being reflected in the AccessDecisionVoter static fields ACCESS_ABSTAIN, ACCESS_DENIED and ACCESS_GRANTED. A voting implementation will return ACCESS_ABSTAIN if it has no opinion on an authorization decision. If it does have an opinion, it must return either ACCESS_DENIED or ACCESS_GRANTED. There are three concrete AccessDecisionManagers provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring that tally the votes. The ConsensusBased implementation will grant or deny access based on the consensus of non-abstain votes. Properties are provided to control behavior in the event of an equality of votes or if all votes are abstain. The AffirmativeBased implementation will grant access if one or more ACCESS_GRANTED votes were received (ie a deny vote will be ignored, provided there was at least one grant vote). Like the ConsensusBased implementation, there is a parameter that controls the behavior if all voters abstain. The UnanimousBased provider expects unanimous ACCESS_GRANTED votes in order to grant access, ignoring abstains. It will deny access if there is any ACCESS_DENIED vote. Like the other implementations, there is a parameter that controls the behaviour if all voters abstain. It is possible to implement a custom AccessDecisionManager that tallies votes differently. For example, votes from a particular AccessDecisionVoter might receive additional weighting, whilst a deny vote from a particular voter may have a veto effect. There is one concrete AccessDecisionVoter implementation provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring. The RoleVoter class will vote if any ConfigAttribute begins with ROLE_. It will vote to grant access if there is a GrantedAuthority which returns a String representation (via the getAuthority() method) exactly equal to one or more ConfigAttributes starting with ROLE_. If there is no exact match of any ConfigAttribute starting with ROLE_, the RoleVoter will vote to deny access. If no ConfigAttribute begins with ROLE_, the voter will abstain. RoleVoter is case sensitive on comparisons as well as the ROLE_ prefix. It is possible to implement a custom AccessDecisionVoter. Several examples are provided in the Acegi Security System for Spring unit tests, including ContactSecurityVoter and DenyVoter. The ContactSecurityVoter abstains from voting decisions where a CONTACT_OWNED_BY_CURRENT_USER ConfigAttribute is not found. If voting, it queries the MethodInvocation to extract the owner of the Contact object that is subject of the method call. It votes to grant access if the Contact owner matches the principal presented in the Authentication object. It could have just as easily compared the Contact owner with some GrantedAuthority the Authentication object presented. All of this is achieved with relatively few lines of code and demonstrates the flexibility of the authorization model. Authorization Tag Library The Acegi Security System for Spring comes bundled with a JSP tag library that eases JSP writing. The tag library is known as authz. This library allows you to easy develop JSP pages which reference the security environment. For example, authz allows you to determine if a principal holds a particular granted authority, holds a group of granted authorities, or does not hold a given granted authority. Usage The following JSP fragment illustrates how to use the authz taglib: <authz:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_SUPERVISOR"> <td> <A HREF="del.htm?id=<c:out value="${}"/>">Del</A> </td> </authz:authorize> This code was copied from the Contacts sample application. What this code says is: if the principal has been granted ROLE_SUPERVISOR, allow the tag's body to be output. Installation Installation is a simple matter. Simply copy the acegi-security-taglib.jar file into your application's WEB-INF/lib folder. The tag library includes it's TLD, which makes it easier to work with JSP 1.2+ containers. If you are using a JSP 1.1 container, you will need to declare the JSP tag library in your application's web.xml file, with code such as this: <taglib> <taglib-uri></taglib-uri> <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/authz.tld</taglib-location> </taglib> For JSP 1.1 containers you will also need to extract the authz.tld file from the acegi-security-taglib.jar file and put it into your application's WEB-INF/lib folder. Use a regular Zip tool, or Java's JAR utility. Reference The authz:authorize tag declares the following attributes: ifAllGranted: All the listed roles must be granted for the tag to output its body. ifAnyGranted: Any of the listed roles must be granted for the tag to output its body. ifNotGranted: None of the listed roles must be granted for the tag to output its body. You'll note that in each attribute you can list multiple roles. Simply separate the roles using a comma. The authorize tag ignores whitespace in attributes. The tag library logically ANDs all of it's parameters together. This means that if you combine two or more attributes, all attributes must be true for the tag to output it's body. Don't add an ifAllGranted="ROLE_SUPERVISOR", followed by an ifNotGranted="ROLE_SUPERVISOR", or you'll be surprised to never see the tag's body. By requiring all attributes to return true, the authorize tag allows you to create more complex authorization scenarios. For example, you could declare an ifAllGranted="ROLE_SUPERVISOR" and an ifNotGranted="ROLE_NEWBIE_SUPERVISOR" in the same tag, in order to prevent new supervisors from seeing the tag body. However it would no doubt be simpler to use ifAllGranted="ROLE_EXPERIENCED_SUPERVISOR" rather than inserting NOT conditions into your design. One last item: the tag verifies the authorizations in a specific order: first ifNotGranted, then ifAllGranted, and finally, ifAnyGranted. Authorization Recommendations Given there are several ways to achieve similar authorization outcomes in the Acegi Security System for Spring, the following general recommendations are made: Grant authorities using GrantedAuthorityImpl where possible. Because it is already supported by the Acegi Security System for Spring, you avoid the need to create custom AuthenticationManager or AuthenticationProvider implementations simply to populate the Authentication object with a custom GrantedAuthority. Writing an AccessDecisionVoter implementation and using either ConsensusBased, AffirmativeBased or UnanimousBased as the AccessDecisionManager may be the best approach to implementing your custom access decision rules. Run-As Authentication Replacement Purpose The AbstractSecurityInterceptor is able to temporarily replace the Authentication object in the SecureContext and ContextHolder during the SecurityInterceptorCallback. This only occurs if the original Authentication object was successfully processed by the AuthenticationManager and AccessDecisionManager. The RunAsManager will indicate the replacement Authentication object, if any, that should be used during the SecurityInterceptorCallback. By temporarily replacing the Authentication object during a SecurityInterceptorCallback, the secured invocation will be able to call other objects which require different authentication and authorization credentials. It will also be able to perform any internal security checks for specific GrantedAuthority objects. Usage A RunAsManager interface is provided by the Acegi Security System for Spring: public Authentication buildRunAs(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config); public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute); public boolean supports(Class clazz); The first method returns the Authentication object that should replace the existing Authentication object for the duration of the method invocation. If the method returns null, it indicates no replacement should be made. The second method is used by the AbstractSecurityInterceptor as part of its startup validation of configuration attributes. The supports(Class) method is called by a security interceptor implementation to ensure the configured RunAsManager supports the type of secure object that the security interceptor will present. One concrete implementation of a RunAsManager is provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring. The RunAsManagerImpl class returns a replacement RunAsUserToken if any ConfigAttribute starts with RUN_AS_. If any such ConfigAttribute is found, the replacement RunAsUserToken will contain the same principal, credentials and granted authorities as the original Authentication object, along with a new GrantedAuthorityImpl for each RUN_AS_ ConfigAttribute. Each new GrantedAuthorityImpl will be prefixed with ROLE_, followed by the RUN_AS ConfigAttribute. For example, a RUN_AS_SERVER will result in the replacement RunAsUserToken containing a ROLE_RUN_AS_SERVER granted authority. The replacement RunAsUserToken is just like any other Authentication object. It needs to be authenticated by the AuthenticationManager, probably via delegation to a suitable AuthenticationProvider. The RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider performs such authentication. It simply accepts as valid any RunAsUserToken presented. To ensure malicious code does not create a RunAsUserToken and present it for guaranteed acceptance by the RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider, the hash of a key is stored in all generated tokens. The RunAsManagerImpl and RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider is created in the bean context with the same key: <bean id="runAsManager" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.runas.RunAsManagerImpl"> <property name="key"><value>my_run_as_password</value></property> </bean><bean id="runAsAuthenticationProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.runas.RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="key"><value>my_run_as_password</value></property> </bean> By using the same key, each RunAsUserToken can be validated it was created by an approved RunAsManagerImpl. The RunAsUserToken is immutable after creation for security reasons. User Interfacing with the ContextHolder Purpose Everything presented so far assumes one thing: the ContextHolder is populated with a valid SecureContext, which in turn contains a valid Authentication object. Developers are free to do this in whichever way they like, such as directly calling the relevant objects at runtime. However, several classes have been provided to make this process transparent in many situations. The net.sf.acegisecurity.ui package is designed to make interfacing web application user interfaces with the ContextHolder as simple as possible. There are two major steps in doing this: Actually authenticate the user and place the resulting Authentication object in a "well-known location". Extract the Authentication object from the "well-known location" and place in into the ContextHolder for the duration of the secure object invocation. There are several alternatives are available for the first step, which will be briefly discussed in this chapter. The most popular approach is HTTP Session Authentication, which uses the HttpSession object and filters to authenticate the user. Another approach is HTTP Basic Authentication, which allows clients to use HTTP headers to present authentication information to the Acegi Security System for Spring. Alternatively, you can also use Yale Central Authentication Service (CAS) for enterprise-wide single sign on. The final approach is via Container Adapters, which allow supported web containers to perform the authentication themselves. HTTP Session and Basic Authentication is discussed below, whilst CAS and Container Adapters are discussed in separate sections of this document. HTTP Session Authentication HTTP Session Authentication involves using the AuthenticationProcessingFilter to process a login form. The login form simply contains j_username and j_password input fields, and posts to a URL that is monitored by the filter (by default j_acegi_security_check). The filter is defined in web.xml behind a FilterToBeanProxy as follows: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi Authentication Processing Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Acegi Authentication Processing Filter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> For a discussion of FilterToBeanProxy, please refer to the Filters section. The application context will need to define the AuthenticationProcessingFilter: <bean id="authenticationProcessingFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilter"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="authenticationFailureUrl"><value>/acegilogin.jsp?login_error=1</value></property> <property name="defaultTargetUrl"><value>/</value></property> <property name="filterProcessesUrl"><value>/j_acegi_security_check</value></property> </bean> The configured AuthenticationManager processes each authentication request. If authentication fails, the browser will be redirected to the authenticationFailureUrl. The AuthenticationException will be placed into the HttpSession attribute indicated by AbstractProcessingFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION_KEY, enabling a reason to be provided to the user on the error page. If authentication is successful, the resulting Authentication object will be placed into the HttpSession attribute indicated by HttpSessionIntegrationFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_KEY. This becomes the "well-known location" from which the Authentication object is later extracted. Once the HttpSession has been updated, the browser will need to be redirected to the target URL. The target URL is usually indicated by the HttpSession attribute specified by AbstractProcessingFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_TARGET_URL_KEY. This attribute is automatically set by the SecurityEnforcementFilter when an AuthenticationException occurs, so that after login is completed the user can return to what they were trying to access. If for some reason the HttpSession does not indicate the target URL, the browser will be redirected to the defaultTargetUrl property. Because this authentication approach is fully contained within a single web application, HTTP Session Authentication is recommended to be used instead of Container Adapters. HTTP Basic Authentication The Acegi Security System for Spring provides a BasicProcessingFilter which is capable of processing authentication credentials presented in HTTP headers. This can be used for authenticating calls made by Spring remoting protocols (such as Hessian and Burlap), as well as normal user agents (such as Internet Explorer and Navigator). The standard governing HTTP Basic Authentication is defined by RFC 1945, Section 11, and the BasicProcessingFilter conforms with this RFC. To implement HTTP Basic Authentication, it is necessary to add the following filter to web.xml: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi HTTP BASIC Authorization Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.basicauth.BasicProcessingFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Acegi HTTP BASIC Authorization Filter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> For a discussion of FilterToBeanProxy, please refer to the Filters section. The application context will need to define the BasicProcessingFilter and its required collaborator: <bean id="basicProcessingFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.basicauth.BasicProcessingFilter"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="authenticationEntryPoint"><ref bean="authenticationEntryPoint"/></property> </bean> <bean id="authenticationEntryPoint" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.basicauth.BasicProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="realmName"><value>Name Of Your Realm</value></property> </bean> The configured AuthenticationManager processes each authentication request. If authentication fails, the configured AuthenticationEntryPoint will be used to retry the authentication process. Usually you will use the BasicProcessingFilterEntryPoint, which returns a 401 response with a suitable header to retry HTTP Basic authentication. If authentication is successful, the resulting Authentication object will be placed into the HttpSession attribute indicated by HttpSessionIntegrationFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_KEY. This becomes the "well-known location" from which the Authentication object is later extracted. If the authentication event was successful, or authentication was not attempted because the HTTP header did not contain a supported authentication request, the filter chain will continue as normal. The only time the filter chain will be interrupted is if authentication fails and the AuthenticationEntryPoint is called, as discussed in the previous paragraph. HTTP Basic Authentication is recommended to be used instead of Container Adapters. It can be used in conjunction with HTTP Session Authentication, as demonstrated in the Contacts sample application. You can also use it instead of HTTP Session Authentication if you wish. Well-Known Location Integration Once a web application has used either HTTP Session Authentication, HTTP Basic Authentication, or a Container Adapter, an Authentication object will exist in a well-known location. The final step in automatically integrating the user interface with the backend security interceptor is to extract this Authentication object from the well-known location and place it into a SecureContext in the ContextHolder. The AbstractIntegrationFilter and its subclasses provide this well-known location integration. These classes are standard filters, and at the start of each request they will attempt to extract the Authentication object from a well-known location. The Authentication object will then be added to a SecureContext, the SecureContext associated with the ContextHolder for the duration of the request, and the ContextHolder be cleared when the request is finished. Four concrete subclasses of AbstractIntegrationFilter are provided with the Acegi Security System for Spring: HttpSessionIntegrationFilter is used with HTTP Session Authentication, HTTP Basic Authentication, or any other approach that populates the HttpSession accordingly. It extracts the Authentication object from the HttpSession attribute indicated by HttpSessionIntegrationFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_KEY. HttpRequestIntegrationFilter is used with Catalina, Jetty and Resin Container Adapters. It extracts the authentication information from HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal(). JbossIntegrationFilter is used with the JBoss Container Adapter. It extracts the authentication from java:comp/env/security/subject. AutoIntegrationFilter automatically determines which filter to use. This makes a web application WAR file more portable, as the web.xml is not hard-coded to a specific AbstractIntegrationFilter. To define the AutoIntegrationFilter (recommended), simply add the following to your web.xml: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi Security System for Spring Auto Integration Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.AutoIntegrationFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Acegi Security System for Spring Auto Integration Filter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> You will also need to add the following line to your application context: <bean id="autoIntegrationFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.AutoIntegrationFilter" /> Once in the ContextHolder, the standard Acegi Security System for Spring classes can be used. Because ContextHolder is a standard object which is populated using a filter at the container level, JSPs and Servlets do not need to use Spring's MVC packages. This enables those applications that use other MVC frameworks to still leverage Spring's other capabilities, with full authentication and authorization support. The debug.jsp page provided with the sample application demonstrates accessing the ContextHolder independent of Spring's MVC packages. Container Adapters Overview Early versions of the Acegi Security System for Spring exclusively used Container Adapters for interfacing authentication with end users. Whilst this worked well, it required considerable time to support multiple container versions and the configuration itself was relatively time-consuming for developers. For this reason the HTTP Session Authentication and HTTP Basic Authentication approaches were developed, and are today recommended for most applications. Container Adapters enable the Acegi Security System for Spring to integrate directly with the containers used to host end user applications. This integration means that applications can continue to leverage the authentication and authorization capabilities built into containers (such as isUserInRole() and form-based or basic authentication), whilst benefiting from the enhanced security interception capabilities provided by the Acegi Security System for Spring. The integration between a container and the Acegi Security System for Spring is achieved through an adapter. The adapter provides a container-compatible user authentication provider, and needs to return a container-compatible user object. The adapter is instantiated by the container and is defined in a container-specific configuration file. The adapter then loads a Spring application context which defines the normal authentication manager settings, such as the authentication providers that can be used to authenticate the request. The application context is usually named acegisecurity.xml and is placed in a container-specific location. The Acegi Security System for Spring currently supports Jetty, Catalina (Tomcat), JBoss and Resin. Additional container adapters can easily be written. Adapter Authentication Provider As is always the case, the container adapter generated Authentication object still needs to be authenticated by an AuthenticationManager when requested to do so by the AbstractSecurityInterceptor. The AuthenticationManager needs to be certain the adapter-provided Authentication object is valid and was actually authenticated by a trusted adapter. Adapters create Authentication objects which are immutable and implement the AuthByAdapter interface. These objects store the hash of a key that is defined by the adapter. This allows the Authentication object to be validated by the AuthByAdapterProvider. This authentication provider is defined as follows: <bean id="authByAdapterProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.AuthByAdapterProvider"> <property name="key"><value>my_password</value></property> </bean> The key must match the key that is defined in the container-specific configuration file that starts the adapter. The AuthByAdapterProvider automatically accepts as valid any AuthByAdapter implementation that returns the expected hash of the key. To reiterate, this means the adapter will perform the initial authentication using providers such as DaoAuthenticationProvider, returning an AuthByAdapter instance that contains a hash code of the key. Later, when an application calls a security interceptor managed resource, the AuthByAdapter instance in the SecureContext in the ContextHolder will be tested by the application's AuthByAdapterProvider. There is no requirement for additional authentication providers such as DaoAuthenticationProvider within the application-specific application context, as the only type of Authentication instance that will be presented by the application is from the container adapter. Classloader issues are frequent with containers and the use of container adapters illustrates this further. Each container requires a very specific configuration. The installation instructions are provided below. Once installed, please take the time to try the sample application to ensure your container adapter is properly configured. When using container adapters with the DaoAuthenticationProvider, ensure you set its forcePrincipalAsString property to true. Catalina (Tomcat) Installation The following was tested with Jakarta Tomcat 4.1.30 and 5.0.19. We automatically test the following directions using our container integration test system and these versions of Catalina (Tomcat). $CATALINA_HOME refers to the root of your Catalina (Tomcat) installation. Edit your $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file so the <Engine> section contains only one active <Realm> entry. An example realm entry: <Realm className="net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.catalina.CatalinaAcegiUserRealm" appContextLocation="conf/acegisecurity.xml" key="my_password" /> Be sure to remove any other <Realm> entry from your <Engine> section. Copy acegisecurity.xml into $CATALINA_HOME/conf. Copy acegi-security-catalina-server.jar into $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib. Copy the following files into $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib: aopalliance.jar spring.jar acegi-security-catalina-common.jar commons-codec.jar burlap.jar hessian.jar None of the above JAR files (or acegi-security.jar) should be in your application's WEB-INF/lib. The realm name indicated in your web.xml does not matter with Catalina. We have received reports of problems using this Container Adapter with Mac OS X. A work-around is to use a script such as follows: #!/bin/sh export CATALINA_HOME="/Library/Tomcat" export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/Home" cd / $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ Jetty Installation The following was tested with Jetty 4.2.18. We automatically test the following directions using our container integration test system and this version of Jetty. $JETTY_HOME refers to the root of your Jetty installation. Edit your $JETTY_HOME/etc/jetty.xml file so the <Configure class> section has a new addRealm call: <Call name="addRealm"> <Arg> <New class="net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.jetty.JettyAcegiUserRealm"> <Arg>Spring Powered Realm</Arg> <Arg>my_password</Arg> <Arg>etc/acegisecurity.xml</Arg> </New> </Arg> </Call> Copy acegisecurity.xml into $JETTY_HOME/etc. Copy the following files into $JETTY_HOME/ext: aopalliance.jar commons-logging.jar spring.jar acegi-security-jetty-ext.jar commons-codec.jar burlap.jar hessian.jar None of the above JAR files (or acegi-security.jar) should be in your application's WEB-INF/lib. The realm name indicated in your web.xml does matter with Jetty. The web.xml must express the same <realm-name> as your jetty.xml (in the example above, "Spring Powered Realm"). JBoss Installation The following was tested with JBoss 3.2.3. We automatically test the following directions using our container integration test system and this version of JBoss. $JBOSS_HOME refers to the root of your JBoss installation. Edit your $JBOSS_HOME/server/your_config/conf/login-config.xml file so that it contains a new entry under the <Policy> section: <application-policy name = "SpringPoweredRealm"> <authentication> <login-module code = "net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.jboss.JbossSpringLoginModule" flag = "required"> <module-option name = "appContextLocation">acegisecurity.xml</module-option> <module-option name = "key">my_password</module-option> </login-module> </authentication> </application-policy> Copy acegisecurity.xml into $JBOSS_HOME/server/your_config/conf. Copy the following files into $JBOSS_HOME/server/your_config/lib: aopalliance.jar spring.jar acegi-security-jboss-lib.jar commons-codec.jar burlap.jar hessian.jar None of the above JAR files (or acegi-security.jar) should be in your application's WEB-INF/lib. The realm name indicated in your web.xml does not matter with JBoss. However, your web application's WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml must express the same <security-domain> as your login-config.xml. For example, to match the above example, your jboss-web.xml would look like this: <jboss-web> <security-domain>java:/jaas/SpringPoweredRealm</security-domain> </jboss-web> Resin Installation The following was tested with Resin 3.0.6. $RESIN_HOME refers to the root of your Resin installation. Resin provides several ways to support the container adapter. In the instructions below we have elected to maximise consistency with other container adapter configurations. This will allow Resin users to simply deploy the sample application and confirm correct configuration. Developers comfortable with Resin are naturally able to use its capabilities to package the JARs with the web application itself, and/or support single sign-on. Copy the following files into $RESIN_HOME/lib: aopalliance.jar commons-logging.jar spring.jar acegi-security-resin-lib.jar commons-codec.jar burlap.jar hessian.jar Unlike the container-wide acegisecurity.xml files used by other container adapters, each Resin web application will contain its own WEB-INF/resin-acegisecurity.xml file. Each web application will also contain a resin-web.xml file which Resin uses to start the container adapter: <web-app> <authenticator> <type>net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.resin.ResinAcegiAuthenticator</type> <init> <app-context-location>WEB-INF/resin-acegisecurity.xml</app-context-location> <key>my_password</key> </init> </authenticator> </web-app> With the basic configuration provided above, none of the JAR files listed (or acegi-security.jar) should be in your application's WEB-INF/lib. The realm name indicated in your web.xml does not matter with Resin, as the relevant authentication class is indicated by the <authenticator> setting. Yale Central Authentication Service (CAS) Single Sign On Overview Yale University produces an enterprise-wide single sign on system known as CAS. Unlike other initiatives, Yale's Central Authentication Service is open source, widely used, simple to understand, platform independent, and supports proxy capabilities. The Acegi Security System for Spring fully supports CAS, and provides an easy migration path from single-application deployments of Acegi Security through to multiple-application deployments secured by an enterprise-wide CAS server. You can learn more about CAS at You will need to visit this URL to download the CAS Server files. Whilst the Acegi Security System for Spring includes two CAS libraries in the "-with-dependencies" ZIP file, you will still need the CAS Java Server Pages and web.xml to customise and deploy your CAS server. How CAS Works Whilst the CAS web site above contains two documents that detail the architecture of CAS, we present the general overview again here within the context of the Acegi Security System for Spring. The following refers to CAS 2.0, being the version of CAS that Acegi Security System for Spring supports. Somewhere in your enterprise you will need to setup a CAS server. The CAS server is simply a standard WAR file, so there isn't anything difficult about setting up your server. Inside the WAR file you will customise the login and other single sign on pages displayed to users. You will also need to specify in the web.xml a PasswordHandler. The PasswordHandler has a simple method that returns a boolean as to whether a given username and password is valid. Your PasswordHandler implementation will need to link into some type of backend authentication repository, such as an LDAP server or database. If you are already running an existing CAS server instance, you will have already established a PasswordHandler. If you do not already have a PasswordHandler, you might prefer to use the Acegi Security System for Spring CasPasswordHandler class. This class delegates through to the standard Acegi Security AuthenticationManager, enabling you to use a security configuration you might already have in place. You do not need to use the CasPasswordHandler class on your CAS server if you do not wish. The Acegi Security System for Spring will function as a CAS client successfully irrespective of the PasswordHandler you've chosen for your CAS server. Apart from the CAS server itself, the other key player is of course the secure web applications deployed throughout your enterprise. These web applications are known as "services". There are two types of services: standard services and proxy services. A proxy service is able to request resources from other services on behalf of the user. This will be explained more fully later. Services can be developed in a large variety of languages, due to CAS 2.0's very light XML-based protocol. The Yale CAS home page contains a clients archive which demonstrates CAS clients in Java, Active Server Pages, Perl, Python and others. Naturally, Java support is very strong given the CAS server is written in Java. You do not need to use any of CAS' client classes in applications secured by the Acegi Security System for Spring. This is handled transparently for you. The basic interaction between a web browser, CAS server and an Acegi Security for System Spring secured service is as follows: The web user is browsing the service's public pages. CAS or Acegi Security is not involved. The user eventually requests a page that is either secure or one of the beans it uses is secure. Acegi Security's SecurityEnforcementFilter will detect the AuthenticationException. Because the user's Authentication object (or lack thereof) caused an AuthenticationException, the SecurityEnforcementFilter will call the configured AuthenticationEntryPoint. If using CAS, this will be the CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint class. The CasProcessingFilterEntry point will redirect the user's browser to the CAS server. It will also indicate a service parameter, which is the callback URL for the Acegi Security service. For example, the URL to which the browser is redirected might be After the user's browser redirects to CAS, they will be prompted for their username and password. If the user presents a session cookie which indicates they've previously logged on, they will not be prompted to login again (there is an exception to this procedure, which we'll cover later). CAS will use the PasswordHandler discussed above to decide whether the username and password is valid. Upon successful login, CAS will redirect the user's browser back to the original service. It will also include a ticket parameter, which is an opaque string representing the "service ticket". Continuing our earlier example, the URL the browser is redirected to might be Back in the service web application, the CasProcessingFilter is always listening for requests to /j_acegi_cas_security_check (this is configurable, but we'll use the defaults in this introduction). The processing filter will construct a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken representing the service ticket. The principal will be equal to CasProcessingFilter.CAS_STATEFUL_IDENTIFIER, whilst the credentials will be the service ticket opaque value. This authentication request will then be handed to the configured AuthenticationManager. The AuthenticationManager implementation will be the ProviderManager, which is in turn configured with the CasAuthenticationProvider. The CasAuthenticationProvider only responds to UsernamePasswordAuthenticationTokens containing the CAS-specific principal (such as CasProcessingFilter.CAS_STATEFUL_IDENTIFIER) and CasAuthenticationTokens (discussed later). CasAuthenticationProvider will validate the service ticket using a TicketValidator implementation. Acegi Security includes one implementation, the CasProxyTicketValidator. This implementation a ticket validation class included in the CAS client library. The CasProxyTicketValidator makes a HTTPS request to the CAS server in order to validate the service ticket. The CasProxyTicketValidator may also include a proxy callback URL, which is included in this example: Back on the CAS server, the proxy validation request will be received. If the presented service ticket matches the service URL the ticket was issued to, CAS will provide an affirmative response in XML indicating the username. If any proxy was involved in the authentication (discussed below), the list of proxies is also included in the XML response. [OPTIONAL] If the request to the CAS validation service included the proxy callback URL (in the pgtUrl parameter), CAS will include a pgtIou string in the XML response. This pgtIou represents a proxy-granting ticket IOU. The CAS server will then create its own HTTPS connection back to the pgtUrl. This is to mutually authenticate the CAS server and the claimed service URL. The HTTPS connection will be used to send a proxy granting ticket to the original web application. For example, We suggest you use CAS' ProxyTicketReceptor servlet to receive these proxy-granting tickets, if they are required. The CasProxyTicketValidator will parse the XML received from the CAS server. It will return to the CasAuthenticationProvider a TicketResponse, which includes the username (mandatory), proxy list (if any were involved), and proxy-granting ticket IOU (if the proxy callback was requested). Next CasAuthenticationProvider will call a configured CasProxyDecider. The CasProxyDecider indicates whether the proxy list in the TicketResponse is acceptable to the service. Several implementations are provided with the Acegi Security System: RejectProxyTickets, AcceptAnyCasProxy and NamedCasProxyDecider. These names are largely self-explanatory, except NamedCasProxyDecider which allows a List of trusted proxies to be provided. CasAuthenticationProvider will next request a CasAuthoritiesPopulator to advise the GrantedAuthority objects that apply to the user contained in the TicketResponse. Acegi Security includes a DaoCasAuthoritiesPopulator which simply uses the AuthenticationDao infrastructure to find the UserDetails and their associated GrantedAuthoritys. Note that the password and enabled/disabled status of UserDetails returned by the AuthenticationDao are ignored, as the CAS server is responsible for authentication decisions. DaoCasAuthoritiesPopulator is only concerned with retrieving the GrantedAuthoritys. If there were no problems, CasAuthenticationProvider constructs a CasAuthenticationToken including the details contained in the TicketResponse and the GrantedAuthoritys. The CasAuthenticationToken contains the hash of a key, so that the CasAuthenticationProvider knows it created it. Control then returns to CasProcessingFilter, which places the created CasAuthenticationToken into the HttpSession attribute named HttpSessionIntegrationFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_KEY. The user's browser is redirected to the original page that caused the AuthenticationException. As the Authentication object is now in the well-known location, it is handled like any other authentication approach. Usually the AutoIntegrationFilter will be used to associate the Authentication object with the ContextHolder for the duration of each request. It's good that you're still here! It might sound involved, but you can relax as the Acegi Security System for Spring classes hide much of the complexity. Let's now look at how this is configured. CAS Server Installation (Optional) As mentioned above, the Acegi Security System for Spring includes a PasswordHandler that bridges your existing AuthenticationManager into CAS. You do not need to use this PasswordHandler to use Acegi Security on the client side (any CAS PasswordHandler will do). To install, you will need to download and extract the CAS server archive. We used version 2.0.12. There will be a /web directory in the root of the deployment. Copy an applicationContext.xml containing your AuthenticationManager as well as the CasPasswordHandler into the /web/WEB-INF directory. A sample applicationContext.xml is included below: <bean id="inMemoryDaoImpl" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.memory.InMemoryDaoImpl"> <property name="userMap"> <value> marissa=koala,ROLES_IGNORED_BY_CAS dianne=emu,ROLES_IGNORED_BY_CAS scott=wombat,ROLES_IGNORED_BY_CAS peter=opal,disabled,ROLES_IGNORED_BY_CAS </value> </property> </bean> <bean id="daoAuthenticationProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="authenticationDao"><ref bean="inMemoryDaoImpl"/></property> </bean> <bean id="authenticationManager" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <ref bean="daoAuthenticationProvider"/> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="casPasswordHandler" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.cas.CasPasswordHandler"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> </bean> Note the granted authorities are ignored by CAS because it has no way of communicating the granted authorities to calling applications. CAS is only concerned with username and passwords (and the enabled/disabled status). Next you will need to edit the existing /web/WEB-INF/web.xml file. Add (or edit in the case of the authHandler property) the following lines: <context-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.cas.CasPasswordHandlerProxy</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml</param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> Copy the spring.jar and acegi-security.jar files into /web/WEB-INF/lib. Now use the ant dist task in the build.xml in the root of the directory structure. This will create /lib/cas.war, which is ready for deployment to your servlet container. Note CAS heavily relies on HTTPS. You can't even test the system without a HTTPS certificate. Whilst you should refer to your web container's documentation on setting up HTTPS, if you need some additional help or a test certificate you might like to check the samples/contacts/etc/ssl directory. CAS Acegi Security System Client Installation The web application side of CAS is made easy due to the Acegi Security System for Spring. It is assumed you already know the basics of using the Acegi Security System for Spring, so these are not covered again below. Only the CAS-specific beans are mentioned. You will need to add a ServiceProperties bean to your application context. This represents your service: <bean id="serviceProperties" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.cas.ServiceProperties"> <property name="service"><value>https://localhost:8443/contacts-cas/j_acegi_cas_security_check</value></property> <property name="sendRenew"><value>false</value></property> </bean> The service must equal a URL that will be monitored by the CasProcessingFilter. The sendRenew defaults to false, but should be set to true if your application is particularly sensitive. What this parameter does is tell the CAS login service that a single sign on login is unacceptable. Instead, the user will need to re-enter their username and password in order to gain access to the service. The following beans should be configured to commence the CAS authentication process: <bean id="casProcessingFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.cas.CasProcessingFilter"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref bean="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="authenticationFailureUrl"><value>/casfailed.jsp</value></property> <property name="defaultTargetUrl"><value>/</value></property> <property name="filterProcessesUrl"><value>/j_acegi_cas_security_check</value></property> </bean> <bean id="securityEnforcementFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.web.SecurityEnforcementFilter"> <property name="filterSecurityInterceptor"><ref bean="filterInvocationInterceptor"/></property> <property name="authenticationEntryPoint"><ref bean="casProcessingFilterEntryPoint"/></property> </bean> <bean id="casProcessingFilterEntryPoint" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.cas.CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="loginUrl"><value>https://localhost:8443/cas/login</value></property> <property name="serviceProperties"><ref bean="serviceProperties"/></property> </bean> You will also need to add the CasProcessingFilter to web.xml: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi CAS Processing Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.cas.CasProcessingFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Acegi CAS Processing Filter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> The CasProcessingFilter has very similar properties to the AuthenticationProcessingFilter (used for form-based logins). Each property is self-explanatory. For CAS to operate, the SecurityEnforcementFilter must have its authenticationEntryPoint property set to the CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint bean. The CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint must refer to the ServiceProperties bean (discussed above), which provides the URL to the enterprise's CAS login server. This is where the user's browser will be redirected. Next you need to add an AuthenticationManager that uses CasAuthenticationProvider and its collaborators: <bean id="authenticationManager" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <ref bean="casAuthenticationProvider"/> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="casAuthenticationProvider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.cas.CasAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="casAuthoritiesPopulator"><ref bean="casAuthoritiesPopulator"/></property> <property name="casProxyDecider"><ref bean="casProxyDecider"/></property> <property name="ticketValidator"><ref bean="casProxyTicketValidator"/></property> <property name="statelessTicketCache"><ref bean="statelessTicketCache"/></property> <property name="key"><value>my_password_for_this_auth_provider_only</value></property> </bean> <bean id="casProxyTicketValidator" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.cas.ticketvalidator.CasProxyTicketValidator"> <property name="casValidate"><value>https://localhost:8443/cas/proxyValidate</value></property> <property name="proxyCallbackUrl"><value>https://localhost:8443/contacts-cas/casProxy/receptor</value></property> <property name="serviceProperties"><ref bean="serviceProperties"/></property> <!-- <property name="trustStore"><value>/some/path/to/your/lib/security/cacerts</value></property> --> </bean> <bean id="statelessTicketCache" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.cas.cache.EhCacheBasedTicketCache"> <property name="minutesToIdle"><value>20</value></property> </bean> <bean id="casAuthoritiesPopulator" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.cas.populator.DaoCasAuthoritiesPopulator"> <property name="authenticationDao"><ref bean="inMemoryDaoImpl"/></property> </bean> <bean id="casProxyDecider" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy.RejectProxyTickets"/> The beans are all reasonable self-explanatory if you refer back to the "How CAS Works" section. Careful readers might notice one surprise: the statelessTicketCache property of the CasAuthenticationProvider. This is discussed in detail in the "Advanced CAS Usage" section. Note the CasProxyTicketValidator has a remarked out trustStore property. This property might be helpful if you experience HTTPS certificate issues. Also note the proxyCallbackUrl is set so the service can receive a proxy-granting ticket. As mentioned above, this is optional and unnecessary if you do not require proxy-granting tickets. If you do use this feature, you will need to configure a suitable servlet to receive the proxy-granting tickets. We suggest you use CAS' ProxyTicketReceptor by adding the following to your web application's web.xml: <servlet> <servlet-name>casproxy</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>casproxy</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/casProxy/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> This completes the configuration of CAS. If you haven't made any mistakes, your web application should happily work within the framework of CAS single sign on. No other parts of the Acegi Security System for Spring need to be concerned about the fact CAS handled authentication. There is also a contacts-cas.war file in the sample applications directory. This sample application uses the above settings and can be deployed to see CAS in operation. Advanced CAS Usage The CasAuthenticationProvider distinguishes between stateful and stateless clients. A stateful client is considered any that originates via the CasProcessingFilter. A stateless client is any that presents an authentication request via the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken with a principal equal to CasProcessingFilter.CAS_STATELESS_IDENTIFIER. Stateless clients are likely to be via remoting protocols such as Hessian and Burlap. The BasicProcessingFilter is still used in this case, but the remoting protocol client is expected to present a username equal to the static string above, and a password equal to a CAS service ticket. Clients should acquire a CAS service ticket directly from the CAS server. Because remoting protocols have no way of presenting themselves within the context of a HttpSession, it isn't possible to rely on the HttpSession's HttpSessionIntegrationFilter.ACEGI_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_KEY attribute to locate the CasAuthenticationToken. Furthermore, because the CAS server invalidates a service ticket after it has been validated by the TicketValidator, presenting the same service ticket on subsequent requests will not work. It is similarly very difficult to obtain a proxy-granting ticket for a remoting protocol client, as they are often deployed on client machines which rarely have HTTPS URLs that would be accessible to the CAS server. One obvious option is to not use CAS at all for remoting protocol clients. However, this would eliminate many of the desirable features of CAS. As a middle-ground, the CasAuthenticationProvider uses a StatelessTicketCache. This is used solely for requests with a principal equal to CasProcessingFilter.CAS_STATELESS_IDENTIFIER. What happens is the CasAuthenticationProvider will store the resulting CasAuthenticationToken in the StatelessTicketCache, keyed on the service ticket. Accordingly, remoting protocol clients can present the same service ticket and the CasAuthenticationProvider will not need to contact the CAS server for validation (aside from the first request). The other aspect of advanced CAS usage involves creating proxy tickets from the proxy-granting ticket. As indicated above, we recommend you use CAS' ProxyTicketReceptor to receive these tickets. The ProxyTicketReceptor provides a static method that enables you to obtain a proxy ticket by presenting the proxy-granting IOU ticket. You can obtain the proxy-granting IOU ticket by calling CasAuthenticationToken.getProxyGrantingTicketIou(). It is hoped you find CAS integration easy and useful with the Acegi Security System for Spring classes. Welcome to enterprise-wide single sign on! Channel Security Overview In addition to coordinating the authentication and authorization requirements of your application, the Acegi Security System for Spring is also able to ensure unauthenticated web requests have certain properties. These properties may include being of a particular transport type, having a particular HttpSession attribute set and so on. The most common requirement is for your web requests to be received using a particular transport protocol, such as HTTPS. An important issue in considering transport security is that of session hijacking. Your web container manages a HttpSession by reference to a jsessionid that is sent to user agents either via a cookie or URL rewriting. If the jsessionid is ever sent over HTTP, there is a possibility that session identifier can be intercepted and used to impersonate the user after they complete the authentication process. This is because most web containers maintain the same session identifier for a given user, even after they switch from HTTP to HTTPS pages. If session hijacking is considered too significant a risk for your particular application, the only option is to use HTTPS for every request. This means the jsessionid is never sent across an insecure channel. You will need to ensure your web.xml-defined <welcome-file> points to a HTTPS location, and the application never directs the user to a HTTP location. The Acegi Security System for Spring provides a solution to assist with the latter. Configuration To utilise Acegi Security's channel security services, add the following lines to web.xml: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi Channel Processing Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.securechannel.ChannelProcessingFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Acegi Channel Processing Filter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> As usual when running FilterToBeanProxy, you will also need to configure the filter in your application context: <bean id="channelProcessingFilter" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.securechannel.ChannelProcessingFilter"> <property name="channelDecisionManager"><ref bean="channelDecisionManager"/></property> <property name="filterInvocationDefinitionSource"> <value> CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON \A/secure/.*\Z=REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL \A/acegilogin.jsp.*\Z=REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL \A/j_acegi_security_check.*\Z=REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL \A.*\Z=REQUIRES_INSECURE_CHANNEL </value> </property> </bean> <bean id="channelDecisionManager" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.securechannel.ChannelDecisionManagerImpl"> <property name="channelProcessors"> <list> <ref bean="secureChannelProcessor"/> <ref bean="insecureChannelProcessor"/> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="secureChannelProcessor" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.securechannel.SecureChannelProcessor"/> <bean id="insecureChannelProcessor" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.securechannel.InsecureChannelProcessor"/> Like FilterSecurityInterceptor, Apache Ant style paths are also supported by the ChannelProcessingFilter. The ChannelProcessingFilter operates by filtering all web requests and determining the configuration attributes that apply. It then delegates to the ChannelDecisionManager. The default implementation, ChannelDecisionManagerImpl, should suffice in most cases. It simply delegates through the list of configured ChannelProcessor instances. A ChannelProcessor will review the request, and if it is unhappy with the request (eg it was received across the incorrect transport protocol), it will perform a redirect, throw an exception or take whatever other action is appropriate. Included with the Acegi Security System for Spring are two concrete ChannelProcessor implementations: SecureChannelProcessor ensures requests with a configuration attribute of REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL are received over HTTPS, whilst InsecureChannelProcessor ensures requests with a configuration attribute of REQUIRES_INSECURE_CHANNEL are received over HTTP. Both implementations delegate to a ChannelEntryPoint if the required transport protocol is not used. The two ChannelEntryPoint implementations included with Acegi Security simply redirect the request to HTTP and HTTPS as appropriate. Appropriate defaults are assigned to the ChannelProcessor implementations for the configuration attribute keywords they respond to and the ChannelEntryPoint they delegate to, although you have the ability to override these using the application context. Note that the redirections are absolute (eg, not relative (eg /app/page). During testing it was discovered that Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 has a bug whereby it does not respond correctly to a redirection instruction which also changes the port to use. Accordingly, absolute URLs are used in conjunction with bug detection logic in the PortResolverImpl that is wired up by default to many Acegi Security beans. Please refer to the JavaDocs for PortResolverImpl for further details. Usage Once configured, using the channel security filter is very easy. Simply request pages without regard to the protocol (ie HTTP or HTTPS) or port (eg 80, 8080, 443, 8443 etc). Obviously you'll still need a way of making the initial request (probably via the web.xml <welcome-file> or a well-known home page URL), but once this is done the filter will perform redirects as defined by your application context. You can also add your own ChannelProcessor implementations to the ChannelDecisionManagerImpl. For example, you might set a HttpSession attribute when a human user is detected via a "enter the contents of this graphic" procedure. Your ChannelProcessor would respond to say REQUIRES_HUMAN_USER configuration attributes and redirect to an appropriate entry point to start the human user validation process if the HttpSession attribute is not currently set. To decide whether a security check belongs in a ChannelProcessor or an AccessDecisionVoter, remember that the former is designed to handle unauthenticated requests, whilst the latter is designed to handle authenticated requests. The latter therefore has access to the granted authorities of the authenticated principal. In addition, problems detected by a ChannelProcessor will generally cause a HTTP/HTTPS redirection so its requirements can be met, whilst problems detected by an AccessDecisionVoter will ultimately result in an AccessDeniedException (depending on the governing AccessDecisionManager). Instance-Based Access Control List (ACL) Security Overview THIS FEATURE WAS ADDED IN VERSION 0.6. WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS. Complex applications often will find the need to define access permissions not simply at a web request or method invocation level. Instead, security decisions need to comprise both who (Authentication), where (MethodInvocation) and what (SomeDomainObject). In other words, authorization decisions also need to consider the actual domain object instance subject of a method invocation. Imagine you're designing an application for a pet clinic. There will be two main groups of users of your Spring-based application: staff of the pet clinic, as well as the pet clinic's customers. The staff will have access to all of the data, whilst your customers will only be able to see their own customer records. To make it a little more interesting, your customers can allow other users to see their customer records, such as their "puppy preschool "mentor or president of their local "Pony Club". Using Acegi Security System for Spring as the foundation, you have several approaches that can be used: Write your business methods to enforce the security. You could consult a collection within the Customer domain object instance to determine which users have access. By using the ContextHolder.getContext() and casting it to SecureContext, you'll be able to access the Authentication object. Write an AccessDecisionVoter to enforce the security from the GrantedAuthority[]s stored in the Authentication object. This would mean your AuthenticationManager would need to populate the Authentication with custom GrantedAuthority[]s representing each of the Customer domain object instances the principal has access to. Write an AccessDecisionVoter to enforce the security and open the target Customer domain object directly. This would mean your voter needs access to a DAO that allows it to retrieve the Customer object. It would then access the Customer object's collection of approved users and make the appropriate decision. Each one of these approaches is perfectly legitimate. However, the first couples your authorization checking to your business code. The main problems with this include the enhanced difficulty of unit testing and the fact it would be more difficult to reuse the Customer authorization logic elsewhere. Obtaining the GrantedAuthority[]s from the Authentication object is also fine, but will not scale to large numbers of Customers. If a user might be able to access 5,000 Customers (unlikely in this case, but imagine if it were a popular vet for a large Pony Club!) the amount of memory consumed and time required to construct the Authentication object would be undesirable. The final method, opening the Customer directly from external code, is probably the best of the three. It achieves separation of concerns, and doesn't misuse memory or CPU cycles, but it is still inefficient in that both the AccessDecisionVoter and the eventual business method itself will perform a call to the DAO responsible for retrieving the Customer object. Two accesses per method invocation is clearly undesirable. In addition, with every approach listed you'll need to write your own access control list (ACL) persistence and business logic from scratch. Fortunately, there is another alternative, which we'll talk about below. The net.sf.acegisecurity.acl Package The net.sf.acegisecurity.acl package is very simple, comprising only a handful of interfaces and a single class. It provides the basic foundation for access control list (ACL) lookups. The central interface is AclManager, which is defined by two methods: public AclEntry[] getAcls(java.lang.Object domainInstance); public AclEntry[] getAcls(java.lang.Object domainInstance, Authentication authentication); AclManager is intended to be used as a collaborator against your business objects, or, more desirably, AccessDecisionVoters. This means you use Spring's normal ApplicationContext features to wire up your AccessDecisionVoter (or business method) with an AclManager. Consideration was given to placing the ACL information in the ContextHolder, but it was felt this would be inefficient both in terms of memory usage as well as the time spent loading potentially unused ACL information. The trade-off of needing to wire up a collaborator for those objects requiring ACL information is rather minor, particularly in a Spring-managed application. The first method of the AclManager will return all ACLs applying to the domain object instance passed to it. The second method does the same, but only returns those ACLs which apply to the passed Authentication object. The AclEntry interface returned by AclManager is merely a marker interface. You will need to provide an implementation that reflects that ACL permissions for your application. Rounding out the net.sf.acegisecurity.acl package is an AclProviderManager class, with a corresponding AclProvider interface. AclProviderManager is a concrete implementation of AclManager, which iterates through registered AclProviders. The first AclProvider that indicates it can authoritatively provide ACL information for the presented domain object instance will be used. This is very similar to the AuthenticationProvider interface used for authentication. With this background, let's now look at a usable ACL implementation. Integer Masked ACLs Acegi Security System for Spring includes a production-quality ACL provider implementation. The implementation is based on integer masking, which is commonly used for ACL permissions given its flexibility and speed. Anyone who has used Unix's chmod command will know all about this type of permission masking (eg chmod 777). You'll find the classes and interfaces for the integer masking ACL package under net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic. Extending the AclEntry interface is a BasicAclEntry interface, with the main methods shown below: public AclObjectIdentity getAclObjectIdentity(); public AclObjectIdentity getAclObjectParentIdentity(); public int getMask(); public java.lang.Object getRecipient(); As shown, each BasicAclEntry has four main properties. The mask is the integer that represents the permissions granted to the recipient. The aclObjectIdentity is able to identify the domain object instance for which the ACL applies, and the aclObjectParentIdentity optionally specifies the parent of the domain object instance. Multiple BasicAclEntrys usually exist against a single domain object instance, and as suggested by the parent identity property, permissions granted higher in the object hierarchy will trickle down and be inherited (unless blocked by integer zero). BasicAclEntry implementations typically provide convenience methods, such as isReadAllowed(), to avoid application classes needing to perform bit masking themselves. The SimpleAclEntry and AbstractBasicAclEntry demonstrate and provide much of this bit masking logic. The AclObjectIdentity itself is merely a marker interface, so you need to provide implementations for your domain objects. However, the package does include a NamedEntityObjectIdentity implementation which will suit many needs. The NamedEntityObjectIdentity identifies a given domain object instance by the classname of the instance and the identity of the instance. A NamedEntityObjectIdentity can be constructed manually (by calling the constructor and providing the classname and identity Strings), or by passing in any domain object that contains a getId() method. The actual AclProvider implementation is named BasicAclProvider. It has adopted a similar design to that used by the authentication-related DaoAuthenticationProvder. Specifically, you define a BasicAclDao against the provider, so different ACL repository types can be accessed in a pluggable manner. The BasicAclProvider also supports pluggable cache providers (with Acegi Security System for Spring including an implementation that fronts EH-CACHE). The BasicAclDao interface is very simple to implement: public BasicAclEntry[] getAcls(AclObjectIdentity aclObjectIdentity); A BasicAclDao implementation needs to understand the presented AclObjectIdentity and how it maps to a storage repository, find the relevant records, and create appropriate BasicAclEntry objects and return them. Acegi Security includes a single BasicAclDao implementation called JdbcDaoImpl. As implied by the name, it accesses ACL information from a JDBC database. The default database schema and some sample data will aid in understanding its function: CREATE TABLE acl_object_identity ( id IDENTITY NOT NULL, object_identity VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(250) NOT NULL, parent_object INTEGER, acl_class VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(250) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_object_identity UNIQUE(object_identity), FOREIGN KEY (parent_object) REFERENCES acl_object_identity(id) ); CREATE TABLE acl_permission ( id IDENTITY NOT NULL, acl_object_identity INTEGER NOT NULL, recipient VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(100) NOT NULL, mask INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_recipient UNIQUE(acl_object_identity, recipient), FOREIGN KEY (acl_object_identity) REFERENCES acl_object_identity(id) ); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (1, 'corp.DomainObject:1', null, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (2, 'corp.DomainObject:2', 1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (3, 'corp.DomainObject:3', 1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (4, 'corp.DomainObject:4', 1, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (5, 'corp.DomainObject:5', 3, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_object_identity VALUES (6, 'corp.DomainObject:6', 3, 'net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic.SimpleAclEntry'); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 1, 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR', 1); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 2, 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR', 0); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 2, 'marissa', 2); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 3, 'scott', 14); INSERT INTO acl_permission VALUES (null, 6, 'scott', 1); As can be seen, database-specific constraints are used extensively to ensure the integrity of the ACL information. If you need to use a different database (Hypersonic SQL statements are shown above), you should try to implement equivalent constraints. The JdbcDaoImpl will only respond to requests for NamedEntityObjectIdentitys. It converts such identities into a single String, comprising the NamedEntityObjectIdentity.getClassname() + ":" + NamedEntityObjectIdentity.getId(). This yields the type of object_identity values shown above. As indicated by the sample data, each database row corresponds to a single BasicAclEntry. As stated earlier and demonstrated by corp.DomainObject:2 in the above sample data, each domain object instance will often have multiple BasicAclEntry[]s. As JdbcDaoImpl is required to return concrete BasicAclEntry classes, it needs to know which BasicAclEntry implementation it is to create and populate. This is the role of the acl_class column. JdbcDaoImpl will create the indicated class and set its mask, recipient, aclObjectIdentity and aclObjectParentIdentity properties. As you can probably tell from the sample data, the parent_object_identity value can either be null or in the same format as the object_identity. If non-null, JdbcDaoImpl will create a NamedEntityObjectIdentity to place inside the returned BasicAclEntry class. Returning to the BasicAclProvider, before it can poll the BasicAclDao implementation it needs to convert the domain object instance it was passed into an AclObjectIdentity. BasicAclProvider has a protected AclObjectIdentity obtainIdentity(Object domainInstance) method that is responsible for this. As a protected method, it enables subclasses to easily override. The normal implementation checks whether the passed domain object instance implements the AclObjectIdentityAware interface, which is merely a getter for an AclObjectIdentity. If the domain object does implement this interface, that is the identity returned. If the domain object does not implement this interface, the method will attempt to create an AclObjectIdentity by passing the domain object instance to the constructor of a class defined by the BasicAclProvider.getDefaultAclObjectIdentity() method. By default the defined class is NamedEntityObjectIdentity, which was described in more detail above. Therefore, you will need to either (i) provide a getId() method on your domain objects, (ii) implement AclObjectIdentityAware on your domain objects, (iii) provide an alternative AclObjectIdentity implementation that will accept your domain object in its constructor, or (iv) override the obtainIdentity(Object) method. Once the AclObjectIdentity of the domain object instance is determined, the BasicAclProvider will poll the DAO to obtain its BasicAclEntry[]s. If any of the entries returned by the DAO indicate there is a parent, that parent will be polled, and the process will repeat until there is no further parent. The permissions assigned to a recipient closest to the domain object instance will always take priority and override any inherited permissions. From the sample data above, the following inherited permissions would apply: --- Mask integer 0 = no permissions --- Mask integer 1 = administer --- Mask integer 2 = read --- Mask integer 6 = read and write permissions --- Mask integer 14 = read and write and create permissions --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- *** INHERITED RIGHTS FOR DIFFERENT INSTANCES AND RECIPIENTS *** --- INSTANCE RECIPIENT PERMISSION(S) (COMMENT #INSTANCE) --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 1 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer --- 2 ROLE_SUPERVISOR None (overrides parent #1) --- marissa Read --- 3 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #1) --- scott Read, Write, Create --- 4 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #1) --- 5 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #3) --- scott Read, Write, Create (from parent #3) --- 6 ROLE_SUPERVISOR Administer (from parent #3) --- scott Administer (overrides parent #3) So the above explains how a domain object instance has its AclObjectIdentity discovered, and the BasicAclDao will be polled successively until an array of inherited permissions is constructed for the domain object instance. The final step is to determine the BasicAclEntry[]s that are actually applicable to a given Authentication object. As you would recall, the AclManager (and all delegates, up to and including BasicAclProvider) provides a method which returns only those BasicAclEntry[]s applying to a passed Authentication object. BasicAclProvider delivers this functionality by delegating the filtering operation to an EffectiveAclsResolver implementation. The default implementation, GrantedAuthorityEffectiveAclsResolver, will iterate through the BasicAclEntry[]s and include only those where the recipient is equal to either the Authentication's principal or any of the Authentication's GrantedAuthority[]s. Please refer to the JavaDocs for more information. Conclusion Acegi Security's instance-specific ACL packages shield you from much of the complexity of developing your own ACL approach. The interfaces and classes detailed above provide a scalable, customisable ACL solution that is decoupled from your application code. Whilst the reference documentation may suggest complexity, the basic implementation is able to support most typical applications out-of-the-box. Filters Overview The Acegi Security System for Spring uses filters extensively. Each filter is covered in detail in a respective section of this document. This section includes information that applies to all filters. FilterToBeanProxy Most filters are configured using the FilterToBeanProxy. An example configuration from web.xml follows: <filter> <filter-name>Acegi HTTP Request Security Filter</filter-name> <filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>targetClass</param-name> <param-value>net.sf.acegisecurity.ClassThatImplementsFilter</param-value> </init-param> </filter> Notice that the filter in web.xml is actually a FilterToBeanProxy, and not the filter that will actually implements the logic of the filter. What FilterToBeanProxy does is delegate the Filter's methods through to a bean which is obtained from the Spring application context. This enables the bean to benefit from the Spring application context lifecycle support and configuration flexibility. The bean must implement javax.servlet.Filter. The FilterToBeanProxy only requires a single initialization parameter, targetClass or targetBean. The targetClass parameter locates the first object in the application context of the specified class, whilst targetBean locates the object by bean name. Like standard Spring web applications, the FilterToBeanProxy accesses the application context via WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(ServletContext), so you should configure a ContextLoaderListener in web.xml. Filter Ordering The order that filters are defined in web.xml is important. Irrespective of which filters you are actually using, the order of the <filter-mapping>s should be as follows: Acegi Channel Processing Filter (ChannelProcessingFilter) Acegi Authentication Processing Filter (AuthenticationProcessingFilter) Acegi CAS Processing Filter (CasProcessingFilter) Acegi HTTP BASIC Authorization Filter (BasicProcessingFilter) Acegi Security System for Spring Auto Integration Filter (AutoIntegrationFilter) Acegi HTTP Request Security Filter (SecurityEnforcementFilter) All of the above filters use FilterToBeanProxy, which is discussed in the previous section. If you're using SiteMesh, ensure the Acegi Security filters execute before the SiteMesh filters are called. This enables the ContextHolder to be populated in time for use by SiteMesh decorators. Contacts Sample Application Included with the Acegi Security System for Spring is a very simple application that can demonstrate the basic security facilities provided by the system (and confirm your Container Adapter is properly configured if you're using one). The Contacts sample application includes two deployable versions: contacts.war is configured with the HTTP Session Authentication approach, and does not use Container Adapters. The contacts-container-adapter.war is configured to use a Container Adapter. If you're just wanting to see how the sample application works, please use contacts.war as it does not require special configuration of your container. If you are going to use the contacts-container-adapter.war version, first configure your container as described in the Container Adapters section of this chapter. Do not modify acegisecurity.xml. It contains a very basic in-memory authentication configuration that is compatible with the sample application. To deploy, simply copy the relevant contacts.war or contacts-container-adapter.war file from the Acegi Security System for Spring distribution into your container’s webapps directory. After starting your container, check the application can load. Visit http://localhost:8080/contacts (or whichever URL is appropriate for your web container and the WAR you deployed). A random contact should be displayed. Click "Refresh" several times and you will see different contacts. The business method that provides this random contact is not secured. Next, click "Debug". You will be prompted to authenticate, and a series of usernames and passwords are suggested on that page. Simply authenticate with any of these and view the resulting page. It should contain a success message similar to the following:
Context on ContextHolder is of type: net.sf.acegisecurity.context.SecureContextImpl The Context implements SecureContext. Authentication object is of type: net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.PrincipalAcegiUserToken Authentication object as a String: net.sf.acegisecurity.adapters.PrincipalAcegiUserToken@e9a7c2: Username: marissa; Password: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Granted Authorities: ROLE_TELLER, ROLE_SUPERVISOR Authentication object holds the following granted authorities: ROLE_TELLER (getAuthority(): ROLE_TELLER) ROLE_SUPERVISOR (getAuthority(): ROLE_SUPERVISOR) SUCCESS! Your [container adapter|web filter] appears to be properly configured!
If you receive a different message, and deployed contacts-container-adapter.war, check you have properly configured your Container Adapter. Refer to the instructions provided above. Once you successfully receive the above message, return to the sample application's home page and click "Manage". You can then try out the application. Notice that only the contacts belonging to the currently logged on user are displayed, and only users with ROLE_SUPERVISOR are granted access to delete their contacts. Behind the scenes, the MethodSecurityInterceptor is securing the business objects. If you're using contacts.war, the FilterSecurityInterceptor is also securing the HTTP requests. If using contacts.war, be sure to try visiting http://localhost:8080/contacts/secure/super, which will demonstrate access being denied by the SecurityEnforcementFilter. The Contacts sample application also include a client directory. Inside you will find a small application that queries the backend business objects using the Hessian and Burlap protocols. This demonstrates how to use the Acegi Security System for Spring for authentication with Spring remoting protocols. To try this client, ensure your servlet container is still running the Contacts sample application, and then execute client marissa marissa koala. The command-line parameters respectively represent the owner of the contacts to extract, the username to use, and the password to use. Note that you may need to edit to use a different target URL. To see that security does indeed work, try running client scott marissa koala, which will try to obtain scott's contacts when authenticating as marissa. To see it work properly, use client scott scott wombat. Please note the sample application's client does not currently support CAS. You can still give it a try, though, if you're ambitious: try client scott _cas_stateless_ YOUR-SERVICE-TICKET-ID-FOR-SCOTT.
Become Involved We welcome you to become involved in the Acegi Security System for Spring project. There are many ways of contributing, including reading the mailing list and responding to questions from other people, writing new code, improving existing code, assisting with documentation, or simply making suggestions. SourceForge provides CVS services for the project, allowing anybody to access the latest code. If you wish to contribute new code, please observe the following requirements. These exist to maintain the quality and consistency of the project: Run the Ant format task (or use a suitable IDE plug-in) to convert your code into the project's consistent style Ensure your code does not break any unit tests (run the Ant tests target) Please use the container integration test system to test your code in the project's officially supported containers When writing a new container adapter, expand the container integration test system to properly test it If you have added new code, please provide suitable unit tests (use ant clover.html to view coverage) Join the acegisecurity-developer and acegisecurity-cvs mailing lists so you're in the loop Use CamelCase Add a CVS $Id: index.xml,v 1.3 2004/04/02 21:12:25 fbos Exp $ tag to the JavaDocs for any new class you create Mentioned above is our container integration test system, which aims to test the Acegi Security System for Spring container adapters with current, production versions of each container. Some containers might not be supported due to difficulties with starting or stopping the container within an Ant target. You will need to download the container release files as specified in the integration test readme.txt file. These files are intentionally excluded from CVS due to their large size. Further Information Questions and comments on the Acegi Security System for Spring are welcome. Please use the Spring Community Forum web site at You're also welcome to join the acegisecurity-developer mailing list. Our project home page (where you can obtain the latest release of the project and access to CVS, mailing lists, forums etc) is at