[[servlet-http]] = HTTP All HTTP-based communication should be protected xref:features/exploits/http.adoc#http[using TLS]. This section discusses the details of servlet-specific features that assist with HTTPS usage. [[servlet-http-redirect]] == Redirect to HTTPS If a client makes a request using HTTP rather than HTTPS, you can configure Spring Security to redirect to HTTPS. For example, the following Java or Kotlin configuration redirects any HTTP requests to HTTPS: .Redirect to HTTPS [tabs] ====== Java:: + [source,java,role="primary"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class WebSecurityConfig { @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http // ... .requiresChannel(channel -> channel .anyRequest().requiresSecure() ); return http.build(); } } ---- Kotlin:: + [source,kotlin,role="secondary"] ---- @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity class SecurityConfig { @Bean open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain { http { // ... requiresChannel { secure(AnyRequestMatcher.INSTANCE, "REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL") } } return http.build() } } ---- ====== The following XML configuration redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS .Redirect to HTTPS with XML Configuration [source,xml] ---- ... ---- [[servlet-hsts]] == Strict Transport Security Spring Security provides support for xref:servlet/exploits/headers.adoc#servlet-headers-hsts[Strict Transport Security] and enables it by default. [[servlet-http-proxy-server]] == Proxy Server Configuration Spring Security xref:features/exploits/http.adoc#http-proxy-server[integrates with proxy servers].