/* * Copyright 2002-2024 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; import base64url from "./base64url.js"; import http from "./http.js"; import abortController from "./abort-controller.js"; async function isConditionalMediationAvailable() { return !!( window.PublicKeyCredential && window.PublicKeyCredential.isConditionalMediationAvailable && (await window.PublicKeyCredential.isConditionalMediationAvailable()) ); } async function authenticate(headers, contextPath, useConditionalMediation) { let options; try { const optionsResponse = await http.post(`${contextPath}/webauthn/authenticate/options`, headers); if (!optionsResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP ${optionsResponse.status}`); } options = await optionsResponse.json(); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Authentication failed. Could not fetch authentication options: ${err.message}`, { cause: err }); } // FIXME: Use https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#sctn-parseRequestOptionsFromJSON const decodedAllowCredentials = !options.allowCredentials ? [] : options.allowCredentials.map((cred) => ({ ...cred, id: base64url.decode(cred.id), })); const decodedOptions = { ...options, allowCredentials: decodedAllowCredentials, challenge: base64url.decode(options.challenge), }; // Invoke the WebAuthn get() method. const credentialOptions = { publicKey: decodedOptions, signal: abortController.newSignal(), }; if (useConditionalMediation) { // Request a conditional UI credentialOptions.mediation = "conditional"; } let cred; try { cred = await navigator.credentials.get(credentialOptions); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Authentication failed. Call to navigator.credentials.get failed: ${err.message}`, { cause: err }); } const { response, type: credType } = cred; let userHandle; if (response.userHandle) { userHandle = base64url.encode(response.userHandle); } const body = { id: cred.id, rawId: base64url.encode(cred.rawId), response: { authenticatorData: base64url.encode(response.authenticatorData), clientDataJSON: base64url.encode(response.clientDataJSON), signature: base64url.encode(response.signature), userHandle, }, credType, clientExtensionResults: cred.getClientExtensionResults(), authenticatorAttachment: cred.authenticatorAttachment, }; let authenticationResponse; try { const authenticationCallResponse = await http.post(`${contextPath}/login/webauthn`, headers, body); if (!authenticationCallResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP ${authenticationCallResponse.status}`); } authenticationResponse = await authenticationCallResponse.json(); // if (authenticationResponse && authenticationResponse.authenticated) { } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Authentication failed. Could not process the authentication request: ${err.message}`, { cause: err, }); } if (!(authenticationResponse && authenticationResponse.authenticated && authenticationResponse.redirectUrl)) { throw new Error( `Authentication failed. Expected {"authenticated": true, "redirectUrl": "..."}, server responded with: ${JSON.stringify(authenticationResponse)}`, ); } return authenticationResponse.redirectUrl; } async function register(headers, contextPath, label) { if (!label) { throw new Error("Error: Passkey Label is required"); } let options; try { const optionsResponse = await http.post(`${contextPath}/webauthn/register/options`, headers); if (!optionsResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`Server responded with HTTP ${optionsResponse.status}`); } options = await optionsResponse.json(); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Registration failed. Could not fetch registration options: ${e.message}`, { cause: e }); } // FIXME: Use https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#sctn-parseCreationOptionsFromJSON const decodedExcludeCredentials = !options.excludeCredentials ? [] : options.excludeCredentials.map((cred) => ({ ...cred, id: base64url.decode(cred.id), })); const decodedOptions = { ...options, user: { ...options.user, id: base64url.decode(options.user.id), }, challenge: base64url.decode(options.challenge), excludeCredentials: decodedExcludeCredentials, }; let credentialsContainer; try { credentialsContainer = await navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey: decodedOptions, signal: abortController.newSignal(), }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Registration failed. Call to navigator.credentials.create failed: ${e.message}`, { cause: e }); } // FIXME: Let response be credential.response. If response is not an instance of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error. https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#sctn-registering-a-new-credential const { response } = credentialsContainer; const credential = { id: credentialsContainer.id, rawId: base64url.encode(credentialsContainer.rawId), response: { attestationObject: base64url.encode(response.attestationObject), clientDataJSON: base64url.encode(response.clientDataJSON), transports: response.getTransports ? response.getTransports() : [], }, type: credentialsContainer.type, clientExtensionResults: credentialsContainer.getClientExtensionResults(), authenticatorAttachment: credentialsContainer.authenticatorAttachment, }; const registrationRequest = { publicKey: { credential: credential, label: label, }, }; let verificationJSON; try { const verificationResp = await http.post(`${contextPath}/webauthn/register`, headers, registrationRequest); if (!verificationResp.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP ${verificationResp.status}`); } verificationJSON = await verificationResp.json(); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Registration failed. Could not process the registration request: ${e.message}`, { cause: e }); } if (!(verificationJSON && verificationJSON.success)) { throw new Error(`Registration failed. Server responded with: ${JSON.stringify(verificationJSON)}`); } } export default { authenticate, register, isConditionalMediationAvailable, };