import java.util.jar.Manifest import org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.GradleManifest apply id: 'base' allprojects { version = '3.0.2.CI-SNAPSHOT' releaseBuild = version.endsWith('RELEASE') snapshotBuild = version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT') group = '' repositories { mavenRepo name:'Local', urls:'file:///Users/luke/.m2/repository' mavenCentral() // mavenRepo name:'SpringSource Milestone Repo', urls:'' } } configure(javaProjects()) { apply id: 'java' springVersion = '3.0.1.RELEASE' springLdapVersion = '1.3.0.RELEASE' ehcacheVersion = '1.6.2' aspectjVersion = '1.6.8' apacheDsVersion = '1.5.5' jstlVersion = '1.1.2' jettyVersion = '6.1.22' configurations { bundlor provided } dependencies { compile 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7', 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.7', 'org.jmock:jmock:2.5.1', 'org.jmock:jmock-junit4:2.5.1', 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.1', 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:1.1', "org.springframework:spring-test:$springVersion" bundlor 'com.springsource.bundlor:com.springsource.bundlor.ant:1.0.0.RC1', 'com.springsource.bundlor:com.springsource.bundlor:1.0.0.RC1', 'com.springsource.bundlor:com.springsource.bundlor.blint:1.0.0.RC1' } sourceSets { main { compileClasspath = compileClasspath + configurations.provided } test { compileClasspath = compileClasspath + configurations.provided runtimeClasspath = runtimeClasspath + configurations.provided } } test { options.fork(forkMode: ForkMode.ONCE, jvmArgs: ["-ea", '-Xms128m', '-Xmx500m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=128m', '-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError']) } task bundlor (dependsOn: compileJava) << { if (!dependsOnTaskDidWork()) { return } ant.taskdef(resource: 'com/springsource/bundlor/ant/antlib.xml', classpath: configurations.bundlor.asPath) File template = new File(projectDir, '') mkdir(buildDir, 'bundlor') if (template.exists()) { ant.bundlor(inputPath: sourceSets.main.classesDir, outputPath: "$buildDir/bundlor", manifestTemplatePath: template) { property(name: 'version', value: "$version") property(name: 'spring.version', value: "$springVersion") } // See GRADLE-395 for support for using an existing manifest jar.manifest = new GradleManifest(new Manifest(new File("$buildDir/bundlor/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").newInputStream())) } } jar.dependsOn bundlor } configure(javaProjects()) { apply id: 'maven' // Create a source jar for uploading task sourceJar(type: Jar) { classifier = 'sources' from } configurations { deployerJars } artifacts { archives sourceJar } dependencies { deployerJars "" } uploadArchives { repositories.mavenDeployer { configuration = configurations.deployerJars if (releaseBuild) { // "mavenSyncRepoDir" should be set in properties repository(url: mavenSyncRepoDir) } else { s3credentials = [userName: s3AccessKey, passphrase: s3SecretAccessKey] repository(url: "s3://") { authentication(s3credentials) } snapshotRepository(url: "s3://") { authentication(s3credentials) } } } } conf2ScopeMappings.addMapping(1, configurations.provided, "provided") } configure(coreModuleProjects()) { // Gives better names in structure101 jar diagram sourceSets.main.classesDir = new File(buildDir, "classes/" +"spring-security".length() + 1)) } repositories { // Required for ant s3 task mavenRepo name: " release", urls: "" } configurations { antlibs } dependencies { antlibs "", "" } def docsDir = new File(project(':manual').buildDir, 'docs') task apidocs(type: Javadoc) { destinationDir = new File(buildDir, 'apidocs') title = "Spring Security $version API" optionsFile = file("$buildDir/tmp/javadoc.options") source coreModuleProjects().collect { project -> project.sourceSets.main.allJava } classpath = files(coreModuleProjects().collect { project -> project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath }) } task apitar(type: Tar, dependsOn: apidocs) { compression = Compression.BZIP2 classifier = 'apidocs' into('apidocs') { from apidocs.destinationDir } } task doctar(type: Tar, dependsOn: ':manual:doc') { compression = Compression.BZIP2 classifier = 'doc' into('reference') { from docsDir } } def username; def password; task login << { ant.input("Please enter the ssh username for host '$sshHost'", addproperty: "ssh.username") ant.input("Please enter the ssh password '$sshHost'", addproperty: "ssh.password") username =['ssh.username'] password =['ssh.password'] } task uploadApidocs (dependsOn: login) << { ant.scp(file: apitar.archivePath, todir: "$username@$sshHost:$remoteDocsDir", password: password) ant.sshexec(host: sshHost, username: username, password: password, command: "cd $remoteDocsDir && tar -xjf ${apitar.archiveName}") ant.sshexec(host: sshHost, username: username, password: password, command: "rm $remoteDocsDir/${apitar.archiveName}") } task uploadManual (dependsOn: login) << { ant.scp(file: doctar.archivePath, todir: "$username@$sshHost:$remoteDocsDir", password: password) ant.sshexec(host: sshHost, username: username, password: password, command: "cd $remoteDocsDir && tar -xjf ${doctar.archiveName}") ant.sshexec(host: sshHost, username: username, password: password, command: "rm $remoteDocsDir/${doctar.archiveName}") } task dist (type: Zip) { def zipRootDir = "${}-$version" into (zipRootDir) { into('docs/apidocs') { from apidocs.destinationDir } into('docs/reference') { from docsDir } into('dist') { from coreModuleProjects().collect { project -> project.libsDir } from project(':spring-security-samples-tutorial').libsDir from project(':spring-security-samples-contacts').libsDir } } } dist.dependsOn apidocs, ':manual:doc' dist.dependsOn subprojects.collect { "$it.path:assemble" } dist.doLast { ant.checksum(file: archivePath, algorithm: 'SHA1', fileext: '.sha1') } task uploadDist << { def shaFile = file("${dist.archivePath}.sha1") assert dist.archivePath.isFile() assert shaFile.isFile() ant.taskdef(resource: 'org/springframework/build/aws/ant/antlib.xml', classpath: configurations.antlibs.asPath) ant.s3(accessKey: s3AccessKey, secretKey: s3SecretAccessKey) { upload(bucketName: '', file: dist.archivePath, toFile: releaseType() + "/SEC/${dist.archiveName}", publicRead: 'true') { metadata(name: '', value: 'Spring Security') metadata(name: 'release.type', value: releaseType()) metadata(name: 'bundle.version', value: version) metadata(name: '', value: dist.archiveName) } upload(bucketName: '', file: shaFile, toFile: releaseType() + "/SEC/${dist.archiveName}.sha1", publicRead: 'true') } } def javaProjects() { subprojects.findAll { project -> != 'faq' && != 'manual' } } def sampleProjects() { subprojects.findAll { project ->'spring-security-samples') } } def itestProjects() { subprojects.findAll { project ->'itest') } } def coreModuleProjects() { javaProjects() - sampleProjects() - itestProjects() } def releaseType() { if (releaseBuild) { 'release' } else if (snapshotBuild) { 'snapshot' } else { 'milestone' } }