// https://gitlab.com/antora/antora/-/issues/132#note_712132072 'use strict' const { posix: path } = require('path') module.exports.register = (pipeline, { config }) => { pipeline.on('contentClassified', ({ contentCatalog }) => { contentCatalog.getComponents().forEach(component => { const componentName = component.name; const generationToVersion = new Map(); component.versions.forEach(version => { const generation = getGeneration(version.version); const original = generationToVersion.get(generation); if (original === undefined || (original.prerelease && !version.prerelease)) { generationToVersion.set(generation, version); } }); const versionToGeneration = Array.from(generationToVersion.entries()).reduce((acc, entry) => { const [ generation, version ] = entry; acc.set(version.version, generation); return acc; }, new Map()); contentCatalog.findBy({ component: componentName }).forEach((file) => { const candidateVersion = file.src.version; if (versionToGeneration.has(candidateVersion)) { const generation = versionToGeneration.get(candidateVersion); if (file.out) { if (file.out) { file.out.dirname = file.out.dirname.replace(candidateVersion, generation) file.out.path = file.out.path.replace(candidateVersion, generation); } } if (file.pub) { file.pub.url = file.pub.url.replace(candidateVersion, generation) } } }); versionToGeneration.forEach((generation, mappedVersion) => { contentCatalog.getComponent(componentName).versions.filter(version => version.version === mappedVersion).forEach((version) => { version.url = version.url.replace(mappedVersion, generation); }) const symbolicVersionAlias = createSymbolicVersionAlias( componentName, mappedVersion, generation, 'redirect:to' ) symbolicVersionAlias.src.version = generation; contentCatalog.addFile(symbolicVersionAlias); }); }) }) } function createSymbolicVersionAlias (component, version, symbolicVersionSegment, strategy) { if (symbolicVersionSegment == null || symbolicVersionSegment === version) return const family = 'alias' const baseVersionAliasSrc = { component, module: 'ROOT', family, relative: '', basename: '', stem: '', extname: '' } const symbolicVersionAliasSrc = Object.assign({}, baseVersionAliasSrc, { version: symbolicVersionSegment }) const symbolicVersionAlias = { src: symbolicVersionAliasSrc, pub: computePub( symbolicVersionAliasSrc, computeOut(symbolicVersionAliasSrc, family, symbolicVersionSegment), family ), } const originalVersionAliasSrc = Object.assign({}, baseVersionAliasSrc, { version }) const originalVersionSegment = computeVersionSegment(component, version, 'original') const originalVersionAlias = { src: originalVersionAliasSrc, pub: computePub( originalVersionAliasSrc, computeOut(originalVersionAliasSrc, family, originalVersionSegment), family ), } if (strategy === 'redirect:to') { originalVersionAlias.out = undefined originalVersionAlias.rel = symbolicVersionAlias return originalVersionAlias } else { symbolicVersionAlias.out = undefined symbolicVersionAlias.rel = originalVersionAlias return symbolicVersionAlias } } function computeOut (src, family, version, htmlUrlExtensionStyle) { let { component, module: module_, basename, extname, relative, stem } = src if (module_ === 'ROOT') module_ = '' let indexifyPathSegment = '' let familyPathSegment = '' if (family === 'page') { if (stem !== 'index' && htmlUrlExtensionStyle === 'indexify') { basename = 'index.html' indexifyPathSegment = stem } else if (extname === '.adoc') { basename = stem + '.html' } } else if (family === 'image') { familyPathSegment = '_images' } else if (family === 'attachment') { familyPathSegment = '_attachments' } const modulePath = path.join(component, version, module_) const dirname = path.join(modulePath, familyPathSegment, path.dirname(relative), indexifyPathSegment) const path_ = path.join(dirname, basename) const moduleRootPath = path.relative(dirname, modulePath) || '.' const rootPath = path.relative(dirname, '') || '.' return { dirname, basename, path: path_, moduleRootPath, rootPath } } function computePub (src, out, family, version, htmlUrlExtensionStyle) { const pub = {} let url if (family === 'nav') { const urlSegments = version ? [src.component, version] : [src.component] if (src.module && src.module !== 'ROOT') urlSegments.push(src.module) // an artificial URL used for resolving page references in navigation model url = '/' + urlSegments.join('/') + '/' pub.moduleRootPath = '.' } else if (family === 'page') { const urlSegments = out.path.split('/') const lastUrlSegmentIdx = urlSegments.length - 1 if (htmlUrlExtensionStyle === 'drop') { // drop just the .html extension or, if the filename is index.html, the whole segment const lastUrlSegment = urlSegments[lastUrlSegmentIdx] urlSegments[lastUrlSegmentIdx] = lastUrlSegment === 'index.html' ? '' : lastUrlSegment.substr(0, lastUrlSegment.length - 5) } else if (htmlUrlExtensionStyle === 'indexify') { urlSegments[lastUrlSegmentIdx] = '' } url = '/' + urlSegments.join('/') } else { url = '/' + out.path if (family === 'alias' && !src.relative.length) pub.splat = true } pub.url = ~url.indexOf(' ') ? url.replace(SPACE_RX, '%20') : url if (out) { pub.moduleRootPath = out.moduleRootPath pub.rootPath = out.rootPath } return pub } function computeVersionSegment (name, version, mode) { if (mode === 'original') return !version || version === 'master' ? '' : version const strategy = this.latestVersionUrlSegmentStrategy // NOTE: special exception; revisit in Antora 3 if (!version || version === 'master') { if (mode !== 'alias') return '' if (strategy === 'redirect:to') return } if (strategy === 'redirect:to' || strategy === (mode === 'alias' ? 'redirect:from' : 'replace')) { const component = this.getComponent(name) const componentVersion = component && this.getComponentVersion(component, version) if (componentVersion) { const segment = componentVersion === component.latest ? this.latestVersionUrlSegment : componentVersion === component.latestPrerelease ? this.latestPrereleaseVersionUrlSegment : undefined return segment == null ? version : segment } } return version } function getGeneration(version) { if (!version) return version; const firstIndex = version.indexOf('.') if (firstIndex < 0) { return version; } const secondIndex = version.indexOf('.', firstIndex + 1); const result = version.substr(0, secondIndex); return result; } function out(args) { console.log(JSON.stringify(args, no_data, 2)); } function no_data(key, value) { if (key == "data" || key == "files") { return value ? "__data__" : value; } return value; }