#!/bin/bash # .git/hooks/pre-push echo "Verifying if the target branch matches the version in gradle.properties" # Get the current branch name branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) # Verify if branch name ends with '.x' if [[ ! "$branch_name" =~ \.x$ ]]; then echo "Branch name '$branch_name' does not end with '.x', skipping verification." exit 0 fi # Extract version from gradle.properties version=$(cat gradle.properties | grep 'version=' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') # Extract the version prefix from the version version_prefix=$(echo $version | cut -d'-' -f1 | sed 's/\.[0-9]*$//') # Check if branch starts with the version prefix if [[ "$branch_name" != "$version_prefix"* ]]; then echo "Branch name '$branch_name' does not match the version prefix '$version_prefix' in gradle.properties. Make sure you are pushing to the right branch." exit 1 fi exit 0