Seraph Development Status:
The fine folks at Atlassian have noted, "for more complex needs than Seraph meets, we suggest considering alternative frameworks like ACEGI, which provides more functionality (at the cost of greater complexity)."
J2EE App Server Security:
"After using Acegi for the last month, I think I'm going to ditch the 'standard' J2EE security stuff", blogged Matt Raible. I should note
our CVS tree has become stable and there are build instructions.
AppFuse Authentication:
Discusses AppFuse 1.8+'s replacement of Container-Managed Authentication (CMA) with Acegi Security.
Acegi Security use with AppFuse:
The popular AppFuse project now uses Acegi Security instead of container managed authentication!
Simplifying Acegi Configuration:
Craig Walls provides a good approach to reusing your Acegi Security configuration between projects. This has been
updated by Seth Ladd for release 0.7.0.