apply plugin: 'maven' // Create a source jar for uploading task sourceJar(type: Jar) { classifier = 'sources' from } configurations { deployerJars } artifacts { archives sourceJar } dependencies { deployerJars "" } gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {graph -> if (graph.hasTask(uploadArchives)) { // check properties defined and fail early s3AccessKey s3SecretAccessKey } } def deployer = null uploadArchives { deployer = repositories.mavenDeployer { configuration = configurations.deployerJars } doFirst { if (releaseBuild) { // "mavenSyncRepoDir" should be set in properties repository(url: mavenSyncRepoDir) } else { s3credentials = [userName: s3AccessKey, passphrase: s3SecretAccessKey] repository(url: "s3://") { authentication(s3credentials) } snapshotRepository(url: "s3://") { authentication(s3credentials) } } } } // Pom Customization installer = install.repositories.mavenInstaller def optionalDeps = ['commons-logging', 'ehcache', 'log4j', 'apacheds-core', 'jsp-api', 'jsr250-api', 'ldapsdk'] [installer, deployer]*.pom.collect { pom -> pom.scopeMappings.addMapping(10, configurations.provided, 'provided') } [installer, deployer]*.pom*.whenConfigured { pom -> pom.dependencies.findAll { dep -> optionalDeps.contains(dep.artifactId) || dep.groupId.startsWith('') || dep.groupId.startsWith('org.slf4j') }*.optional = true if (pom.artifactId == 'spring-security-config') { pom.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'spring-security-web'}.optional = true pom.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'spring-web'}.optional = true } }