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= OAuth Migrations
The following steps relate to changes around how to configure OAuth 2.0.
== Change Default `oauth2Login()` Authorities
In Spring Security 5, the default `GrantedAuthority` given to a user that authenticates with an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect 1.0 provider (via `oauth2Login()`) is `ROLE_USER`.
See xref:servlet/oauth2/login/advanced.adoc#oauth2login-advanced-map-authorities[Mapping User Authorities] for more information.
In Spring Security 6, the default authority given to a user authenticating with an OAuth2 provider is `OAUTH2_USER`.
The default authority given to a user authenticating with an OpenID Connect 1.0 provider is `OIDC_USER`.
These defaults allow clearer distinction of users that have authenticated with an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect 1.0 provider.
If you are using authorization rules or expressions such as `hasRole("USER")` or `hasAuthority("ROLE_USER")` to authorize users with this specific authority, the new defaults in Spring Security 6 will impact your application.
To opt into the new Spring Security 6 defaults, the following configuration can be used.
.Configure oauth2Login() with 6.0 defaults
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// ...
.oauth2Login((oauth2Login) -> oauth2Login
.userInfoEndpoint((userInfo) -> userInfo
return http.build();
private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper grantedAuthoritiesMapper() {
return (authorities) -> {
Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
authorities.forEach((authority) -> {
GrantedAuthority mappedAuthority;
if (authority instanceof OidcUserAuthority) {
OidcUserAuthority userAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
mappedAuthority = new OidcUserAuthority(
"OIDC_USER", userAuthority.getIdToken(), userAuthority.getUserInfo());
} else if (authority instanceof OAuth2UserAuthority) {
OAuth2UserAuthority userAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
mappedAuthority = new OAuth2UserAuthority(
"OAUTH2_USER", userAuthority.getAttributes());
} else {
mappedAuthority = authority;
return mappedAuthorities;
fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
http {
// ...
oauth2Login {
userInfoEndpoint {
userAuthoritiesMapper = grantedAuthoritiesMapper()
return http.build()
private fun grantedAuthoritiesMapper(): GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
return GrantedAuthoritiesMapper { authorities ->
authorities.map { authority ->
when (authority) {
is OidcUserAuthority ->
OidcUserAuthority("OIDC_USER", authority.idToken, authority.userInfo)
is OAuth2UserAuthority ->
OAuth2UserAuthority("OAUTH2_USER", authority.attributes)
else -> authority
<oauth2-login user-authorities-mapper-ref="userAuthoritiesMapper" ... />
=== Opt-out Steps
If configuring the new authorities gives you trouble, you can opt out and explicitly use the 5.8 authority of `ROLE_USER` with the following configuration.
.Configure oauth2Login() with 5.8 defaults
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// ...
.oauth2Login((oauth2Login) -> oauth2Login
.userInfoEndpoint((userInfo) -> userInfo
return http.build();
private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper grantedAuthoritiesMapper() {
return (authorities) -> {
Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
authorities.forEach((authority) -> {
GrantedAuthority mappedAuthority;
if (authority instanceof OidcUserAuthority) {
OidcUserAuthority userAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
mappedAuthority = new OidcUserAuthority(
"ROLE_USER", userAuthority.getIdToken(), userAuthority.getUserInfo());
} else if (authority instanceof OAuth2UserAuthority) {
OAuth2UserAuthority userAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
mappedAuthority = new OAuth2UserAuthority(
"ROLE_USER", userAuthority.getAttributes());
} else {
mappedAuthority = authority;
return mappedAuthorities;
fun securityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
http {
// ...
oauth2Login {
userInfoEndpoint {
userAuthoritiesMapper = grantedAuthoritiesMapper()
return http.build()
private fun grantedAuthoritiesMapper(): GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
return GrantedAuthoritiesMapper { authorities ->
authorities.map { authority ->
when (authority) {
is OidcUserAuthority ->
OidcUserAuthority("ROLE_USER", authority.idToken, authority.userInfo)
is OAuth2UserAuthority ->
OAuth2UserAuthority("ROLE_USER", authority.attributes)
else -> authority
<oauth2-login user-authorities-mapper-ref="userAuthoritiesMapper" ... />
== Address OAuth2 Client Deprecations
In Spring Security 6, deprecated classes and methods were removed from xref:servlet/oauth2/client/index.adoc[OAuth2 Client].
Each deprecation is listed below, along with a direct replacement.
=== `ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction`
The method `setAccessTokenExpiresSkew(...)` can be replaced with one of:
* `ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
* `RefreshTokenOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
* `JwtBearerOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider#setClockSkew(...)`
The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
See xref:servlet/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
=== `OidcUserInfo`
The method `phoneNumberVerified(String)` can be replaced with `phoneNumberVerified(Boolean)`.
=== `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver`
The method `setClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient(...)` can be replaced with the constructor `OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager)`.
See xref:servlet/oauth2/client/authorization-grants.adoc#oauth2Client-client-creds-grant[Client Credentials] for more information.
=== `ClaimAccessor`
The method `containsClaim(...)` can be replaced with `hasClaim(...)`.
=== `OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler`
The method `setPostLogoutRedirectUri(URI)` can be replaced with `setPostLogoutRedirectUri(String)`.
=== `HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository`
The method `setAllowMultipleAuthorizationRequests(...)` has no direct replacement.
=== `AuthorizationRequestRepository`
The method `removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest)` can be replaced with `removeAuthorizationRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)`.
=== `ClientRegistration`
The method `getRedirectUriTemplate()` can be replaced with `getRedirectUri()`.
=== `ClientRegistration.Builder`
The method `redirectUriTemplate(...)` can be replaced with `redirectUri(...)`.
=== `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest`
The constructor `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest(AuthorizationGrantType)` can be replaced with `AbstractOAuth2AuthorizationGrantRequest(AuthorizationGrantType, ClientRegistration)`.
=== `ClientAuthenticationMethod`
The static field `BASIC` can be replaced with `CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC`.
The static field `POST` can be replaced with `CLIENT_SECRET_POST`.
=== `OAuth2AccessTokenResponseHttpMessageConverter`
The field `tokenResponseConverter` has no direct replacement.
The method `setTokenResponseConverter(...)` can be replaced with `setAccessTokenResponseConverter(...)`.
The field `tokenResponseParametersConverter` has no direct replacement.
The method `setTokenResponseParametersConverter(...)` can be replaced with `setAccessTokenResponseParametersConverter(...)`.
=== `NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`
The class `NimbusAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient` can be replaced with `DefaultAuthorizationCodeTokenResponseClient`.
=== `NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport`
The class `NimbusJwtDecoderJwkSupport` can be replaced with `NimbusJwtDecoder` or `JwtDecoders`.
=== `ImplicitGrantConfigurer`
The class `ImplicitGrantConfigurer` has no direct replacement.
Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
=== `AuthorizationGrantType`
The static field `IMPLICIT` has no direct replacement.
Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
=== `OAuth2AuthorizationResponseType`
The static field `TOKEN` has no direct replacement.
Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
=== `OAuth2AuthorizationRequest`
The static method `implicit()` has no direct replacement.
Use of the `implicit` grant type is not recommended and all related support is removed in Spring Security 6.
== Address `JwtAuthenticationConverter` Deprecation
The method `extractAuthorities` will be removed.
Instead of extending `JwtAuthenticationConverter`, please supply a custom granted authorities converter with `JwtAuthenticationConverter#setJwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter`.