Sam Brannen 2b7d296994 Revise AuthorizationAnnotationUtils
This commit revises AuthorizationAnnotationUtils as follows.

- Removes code duplication by treating both Class and Method as

- Avoids duplicated annotation searches by processing merged
  annotations in a single Stream instead of first using the
  MergedAnnotations API to find possible duplicates and then again
  searching for a single annotation via AnnotationUtils (which
  effectively performs the same search using the MergedAnnotations API

- Uses `.distinct()` within the Stream to avoid the need for the
  workaround introduced in gh-13625. Note that the semantics here
  result in duplicate "equivalent" annotations being ignored. In other
  words, if @⁠PreAuthorize("hasRole('someRole')") is present multiple
  times as a meta-annotation, no exception will be thrown and the first
  such annotation found will be used.

- Improves the error message when competing annotations are found by
  including the competing annotations in the error message.

- Updates AuthorizationAnnotationUtilsTests to cover all known,
  supported use cases.

- Configures correct role in @⁠RequireUserRole.

Please note this commit uses
`.map(MergedAnnotation::withNonMergedAttributes)` to retain backward
compatibility with previous versions of Spring Security. However, that
line can be deleted if the Spring Security team decides that it wishes
to support merged annotation attributes via custom composed
annotations. If that decision is made, the
composedMergedAnnotationsAreNotSupported() test should be renamed and
updated as explained in the comment in that method.

See gh-13625
2024-01-18 07:42:58 -07:00
2024-01-18 07:42:58 -07:00