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= OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Sample
== GitHub Repositories
This guide provides instructions on setting up the sample application, which leverages the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant, and displays a list of public GitHub repositories that are accessible to the authenticated user.
This includes repositories owned by the authenticated user, repositories where the authenticated user is a collaborator, and repositories that the authenticated user has access to through an organization membership.
The following sections provide detailed steps for setting up the sample and covers the following topics:
* <<github-register-application,Register OAuth application>>
* <<github-application-config,Configure application.yml>>
* <<github-boot-application,Boot up the application>>
=== Register OAuth application
To use GitHub's OAuth 2.0 authorization system, you must https://github.com/settings/applications/new[Register a new OAuth application].
When registering the OAuth application, ensure the *Authorization callback URL* is set to `http://localhost:8080/github-repos`.
The Authorization callback URL (redirect URI) is the path in the application that the end-user's user-agent is redirected back to after they have authenticated with GitHub and have granted access to the OAuth application on the _Authorize application_ page.
=== Configure application.yml
Now that you have a new OAuth application with GitHub, you need to configure the sample to use the OAuth application for the _authorization code grant flow_.
To do so:
. Go to `application.yml` and set the following configuration:
registration: <1>
github: <2>
client-id: github-client-id
client-secret: github-client-secret
scope: public_repo
redirect-uri-template: "{baseUrl}/github-repos"
client-name: GitHub Repositories
.OAuth Client properties
<1> `spring.security.oauth2.client.registration` is the base property prefix for OAuth Client properties.
<2> Following the base property prefix is the ID for the `ClientRegistration`, which is github.
. Replace the values in the `client-id` and `client-secret` property with the OAuth 2.0 credentials you created earlier.
=== Boot up the application
Launch the Spring Boot 2.0 sample and go to `http://localhost:8080`.
You are then redirected to the default _auto-generated_ form login page.
Log in using *'user'* (username) and *'password'* (password) and then you'll be redirected to GitHub for authentication.
After authenticating with your GitHub credentials, the next page presented to you is "Authorize application".
This page will ask you to *Authorize* the application you created in the previous step.
Click _Authorize application_ to allow the OAuth application to access and display your public repository information.