import domUtils from "discourse-common/utils/dom-utils"; import { headerOffset } from "discourse/lib/offset-calculator"; import { iconHTML } from "discourse-common/lib/icon-library"; import { slugify } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import I18n from "I18n"; export default { name: "disco-toc-main", initialize() { withPluginApi("1.0.0", (api) => { api.decorateCookedElement( (el, helper) => { if (helper) { const post = helper.getModel(); if (post.post_number !== 1) { return; } if (!el.querySelector(`[data-theme-toc="true"]`)) { return; } let dTocHeadingSelectors = ":scope > h1, :scope > h2, :scope > h3, :scope > h4, :scope > h5, :scope > h6"; const headings = el.querySelectorAll(dTocHeadingSelectors); if (headings.length < 1) { return; } headings.forEach((h) => { const id = h.getAttribute("id") || slugify(`toc-${h.nodeName}-${h.textContent}`); h.setAttribute("id", id); h.setAttribute("data-d-toc", id); h.classList.add("d-toc-post-heading"); }); el.classList.add("d-toc-cooked"); const dToc = document.createElement("div"); dToc.classList.add("d-toc-main"); dToc.innerHTML = `
${iconHTML("downward")} ${iconHTML("times")}
`; const existing = document.querySelector( ".d-toc-wrapper .d-toc-main" ); if (existing) { document .querySelector(".d-toc-wrapper") .replaceChild(dToc, existing); } else { document.querySelector(".d-toc-wrapper").appendChild(dToc); } const startingLevel = parseInt(headings[0].tagName.substring(1), 10) - 1; let result = document.createElement("div"); result.setAttribute("id", "d-toc"); buildTOC(headings, result, startingLevel || 1); document.querySelector(".d-toc-main").appendChild(result); document.addEventListener("click", this.clickTOC, false); } }, { id: "disco-toc", onlyStream: true, afterAdopt: true, } ); api.onAppEvent("topic:current-post-changed", (args) => { if (!document.querySelector(".d-toc-cooked")) { return; } if ( === 1) { document.body.classList.add("d-toc-timeline-visible"); } else { document.body.classList.remove("d-toc-timeline-visible"); } }); api.onAppEvent("topic:current-post-scrolled", (args) => { if (args.postIndex !== 1) { return; } const headings = document.querySelectorAll(".d-toc-post-heading"); let closestHeadingDistance = null; let closestHeading = null; headings.forEach((heading) => { const distance = Math.abs( domUtils.offset(heading).top - headerOffset() - window.scrollY ); if ( closestHeadingDistance == null || distance < closestHeadingDistance ) { closestHeadingDistance = distance; closestHeading = heading; } else { return false; } }); if (closestHeading) { document.querySelectorAll("#d-toc li").forEach((listItem) => { listItem.classList.remove("active"); listItem.classList.remove("direct-active"); }); const anchor = document.querySelector( `#d-toc a[data-d-toc="${closestHeading.getAttribute("id")}"]` ); anchor.parentElement.classList.add("direct-active"); parentsUntil(anchor, "#d-toc", ".d-toc-item").forEach((liParent) => { liParent.classList.add("active"); }); } }); api.cleanupStream(() => { document.body.classList.remove("d-toc-timeline-visible"); document.removeEventListener("click", this.clickTOC, false); }); }); }, clickTOC(e) { if (!document.body.classList.contains("d-toc-timeline-visible")) { return; } // link to each heading if ("data-d-toc")) { const target = `#${"data-d-toc")}`; const scrollTo = domUtils.offset( document.querySelector(`.d-toc-cooked ${target}`) ).top; window.scrollTo({ top: scrollTo - headerOffset() - 10, behavior: "smooth", }); document.querySelector(".d-toc-wrapper").classList.remove("overlay"); e.preventDefault(); return false; } if ("a")) { // link to first post bottom if ("a").classList.contains("scroll-to-bottom")) { const rect = document .querySelector(".d-toc-cooked") .getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect) { window.scrollTo({ top: rect.bottom + window.scrollY - headerOffset() - 10, behavior: "smooth", }); } } // close overlay if ("a").classList.contains("d-toc-close")) { document.querySelector(".d-toc-wrapper").classList.remove("overlay"); } e.preventDefault(); return false; } if (!document.querySelector(".d-toc-wrapper.overlay")) { return; } // clicking outside overlay if (!".d-toc-wrapper.overlay")) { document.querySelector(".d-toc-wrapper").classList.remove("overlay"); } }, }; function buildTOC(nodesList, elm, lv = 1) { let nodes = Array.from(nodesList); node = nodes.shift(); let node; if (node) { let li, cnt; let curLv = parseInt(node.tagName.substring(1), 10); if (curLv === lv) { // same level cnt = 0; } else if (curLv < lv) { // walk up then append cnt = 0; do { elm = elm.parentNode.parentNode; cnt--; } while (cnt > curLv - lv); } else if (curLv > lv) { // add children cnt = 0; do { li = elm.lastChild; if (li == null) { elm = elm.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")); } else { elm = li.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")); } cnt++; } while (cnt < curLv - lv); } if (curLv === 1 && elm.lastChild === null) { elm = elm.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")); } // append list item li = elm.appendChild(document.createElement("li")); li.classList.add("d-toc-item"); li.innerHTML = `${ node.textContent }`; // recurse buildTOC(nodes, elm, lv + cnt); } } function parentsUntil(el, selector, filter) { const result = []; const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector; // match start from parent el = el.parentElement; while (el && !, selector)) { if (!filter) { result.push(el); } else { if (, filter)) { result.push(el); } } el = el.parentElement; } return result; }