ads_txt:"Contents of your ads.txt file. More details available at <a href='' target='_blank'>this Google AdSense help page</a>."
dfp_publisher_id_mobile:"(Optional) If you want to use a different Ad Manager publisher id for the mobile version of the site, enter it here. Leave blank to use dfp_publisher_id on mobile."
dfp_topic_list_top_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above topic lists. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_topic_list_top_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above topic lists on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_topic_above_post_stream_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above the title of a topic on the topic page. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display above the title of a topic on the topic page on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_topic_above_suggested_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display after the last post in a topic, above the suggested topics. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display after the last post in a topic, above the suggested topics on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_post_bottom_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display in between posts after every nth post. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
dfp_mobile_post_bottom_code:"Enter the unique Code of the ad unit to display in between posts after every nth post on mobile view. This is the short code (max 100 chars) given to the ad unit when it was created, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_through_trust_level:"Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads."
adsense_topic_list_top_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display at topic list top location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_topic_list_top_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at topic list top location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_topic_above_post_stream_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display at topic above post stream location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at topic above post stream location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_topic_above_suggested_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display at topic above suggested location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at topic above suggested location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_post_bottom_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display ads at post bottom location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."
adsense_mobile_post_bottom_code:"Enter code of the ad unit to display mobile ads at post bottom location. This is the number assigned to the ad unit, not the JavaScript code."