import AdComponent from "discourse/plugins/discourse-adplugin/discourse/components/ad-component"; import { default as computed, observes } from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; import loadScript from "discourse/lib/load-script"; let _loaded = false, _promise = null, renderCounts = {}, publisher_id = Discourse.SiteSettings.adsense_publisher_code; const mobileView = Discourse.Site.currentProp("mobileView"); function parseAdWidth(value) { if (value === "responsive") { return "auto"; } return `${parseInt(value.substring(0, 3).trim())}px`; } function parseAdHeight(value) { if (value === "responsive") { return "auto"; } return `${parseInt(value.substring(4, 7).trim())}px`; } function loadAdsense() { if (_loaded) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } if (_promise) { return _promise; } const adsenseSrc = ("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:") + "//"; _promise = loadScript(adsenseSrc, { scriptTag: true }).then(function() { _loaded = true; }); return _promise; } const DESKTOP_SETTINGS = { "topic-list-top": { code: "adsense_topic_list_top_code", sizes: "adsense_topic_list_top_ad_sizes" }, "topic-above-post-stream": { code: "adsense_topic_above_post_stream_code", sizes: "adsense_topic_above_post_stream_ad_sizes" }, "topic-above-suggested": { code: "adsense_topic_above_suggested_code", sizes: "adsense_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes" }, "post-bottom": { code: "adsense_post_bottom_code", sizes: "adsense_post_bottom_ad_sizes" } }; const MOBILE_SETTINGS = { "topic-list-top": { code: "adsense_mobile_topic_list_top_code", sizes: "adsense_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_size" }, "topic-above-post-stream": { code: "adsense_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_code", sizes: "adsense_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_size" }, "topic-above-suggested": { code: "adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code", sizes: "adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_size" }, "post-bottom": { code: "adsense_mobile_post_bottom_code", sizes: "adsense_mobile_post_bottom_ad_size" } }; export default AdComponent.extend({ classNameBindings: [ ":google-adsense", "classForSlot", "isResponsive:adsense-responsive" ], loadedGoogletag: false, publisher_id: publisher_id, ad_width: null, ad_height: null, adRequested: false, init() { let config, size; const placement = this.get("placement"); if ( { config = MOBILE_SETTINGS[placement]; } else { config = DESKTOP_SETTINGS[placement]; } if (!renderCounts[placement]) { renderCounts[placement] = 0; } const sizes = (this.siteSettings[config.sizes] || "").split("|"); if (sizes.length == 1) { size = sizes[0]; } else { size = sizes[renderCounts[placement] % sizes.length]; renderCounts[placement] += 1; } this.set("ad_width", parseAdWidth(size)); this.set("ad_height", parseAdHeight(size)); this.set("ad_code", this.siteSettings[config.code]); this._super(); }, _triggerAds() { this.set("adRequested", true); loadAdsense().then(function() { const adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []; try { adsbygoogle.push({}); // ask AdSense to fill one ad unit } catch (ex) {} }); }, didInsertElement() { this._super(); if (!this.get("showAd")) { return; } if (this.get("listLoading")) { return; }"afterRender", this, this._triggerAds); }, @observes("listLoading") waitForLoad() { if (this.get("adRequested")) { return; } // already requested that this ad unit be populated if (!this.get("listLoading")) {"afterRender", this, this._triggerAds); } }, @computed("ad_width") isResponsive(adWidth) { return adWidth === "auto"; }, @computed("placement", "showAd") classForSlot(placement, showAd) { return showAd ? `adsense-${placement}`.htmlSafe() : ""; }, @computed("isResponsive") autoAdFormat(isResponsive) { return isResponsive ? "auto".htmlSafe() : false; }, @computed("ad_width", "ad_height", "isResponsive") adWrapperStyle(w, h, isResponsive) { return (isResponsive ? "" : `width: ${w}; height: ${h};`).htmlSafe(); }, @computed("adWrapperStyle", "isResponsive") adInsStyle(adWrapperStyle, isResponsive) { return `display: ${ isResponsive ? "block" : "inline-block" }; ${adWrapperStyle}`.htmlSafe(); }, @computed("currentUser.trust_level") showToTrustLevel(trustLevel) { return !( trustLevel && trustLevel > this.siteSettings.adsense_through_trust_level ); }, @computed( "showToTrustLevel", "showToGroups", "showAfterPost", "showOnCurrentPage" ) showAd(showToTrustLevel, showToGroups, showAfterPost, showOnCurrentPage) { return ( this.siteSettings.adsense_publisher_code && showToTrustLevel && showToGroups && showAfterPost && showOnCurrentPage ); }, @computed("postNumber") showAfterPost(postNumber) { if (!postNumber) { return true; } return this.isNthPost(parseInt(this.siteSettings.adsense_nth_post_code)); } });